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Question Bank TT1 Feb-March 2017: DBMS

By: Manisha Sharma and Manpreet Singh

TERMINAL TEST- I February-March 2017

BBA Semester - II
Paper Code: BBA - 108 Time: 2 Hours
Subject: DBMS Max. Marks: 50

Q1. Select the most appropriate answer:

1. An application where only one user accesses the database at a given time is an
example of
(a) single-user database application
(b) multiuser database application
(c) e-commerce database application
(d) data mining database application

2. Which of the following is a group of one or more attributes that uniquely identifies
a row?
(a) Key (b) Determinant (c) Tuple (d) Relation
3. Architecture of the database can be viewed as.
(a) two levels. (b) four levels. (c) three levels. (d) one level.
4. In a relational model, relations are termed as
(a) Tuples. (b) Attributes (c) Tables. (d) Rows.
5. In the architecture of a database system external level is the
(a) physical level. (b) logical level. (c) conceptual level (d) view level.
6. An entity set that does not have unique attribute to form a primary key is a
(a) strong entity set. (b) weak entity set. (c) simple entity set. (d) primary entity set.
7. In a Hierarchical model records are organized as
(a) Graph. (b) List. (c) Links. (d) Tree.
8. In an E-R diagram attributes are represented by
(a) rectangle. (b) square. (c) ellipse. (d) triangle
9. In an E-R diagram an entity set is represent by a
(a) rectangle. (b) ellipse. (c) diamond box. (d) circle.
10. An advantage of the database management approach is
(a) data is dependent on programs. (b) data redundancy increases. (c) data is integrated
and can be accessed by multiple programs. (d) none of the above
11. E-R model uses this symbol to represent weak entity set ?
(a) Dotted rectangle. (b) Diamond (c) Doubly outlined rectangle (d) None of these
12. DBMS helps achieve
(a) Data independence (b) Centralized control of data (c) Data Sharing (d) All
13. Which of the following are the properties of entities?
(a) Groups (b) Table (c) Attributes (d) Switchboards
14. What is a relationship called when it is maintained between two entities?
Question Bank TT1 Feb-March 2017: DBMS
By: Manisha Sharma and Manpreet Singh

(a) Unary (b) Binary (c) Ternary (d) Quaternary

15. Which database level is closest to the users?
(a) External (b) Internal (c) Physical (d) Conceptual
16. Which of the following is another name for weak entity?
(a) Child (b) Owner (c) Dominant (d) All of the above

17. In E-R Diagram derived attribute are represented by?

(a) Ellipse (b) Dashed ellipse (c) Rectangle (d) Triangle
18. In E-R Diagram relationship type is represented by
(a) Ellipse (b) Dashed ellipse (c) Rectangle (d) Diamond
19. Hierarchical model is also called
(a) Tree Structure (b) Normalized structure (c) Table structure (d) none of these
20. Attribute that can be divided into other attribute is known as
(a) Derived (b) Multivalued (c) Atomic (d) Composite
21. Database system which supports majority of concurrent users is classified as
(a) multiuser system (b) multi-function system (c) multi transaction system (d) client
and disk server system
22. Constraints identify and enforce the relationships between tables
(a) Unique (b) Primary key (c) Foreign key (d) None of the mentioned
23. Entity is a
(a) Object of relation (b) Present working model (c) Thing in real world (d) Model of
24. The attribute AGE is calculated from DATE_OF_BIRTH . The attribute AGE is
(a) Single valued (b) Multi valued (c) Composite (d) Derived
25. Which of the following can be a multivalued attribute ?
(a) Phone_number (b) Name (c) Date_of_birth (d) All of the mentioned
26. Which of the following is a single valued attribute
(a) Register_number (b) Address (c) SUBJECT_TAKEN (d) Reference
27. FD stands for:
(a) Functional dependency (b) Facilitate dependency (c) Functional data (d)
(b) Facilitate data
28. In which model of database data is stored in tables:
(a) Network model (b) Relational model (c) Hierarchical model (d) None of these

29. A table can be defined as a set of______:

(a) Rows (b) Columns (c) Both (d) None

30. How many types of keys in relation database design:

(a) Primary key (b) Candidate key (c) Foreign key (d) All of these
Question Bank TT1 Feb-March 2017: DBMS
By: Manisha Sharma and Manpreet Singh

1 (a) 2 (a) 3 (c) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6 (b) 7 (d) 8 (c) 9 (a) 10 (c)
11 (c) 12 (d) 13 (c) 14 (b) 15 (a) 16 (a) 17 (b) 18 (d) 19 (a) 20 (d)
21 (a) 22 (c) 23 (c) 24 (d) 25 (a) 26 (a) 27 (a) 28 (b) 29 (c) 30 (d)

Short notes
1. EER Model
2. Strong Entity and Weak entity
3. Role of DBA
4. Codd Rules
5. Degree and Cardinality of a relationship with example
6. Different types of attributes & relationship types
7. Hierarchical model v/s Network Model
8. Network model v/s Relational model
9. Relational model v/s Hierarchical Model
10. Logical data independence v/s Physical data independence
11. Database v/s DBMS
12. Relationship v/s Relation with example
13. Data v/s Information
14. Entity Integrity, Referential Integrity and Foreign keys
15. Operations on Relational Algebra
16. Introduction to views

Long questions
1. What is a DBMS? What are the functions performed by DBMS? Explain its advantages and
disadvantages. (2+3+5)
2. Explain the structure of DBMS explaining its various components.(10)
3. Who are the various people that deal with the database? Explain each role.(10)
4. How file system approach works? What are the disadvantages of file system?(10)
5. What are the various data models? Why is relational model better than the hierarchical and
network model? (8+2)
6. What do you understand by data abstraction? Explain the three layer architecture of a
7. Explain the main phases of Database design.
8. Draw ER diagram for the COMPANY database. Convert the ER model to relational
model with appropriate explanations wherever required.

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