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Installation of Mongo DB for 64 bit Linux

What is Mongo DB ?

--- MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented database that is defined as a NoSQL database, MongoDB eschews
the traditional table-based relational database structure in favor of JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas
(MongoDB calls the format BSON), making the integration of data in certain types of applications easier and faster.
Released under a combination of the GNU Affero General Public License and the Apache License, MongoDB is free and
open-source software.

Website :-

-----------------------------Steps for Mongo DB installation on Linux -----------------------------------------

Step 1 :- Select the directory under which you want to install mongo db and check all the permission is assigned to
your user for this directory or not. example :- read, write and execute.

Step 2 :- Copy the installer file (mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.1.tar.gz ) for Linux into the directory created into step 1.

Step 3. Extract the files from the installer through tar command.

$ tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.1.tar.gz

Step 4 :- ensure the location of the binaries is set in the PATH variable.

export PATH=<mongodb-install-directory>:$PATH

Here replace <mongodb-install-directory> with the path of mongo-Db binaries.

Step 5 :- Create some folder or directories under the mongo db home..

- bin

- data

- log

Before starting installation, User needs to create some config file and folders for mongo db installation as below

-- for mongo db process , create /data/db directory. If we create any other directory than we need to specify DBPATH
variable in mongo.cfg (config file) to start mongo db process on the Linux box.

Example :-

DBPATH= /opt/app/mongodb/mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.4.1/data/db

---- for logs


Step 6 :- Also we have to create a mongod.config file under mongo db home directory that will have all the details and
paths required to run mongod process on Linux. For example see below path

Step 7 :- To start mongo db, execute below command from the bin directory of mongo db

$ mongod --config /opt/app/mongodb/mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.4.1/mongod.config --

dbpath /opt/app/mongodb/mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.4.1/data/db &

Here "& " will run the mongo db process in background.

Using Mongo DB:

Since Mongo DB is a NoSQL DB, we can create our DB and use them from command prompt.

Some Useful commands to work with Mongo DB:

Using the Mongo Shell (mongo.exe), you can interact with Mongo DB from the command line.


1) Get information on the host running MongoDB

db.adminCommand( { "hostInfo" : 1 } )

2) Get Mongo DB version details:

db.runCommand( { buildInfo: 1 } )

3) Get Mongo DB status:

db.runCommand( { serverStatus: 1, workingSet: 1 } )

4) Get disk storage use by database:

show dbs

5) Select the ‘admin’ database, and query for a list of databases in the Mongo DB instance:

use admin
db.runCommand( { listDatabases: 1 } )

6) Get stats about the ‘admin` database:


7) Get stats about the ‘blobs’ collection:


8) Counts the number of all documents in the collection “nodes”:

db.runCommand( { count: 'nodes' } )

9) Get information on users defined

db.runCommand( { usersInfo: 1 } )

Mongo DB Basic Commands

Apache Server installation steps

Mongo DB installation Steps

Apache Server 2.4.9

No-Sql DB Mongod

Apache HTTP Webserver

Apache 2.4.9 Installation Steps for Linux Platform

Apache HTTP server 2.4.9 or Apache Web server is a new version of web-server developed by Apache Software Foundation
and the Apache HTTP server project. This release Apache HTTP Server version 2.4.9 is currently stable version Apache HTTP
server that represents fifteen years of research and development of Apache Foundation.

This httpd version contains new features like MPMs, mod_lua, better authentication & authorization, Fast CGI Proxy,
improved OCSP support and small caching API.

Pre-Requisites for Apache 2.4.9 Version

Operation System

User access on the Linux box by which you want to install

Default port 80 should be open on the box to perform the installation

Check the sufficient memory space under the installation directory

Browser to check the server availability after installation

Main thing Apache HTTP Server installer files according to your OS :-

Stable Release - with Latest Version

URL :- Apache 2.4.9 installer download

Download File on your desktop :- Apache HTTP Server 2.4.9

File Size :- 4.8 MB

Space Required :- 100 MB Approx.

By above link user can get the any installer file like .tar, .gz and binaries files for installation.

Apache HTTPD Server Dependencies & Requirements

-- Required



-- Recommended


Above packages are bundled and come with Apache installer file. Once user unzip or explodes the installer file downloaded, will
get the all the packages and dependencies.

APR and APR-utill

Either you may install APR and APR-Utill on your system already or you may use both with Apache installation by downloading
latest version from apache apr website. User needs to unpack the both folder into ./srclib/apr and ./srclib/apr-util ( here user
has to make sure both directories names do not contain version numbers : Example :- ./srclib/apr & ./srclib/apr-utill ). Some
platforms may require -dev package to be installed for httpd server.

PCRE ( Perl -Compatible Regular Expression Library )

This library files are required for Apache HTTP server 2.4.9. it is not bundled with https, user may download it
from First, User has to build pcre library for the system that will create pcre-config scripts installed by the
PCRE build. To configuring Apache , user needs to add --with-pcre parameter.

Configure PCRE

$ cd pcre-8.35

$ ./configure --prefix=PREFIX

PREFIX :- Here prefix represents home directory of pcre library.

$ make

$ make install

above command will generate the pcre-config scripts under the pcre home directory. this pcre-config will be used during
Apache installation.

Apache Installation Steps


$ gzip -d httpd-xx.tar.gz

$ tar xvf httpd-xx.tar

$ cd httpd-NN

Enter into the 03-httpd directory.

Configure Apache

Copy the APR, APR-Utill and pcre directory into the ./srclib of Apache installation.

$ ./configure --prefix=PREFIX --with-included-apr --with-included-pcre=<PATH TO PCRE-CONFIG generated at above step>

PREFIX = it is home directory of installation or by default location system will take /usr/local/apache2

Note :- Here user can add multiple modes for Apache Web server according to requirement.
Compile & install Apache

$ make

Above command will compile the Apache package and file system.

$ make install

Upon successfully completion of above command. you can access your Apache HTTP server at port 80. To test it just hit the URL
:- http://<hostname>:80

But you need to start the https service to access this. Please follow the below steps.


$ vi PREFIX/conf/httpd.conf

here user can change the server parameters like hostname, port and modules for the Apache.

$ cd PREFIX/bin

$ ./apachectl -k start ( To start httpd server)

$ ./apachectl -k stop ( To stop httpd server)

Verify httpd process on linux

$ ps -aef | grep httpd

Above command will show the running process information.

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