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3, AUGUST 2009

Enhanced Security for Online Exams

Using Group Cryptography
Im Y. Jung and Heon Y. Yeom

Abstract—While development of the Internet has contributed to or high school, and exams in online university courses with stu-
the spread of online education, online exams have not been widely dents at remote locations. This paper addresses the problem of
adopted. An online exam is defined here as one that takes place over administering an online exam at a fixed time with the same ques-
the insecure Internet, and where no proctor is in the same location
as the examinees. This paper proposes an enhanced secure online tions for all examinees, just like an off-line exam, but without re-
exam management environment mediated by group cryptography stricting the physical location of the examinees. As the SeCOnE
using remote monitoring and control of ports and input. The target system enables many kinds of tests to be given online, it can pro-
domain of this paper is that of online exams for math or English vide teachers with better evaluation standards for students and
contests in middle or high school, as well as exams in online uni- may contribute to improving the quality of education. The rest
versity courses with students in remote locations.
of this paper is organized as follows. Section II describes pre-
Index Terms—Cheating control, e-monitoring, group cryptog- vious work on guaranteeing the security of online exams, as well
raphy, online exam, secure exam management. as current applications of the online exam in distance learning.
Section III analyzes the requirements for a secure online exam.
Section IV describes the system architecture and the manage-
I. INTRODUCTION ment of enhanced secure online exams system using SeCOnE.
Section V demonstrates the soundness of the proposed scheme
by analyzing the scheme for preventing and detecting cheating,
NLINE education has expanded rapidly [1]–[3]. Even
O so, the off-line test is usually chosen as the evaluation
method for both off-line education and online education. The se-
the security settings, and the overhead in SeCOnE. Conclusions
and areas of future research are presented in Section VI.

curity of online examinations remains a problem. In some cases, II. RELATED WORK
the person writing the exam on a networked computer is moni-
tored by a proctor at some predetermined location [4], [5]. But, One proposal for secure online exams [4] was based on a se-
the requirement for an exam location goes against the acces- cure exam protocol with an omnipotent central manager who
sibility, the major attraction of e-learning or distance learning. controlled all the information for students, teachers, problem
The requirement may also negate the cost savings generated by sheets, answer sheets, and grades. The weakness of this system
e-learning or pose obstacles for remote students. was that the manager was assumed to be absolutely honest.
Simplification and automation of educational processes are Moreover, a restricted room was required for the exam, to pre-
other benefits of online education [6], [7], and online exams vent cheating. Thus, the proposed exam scheme did not share
inherit these advantages. the advantages of online education.
To remove the requirement for human intervention in secure The security problems related to online exams include not
online exam management so as to capitalize on the advantages only unauthorized access to the problem sheets before the
of online processes, this paper proposes a solution to the issue of exams, but also modification of the questions, the answers,
security and cheating for online exams. This solution uses an en- and the grades [4]. In addition, different cheating patterns exist
hanced Security Control system in the Online Exam (SeCOnE) [8], [9], including copying the answers of others, exchanging
which is based on group cryptography with an e-monitoring answers, searching the Internet for answers, using the data and
software saved on the student’s local computer [10], [11], and
scheme. The cryptography supports enhanced security control
for the online exam process, as well as authentication and in- discussing the exam by e-mail, phone, or instant messaging.
tegrity. The e-monitoring provides a proctor function to remote Several methods of combating this include giving a different
examinees to prevent cheating, and thus removes the require- problem set to each student [7], [9], restricting the exam room
[10], [12], or limiting the number of answer submissions to
ment of having to go to a fixed location. The target of this paper
is online exams for mathematics or English contests in middle one [10]. Research has focused on methods to check student
identities and to communicate securely between teachers and
students [4], [13], rather than on countermeasures against
Manuscript received June 25, 2007; revised June 11, 2008. First published
May 12, 2009; current version published August 05, 2009.
cheating on online exams.
The authors are with the School of Computer Science Engineering, Seoul Cheating on off-line exams is also a big problem. According
National University, Seoul 151-742, Republic of Korea (e-mail: iyjung@dcslab. to some studies [6], [14], as the level of communication between teachers and students decreases, the tendency to cheat increases.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at This effect has a direct impact on online exams, when students
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TE.2008.928909 may have little contact with their teachers.
0018-9359/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE

Most modern online education uses Web-based commercial • Integrity Problems and answers should both be checked for
course management software [15] such as WebCT [10], Black- their integrity, to detect unauthorized changes. Only one
board [9], or software developed in-house. This software is not submission of the answer sheet should be allowed, and the
used widely for online exams, due to security vulnerabilities, submission of answers after the exam has ended should be
and the system must rely on students’ honesty or their having prohibited. The unauthorized deletion or the modification
an honor code [16]. of the materials related to the exam should be impossible,
Previous Web-based approaches to online exams have high- or at least detectable.
lighted easy accessibility and simplified exam management • Secrecy The problem sets should be available to the ex-
[7], [8], [12], [13]. However, authentication through only a aminees only during the exam period. The answer sheets
user name and password can be the weak point in the security should be kept securely before grading.
of online exams. The very environment in which students can • Copy Prevention and Detection Types of cheating dis-
use a Web browser and the Internet enables them to search the cussed in this paper are
Internet and to communicate with others for help during the — impersonating an examinee;
exam. — getting help from others, or helping an examinee with
One proposal was to use a Webcam to prevent cheating by the exam;
randomly transmitting pictures of students during online exams — discussing the exam with others;
[8]. However, several soundless pictures of a student do not — using unauthorized electronic material that may be
show what that student is doing or why he or she is doing it, helpful in completing the exam; and
or even if cheating is taking place through Web searching, the — intercepting or interfering with communications during
use of saved data, or chatting. an online exam.
Considerable discussion has taken place on group protocols Cheating should not be permitted during the exam, or at
and group-mediated communications to ensure secure commu- the very least, should be detected after the fact.
nications among group members [17], [18]. This discussion
has included the consideration of secure group composition, IV. AN ENHANCED SECURITY CONTROL
secure intergroup communication using a public key, and secure IN THE SeCONE SYSTEM
intragroup communication using the symmetric key through
the Diffie-Hellman key exchange [19]. This paper adopts two A. Architecture of the SeCOnE System
groups for secure communication between distributed entities
As shown in Fig. 1, all entities in the SeCOnE system per-
in the online exam system. The intergroup communication is
form their roles as members of either group or . re-
protected through public key infrastructure (PKI), while intra-
ceives the problems and the right answers from , and then
group communication uses several symmetric Diffie-Hellman
distributes the problems and collects the answer sheets from .
keys. The “group” in this paper is a concept for entities with
A proctor monitors the examinees through using the mon-
similar roles.
itor data in . Through , an examinee belonging to and
III. REQUIREMENTS FOR A SECURE ONLINE EXAM managed by , can take the online exam. The group agents
and create a set of public and private keys [20] for each
The requirements for a secure online exam are as follows. group. They distribute this set of keys to their group members at
• Accessibility Online exams should be possible without re- each exam, and exchange the public keys with each other. The
gard to location and time. public key of each group is used for secure intergroup commu-
• Monitoring The absence of proctoring on online exams nications. For secure communications among group members,
may relax [6], [14] the examinees and encourage cheating they use the symmetric keys created by the Diffie-Hellman key
[8]. Therefore, it is necessary for an online exam manage- exchange [21].
ment system to have some monitoring method to prevent
and to detect cheating. B. Equipment
• Management Online exam management includes problem
creation, problem sheet distribution, answer sheet collec- The examinees’ computers should be equipped with We-
tion, marking, grade posting, and handling of appeals. The bcams and microphones. High-quality Webcams are readily
cost savings of online exams mitigate the burden of exam available now and are constantly improving [22], [23]. There-
enforcement and induce many examinees located at very fore, the use of Webcams in online exams is not considered
remote sites to participate in the exam. Educators can ob- unreasonable.
tain more objective standards for evaluation. The automatic
C. The SeCOnE System Software
management of exams lets the examinees know their exam
performance very quickly. Online exams permit both edu- The SeCOnE system software is divided into two parts de-
cators and examinees to achieve their objectives efficiently. pending on the role, that is, whether it is on the client side ,
An online exam should also have the following features. or server side .
• Authenticity The identities of the examinee, examiner, The operating system of the examinees’ computers and the
marker, and proctor should be all authenticated and veri- proctor’s computer is assumed to be Windows XP or Windows
fied at every step in the online exam process, because it is 2000. However, the program semantics are not confined to Win-
difficult to identify them “face-to-face” online. dows because the APIs to control the examinee’s computer and

Fig. 1. The system architecture of SeCOnE.

Fig. 2. Online exam setup.

Fig. 3. Scheduler architecture.

to handle the multimedia data are also available in Linux and input the problems, the right answers, the exam duration,
Unix environments. and the time assigned for each problem, the examiner is
1) Server Side: verified through with by the Exam Setup Man-
• Scheduler agement module in . Through the Problem/Answer
As shown in Figs. 2 and 3, through the Examiner/Ex- Management module, the problems, the right answers,
aminee management module, obtains the temporary and the time allocated to the problems are saved in the
identity of the examiner from directly when an database (DB), which is accessed only by . When
online exam is set up. The identity is encrypted with the connects to with its identity, and its IP,
symmetric key shared by and . To , the Examiner/Examinee management module

Fig. 4. Online exam client state transition diagram.

Fig. 5. Monitor server architecture.

sends them to and requests the verification of the ex- cation. The inquiries from the examinees during the
aminee. As is encrypted with , exam are managed by Question management. Inquiries
cannot know its identity nor can verify the examinee. are saved in the DB first so that can provide the
After the verification, saves and in the replies for them one by one. When the replies are
DB and sends to . Then, it sends the prob- checked by the Question Management module, they
lems and the time assigned for the exam to are immediately transmitted to the , which sent out
through the Exam Process Management module. the questions. Secure intragroup communication goes
According to the exam management policy of the through the Intragroup Communication Control module
SeCOnE system, at the end of the exam or earlier, the in . This module manages the symmetric keys shared
answer sheets submitted by the examinees are delivered between and the other members in .
to the Exam Process Management module, which saves • Monitor Server
the answers in the DB, then the Grade Management As shown in Fig. 5, when the Examinee Management
module marks them with the correct answers provided module in receives the examinee’s IP from ,
by . The grades are also kept in the DB. The an- it prepares a directory to save the monitor data of the
swer sheets marked by can be referenced by examinee in a file server. The module also verifies
through the Grade Management module when subjec- the examinee by comparing the IP with that from
tive questions are included in the problems. The grades as shown in Fig. 2. The monitor data are saved with
are distributed to the s after all the examinees have the reference photos for the examinees from ; the
submitted their answer sheets. If an examinee, whose photos were taken when authenticated the exam-
identity is , is not satisfied with his or her grade inees. During or after the exam, a proctor connecting
, he or she sets up an appeal to through can verify an examinee by comparing
through the Exam Process Management module. The the stored reference photo and the monitor data. The
claim is delivered to through the Claim Manage- Online Exam Client Handler module notifies the ports
ment module, and a regrading is initiated. The Time to which video, audio, and screen captures of are
Control module manages the exam time, and the Exam sent. Then, the three types of the monitor data are
State Management module checks the states of all s managed through the Video Stream Management, Audio
according to Fig. 4. The Authentication Management Stream Management, and Screen Capture Management
module is responsible for the integrity checking of the modules, respectively. Before the exam starts, a proctor
communication messages and the examinee authenti- should connect to through and test whether

Fig. 6. Online exam client architecture.

the monitor data are reaching and being saved in . the task bar, and the icons in the background of the
Of course, to connect to , should be verified computer screen are hidden and the execution of a new
in advance with its temporary identity issued by process, or a new thread, on a new desktop is prohibited.
. The monitor data such as video, audio, and screen The video of the examinees is captured using the VFW
snapshots are saved with the time stamps that tell when and WAVE APIs. As Windows programming APIs, they
they were created and when they arrived at . are based on vfw32.lib and winmm.lib, respectively.
connects to through the Monitor Client Handling The video stream from the Webcam is compressed
module and obtains the monitor data. using H.263 [26] and sent to . The audio stream
• Examinee Group Agent from the microphone is sent to without compres-
prepares two sets of public and private keys, sion because of its small size. The screen snapshot
and is processed through the Capture API to reduce its
when is created. The former set is for and the resolution and its size, and is then sent to . The
latter is for itself. also issues one-time identi- modules that produce the three types of monitor data,
ties for the members of after the authentication of that is, the Video Stream Control, Audio Stream Control,
the examinees. Verification with the Webcam should and Screen Capture modules, operate as simultaneous
be carried out through the client to by an exam threads until the exam ends. The online exam proceeds
administrator. under the control of the Online Exam Process Control
• Exam Admin Group Agent module. The problems and the grades are distributed to
As , creates and the examinees through the Problem Management and
when registers itself to Grade Management modules, respectively. submits
and is created. also issues one-time iden- the answers to through the Answer Management
tities for its group members after authenticating them. module, and the exam time is managed by the Time
As shown in Fig. 2, sends the identity of and Control module. An appeal is sent to through the
the of to . It also sends the identity of the Grade Management module. The questions during the
examiner to . Through the identities, the s exam are handled by the Question Window module.
for the examinees and the public key of the group, The Exam Setup Management module obtains the tem-
and check the integrity of the data that the members porary identity of and the IP of from . The
of and sent and received each other. communications between and are through the
• Proctor Client Intragroup Communication Control module. The Exam
connects to to supervise the exam by the monitor State Management module in manages the states of
data during the exam and even afterward. The proctor shown in Fig. 4. If failures in the state transition or
should first register at and be authenticated with a abnormal execution of a program occur in the SeCOnE
temporary identity when connecting to though system, the examinees can no longer submit answers.
2) Client Side D. Enhanced Security Handling for the Online Exam Process
• Online exam client
In , which is installed on the examinee’s computer, 1) Setup for the Exam Environment: All examinees down-
all communications except those related to the online load and install it on their computers. One monitor per ex-
exam process are prohibited by closing all the ports irrel- aminee is assumed. runs as a full screen program and closes
evant to the exam using a filter-hook driver [24]. More- all ports except those required for the online exam and checks
over, as shown in Fig. 6, other applications on the exam- the Webcam and microphone. After the environment for the
inee’s computer, except , are prohibited from starting online exam is set up and the examinee is authenticated, the
up by a keyboard-hook [25]. In addition, the start menu, problem sheet is distributed. opens the problem sheet for

Fig. 7. A secure online exam process.

the examinee upon receipt of the message from to start the requests the verification of to and checks the
exam. integrity of the problems and the answers. By checking the
2) Setup of an Online Exam: Fig. 2 shows the setup of state of s, manages the state of the online exam to detect
an online exam initiated by , which registers itself to abnormal situations such as faults in state transition, as shown
and receives its temporary identity in the form in Fig. 4.
of . When an examinee registers with 4) Grading: As shown in Fig. 7, after submits
through , he or she receives in the form of and is authenticated by , marks the
from as a member of and . answer sheet with the right answers provided by and
Then, as shown in Fig. 7, connects to and requests gives the grade . If subjective questions occur in the
its authentication by sending and . problems, the final grade is decided by the marker
After registers with , sends , , and through . or is distributed to
for to . sends and to when all the examinees finish their exams. verifies the
to be a reference for detecting cheating. When notifies integrity of the grade with its digital signatures
of , checks whether the IP is in the IP list or , and opens them to the examinee whose
of the examinees from . If the IP is valid, requests identity is .
the transmission tests of the monitor data for the examinee. 5) Appeal: If the examinee, whose identity is , is not
When the data stream of video, audio, and the screen shots satisfied with his or her grade, he or she can submit an ap-
for examinees are transmitted to and successfully saved, peal with the grade to through
a proctor inspects them through and decides whether the as shown in Fig. 8. When the marker checks the appeal and re-
online exam environment is ready for the examinees. grades as , then sends to the examinee.
3) Control of the Online Exam: After the online exam is
set up, sends the problem sheet , its digital signature
signed by , and the identity of the exam-
iner to as shown in Fig. 7.
A. Security Proof for SeConE and E-monitoring
checks the integrity of with and requests
verification of the examiner by sending to . 1) Online Exam Process and System Modeling:
After verifying that no anomalies exist in the problem sheet, Fulfillment of Security Requirements: The SeCOnE system
sends the ready message to . When receives the ready provides an easy and automated exam process. Also, because the
message from all the examinees, it sends the start message to system does not restrict the examinees’ location at the time the
all the s. At that point, lets examinees see the problems online exam is given, the system preserves accessibility. This
one by one. The monitor data for all examinees are transmitted is made possible through the e-monitoring and the enhanced
to the monitor server until the exam ends. sends security control in SeCOnE.
, , , , Through the e-monitoring method proposed, the examinees
, as well as its answer sheet, to . can be watched, just like in an off-line exam. Any cheating that

Fig. 8. Appeal of a grade and reassessment.

was not noticed during the exam can be detected through the online exam simultaneously. If, however, it is difficult for all ex-
monitor data saved on the monitor server. aminees to take an online exam at the same time, examiners can
The enhanced security for the online exam is controlled prepare one set of problems for each of several exam times so
through the intergroup communication based on PKI, the intra- that the examinees can choose the time that suits them best. The
group communication using symmetric keys and the temporary grades are marked with the correct answers already provided by
identity. The exam administrative group and the examinee the examiner and automatically saved in the database (DB) if
group are set for every exam. All the entities related to an exam no subjective questions were asked. The grades, as well as the
belong to one of those two groups. Agents for the two groups problems and the right answers, are kept secure because access
issue the temporary identities to their group members. Neither to the DB is restricted to the scheduler. And, because all exam-
they nor the group members themselves know the identities of inees’ computers are restricted from engaging in Internet com-
the other group members. Furthermore, a group member does munications except for those related to the online exam process,
not know his or her temporary identity, because it is issued in Internet-related accidents in the online exam process should be
an encrypted form protected by the public key of the verifier, rare.
the other group agent. The identities are exchanged by the Completeness of System Modeling: In the SeCOnE system,
group agents. Thus, when a group member receives a message, online exams have been described using the same semantics
he or she requests the verification for the sender from the group that apply to offline exams. Through the examiner , the
agent. In addition, message integrity for problems, answers, person setting the exam can provide the problems and their
and grades is guaranteed through the use of digital signatures. right answers. Through the marker, she or he can mark the sub-
Because temporary identities are used in the online exam, it jective questions and decide the final grades for the examinees.
is very important to confirm the identity of someone who is Through the proctor, she or he can supervise the examinees
issued a temporary identity. In this paper, that confirmation is with the monitor data saved in the monitor server in near
performed via a Webcam. An exam administrator connecting real time. The problems, their right answers, and the answer
to the agent program verifies the person to be authenticated, sheets from examinees are managed by the scheduler. The
using the Webcam. In this process, a reference photograph of authentication, which traditionally was based only on a user
the group member is taken and saved in the monitor server for name and password, is strengthened by the group management.
later detection of possible impersonation. This process includes verification by Webcam and issuance of
Because the online exam client controls the examinee’s exam temporary identities for every exam. No entity can know all
environment by providing the problems one by one, the exam- the information, such as the real identities of the entities or the
inee cannot submit answers more than once, or cancel or change cryptographic keys in the system. This precaution avoids the
an answer after submitting it. The exam cannot be deleted or potential for system compromise due to the failure of a single
canceled unless the examinee halts the online exam client on his entity because of maliciousness or an external attack.
or her computer. In SeCOnE, the number of answers to be sub- The SeCOnE system is based on an open architecture, and
mitted can be compromised according to the problems and the the scheduler and the monitor server are scalable depending on
exam policy. This feature contributes to reducing the chance of the predicted load for them. Having the monitor data saved in
cheating, as well as to the introduction of a flexible online exam the monitor server reduces the probability that cheating during
management. an exam will be missed by the proctor. In this system, more
The problems are managed by the online exam client after proctors are not required as the number of examinees increases,
they are issued by the scheduler, but they are not opened before as would be the case in an off-line exam.
the scheduler sends the message to start the exam. The message
is sent only after the online exam environment has been set up B. Cheating Prevention and Detection Through E-monitoring
and all the online exam clients send the “ready” message to the Cheating is any behavior that places the fairness of the exam
scheduler. Therefore, it is possible for all examinees to take the in doubt. Although not all cheating techniques may be covered,

the scheme proposed in this paper is a way to avoid simply

relying on the examinee’s sense of honor not to cheat. The
SeCOnE system adopts five methods to prevent and detect
cheating. First, the identities of entities in the system are
verified by a Webcam, and the reference photos taken during
the verification process are saved for authentication during the
exam. Second, the monitor data for the examinees are recorded
and saved during exam. With continuous recording of video and
audio during the exam rather than isolated images, a proctor
can better understand the examinee’s situation and reduce the
chance of false-positives or negatives in the determination of
cheating, even after the exam. Third, through the screen shots
saved in parallel with videos of an examinee, a proctor can
better determine what the examinee is actually doing with his
or her computer. Fourth, all communications by the examinees,
except for those required for the online exam, are disabled
through port control. All ports except those required for the
online exam are disabled and the ports used can be chosen
randomly for each examinee; the ports to be used have only
to be sent to the exam administrative group with the IP of the
exam client. Therefore, cheating through a fixed port can be
rare. Fifth, all other programs except the online exam client
are deactivated by controlling the inputs of the examinees.
By cutting off electronic communications and disabling other
computer programs or inputs on the examinees’ computers, the
examinees can be prohibited from cheating using their local
computer or the Internet.

C. Overhead Fig. 9. The performance of monitor data delivery. (a) MAX, AVG, and MIN
buffer requirements at the gateways of nodes. (b) Node delay per packet.
1) The System Architecture of SeCOnE: The physical equip-
ment for an online exam includes computers with Webcams and
microphones. Windows XP. For the video data, the frame rate was set to 15
The communications for an online exam take place mainly and the maximum allowed drop rate was 50%. Video data was
before and after the exam time. During the exam, only the mon- compressed using H.263. The audio data were not compressed.
itor data, a few messages to check the exam state, and ques- Screen images were captured twice a second, at a resolution of
tions, if any, flow to the server side. Because SeCOnE has an 1280 1024 pixels, and then lowered to 256 colors, reduced to
open architecture, the scheduler and the monitor servers should quarter the original size, and converted to GIF. For a 1-h exam,
be made up of as many machines as required to provide their the amount of data saved on the monitor server for each exam-
services with as small a latency as possible during the online inee is 720 MB, which could be stored on a single CD.
exam; this number of machines will depend on the number of The load estimation for the monitor server with many ex-
examinees. aminees was also analyzed using queuing theory and a corre-
2) Online Exam Management: Communications before sponding simulation. The modeling and the simulation indicated
exam time are required to authenticate the entities in the how many monitor servers should be provided, and how long
SeCOnE system and to setup the exam process. The system the transmission delay would be as a function of the number
requires key management services for the symmetric and public of examinees. It was assumed that the arrival rate at the mon-
keys as well as for the secure cryptographic scheme, but the itor server followed the Poisson distribution, and the monitor
encryption and decryption do not take place during the exam. server itself was considered as M/M/1. Link or node failures, or
3) Cheating Prevention and Detection: The overhead related the propagation delay, were not considered. The performance
to preventing and detecting cheating is related to the transmis- of the model was measured using the value of , which is the
sion delay and the storage requirements for the monitor data. average time for a packet to stay in the monitor server, and B,
To analyze these issues, a prototype of the SeCOnE system was which is the size of the packet buffer in the gateway at the mon-
constructed and the amount of data per second created by the itor server to avoid dropping packets above the probability
online exam client was measured. as (1). is the total number of examinees, is the arrival rate
A Logitech QuickCam Pro4000 with an embedded micro- at . The service rate in the monitor server can be derived
phone was used. The online exam client was installed on a Pen- as (2) where is the time required to copy one packet of
tium IV 3.00 GHz CPU computer with 1 GB RAM running the monitor data because one copy is saved in the monitor server

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[34] Anonymous Marking of Final Examiniation at UCR Senate Executive From February 2001, she was a researcher for three years with the Electronics
Committee Univ. Cape Town, UCT Administrative Document [On- and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), South Korea. She is cur-
line]. Available: rently a Ph.D. degree candidate at Seoul National University. Her current re-
cies/anonymous_marking.pdf search interests include e-Science, Grid computing, distributed computing, se-
[35] Exam Anonymity Univ. Winsor Student Committee [Online]. curity, large data management system, workflow system, and fault tolerance.
[36] J. Simon, “Blatant cheating detected in an online examination,” in Proc. Heon Y. Yeom received the B.S. degree in computer science from Seoul Na-
2nd Asia-Pacific Educ. Integrity Conf., 2005. tional University, Seoul, Korea, in 1984 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in com-
puter science from Texas A&M University, College Station, in 1986 and 1992,
From 1986 to 1990, he was with Texas Transportation Institute as a Systems
Analyst and from 1992 to 1993, he was with Samsung Data Systems as a Re-
Im Y. Jung received the B.S. degree in chemistry from Pohang University of search Scientist. He joined the Department of Computer Science, Seoul Na-
Science and Technology in 1993 and a second B.S. degree in computer science tional University, in 1993, where he currently is a Professor and teaches and
from Seoul National University in 1999. She received the M.S. degree in com- conducts research on distributed systems, multimedia systems, and transaction
puter science and engineering also from Seoul National University in 2001. processing.

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