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Temporal gyrus Teres major tendon, 418 Thoracic aortic plexus, 236

inferior, 106, 108 Teres minor muscle, 171, 174, 188, 238–239, Thoracic artery
middle, 106 406, 409–414, 418, 465, 467 internal, 77, 139, 180, 186–188, 195, 203,
superior, 106 Teres minor tendon, 408, 411, 418 208–209, 213, 229, 233, 239–241, 251,
Temporal horn, 109, 112–113, 147 Terminal bronchiole, 201–202 414
Temporal line elastic fibers of, 201 anterior intercostal branches of,
inferior, 6 smooth muscle of, 201 186
superior, 6 Terminal ileum, 265, 273–274, 341, 345 left, 190–191, 228
Temporal lobe, 106, 115, 142 Terminal sulcus, 60 medial mammary branches of, 180
imaging of, 151 Testicular arteries, 251, 255–257, 259, 268, perforating branch of, 180, 185, 187–188,
Temporal nerves (V3), deep, 50–51, 71, 313, 345, 365, 379, 381, 387, 394 413
123 left, 291, 308, 310 right, 190, 227
Temporal operculum, 106 right, 291, 297, 310 lateral, 180, 185–186, 251, 413–415, 420
Temporal pole, 106, 108 in spermatic cord, 379 lateral mammary branches of, 180
Temporal retinal arteriole transverse section of, 328 superior, 186, 413–415, 420
inferior, 92 Testicular plexus, 387, 394 Thoracic cardiac nerves, 206, 225,
superior, 92 right, 297 236
Temporal retinal venule Testicular veins, 255–257, 260, 268, 313, Thoracic constriction, 230
inferior, 92 345, 379 Thoracic duct, 74, 186, 191, 195, 203,
superior, 92 left, 291, 308, 310 205–206, 208, 213, 228–229, 234–235,
Temporal sulcus right, 291, 310 238–241, 258, 261, 295, 297, 316
inferior, 106, 108 in spermatic cord, 379 transverse section of, 324
superior, 106 transverse section of, 328 Thoracic ganglion
Temporal vein Testis, 321, 365, 367–368, 383, 394 first, 163
deep, 101 appendix of, 365, 367 fourth, 223–224
middle, 3, 101 arteries of, 379 second, 224
superficial, 46, 73, 101 descent of, 364 sixth, 206
frontal branch of, 3, 101 lobules of, 368 third, 223, 236
parietal branch of, 3, 101 mediastinum, 368 Thoracic intervertebral discs, 239–240
tributary of, 103 rete, 368 T8, 191
Temporalis muscle, 48, 50, 101, 103, septa of, 368 T9, 191
151 tunica albuginea of, 359, 363, 368 Thoracic nerve
deep temporal nerves to, 123 tunica vaginalis, 321 dorsal ramus of, 188
insertion of, 48 veins of, 379 lateral branch of, 188
Temporalis tendon, 46 Thalamic veins, superior, 147 long, 180, 185–186, 253, 413,
Temporofacial division, 24 Thalamogeniculate arteries, 144 415–416
Temporomandibular joint, 18, 49 Thalamoperforating artery, 141, 144 medial branch of, 188
articular disc of, 48–49 Thalamostriate, superior, 101 Thoracic plexus, 206
joint capsule of, 18 Thalamostriate vein Thoracic spinal cord, 134–135, 207,
Temporomandibular ligament, lateral, inferior, 145, 147 303
18 posterior part of, 147 Thoracic spinal nerves
Tendinous arch, 70 superior, 109, 112, 146–147 dorsal ramus of, 177
of levator ani muscle, 370 Thalamotuberal (premammillary) artery, dorsal root of, 134–135, 177
Tendinous intersection, 178, 242, 246, 141 T1, 133–135, 160
329 Thalamus, 109, 111–113, 115, 146, 148, dermatome of, 162
Tendinous slips, 452 303 dorsal ramus of, 174
Tendocalcaneus bursa, 506 geniculate bodies of, 144 vertebrae relation to, 161
Tendon sheaths left, 145 T2, 134–135
of ankle, 516 nucleus of, 112 dermatome of, 162
of finger, 450 pulvinar of, 108, 112, 115–116, 140, 146 dorsal ramus of, 174
of hand, 450 schematic representation of, 112 vertebrae relation to, 161
of wrist, 449 stria medullaris of, 107 T3
Tendons third ventricle and, 107, 112, 116 dermatome of, 162
of ankle, 514 ventral posteromedial nucleus of, 136 dorsal ramus of, 174
of foot, 515 Thenar eminence, 398 vertebrae relation to, 161
Tenon’s capsule, 85, 89 Thenar muscles, 446–447, 453, 460, 463 T4
Tensor fasciae latae muscle, Thenar space, 447–448 dermatome of, 162
396–397, 468, 479, 481, 487–490, 492, Thigh dorsal ramus of, 174
530–531 arteries of, 499 vertebrae relation to, 161
Tensor tympani muscle, 50, 95–96, anterior view, 487–488 T5
151 posterior view, 489 dermatome of, 162
innervation of, 119 fascia lata of, 350, 355, 358–359 dorsal ramus of, 174
tendon of, 95–96 muscles of, 479–480 vertebrae relation to, 161
Tensor tympani nerve, 50, 123 attachments of, 477–478 T6
Tensor veli palatini muscle, 49–50, 57, 65, lateral view, 481 dermatome of, 162
68, 70, 95, 151 posterior views, 482 dorsal ramus of, 174
innervation of, 119 nerves of vertebrae relation to, 161
palatine aponeurosis from, 57, 65 anterior view, 487–488 T7
Tensor veli palatini nerve, 50, 71, 123 femoral, 525 dermatome of, 162
Tensor veli palatini tendon, 57, 65, lateral cutaneous, 525 dorsal ramus of, 174, 250
68 posterior view, 489 dorsal rootlets of, 160
Tentorial artery, 105 posterior cutaneous nerve of, 527 ventral ramus of, 392
Tentorium cerebelli, 88, 104–105, serial cross sections of, 492 vertebrae relation to, 161
145–146 Third occipital nerve, 2 T8
straight sinus in, 107 Thoracic (descending) aorta, 139, 168, 188, dermatome of, 162
Teres major muscle, 152, 171, 174, 177, 191, 213, 228–229, 233, 237, 240–241 dorsal ramus of, 174
239–240, 405–406, 409–410, 412–415, lung groove for, 196 dorsal rootlets of, 160
417–419, 421, 465, 467 transverse section of, 324–325 vertebrae relation to, 161

Atlas of Human Anatomy I-37

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