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To the Respondents;

Rest assured that all data that will be gathered will be treated with at most confidentiality
and will be used only to this purpose. This is not a test. We only want to find out what you think
of Mathematics and how you feel about it.

Name (optional): Gender: M F

Course: Major: Age:

Directions: Draw a circle around the letter indicating how strongly you disagree with each

SA – Strongly Agree 4.21 – 5.00

A – Agree 3.41 – 4.20

U – Undecided 2.61 – 3.40

D – Disagre 1.81 – 2.60
SD – Strongly Disagree
1.00 – 1.80


1. Mathematics is not a very interesting subject.

2. I want to develop Mathematical skill and study this subject more.

3. Mathematics is very worthwhile and necessary subject.

4. Mathematics makes me feel nervous and uncomfortable.

5. I have usually enjoyed studying Mathematics in school.

6. I don’t want to take any more Mathematics than I have to.

7. Other subjects are more important to me than Mathematics.

8. I am very calm when studying Mathematics.

9. I have seldom lined studying Mathematics.

10. I am interested in acquiring further knowledge of Mathematics. SD D U A SA

11. Mathematics helps to develop the mind and teaches a person to think.

12. Mathematics makes me feel uneasy and confused.

13. Mathematics is enjoyable and stimulating to me.

14. I am not willing to take more Mathematics than is required.

15. Mathematics is not especially important in everyday life.

16. Trying to understand Mathematics does not make me anxious.

17. Mathematics is dull and boring.

18. I plan to take as much Mathematics as I can.

19. Mathematics has contributed greatly to the advancement of civilization.

20. Mathematics is one of my most feared subjects.

21. I like trying to solve new problems in Mathematics.

22. I am not motivated to work very hard on mathematics lesson.

23. Mathematics is not one of the most important subjects for me to study.

24. I don’t get upset when trying to do Mathematics lesson.

25. It wouldn’t bother me at all to take more Mathematics courses.

26. It gets really tense during Mathematics test.

27. I have usually been at ease in Mathematics classes.

28. I almost never get tense during Mathematics test.

29. I get scared when I think of trying difficult Mathematics problem.

30. My mind goes blank and I am unable to think effectively when

working on Mathematics.
31. I have usually been at care during Mathematics test.

32. Mathematics makes me feel uncomfortable and nervous.

33. I usually do not worry about my ability to solve Mathematics.

34. Mathematics makes me feel uneasy and confused.

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