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Nicole Jackson

Professor Hellmers

English 1201

7 April 2019

Cell Phones In School

Cell phones are a huge problem in schools, or are they? Do cell phones distract students,

or help them stay organized? Many people have many different opinions. Some believe students

should be allowed to have cell phones in school. Others believe cell phones should be banned

from schools. Students can use cell phones for good or bad in schools.

Some teachers in South Africa are using cell phones in the classroom. Teachers are using

cell phones to help students learning. “ The (History) teachers of today (born after the 1980s)

have grown up surrounded by digital technologies and are more comfortable, interested and

willing to experiment with cell phone technology in class than their older counterparts.” (The

Integration..) Students and teachers are living and being raised with technology, and are around

technology all the time. It would make since that adding technology to the classroom would help

students and teachers. Educators can use cell phones to see how students are learning and

understanding the material being taught. “The teacher may find that it provides just the right kind

of interaction and communication between teachers, learners and content to enhance the teaching

and learning experience.” (The Integration..) Cell phones are an easy and quick way for students

to get in touch with teachers after school to ask questions. Cell phones can be used for good in

Many schools, teachers, principals, and others have different opinions on this issue.

Should cell phones be allowed in school? One middle school teacher thinks cell phones should

not be removed from schools. She states “Kids feel that pressure to not have to do it. But then

once they feel the pressure, they also feel the pressure to rebel.” (Should students..) She also

talks about how if students are constantly told to stay off of their cell phones, they will want to

be on their cell phones more. Students should be allowed to have phones in schools. Instead of

teachers taking cell phones out of the equation, students should be taught to be “responsible”

with their phones. “And why not make those tools that they have in their pockets into tools for

learning?” (Should students..) Teaching students how to use their cell phones in a responsible,

mature way now, will help them in the future. Times are changing. Cell phones are part of the

new everyday life. Cell phones can be used in class to learn. When the internet is not working,

cell phones are a great back up plan. If teachers set rules, students will be more likely to follow

them if they are reasonable. Cell phones are not always a problem.

Many students think having cell phones in school is good. “ Most students (70 percent)

could identify benefits associated with mobile phones in the classroom, such as increased

engagement, motivation for learning, creativity and productivity.” ( Mobile Phones..) Cell

phones can help learning. There are many apps students can use to stay on top of tasks. Students

can also use certain apps to stay organized with homework, notes, and when assignments are

due. Students also feel more comfortable when having their phones with them. “Smartphones

have endless possibilities as educational tools.” ( Mobile Phones..) Smartphones can be used for

many, many things. There are many apps to help students study or quiz themselves, like Quizlet

or Kahoot. Students are used to typing on a smaller screen. They can type papers, or other

projects on their phones. This may be faster for than typing on a computer. There are also apps
already on a phone that can help students. Most phones already have a calculator and an internet

app. Students can use these to help them solve math problems, or look up information about a

topic or word they don't understand. Cell phones can also be used as a way to contact teacher,

tourers, or other students for help on assignments. Cell phones can be used to help students


Cell phones can be used for many good things in schools. Students can use their phones

to take pictures of homework assignments. Imagine you are a student in math class. Your teacher

always writes the homework on the board. The teacher is teaching a new lesson and it takes the

whole class period. The bell rings and you don't have time to write down the homework. You can

easily take a picture of the board on your way out of class. Teachers also will show detailed

examples on the board. You can easily take a picture instead of writing it down to make sure you

don't miss anything. Students can also set reminders or take notes of something important. If a

student needs to take something home but knows they will forget it, they can make a note in their

phone and make it their lock screen. This way every time they look at their phone they are

reminded of this information.

On the other hand, many people think cell phones are causing problems in schools.

Students are using them for bad, not good. One country is banning cell phones in school. “The

French government passed a law banning cell phones in schools.” ( Research Continually..)

Cell phones are too much of a “distraction” for students. Students are always looking at their

phones, in and out of the classroom. Students are using cell phones in the classroom for many

things, besides educational purposes. “Cell phones were initially banned and regulated in

schools due to the common occurrence that these devices were being used for drug and/or gang

activities.” (Should Public..) Students may receive texts or calls during class, disrupting learning
for other students. Students can also use cell phones to send answers to other students. Most

phones have camera, which can be used to take pictures of tests, quizzes, or exams and answer

keys. Lastly, phone cameras can be used to take pictures or videos of other students. (Should

Public..) These pictures can then be posted online and cause cyberbullying. Pictures can also be

used to get students to do something, like cheat, or do assignments, for other students. Students

can use cell phones in many negative ways.

This image is from (Research Continually). This image shows that students of all ages are

distracted by the problem of cell phones. Students are always looking at cell phones instead of

paying attention. This image shows two young girls laughing about an image on a phone during

class. They should be paying attention to what the teacher is teaching. Events like the one in this

picture are happening in classrooms of all grades.

Students can not stay off their cell phones. However, many schools are taking action to

fix the problem. Many schools, and teachers, will take cell phones if a student is using it, or even

if it is in seight. Many schools around the world are even going as far as banning cell phones.

Schools in France have seen great results from banning cell phones in schools. When students

were asked, “they said that with no smartphones, students did talk to one another more.” (France

Bans..) With no cell phones to check every minute, students are more likely to talk to one

another, because there is no distraction. One educator says, “If we want to prepare children in

the 21st century, we must give them the tools of modernity: mastery of math, of general culture,

the ability to flourish in social relationships, a capacity to discuss with others, to understand and

respect others and then very strong digital skills.” (France Bans..) With cell phones always

around, students do not know how to communicate in the real world. This will effect them when

getting a job. They do not know communication skills, therefore, they do not know how to carry

a conversation for an interview. If they are working somewhere and need to interact with people,

they will not know how. The educator also says, “It’s a message we send to society: Do not

always be on your phones.” ( France Bans..) Many schools in France are taking charge of

distractions in the classroom.

Other school has a different way of dealing with the cell phone problem. Notre Dame

High School is using “Technology called Yondr.” (Notre Dame..) With this technology students

must lock up their phones in a little pouch. This pouch can be locked and unlocked like a

magnet. The students lock up their phones in their first class, and unlock then in their last class,

but they have the pouch with them. (Notre Dame..) This is a way for students to stay off of their

phones during the day. However, they still have their phones with them. The assistant principal

says “The kids are talking to each other, and they weren’t ” when cell phones were allowed.
(Notre Dame..) Yondr technology is also part of their “emergency plan.” If there is ever a

problem at the school, students have their phones. They go to a safety, meeting spot. They then

can unlock their phones to get ahold of their parents. (Notre Dame..) Some students like this new

plan. Others are still not totally on board. One student says, “The hardest part is probably lunch,

because you have friends outside of the school, and if you have a schedule change you want to

be able to text your parents.” (Notre Dame..) This is just one way schools are dealing with the

problem of cell phones.

However, cell phones can be very important. Cell phones are a fast way to get in touch

with family incase of an emergency. Many parents are against schools bans. “In New York, as in

many American school districts, parents want to be able to check on their children throughout the

day. And in school shootings in the United States, students have often used their phones to call

911 and report “active shooter” situations.” (France Bans..) If cell phones were banned students

would not be able to contact police or their parents to tell them what has happened, or if they are

alright or not. Cell phones can be an easy way for students to contact parents incase of a school

shooting, bomb threat, fire, or any other emergency or injury. “Many claim that having phones

in schools can be helpful for students who need to stay in touch with their parents.” ( Research

Continually..) Many parents also want to be able to stay in touch with their kids incase of an

emergency at home. There are many other things. If a student has an appointment and the parent

forgot to tell them they can text their child. If a student is being picked up early the parent can let

the child know. If a parent is going to be late to pick up their child, they can let the child know.

There are many reasons why students should be allowed to have cell phones in school.

Many people think the cell phone problem is the school, or the teachers fault.

That’s not always the case. Yes, it is true that different teachers in the same school have different
phone policies. Some say no phones at all, others allow phones but only for certain activities.

Some teachers do not care at all. They allow students to text, snapchat, or listen to music during

class. Many times this is during a quiet work time and not when a lesson is being taught.

However, when teachers are inconsistent with their policies, students get confused with which

teachers allow and don't allow cell phones. Also some teachers change their policies because

they are in a bad mood or are having a bad day. However, a lot of the problem is caused by the

parents. One teacher says “Who buys the phones for the children?” he said. “Who doesn’t give

them a framework and set limits on using them? Parents. But everyone blames the school.”

Parents give their children cell phones and do not set any rules or boundaries. Many children are

on their phones all day and night. If parents set boundaries at home, students would be more

likely to follow boundaries at school. Parents should also their children not to be on their phones

at school. Some schools allow students to be on their phones in between classes. If there is an

emergency where a parent need to get in touch with their child, they can check their phone

during that time.

This graph is from (Research continually). This graph shows how smartphones are

becoming more popular. Cell phones have been around for awhile, but smart phones are the new

phone to have. Cellphones and smartphones are different. Many cell phones have buttons for

numbers and a small screen. Many cell phones also do not have apps or internet. Smartphones

have a touch screen and apps. Smartphones also have internet and a camera. Many students have

a cell phone or smartphone. This shows how common a problem with cell phones would be. So

why not incorporate them into the classroom?

In conclusion cell phones are a huge problem in schools. Students are always distracted

by text messages, snapchat, instagram, and more. Students are using cell phones for negative

reasons. Students use cell phones to cheat, bully, take pictures of answers, and more. However,

cell phones can be used in a positive way. Cell phones can be used to help students study, stay

organized, get help, and stay in touch with parents when needed. If teachers set boundaries and

reasonable guidelines, students could use cell phones to better their education.

Works Cited
Warnich, Pieter, and Clare Gordon. “The Integration of Cell Phone Technology and Poll
Everywhere as Teaching and Learning Tools into the School History Classroom.”
Journal for the Study of Religion, Journal for the Study of Religion, 2015,

“Should Students Have Cellphones In School? Educators Are Divided.” WBUR, WBUR,
27 Sept. 2017,

Allen, Kelly. “Mobile Phones in the Classroom: A Helpful or Harmful Hindrance?”

Psychlopaedia, 22 Apr. 2018,

Hess, Abigail. “Research Continually Shows How Distracting Cell Phones Are - so
Some Schools Want to Ban Them.”CNBC, CNBC, 23 Jan. 2019, Hess, Abigail.
“Research Continually Shows How Distracting Cell Phones Are - so Some Schools
Want to Ban Them.”CNBC, CNBC, 23 Jan. 2019,

Chen, Grace. “Should Public Schools Ban Cell Phones?”, 30

Oct. 2008,

Rubin, Alissa J., and Elian Peltier. “France Bans Smartphones in Schools Through 9th
Grade. Will It Help Students?” The New York Times, The New York Times, 20 Sept.

“Notre Dame High School Locks up Cell Phones during School Day.” Clip Syndicate
Video: Cengage Broadcast, Critical Mention, Inc, 2018,

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