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MALAYSIAN yan Siti STANDARD Malaysia National Annex to Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance - Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings les: 91.120.25 © Copyright 2017 DEPARTMENT OF STANDARDS MALAYSIA MS EN 1998-1:2015 (NATIONAL ANNEX:2017) Contents Pee Commie reprstetaten a Foreword ¥ NA Seope 4 NA2 Natonaty dtemined parameters 4 NAS Decisions on he satus of he informative annexes “ NA4 References onan cntaditry complementary formation. 4 ‘Aroex Ground classteaton scheme in secrdance wit sie trl pis fer | ‘Spat excecing 30 min deh 15 ‘Aanex® — Selsmichazard map ot Malaysia 16 ‘ones Hoon dane epee sect of pour ypee ANDES rg) {erPeninsilar Malay, Sabah and Sarawak ‘Annex D Normalised elastic response spactum of rou hypes Ato (5 amin) {orca depos exceeding 30min dept fr Malaya, 19 ‘Annex npotanes factor ()orMaysa 2 Sisiogaphy zs DR, NABILAH ABU BAKAR vo ea LOSTANDARGS MALAYEA2017-A pete 1

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