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LISTA SEMANA 6 structures to be earthquake resistant.

In Haiti, by
contrast, there is no building code.
VETORIAL SISTEMA DE ENSINO Patrick Midy, a leading Haitian architect, said
LÍNGUA ESTRANGEIRA- INGLÊS he knew of only three earthquake-resistant buildings in
the Western Hemisphere's poorest country.
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti _______________ received 400 requests for help the
The earthquake in Chile was far stronger than day after the Haiti quake but he said it had yet to receive
the one that struck Haiti last month — a single request for help for Chile.
_______________ the death toll in this Caribbean "On a per-capita basis, Chile has more
nation is magnitudes higher. The reasons are simple. worldrenowned seismologists and earthquake engineers
Chile is wealthier and infinitely better prepared, with than anywhere else," said Brian E. Tucker, president of
strict building codes, robust emergency response and a GeoHazards International, a nonprofit organization
long history of handling seismic catastrophes. No living based in Palo Alto, California.
Haitian had experienced a quake at home when the Jan. Their advice is heeded by the government in
12 disaster crumbled their poorly constructed buildings. Latin America's wealthiest nation, getting built not just
And Chile was relatively lucky this time Saturday's into architects' blueprints and building codes but also
quake was centered offshore an estimated 21 miles into government contingency planning.
underground in a relatively unpopulated area while "The fact that the president (Michelle Bachelet)
Haiti's tectonic mayhem struck closer to the surface — was out giving minute-to-minute reports a few hours
about 8 miles — and right on the edge of Port-auPrince, after the quake in the middle of the night gives you an
factors that increased its destructiveness. indication of their disaster response," said Sinclair.
"Earthquakes don't kill — they don't create damage — Most Haitians didn't know whether their
_______________," said Eric Calais, a Purdue president, Rene Preval, was alive or dead for at least a
University geophysicist studying the Haiti quake. day after the quake. The National Palace and his
The U.S. Geological Survey says eight Haitian residence — like most government buildings — had
cities and towns — including this capital of 3 million — collapsed.
suffered "violent" to "extreme" shaking in last month's Haiti's TV, cell phone networks and radio
7-magnitude quake, which Haiti's government estimates stations were knocked off the air by the seismic jolt.
killed some 220,000 people and left about 1.2 homeless. Col. Hugo Rodriguez, commander of the
Chile's death toll was in the hundreds. Chilean aviation unit attached to the U.N. peacekeeping
By contrast, no Chilean urban area suffered force in Haiti, waited anxiously Saturday with his troops
more than "severe" shaking — the third most serious for word from loved ones at home.
level — Saturday in its 8.8-magnitude disaster, by He said he knew his family was OK and
USGS measure. The quake was centered 200 miles expressed confidence that Chile would ride out the
away from Chile's capital and largest city, Santiago. disaster.
In terms of energy released at the epicenter, said "We are organized and prepared to deal with a
Calais, the Chilean quake was 900 times stronger. But crisis, particularly a natural disaster," Rodriguez said.
energy dissipates rather quickly as distances grow from "Chile is a country where there are a lot of natural
epicenters — and the ground beneath Port-au-Prince is disasters."
less stable by comparison and "shakes like jelly," says Calais, the geologist, noted that frequent
University of Miami geologist Tim Dixon. seismic activity is as common to Chile as it is to the rest
Survivors of Haiti's quake described abject of the Andean ridge. Chile experienced the strongest
panic — much of it well-founded as buildings imploded earthquake on record in 1960, and Saturday's quake was
around them. the nation's third of over magnitude-8.7.
Many Haitians grabbed cement pillars only to "It's quite likely that every person there has felt
watch them crumble in their hands. Haitians were not a major earthquake in their lifetime," he said, "whereas
schooled in how to react — by sheltering under tables the last one to hit Port-au-Prince was 250 years ago."
and door frames, and away from glass windows. On Port-au-Prince's streets Saturday, many
Chileans, on the other hand, have homes and offices people had not heard of Chile's quake. More than half a
built to ride out quakes, their steel skeletons designed to million are homeless, most still lack electricity and are
sway with seismic waves rather than resist them. "When preoccupied about trying to get enough to eat.
you look at the architecture in Chile you see buildings Fanfan Bozot, a 32-year-old reggae singer
that have damage, but not the complete pancaking that having lunch with a friend, could only shake his head at
you've got in Haiti," said Cameron Sinclair, executive his government's reliance on international relief to
director of Architecture for Humanity, a 10-year-old distribute food and water.
nonprofit that has helped people in 36 countries rebuild "Chile has a responsible government," he said,
after disasters. waving his hand in disgust. "Our government is
Sinclair said he has architect colleagues in Chile incompetent."
who have built thousands of low-income housing
Leia as seguintes afirmações: A) Quais os principais fatores que contribuíram para o
I. A população haitiana que testemunhou o penúltimo Chile não ter sofrido tantas consequências quanto o
terremoto ocorrido no país ainda guarda lembranças do Haiti em relação aos terremotos que atingiram os dois
incidente. países?
II. O geofísico Eric Calais afirma que terremotos, B) Qual dos dois países foi atingido pelo terremoto de
normalmente, não matam nem causam danos. maior magnitude?
III. As milhares de mortes ocorridas no Chile não se C) Como a ONG Architecture for Humanity pretende
comparam ao número de fatalidades no Haiti, que ajudar na reconstrução tanto do Haiti quanto do Chile?
supera a marca de 200 mil. D) Como muitos haitianos tentaram se proteger durante
Agora, marque o item correto: o terremoto?
A) Apenas a I e a II estão corretas.
B) Apenas a I e a III estão corretas. QUESTÃO 7
C) Todas estão erradas O espaço em branco no 13º parágrafo deve ser
D) Todas estão certas. preenchido por qual das seguintes opções?
A) Sinclair San Francisco’s based organization
QUESTÃO 2 B) Sinclair's San Francisco-based organization
Analise as seguintes afirmativas: C) Sinclair's San Francisco’s based organization
I. O vocábulo strict (2º parágrafo) equivale D) San Francisco-based organization by Sinclair
semanticamente a tough.
II. O vocábulo rather (7º parágrafo) pode ser substituído QUESTÃO 8
por somewhat. No trecho extraído do 19º parágrafo – Col. Hugo
III. O vocábulo abject (8º parágrafo) tem o mesmo Rodriguez (…) waited anxiously Saturday with his
sentido de feeble. troops for word from loved ones at home – a construção
A opção correta é: em negrito pode ser substituída por:
A) apenas a I. A) forged concernedly.
B) apenas a II. B) looked forward.
C) apenas a III. C) hoped incautiously.
D) apenas a I e a II. D) expected thoughtlessly.

O espaço em branco no 1º parágrafo do texto deve ser A lacuna no 4º parágrafo deve ser preenchida por:
preenchido por: A) unless there's nothing to be damaged.
A) yet. B) whereas. C) otherwise. D) albeit. B) unless there's nothing to damage.
C) if there's little to damage.
QUESTÃO 4 D) if there's nothing to damage.
Infere-se do texto que:
A) o treinamento dos haitianos sobre como lidar em QUESTÃO 10
uma situação de terremoto era precário, mas salvou O principal objetivo do texto é:
muitas vidas. A) divulgar os principais acontecimentos referentes aos
B) a arquitetura dos prédios haitianos pode ser terremotos ocorridos recentemente no Haiti e no Chile.
comparada com a dos chilenos, entretanto, a quantidade B) estabelecer comparações entre os terremotos
de prédios danificados no Chile foi bem menor, apesar ocorridos no Haiti e no Chile, bem como suas
do terremoto neste país ter sido mais forte. consequências.
C) no Chile, há prédios que foram projetados para C) mostrar como os governos dos dois países
balançarem conforme a força do terremoto, em vez de procederam no resgate às vítimas dos terremotos.
resistirem a eles. D) informar que tanto no Haiti quanto no Chile as baixas
D) a presidente chilena, Michelle Bachelet, estava fora podem representar índices históricos.
do país quando ocorreram os terremotos.
Marque o item incorreto: Durante um terremoto, é 1C
aconselhável: 2D
A) abrigar-se sob mesas. 3A
B) proteger-se sob portais. 4C
C) ficar longe de janelas de vidro. 5D
D) agarrar-se em colunas de concreto. 6C
Qual das perguntas a seguir não pode ser respondida 9D
pelo texto? 10 B

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