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Chemical Engineering Science. Vol. 46, No 12, pp. 3045 3052. L991. Mw-2509/91 $3W + 0.

Printed in Great Britam. 0 1991 Pergamon Press plc




Multi-Phase Reaction Laboratory, Institute of Chemical Metallurgy, Academia Sinica, Beijing, People’s
Republic of China


Department of Energy Conversion, Chalmers University of Technology, Giiteborg, S-41296 Sweden

(Receioed 7 July 1990; acceptedfir publication 27 March 1991)

Abstract-A previously developed method far calibrating an optical-fibre probe for voidage measurement
in gas-solid systems has been improved. This was applied to study the influence of operating conditions,
particle properties and bed diameters on radial voidage profiles in circulating fluidized beds operating in the
fast regime. The present experimental results showed that the radial voidage profile depends solely on the
value of the cross-section-averaged voidage, irrespective of operating conditions, solids properties and bed
diameters, and can be correlated by the expression E = .F@l91+ 6” + 3@‘), where E and .Frepresent the local
and cross-section-averaged voidage respectively, and 4 denotes the dimensionless radial distance from the
centre of the bed.

1. INTRODUCTiON upper dilute-phase region and the lower dense-phase

Non-uniformity in the dispersion of gas and solids is a region.
typical behaviour of circulating fluidized beds (CFBs) In the past few years, more attention has been
operating in the fast fluidization regime. Such beds focussed on the radial voidage distribution in fast
will here be called fast fluidized beds (FFBs) in order fluidization, due to its importance in the design and
to emphasize the fluidization regime studied. This scale-up of industrial reactors (Basu, 1990; Leckner et
behaviour is characterized by two features. Firstly, al., 1991). Gajdos and Bier1 (i978) were probably the
solid aggregation in the interaction between gas and t?rst to study the phenomena of radial voidage dis-
particles tends to reach a state of equilibrium with tribution in an FFB. Several years later, Weinstein et
respect to the minimum potential energy of the system (I!. (1986), using X-rays in an FFB, found a dilute core
(Li et al., 1988). Secondly, solid distribution is charac- with dense regions at the wall. Monceaux er al. (1986)
terized by a lower dense-phase region and an upper and .Hartge et al. (1986) obtained the same results
dilute-phase region along the bed height (Li and from their experiments by using a particle-sampling
Kwauk, 1980) together with a lean-core region and a probe and an optical technique, respectively. Geldart
dense-annulus region over the lateral bed cross-sec- and Rhodes (1986) concluded that solid distribution
tion (Geldart and Rhodes, 1986). in all flowing gas-solid systems is non-uniform
A full understanding of these phenomena is import- radially. They argued that the reported high slip velo-
ant in improving and developing circulating fluidized cities in fast beds originate from such annular struc-
bed reactors. Consequently, numerous experimental ture rather than from the existence of clusters. It is
investigations as well as quantitative analyses have evident now that the lean-core and dense-annulus
been carried out by many workers in this field. structure of fast fluidization systems is generally ac-
In order to describe the axial voidage profile in a cepted.
bed operating in the fast fluidization regime, Li and In order to quantify the variation of radial voidage
Kwauk (1980) proposed a diffusion-segregation in FFBs, Tung et al. developed a method of multiple
model. Following this, Li et al. (1988) developed a regression to calibrate an optical-fibre probe (Tung et
mathematical model for theoretically predicting the al., 1987) and made further investigations in an FFB
average voidage over the lateral cross-section of the of 90 mm i.d. (Tung et al., 1988). They found that the
bed, using the principle of energy minimization. More radial voidage profile can be predicted by the follow-
recently, Rhodes and Geldart (1989) devised an en- ing two equations:
trainment model by incorporating choking in E= $P+o.191) for 4 < 0.75 (1)
pneumatic conveying and entrainment from bubbling
beds, which, as an interesting supplement, gives a E= gwtcp47 f0.191)
for 4 2 0.75. (2)
good description of the transition section between the
A main feature of this correlation is the combination
of the radial voidage distribution with the cross-
‘Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. section-averaged voidage E which is a unique para-

CES 46:12-F 3045

3046 W. ZHANG et al.

meter in the above equations. This empirical correla- of the particles leaving the fast bed were separated
tion, however, gives a discontinuous change of local from the gas in a disengaging expansion zone and a
voidage along the bed radius. Moreover, an empirical primary cyclone, and subsequently returned to the
correlation needs to be extended before it can be used bubbling bed. The remaining fine particles in the gas
over wider ranges in appiications. In the fight of these were collected by a secondary cyclone and a bag filter,
aspects, the objective of this work was to obtain a and the gas was then vented to the atmosphere.
more comprehensive empirical correlation on the The configuration of the optical-fiber probe used to
basis of eqs (1) and (2), and also to demonstrate the measure the local bed voidage is described elsewhere
applicability of this correlation to different materials (Qin and Liu, 1982). The probe was installed at a level
and to CFBs of different diameters through more of 4.27 m above the distributor of the fast bed, and
extensive investigations on the influence of solid prop- could be moved horizontally for measurements at
erties and bed diameter on lateral voidage distribu- different radial coordinates. The measured voidage
tion. was the local, time-averaged value over 1 min for each
radial position.
2. EXPERIMENTAL The design of the other two systems was essentially
Experiments were carried out in three different fast similar to that described above. In the 300mm i.d.
fluid&d bed systems with inner diameters of 32, 90 system, a disengaging chamber connected the top
and 300 mm. A schematic diagram of the experi- parts of both the fast bed and the bubbling bed.
mental apparatus with the 90 mm id. bed is shown in The experimental conditions employed for the three
Fig. 1. This system consists of a fast fluidized bed and systems are given in Table 1. All the experiments were
a bubbling bed, both made of plexiglass. The fast bed carried out with air as the fluidizing gas. The bed
is 10 m in height, and the bubbling bed, which serves materials used, fluid cracking catalyst (FCC),
as a standpipe and storage for the solid, has an i.d. of hollowing glass beads (HGB) and alumina particles
120 mm. The gas velocity in the bubbling bed was (ALO), are listed in Table 2 together with their phys-
maintained at approximately 0.1 m/s to ensure free ical properties.
downward fiow of particles. Particles from the
standpipe entered the bottom of the fast bed through 3. CALIBRATION
a 45” inclined pipe. Solid flow rate was controlled by
Although the optical-fibre technique has been used
the butterfly valve installed in the inclined pipe. Most
extensively in fluidization for local bed voidage meas-
urements, the accuracy of the measured local bed
voidage is strongly dependent on the method of calib-
expansion t ration (Reh and Li, 1990). In general, local bed
chamber voidage is determined by assuming a linear relation-

---o-f ship between the output signal from the probe and the
bed voidage. The output signal from the probe is
usually calibrated against the data obtained from a
liquid fluidized bed which is relatively uniform. The
assumption of linearity, however, does not hold in
gas-soIid systems because of uncertainties of the
measurement volume and inherent fluctuations in
particle concentration. Furthermore, a calibration
carried out in liquid fluidization cannot be trans-
tap Perforate
formed to gas-solid systems due to the difference in
i valve
t- optical properties between gases and liquids. This will
1 lead to difficulties, for instance, with voidages greater
than 0.9.
In this study, an improved procedure for calibrat-
Slow bed
0 120 mn ing the optical-fibre probe, based on the method of
multiple regression proposed by Tung et al. (1987), is
developed and described below.

3.1. Pressure-drop measurements to determine B at the
probe level
Approximate values of the cross-section-averaged
voidage E were obtained from pressure-drop measure-
ments across the two nearest taps located above and
below the optical probe. The pressure-drop signals
obtained via a pressure transducer and an A/D con-
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the 90 mm. i.d. circulating verter were recorded by using a computer. Readings
fluidized-bedsystem. were made with a frequency of about 25 Hz while
Radial voidage profiles in fast fluid&d beds of different diameters 3047
Table 1. Experimental conditions


Bed diameter (mm) :.?i 90 300

Bed height (m) 10 12
Probe level, height
above distributor (m) 1.2 4.27 3.77
Material FCC’ FCC’ FCC’
ALO- 1
Superficial gas
velocity (m/s) 1.0-3.0 0.0-4.0 1.0-4.0
Solid rate (kg/m’s) 50-60.0 o.c-300.0 20.0-70.0

TFCC = fluid cracking catalyst.

XHGB = hollow glass beads.
DAL0 = alumina.

Table 2. Bed material properties

Bed material FCC’ HGB’ AL@ ALO-I

Density p, (kg/m3) 929.5 607 2003 2003
Range wt.% Range wt.% Range wt.% Range wt. %

> 164 0.9 180-280 5.7 > 100 24.77 2W180 1.67
13C-164 8.96 140-180 10.07 64-100 30.62 150-l 80 3.58
Particle-size 103-130 10.09 100-140 24.5 1 50-63 9.80 140-l 50 1.83
distribution 82-103 13.69 71-100 27.11 40-M 9.93 125-140 5.50
tim) 68.1-82 40.85 SO-71 23.66 3@4tl 8.12 112-125 3.67
4165.1 23.7 &50 8.94 B-30 16.82 lo&112 5.17
20.510.5 4.81 9t&lOo 5.42
80-90 5.83
7 l-80 3.83
63-71 11.42
50-63 8.58
4&50 8.58
30-40 7.17
&30 27.75
Mean size D, (pm) 54 75 42.8 34.4
Bulk voidage .sI 0.41 0.396 0.428 0.419

’ FCC = fluid cracking catalyst.

2HGB = hollow glass beads.
‘AL0 = alumina.

optical-fibreprobe measurements were taken simul- beds may be expressed as

taneously along the radius of the fluid&d bed. The
&= c, + crs + css2 + C3SJ + . . . + c,s.
pressure drop was calculated as an average of these
samples. (3)
The value S is computed from the smooth curve of the
3.2. Radial optical-signal profile measured optical signals mentioned in Section 3.2.
Readings of the optical signal were taken in se- Subsequently, the local, time-averaged voidage profile
quence, integrated over a 1 min period for each meas- along the bed radius, E(#), can be calculated by substi-
urements point, at a group of locations along the tuting the initial values for the coeffcients in the above
radius of the bed. For example, 9 points were con- expression. Integration of the local voidage profile
sidered sufficient to construct the signal profile in the along the radius gives an average voidage for the
fast bed of 90 mm i.d. Through fitting 9 such experi- entire cross-section I
mental points with a group of 8 polynomials of the
third order, a smooth curve of the signal along the
ES Wd4)W (4)
radius was obtained.

3.3. Calibration of the optical probe which was taken to be equal to the cross-section-
The non-linear relationship between bed voidage E averaged voidage as derived from the measured
and the probe output signal S for gas-solid fluidized pressure drop, as mentioned in Section 3.1.
.3048 W. ZHANG et al.

a core region with an even solid distribution. This

work further confirms the result, previously reported
by Tung er al. (1988), that the radial voidage profile is
0.9 independent of gas velocity and solid flow rate as long
as the cross-section-averaged voidage is the same.
Furthermore, it reveals that the radial voidage profile
is insensitive to bed diameter and bed material within
I u” the ranges of bed diameters and parameters studied.
In other words, the influence of gas velocity, solid flow
rate, bed diameter, and bed material on radial profiles
was revealed only insofar as the cross-section-aver-
aged voidage changed.
All experimental data on radial voidage could
therefore be correlated to the average voidage E and
the dimensionless radius 4 as
05 0.6 0.7 08 0.9 E= E(0.191 + QP’ + 3&l)
1 .o
which consists of three terms with their respective
Fig. 2. Comparison of cross-section-averaged voidage E cal- influences on the radial voidage distribution.
culated by calibration curve of optical signals with that from At the centre of the bed, eq. (5) becomes
pressure-drop measurement (HGB/air, D, = 90 mm).
s = p.191

which is the same as that obtained by Tung et al.

In all the experiments, the optical signal was first (1988), and is here further verified, as shown in Fig. 3.
calibrated against an empty bed and a packed bed for In the core region of flat distribution, the last item
the CFBs investigated: 34’ * is small and may be ignored. Thus, the shape of
the profile is essentially determined by the second
Empty bed: 5 = 1 Packed bed: E= 1 - q,
term Fg2.‘.
s=o S=KlOO. In the annular region with a steep gradient in
voidage distribution, the last term 3$” contributes
If 10 runs, for instance, under different operating
most, implying the predominant effect of the wall.
conditions, are arranged, the readings with respect to
E from the pressure-drop measurements and the cor-
4.2. Extension of correlation application
responding optical-signal profiles will form a system
4.2.1. Operating conditions. Typical results of ex-
of 10 simultaneous equations. The coefficients C,, C,,
periments concerning the influence of operating
C,,C,,..., C, can then be obtained by solving these
conditions on radial voidages profile are presented in
10 equations.
Figs 4 and 5 against curves calculated by eq. (S),
The calibration curve may be described by a num-
showing good congruence. The average voidage is
ber of polynomials of different orders, and by com-
seen in Fig. 4 to decrease as the solid tlow rate in-
paring the corresponding regression curves the most
creases when the gas velocity is kept constant; for any
suitable polynomial was chosen.

3.4. VeriBcation of the calibration results

The above calibration method was verified. 0 FCC, 4 : 32 mm
A FCC, Dt = SO mm
Figure 2 shows a comparison of the average voidage
+ Hcs, D, = 90 mm
computed from radial voidage profiles derived from x 5x0. 0. = SOmm
optical signals with values determined by pressure-
drop measurements. The entire experimental data set
for the HGB particles is used in Fig. 2. The deviation
probability function has been shown to be a normal
distribution with a deviation margin of approximately


4.1. Empirical correlation
The present investigation on radial voidage profiles
was carried out with different superficial gas velocities
and solid flow rates for three bed diameters and with
three solid materials. The experimental results show
Fig. 3. Comparison of results calculated by eq. (6), E
that two obvious regions exist: an annular region with = EO.lsl, with experimental data for different kinds of solid
a steep gradient in the solid concentration profile and material and fast beds of different diameters.
Radial voidage profiles in fast fluid&d beds of different diameters


g 0.7 UI : 2.62 m/s

< 0.6
x N 6.10 0 966
0 40.3 0.667 0 2.62 0.667

0.4 x 79.3 0.616

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 1 .o 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 10
Dimensionless radius 4 Dimensionless radius .#s

Fig. 4. Influence of operating conditions on radial voidage distribution by changing E (HGB/air, D,

= 90 mm).

1 .a same bed material. The dimensionless radius is em-

ployed for the different diameter beds. As can be seen,
the profiles clearly indicate independence from bed
f diameter.

* 0.8
4.2.4. General. Figure 9 compares all the recorded
data of local, time-averaged voidage in the present
work with results calculated from eq. (5), and shows a
2 0.7 margin of approximately 3%. This empirical correla-
s tion can thus be accepted as a simple tool for calcu-
:: lating radial voidage profile in circulating fluidized
-1 0.6
beds operating in the fast regime for the range of
x 2.62 79.3 parameters studied.
0 3.50 207 Thus, if one can predict the average voidage .Ealong
I the bed height, for example, by using the one-dimen-

. Present ccrrel~tion
sional model by Li and Kwauk (1980), then the radial
0.4 -\ voidage profile easily follows from the empirical cor-
a 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.9 1 .O
DimensionLess radius 4
relation for E. Therefore, it is possible to predict, in
three dimensions, the local solid hold-up in the FFB
Fig. 5. Comparison of prediction of eq. (5) with experiments except for the entrance and exit regions, which are
under different operating conditions (HGB/air, D, known to make quantitative description difficult.
= 90 mm).

given solid flow rate, the average voidage is seen to FLUIDIZATIONREGIMES
decrease with decreasing velocity. Figure 5 shows that When a CFB is operated in the fast regime, pro-
radial voidage profiles almost coincide with each vided there is sufficient bed height, three distinct re-
other for different operating conditions but at the gions in the bed appear: a lower region of higher solid
same E. concentration, an upper region in dilute-phase flow
and a transition region in between these. This state
42.2. Solid material. Figures 6 and 7 show that, so may be characterized by a complete S-shaped axial
long as the average voidage I over the cross-section voidage profile (Li and Kwauk, 1980). The disap-
was kept constant, no significant difference was ob- pearance of a complete S-shape implies the transition
served in the radial voidage profile when diBerent either to dilute-phase conveying, dense-phase trans-
Geldart A solid materials were used. port or to turbulent fluidization, depending on oper-
ating conditions.
4.2.3. Bed diameter. Figure 8 shows typical radial The discussion above on radial voidage distribu-
voidage profiles measured in the three beds using the tion in a CFB is limited to the fast regime. There must
w. ZHANG et al.

=J_‘rr:’?“;:ario”j-J_ark :+ty ~~:~~_~~~~~~~~~%

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Dlmwwionles% radius 9 Dlmensionlssa radius + Oimsnsionlars radius $8

Fig. 6. Comparison of radial voidage profiles calculated by eq. (5) with experimental data in the 90 mm i.d.
bed (FCC, HGB and ALO).

10 I ’
0 FCC, 0, = 32 mm
A FCC,& -9Omm
0.9 +
ti66,0, : 90mm
x ALO, D, = SOmm _*
a FCC , 0,

5.p 0.7
u, = 1.76

6s r

x AL0 23.6 0.?7?

0 ALO- 25.1 0.769 \

- Prrssnt corrs\otion

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Dimensionless radius +
Fig. 9. Comparison of radial voidage profiles calculated by
Fig. 7. Radial voidage profiles for the AL0 particles with eq. (5) with all experimental data (FCC, HGB, AL0 and 32,
two different particle size distributions in the 90 mm i.d. bed. 90, 300 mm i.d. beds).

v 0.8,
% : =0.808
‘E 0.7.
4 Us G,
zg o,6, 0 32 1.40 44.5
+ 90 3.15 91.3
0.5, X 300 1.96 52.1
- Present correlation

Dimensionless radius S$

Fig. 8. Comparison of radial voidage profiles calculated by eq. (5) with experimental data in the three
different beds used (FCC/air).
Radial voidage profiles in fast fluidized beds of different diameters 3051

8,. . . .


6.. _,

-6 *
0 02 0.4 0.6 0.6 1 0 0 02 0.4 0.6 06 1.0
t Isl t Is)

Fig. 10. Wave forms of voidage signal in all different regimes in the circulating Ruidized bed [FCC/air,
D, = 90 mm; Li (1987)J

% %
+ 2.16 0 0.72 + 0.52 A 1.16 0 0.15
0 0.67
1.31 A 0.13 1.00
1.00 r



0.52 ALOlair, D, = 90 mm
HGBiair. D, = 90 mm 0.40 h
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .o

0.40 - Dimensionless radius Q

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Dimensionless radius Q Fig. 12. Radial voidage distributions for three different
Fig. 11. Radial voidage distributions for three different

be somewhat different radial voidage distribution were measured by using an optical-fibre probe of
among the different gas-solid fluid regimes due to 1.5 mm id. which was directly connected to a spec-
their different intrinsic characteristics. trum analyzer (Li, 1987), and are shown for FCC in
The voidage fluctuations for the different regimes Fig. 10.
3052 W. ihANG et al.

Figure 11 shows that the transition from the turbu- wt. % weight percentage
lent regime to the fast regime occurred at a gas
velocity of about 1 m/s for the HGB material used. Greek fetters
The figure shows that the radial voidage distribution & local, time-averaged voidage in bed
in the turbulent bed is distinctly flatter than in the fast E voidage averaged over bed cross-section
bed. This is attributed to the intense particle diffusion &drop average voidage measured by pressure-drop
in turbulent flow. %pti average voidage measured by optical-fiber
Figure 12 shows that solid distribution for AL0 probe
over the cross-section in the slugging regime is relat- bulk fraction of void in stationary bed
ively flat. The voidage within the annular region close particle density, kg/m3
to the wall is shown to be much greater than that of ~JI= r/R, radial dimensionless coordinate
initial fluidization. Also in the bubbling bed, the
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SINOPEC for their -par%cipation in the e&rime&. We Technology (Edited by M. Kwauk and D. Kunii).
would also like to express our gratitude to Professor Bo Science Press, Beijing.
Leckner for his carefuichecking and suggestions. This work Reh, L. and Li, J., 1990, Measurement of voidage in Ruidized
was supported by the Science Research Foundation of the beds bv outical probes, in 3rd International Confirence on
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