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Are Spiders in Dreams a Bad or Good Omen?

There is something profoundly "other" about spiders—with those eight legs, four pairs of eyes, the lack of an
actual jaw, and the fact that they liquefy their prey prior to ingestion, their anatomy is almost incomprehensible. Not to
mention their creeping, lurking, predatory behavior. Anything that is misunderstood is apt to provoke fear. But when
spiders spin dream webs, is their symbolic meaning found only in their fear factor?

The answer is no. Read on to discover the myriad meanings of spider dreams.

What the Spider In Your Dream Might Represent

Dream spiders might represent art, artistry, creativity, or craft.

A web is an artful construct. Like the plot of a story, it requires both a birds-eye-view of the larger picture and a
microscopic attention to detail. A web-weaver is like a storyteller—think of the spider Charlotte in Charlotte's Web using
her silk to write in the sky. Perhaps your dream is about something you're building, some creative project you're working
on, or an idea you'd like to manifest?

Your dream spider might represent a hidden plot, a scheme, or a manipulation of some kind.

Spiders weave intricate plots to capture their prey. They sit on the web feeling for any tremor or tug that might
indicate a possible meal. A web is delicate, but it's also extremely sticky and strong. It is invisible, but also deadly. Its
purpose is to ensnare and imprison. Where are the webs in your life? Is someone weaving a hidden trap to catch you?

Your dream of a spider might signify feelings of entrapment, captivity, or loss of freedom.

A spider's web is dangerously sticky. The spider wraps its victims tightly in silk and then injects a paralyzing
venom. Are you feeling trapped or unable to escape from someone or something?

A spider might represent a woman in your life—a girlfriend, your mother, or some other powerful or possibly
terrifying female figure.

Spiders often represent feminine energy. They weave silken homes that double as traps. They weave carefully,
they watch quietly, they wait patiently. They pack a lot of power and cunning into their tiny bodies, so the spider in your
dream might be a woman in disguise.

A dream about a spider might represent your own feelings of estrangement and alienation.

Even though you are always within three feet of a spider, for the most part we don't notice them. That's because
spiders linger silently in the corners where nobody sees them. Even though they work constantly to rid our homes of
flying creatures, they remain largely invisible and unappreciated. Maybe this is how you feel in life, like an outsider or an
unwelcome guest?

If you're afraid of spiders, then a dream spider might represent your fears. Conversely, if you like spiders, then
perhaps the dream spider represents a friend.

In other words, your feelings about spiders in general and your feelings about the specific spider in your dream
will help guide you towards an interpretation.

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