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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name Nautica Treadway Activity Title ___Let’s Count______________________

Number of children participating at one time ___10_____ Ages ____Pre-K______

Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the student.
Ohio Early Domain: Approaches toward learning
Learning &
Strand: Creativity
Standards: Topic: Innovation and Invention

List at least 1 Standard Statement:

standard that
Use imagination and creativity to interact with objects and materials.
is addressed
by this activity. Use creative and flexible thinking to solve problems.
Write out each
component Engage in inventive social play.
and exactly,
as published in

In this lesson, students will learn how to count to 10. Using objects, they will learn to
pair numbers with the correct number of objects. This lesson is practicing matching
numbers with an object while improving number recognition skills.
This lesson will take about 50 minutes. My lesson is broken down by the introduction,
giving instruction, assessment and the interaction with the lesson, independent work.
Spending at least 10 minutes in each section.
Preparation What preparation is needed? Printed paper of an apple (1 per student), Number 1 to 10
of materials Photoshoot game, and paper bowls numbered, and buttons (enough for students to have
and 21), and cups of apple seeds.
What materials will be used? Dice block, apple seeds, and buttons for students.

How will the learning environment be set up? 2 tables with 5 students at the tables, and me in
front teaching the lesson.

Instructional Procedures:

Introduction (10 minutes): The teacher will start by rolling the dice block and count the number of dots that
appear on the dice. Have that appearing number of students stand up in the class t. Together the class will
count the number of students standing. Students will then have the chance to try to write the number of
students standing on the smartboard. The teacher will then continue rolling the dice until each student has
the chance to stand up. Then the teacher will then tell the class that today they will be practicing counting.
Teacher modeling/Instructions (10 minutes): Give each student a picture of an apple, dice block, and a small
cup of apple seeds. Each student should have their own small cup of seeds, and dice block. Showing the
students, the teacher will then roll the dice block and count the number of dots that appear. Next tell the
students then will place the correct amount of seeds on the apple. The teacher will then do a couple
numbers with the class making sure they understand the concept. Allow the students a few minutes to roll the
dice and place their correct seeds on the apple. Walking around the classroom as the students start doing
this reassuring, they are doing the activity correctly.

Independent Work (10 minutes): Now give the students the paper bowls that have the different numbers
written on them and the buttons. Each paper bowl has a different number written on them each student
should have different number. Instruct the students that they will place the correct number of buttons inside
the bowl. This is helping the students also recognize the written number not the dice block dots. The teacher
will check the students work when they are done.

Assessment (10 minutes): should be based on the correctness of the apple seeds and buttons. Also the
teacher then will talk to each student individually at their desk. Give the student a random number of objects
and then ask them to use their finger to count the number of objects they see.

Day 2: (10 minutes) The students will then play the game Number 1 to 10 photoshoot to reinforce number
recognition skills.

Number 1 to 10 Photoshoot is the game that kids can also go home and play to extend the learning.

Differentiated Instructional Support: the gifted can focus on 1-15 when counting
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the material:
Have these students start out by focusing on fewer numbers, like coping 1-6

Vocabulary: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten

For teachers Interactive Smart board so students can write number on the board and also interact
with the game.
For students iPad to play the game at their tables.

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