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API Description

Affiliate API description: Affiliate Software

Table of Contents:

1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 2
2 Document History ........................................................................................ 2
3 REST API .................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Affiliate REST API ................................................................................... 3
3.1.1 Authentication and security ............................................................. 3
3.1.2 Methods Implementation ................................................................ 3 Method Affiliate:getData ........................................................................ 3 Method Affiliate:update ......................................................................... 4 Method AffiiateUser:create ..................................................................... 5 Method AffiliateUser:update ................................................................... 6 Method AffiliateUser:getById .................................................................. 7 Method AffiliateUser:getPermission ......................................................... 8 Method AffiliateUser:delete .................................................................... 8 Method Offer:getById ............................................................................ 9 Method Offer:findAll .............................................................................. 9 Method Offer:creatives ......................................................................... 11 Method Offer:getTargeting .................................................................... 12 Method Offer:getCapping ...................................................................... 13 Method Offer:generateTrackingLinks ...................................................... 14 Method Statistics:getStatistics ............................................................... 14 Method Statistics:getReferrals ............................................................... 16 Method Login:ExternalAccess ................................................................ 16
3.2 Resources .............................................................................................17
3.2.1 Affiliate resource ...........................................................................17
3.2.2 BillingSettings resource .................................................................17
3.2.3 SignupQuestion resource ...............................................................17
3.2.4 SignupQuestionAnswer resource .....................................................18
3.2.5 AffiliateUser resource ....................................................................18
3.2.6 AdminUser resource ......................................................................18
3.2.7 UserAccessRightResource resource .................................................18
3.2.8 Tracking resource .........................................................................19
3.2.9 PaymentMethod resource ...............................................................19
3.2.10 Offer resource ..............................................................................19
3.2.11 SpecificPayoutSettings resource ......................................................20
3.2.12 VAT resource ................................................................................20
3.2.13 UserLoginResource ........................................................................20
3.3 HTTP Response Statuses ........................................................................20

1(20) PUBLIC
API Description

1 Introduction
Purpose of this document is to give detail description of application programming interfaces of
Affiliate Software.

2 Document History
Date Version Remark
2013-04-24 1.0 Initial version
2013-09-04 1.1 Update responses
2013-10-11 1.2 Update responses and parameters
2014-02-07 1.3 API methods added
2014-02-12 1.4 API methods URL updated
2014-02-24 1.5 Authorization, statuses and resources added
2014-05-16 1.6 Offers updated and conversion link added
2014-06-05 1.7 Statistics method added
2014-08-18 1.8 Affiliate REST API methods added
2014-08-22 1.9 Specific Payout Settings resource added
2014-10-01 1.10 Document updated
2014-12-15 1.11 Specific payout settings added
2015-05-22 1.12 Document updated
2015-06-04 1.13 Methods and parameters improvement
2015-09-22 1.14 Document updated
2015-10-20 1.15 External access login method added
2015-11-26 1.16 Document updated
2016-01-20 1.17 Document updated
2016-06-10 1.18 Methods Offer: getByid and Offer: findAll improved
2016-06-10 1.19 New Offer resource for methods: getByid, findAll added
2016-06-13 1.20 New SpecificPayoutSettingsResource resource added
2016-06-14 1.21 Document updated
2016-09-30 1.22 Document updated
2016-10-17 1.23 Document updated
2017-01-13 1.24 Add option to retrieve offer targeting and offer capping

2(20) PUBLIC
API Description

The goal of the API is to enable a server to sever integration of the AdCumulus platform with other
platforms so that the data transfer and updates can be done automatically. Most of the functions
that are available on the Users Interface can also be found in this API. For each User Interface
there is a dedicated REST API set of methods: Admin, Affiliate and Advertiser REST API. The
network time zone is used as a default time zone for the API.

3.1 Affiliate REST API

3.1.1 Authentication and security
When client submit request to the Affiliate REST API module there is ApiKey authentication that
needs to be passed so that request can be processed. The ApiKey for the affiliate user can be
found in my -> API key or Support -> API Integration from the main menu.

Next, I will show an example for how one valid authentication should look like:

HTTP request header pattern:

Authorization: ApiKey <api-key>:simpleMode

HTTP request header example:

Authorization: ApiKey cfb3fa2c5e2340debee2856ac855f76a:simpleMode

3.1.2 Methods Implementation Method Affiliate:getData

API version: 1.5.0

Functional description: Get all affiliate data
URL: /v1affiliate/service/rest-affiliate/affiliate
HTTP Method Type GET

HTTP request URL example:

HTTP response body example (JSON encoding):

{ "address" : "Heaven 666",

"city" : "NY",
"company" : "Affiliate1244",
"countryId" : 1,
"id" : 2,
"invoiceFrequencyId" : 3,

3(20) PUBLIC
API Description

"minimalPayoutAmount" : 50.0,
"note" : "",
"paymentMethodId" : 1,
"paymentMethodParameters" : [ { "id" : 1,
"name" : "beneficiary_name",
"value" : "Nekaj"
{ "id" : 2,
"name" : "account_number",
"value" : "12345-12345678"
{ "id" : 3,
"name" : "bank_account_number",
"value" : "12345-12345678"
{ "id" : 4,
"name" : "bank_name",
"value" : "Unknown"
"phone" : "",
"status" : "ACTIVE",
"vatId" : 2,
"zipCode" : "40319",
"language" : "GERMAN"
} Method Affiliate:update

API version: 1.5.0

Functional description: Update affiliate
URL: /v1affiliate/service/rest-affiliate/affiliate
HTTP Method Type PUT

HTTP request URL example:

HTTP request body example (JSON encoding):

{ "address" : "Heaven 666",

"city" : "NY",
"company" : "Affiliate12",
"countryId" : 1,
"invoiceFrequencyId" : 3,
"minimalPayoutAmount" : 50,
"note" : "",
"paymentMethodId" : 1,
"paymentMethodParameters" : [ { "id" : 1,
"name" : "beneficiary_name",
"required" : "true",
"value" : "Nekaj"
{ "id" : 2,
"name" : "account_number",
"required" : "true",
"value" : "12345-12345678"

4(20) PUBLIC
API Description

{ "id" : 3,
"name" : "bank_account_number",
"required" : "true",
"value" : "12345-12345678"
{ "id" : 4,
"name" : "bank_name",
"required" : "true",
"value" : "Unknown"
"phone" : "",
"vatId" : 2,
"zipCode" : "40319",
"language" : "GERMAN"

HTTP response body example (JSON encoding):

{ "address" : "Heaven 666",

"city" : "NY",
"company" : "Affiliate12",
"countryId" : 1,
"id" : 2,
"invoiceFrequencyId" : 3,
"minimalPayoutAmount" : 50.0,
"note" : "",
"paymentMethodId" : 1,
"paymentMethodParameters" : [ { "id" : 1,
"name" : "beneficiary_name",
"required" : "true",
"value" : "Nekaj"
{ "id" : 2,
"name" : "account_number",
"required" : "true",
"value" : "12345-12345678"
{ "id" : 3,
"name" : "bank_account_number",
"required" : "true",
"value" : "12345-12345678"
{ "id" : 4,
"name" : "bank_name",
"required" : "true",
"value" : "Unknown"
"phone" : "",
"status" : "ACTIVE",
"vatId" : 2,
"zipCode" : "40319",
"language" : "GERMAN"
} Method AffiiateUser:create

API version: 1.0.0

5(20) PUBLIC
API Description

Functional description: Create affiliate user

URL: /v1affiliate/service/rest-affiliate/affiliateUser
HTTP Method Type POST

HTTP request URL example:

HTTP request body example (JSON encoding):

{ "accessRights" : [ { "id" : 7,
"section" : "offers",
"value" : "READ"
} ],
"firstName" : "TestFirstName",
"lastName" : "testLastName",
"password" : "testPassword",
"status" : "ACTIVE",
"username" : ""

HTTP response body example (JSON encoding):

{ "affiliatePayoutType" : "TestAffiliatePayoutType",
"affiliateRights" : { "affiliateRightsParam1 " : "affiliateRightsValue1" },
"categoryList" : "TestCategory1",
"categoryWebList" : null,
{ "accessRights" : [ { "id" : 7,
"section" : "offers",
"value" : "READ"
} ],
"affiliateId" : 2,
"firstName" : "TestFirstName",
"lastName" : "testLastName",
"password" : "testPassword",
"status" : "ACTIVE",
"userId" : 213,
"username" : ""
} Method AffiliateUser:update

API version: 1.5.0

Functional description: Update affiliate user
URL: /v1affiliate/service/rest-affiliate/affiliateUser/{userId}
HTTP Method Type PUT

HTTP request URL example:

6(20) PUBLIC
API Description

HTTP request body example (JSON encoding):

{ "accessRights" : [ { "id" : 7,
"section" : "offers",
"value" : "READ"
{ "id" : 8,
"section" : "analytics",
"value" : "READ"
"firstName" : "TestFirstName1",
"lastName" : "TestLastName2",
"password" : "TestPassword",
"status" : "ACTIVE"

HTTP response body example (JSON encoding):

{ "accessRights" : [ { "id" : 7,
"section" : "offers",
"value" : "READ"
{ "id" : 8,
"section" : "analytics",
"value" : "READ"
"affiliateId" : 2,
"firstName" : "TestFirstName1",
"lastName" : "TestLastName2",
"password" : "TestPassword",
"status" : "ACTIVE",
"userId" : 97,
"username" : ""
} Method AffiliateUser:getById

API version: 1.5.0

Functional description: Get affiliate user by ID
URL: /v1affiliate/service/rest-affiliate/affiliateUser/{userId}
HTTP Method Type GET

HTTP request URL example:

HTTP response body example (JSON encoding):

{ "accessRights" : [ { "id" : 7,
"section" : "offers",
"value" : "READ"

7(20) PUBLIC
API Description

{ "id" : 8,
"section" : "analytics",
"value" : "READ"
"affiliateId" : 2,
"firstName" : "TestFirstName1",
"lastName" : "TestLastName2",
"password" : "",
"status" : "ACTIVE",
"userId" : 97,
"username" : ""
} Method AffiliateUser:getPermission

API version: 1.5.0

Functional description: Get a list of all possible permissions for affiliate users
URL: /v1affiliate/service/rest-affiliate/affiliateUser/permission
HTTP Method Type GET

HTTP request URL example:

HTTP response body example (JSON encoding):

[ { "id" : 7,
"name" : "Offer Management",
"section" : "offers"
{ "id" : 8,
"name" : "Analytics Management",
"section" : "analytics"
] Method AffiliateUser:delete

API version: 1.5.0
Functional description: Delete affiliate user
URL: /v1affiliate/service/rest-affiliate/affiliateUser/{userId}

HTTP request URL example:

8(20) PUBLIC
API Description Method Offer:getById

API version: 1.5.0

Functional description: Get offer user by ID
URL: /v1affiliate/service/rest-affiliate/offer/{offerId}
HTTP Method Type GET

HTTP request URL example:

HTTP response body example (JSON encoding):

"id": 360
"name": "Not1 offer"
"description": "Description Not1 offer"
"status": "ACTIVE"
"categoryList": [2]
0: "druga"
1: "Donauschiffartskapitän"
"expirationDate": "19-03-2018 14:33:49"
"requireApproval": true
"previewUrl": ""
"payoutType": "PER_ACTION"
"payoutModelType": "ONE_TIME"
"payoutCost": [1]
0: "12"
"terms": "Terms for offer Not1"
"specificSettings": [1]
"id": 412
"offerId": 360
"affiliateId": 15018
"event": "ANY_EVENT"
"eventName": null
"cost": [1]
0: "78"
"currency": "EUR"
} Method Offer:findAll

API version: 1.5.0

Functional description: Get all ACTIVE offers that are allowed for the affiliate
URL: /v1affiliate/service/rest-affiliate/offer/findAll

9(20) PUBLIC
API Description

HTTP Method Type GET

HTTP request URL example:

HTTP response body example (JSON encoding):

"id": 468
"name": "Offer12"
"description": "Offer12 desc"
"status": "ACTIVE"
"categoryList": [0]
"expirationDate": "06-04-2017 03:59:59"
"requireApproval": false
"previewUrl": ""
"payoutModelType": "MULTIPLE_CUSTOM_COST"
"payoutCost": [2]
0: "1+2"
1: "3+4"
"terms": null
"specificSettings": [0]
"currency": "EUR"
"id": 472
"name": "Offer4"
"description": "test desc"
"status": "ACTIVE"
"categoryList": [1]
0: "DS Test"
"expirationDate": "11-03-2017 04:59:59"
"requireApproval": false
"previewUrl": ""
"payoutModelType": "MULTIPLE_SAME_COST"
"payoutCost": [1]
0: "7+8"
"terms": "Please accept this terms."
"specificSettings": [1]
"id": 413
"offerId": 472
"affiliateId": 0
"event": "ANY_EVENT"
"eventName": null
"cost": [1]
0: "9+10"
"currency": "EUR"
"id": 464
"name": "Offer9"
"description": "Description for offer9"
"status": "ACTIVE"
"categoryList": [1]
0: "druga"
"expirationDate": "29-03-2017 03:59:59"
"requireApproval": false
"previewUrl": ""

10(20) PUBLIC
API Description

"payoutType": "PER_SALE"
"payoutModelType": "MULTIPLE_CUSTOM_COST"
"payoutCost": [2]
0: "8"
1: "9"
"terms": "Terms and conditions"
"specificSettings": [0]
"currency": "USD"
"id": 360
"name": "Not1 offer"
"description": "Description Not1 offer"
"status": "ACTIVE"
"categoryList": [2]
0: "druga"
1: "Donauschiffartskapitän"
"expirationDate": "19-03-2018 14:33:49"
"requireApproval": true
"previewUrl": ""
"payoutType": "PER_ACTION"
"payoutModelType": "ONE_TIME"
"payoutCost": [1]
0: "12"
"terms": "Terms for offer Not1"
"specificSettings": [1]
"id": 412
"offerId": 360
"affiliateId": 15018
"event": "ANY_EVENT"
"eventName": null
"cost": [1]
0: "78"
"currency": "EUR"
}] Method Offer:creatives

API version: 1.5.0

Functional description: Get creative for offer
URL: /v1affiliate/service/rest-affiliate/offer/creatives/{offerId}
HTTP Method Type GET

HTTP request URL example:

HTTP response body example (JSON encoding):

[ { "creativeType" : "OFFERTHUMBNAIL",
"id" : 11,
"url" : "
} ]

11(20) PUBLIC
API Description Method Offer:getTargeting

API version: 1.24.0

Functional description: Get offer targeting by offer id
URL: /v1affiliate/service/rest-affiliate/offer /getTargeting/{offerId}
HTTP Method Type GET

HTTP request URL example:

HTTP response body example (JSON encoding):

"countries": {
"Is one of these": [
"regions": {
"Is one of these": [
"[AL] Kuçovë District",
"[AF] Zabul"
"connectionType": {
"Is": "Mobile"
"mobileOperators": {
"Is one of these": [
"Bh Mobile"
"deviceType": {
"Is not": "Mobile"
"deviceOS": {
"Is one of these": [
"symbian os",
"windows phone os",
"deviceOSVersion": {
"Is one of these": [
"symbian os 3",
"android 3.0.1",
"windows phone os 8",
"ios 10.0.2"

12(20) PUBLIC
API Description

"deviceBrand": {
"Is one of these": [
"deviceModel": {
"Is not one of these": [
"Android 4 Tablet",
"Android 4.1"
"ipList": {
"Is one of these": [
"DS IP list 1 (7.6k)",
"DE - Berlin IP locations 2"
"customAffSubParameterTargeting": {
"aff_sub": "test"
} Method Offer:getCapping

API version: 1.24.0

Functional description: Get offer capping by offer id
URL: /v1affiliate/service/rest-affiliate/offer/getCapping/{offerId}
HTTP Method Type GET

HTTP request URL example:

HTTP response body example (JSON encoding):

"generalCappingSettings": {
"clickCapping": "Enabled",
"clickLimit": "1999",
"clickLimitPeriod": "DAY",
"conversionCapping": "Disabled",
"conversionLimit": null,
"conversionLimitPeriod": null
"specificCappingSettings": [
"clickCapping": "Enabled",
"clickLimit": "777",
"clickLimitPeriod": "MONTH",
"conversionCapping": "Enabled",
"conversionLimit": "888",
"conversionLimitPeriod": "TOTALLY",
"affiliate": {
"15018": "Stipi Test j.d.o.o."

13(20) PUBLIC
API Description

} Method Offer:generateTrackingLinks

API version: 1.5.0

Functional description: Generate tracking links for the affiliate and the list of offer Ids.
URL: /v1affiliate/service/rest-affiliate/offer/generateTrackingLink
HTTP Method Type POST

HTTP request URL example:

HTTP request body example (JSON encoding):

{ "offerIds" : [ 2,
] }

HTTP response body example (JSON encoding):

[ "",
] Method Statistics:getStatistics

API version: 1.5.0

Functional description: Get statistics
dateTo }&offers={offers}&dimensions={
HTTP Method Type GET
 One of these time variables can be used as a time dimension
parameter: time_hour, time_date, time_week, time_month or
Additional Info
 Date format is yyyy-MM-dd.
 Leave empty for all: If offers array is left empty than data for all
entities is returned (for example if offers={}, than the data for

14(20) PUBLIC
API Description

all offers will be returned).

HTTP request URL example:

HTTP response body example (JSON encoding):

"clicks": "0",
"conversionRates": "N/A",
"conversions": "0",
"earnings": "0.00",
"ctr": "0.00%",
"affSub": "",
"affSub1": "",
"affSub2": "",
"affSub3": "",
"affSub4": "",
"affSub5": "",
"conversionType": "Unknown",
"country": "Croatia",
"deviceManufacturer": "Unknown",
"deviceModel": "Unknown",
"deviceOs": "Unknown",
"date": "06-03-2017 19:00",
"impressions": "5",
"creativeId": "2622",
"creativeName": "testpon3",
"epc": "N/A"
"clicks": "0",
"conversionRates": "N/A",
"conversions": "0",
"earnings": "0.00",
"ctr": "0.00%",
"affSub": "",
"affSub1": "",
"affSub2": "",
"affSub3": "",
"affSub4": "",
"affSub5": "",
"conversionType": "Unknown",
"country": "Croatia",
"deviceManufacturer": "Unknown",
"deviceModel": "Unknown",
"deviceOs": "Unknown",
"date": "06-03-2017 21:00",
"impressions": "2",
"creativeId": "2622",
"creativeName": "testpon3",
"epc": "N/A"
"clicks": "2",
"conversionRates": "0.00%",
"conversions": "0",
"earnings": "0.00",
"ctr": "N/A",

15(20) PUBLIC
API Description

"affSub": "",
"affSub1": "",
"affSub2": "",
"affSub3": "",
"affSub4": "",
"affSub5": "",
"conversionType": "Unknown",
"country": "Croatia",
"deviceManufacturer": "Unknown",
"deviceModel": "Unknown",
"deviceOs": "Unknown",
"date": "13-03-2017 15:00",
"impressions": "0",
"creativeId": "Unknown",
"creativeName": "",
"epc": "0.0000"
}] Method Statistics:getReferrals

API version: 1.5.0

Functional description: Get affiliate referrals
URL: /v1affiliate/service/rest-affiliate/referrals
HTTP Method Type GET

HTTP request URL example: Method Login:ExternalAccess

API version: 1.15

Functional description: External login for admin and affiliate users
URL: /v1/rest/service/rest/externalAccess/externalLogin
HTTP Method Type POST
Username and password are sent in the body of the post request
Additional Info whose content-type is json. The password is MD5 encrypted. The
response redirects user to his homepage.

HTTP request URL example:

HTTP request body example (JSON encoding):

16(20) PUBLIC
API Description

{"username":"user","password":" ee11cbb19052e40b07aac0ca060c23ee"}

3.2 Resources
3.2.1 Affiliate resource

Parameter name Description Type

id Affiliate ID number
company The company of the affiliate (must be unique) string
status Affiliate status (ACTIVE, BLOCKED, PENDING, DELETED, enum
WAITING). PENDING and WAITING statuses cannot be used for
update operations.
address Affiliate address string
city Affiliate city string
countryId County ID number
zipCode Zip code of the affiliate string
phone Affiliate phone number string
note Affiliate note which is only visible for Administrators string
minimalPayoutAm Minimal payout amount is the minimal amount for which it is still number
ount profitable to create invoice.
invoiceFrequenc Invoice frequency ID number
vatId Vat ID number
paymentMethodId Payment method ID number
paymentMethodPa List of payment method parameters BillingSetti
rameters ngs[]

3.2.2 BillingSettings resource

Parameter name Description Type

id Billing settings ID number
name Billing settings name string
value Billing settings value String
required If parameter is required (Used only for the response) boolean

3.2.3 SignupQuestion resource

Parameter name Description Type

id Signup question ID number
text Question text that is shown on the screen string
questionType Question type (CHECKBOX,TEXTAREA,TEXT,RADIO,SELECT) enum

17(20) PUBLIC
API Description

value List of possible answers to the question (Only used for CHECKBOX, string
RADIO and SELECT question types). Format of the value should be
required If an answer for the question must be provided boolean

3.2.4 SignupQuestionAnswer resource

Parameter name Description Type

id Answer ID number
questionId The ID of the question that this answer refers to number
affiliateId Affiliate ID enum
text Answer value (if question type is one of the following: CHECKBOX, string
RADIO and SELECT, than the text should match one of the
proposed values)

3.2.5 AffiliateUser resource

Parameter name Description Type

id User ID (unique) number
username Username of the user (unique) number
password Password of the user string
firstName First name of the user string
lastName Last name of the user String
status User status (ACTIVE,DELETED) enum
affiliateId Affiliate ID Number
accessRights List of access right for the user UserAcces

3.2.6 AdminUser resource

Parameter name Description Type

id User ID (unique) number
username Username of the user (unique) number
password Password of the user string
firstName First name of the user string
lastName Last name of the user String
status User status (ACTIVE,DELETED) enum
accessRights List of access right resources for the user UserAcces

3.2.7 UserAccessRightResource resource

18(20) PUBLIC
API Description

Parameter name Description Type

id User access right resource ID number
section Section of the resource string
value User access right resource value (READ,EDIT) enum

3.2.8 Tracking resource

Parameter name Description Type

offerIds List of offer IDs for which the tracking links will be created number[]
affiliateIds List of affiliate IDs for which the tracking links will be created number[]

3.2.9 PaymentMethod resource

Parameter name Description Type

id Payment method id number
name Payment method name string
paymentMethodPa List of billing settings BillingSetti
rameters ngs[]

3.2.10 Offer resource

Parameter name Description Type

id Offer ID (unique) Number
name Offer name String
description Offer description String
status Offer status (ACTIVE) Enum
categoryList List of categories (String parameter with comma String[]
separated values; for example: “category1, category2,
expirationDate Offer expiration date (format: dd-MM-yyyy String

requireApproval Has offer require approval Boolean

previewUrl Offer preview URL String
payoutType Payout type (PER_ACTION, PER_CLICK, Enum
payoutModelType Payout model type (ONE_TIME, Enum
payoutCost List of payout values String[]
terms Offer terms and conditions String
specificPayoutSettings List of specific payout settings SpecificPayoutS
currency Offer currency (Short name) string

19(20) PUBLIC
API Description

3.2.11 SpecificPayoutSettings resource

Parameter name Description Type

id SpecificPayoutSettings ID number
offer_id The id of the offer on which this SpecificPayoutSettings is assigned number
affiliate The affiliate for which these settings are valid for. One of the string
possible values is “All Affiliates” which means that settings are valid
for all affiliates in the network
event Event (ANY_EVENT, SPECIFIC_EVENT) enum
eventName When event is set to ANY_EVENT then event name cannot be set string
and when event is set to SPECIFIC_EVENT then eventName is
cost The payout of SpecificPayoutSettings List<String>

3.2.12 VAT resource

Parameter name Description Type

id VAT ID number
name Country name string
rate VAT rate number

3.2.13 UserLoginResource

Parameter name Description Type

username USERNAME string
password PASSWORD string

3.3 HTTP Response Statuses

Status code Description Explanation
200 OK The request was processed without
201 Created Object was successfully created (on object
204 No Content Object was successfully deleted (on delete
400 Bad Request Exception thrown while request was
processed (probably there is invalid/missing
data in the request). Read the detail
message in the response for further
401 Unauthorized IP address not in the white-list, invalid API
key or invalid signature.

20(20) PUBLIC

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