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Daniyal Bahadur F2017065080

Social Media is a source of Communication,Entertainment and Transmission etc.People can entertain

their self and also communicate with each other using this source.Websites,Application,Blogging and
Social networking are some types of Social Media.Social Media are an unpredictable marvel with both
constructive and antagonistic Viewpoints.

Mobile Phones are the main medium of Social Media.We can Do everything on Mobile Phones related
to our daily life like business,learning,calling and texting etc. Our mostly use of Mobile Phone can also
Impact on our Childrens. Many people says that his/her child is only 3 years old and properly know
about how to use Mobile where is Youtube the Game is here etc and then the Impact is their Childrens
even a 2 to 3 year child can never eat or sleep if he/she cannot use Mobile Phone.

Teenagers use Social Media platforms such as Wikipedia,Facebook,Whatsapp,Twitter etc for their
different purposes such as Study like assignments,quizes and online learning also some Entertain their
self in free Time. Nowadays Tiktok is the commonly entertainment source of Social Media.Even
everyone use it and enjoy it.But some teenagers are immature they can use Social Media and in future
they can face many difficulties. Some are waste their time like they cannot study even in their
exams.They can texting and calling on Facebook,Whatsapp etc and pass their time.

Fiver and Youtube are the sources of earning and also a part of Social Media.These Platforms can change
many peoples lifestyles.In Fiver many free lancers work hard and earn money.Youtubers also face
competition and work hard for earning. There is a different point of view of everyone in Social
Media.Some Youtubers are also free lancer and for earn more they guide beginners how to become a
free lancer and some free lancers are waiting for beginners to give them a work and take advantage
and make them fool.These types of business tips on Social Media can also hurt some peoples.

To be resonable and legitimate we have to make reference to that internet based life has its positive
results and has its disadvantage also.As it have been remembered in this article toward the end it is your
decision to either urtilize internet based life emphatically and advantage from in your social and
scholarly life,or fall as casualty of online life’s negative effects.

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