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The following SAS program is submitted: proc means data = sasuser.nouses std mean max; var sqfeet; run; Which one of the following is needed to display the standard deviation with only two decimal places? a. Add the option MAXDEC = 2 to the MEANS procedure statement. p_ Add the statement MAXDEC = 7.2; in the MEANS procedure step. c. Add the statement FORMAT STD 7. ; in the MEANS procedure step. p. Add the option FORMAT = 7.2 option to the MEANS procedure statement. ‘Show answers/explanations ‘Question: 1 of 140 pe \ hich one of he flovings rue when SAS encounters a data erin a DATA step? 1, The DATAstep sos ereuing athe pot othe ec, arn SAS data seis rae. g._ Al writen te SAS kg eaning the err, andthe DATA sep cones terest, ¢_ Arce apearsin he So ta he incor data rec was save oa separate SAS le ff exarraon p, Te DATA skp tps exci athe pot the ey adhe sung CATA set cnn bso up hao Show answerslexplanations “The following SAS program is submited: data work total, set work saiary(keep = department wagerste), by depariment, Irfrstdepariment then payrol = 0: payroll + wagerate; Iflast department: “The SAS data set WORK SALARY, currently ofdered by DEPARTMENT, contains 100 observations for each of 5 departments, ‘Which one of te following reoresents how many observations the WORK TOTAL data set contains? 5 A 2.20 ¢.700 1p. 500 ‘Show answersiexplanations

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