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Lesson Plan

Date: March 12th, 2019 Class: Cycle 3,

Idioms Time: 10:20 am – 11:20 am Grade 5
Duration: One hour

Broad Areas of Learning: Objectives:

The goal is for students to be able to identify and
“Personal and Career Planning”
understand idioms. A power point presentation and
The children will be building on their abilities
discussion will open up the topic of idioms followed by a
to gather information, make decisions, plan
stencil. The stencil will allow students to further build on
and carry out a plan. (QEP, 2010, p. 45) For
idioms. To wrap up the lesson and further solidify their
instance, they will gather everything they
ability to define idioms, they will play the Idiom
know about the idiom or words that make up
Headbands game I have created.
the idiom, knowing their partner they will
decide how to present the clues to their
The student’s goal will be to take in the information they
partner, from there they will plan and act out
have learned about idioms from lesson and apply it their
the clues to get their partner guess the idiom.
other ELA work. To add, the students will better
understand expressions they come across in texts as
The headband game will provide students well as every day socialization.
with a sense of challenge. The idiom
headband game requires students to think
critically to try to get the idiom on their
headband. Meanwhile their peer needs to
provide them with adequate clues without
giving out the answer.

Understandings: Essential Questions:

Throughout the activity the students will be In this activity there will be multiple questions the
building on their vocabulary. They may not be students will be asking their partners in order to get them
familiar with a few of the idioms; however, to figure out the idiom. Some children may choose to act
they will end up become more comfortable out the idiom should it be easier than the questions.
with them once they complete the games.

Group Size & Materials:

This lesson will be completed with my grade five group, E51. The class consists of twenty-four students.

The required materials are listed below:

- Paper headbands (one for each child)
- Idiom playing cards
- Idiom headbands sheet
- Hint sheet
o This sheet will have a list of hints related to each idiom. This hand out will only be given to
groups that seem to be struggling. They may be having a harder time giving their partners
hints that will guide them to decode which idiom they have.
- Idiom worksheets
Subject Competency (ELA):

Competency 3 – To represent his/her literacy in different media

- The students be learning about idioms through discussions, stencils, and through the headband
game. Each of which is a different medium for them to explore the concept.

Competency 4 – To use language to communicate and learn

- This game requires students to work in partners and express themselves orally. They will be
using talk to explore and express themselves. By speaking to one another they will be developing
their language skills. The students should be evaluating their language as they speak in order to
improve their grammar and expression.

Cross Curricular Competencies:

Competency 2 -To solve problems

- While their partner is providing them with hints to discover their idiom, the child may begin to
formulate various solutions in their mind. Based on the information they are being given they will
“consider the appropriateness of each solution” (QEP, 2010, p. 19). Only once they have thought
through the possible options will the child make a suggestion to test the solution. At this point they
may either give the correct or incorrect solution. Should the solution be incorrect they can go back
and review the hints they were given to find a different answer.

Competency 4 – To use creativity

- The children will be tasked with giving hints to their partner in order for them to get the correct
idiom attached to the headband. To do so they must be able to recognize what is being asked of
them (understand the outcome) and imagine or come up with various ways for their partner to
“obtain the objective” (QEP, 2010, p. 23) In other words, if their partner is not able to figure out the
idiom when giving them examples requiring them to complete a sentence with the expression left
out, the student may break down the idiom in order for them to be able to recognize the different
elements that make up the idiom. Only after this is done may they re-attempt to given them an
example of the idiom in a sentence.

Competency 5 – To adopt effective work methods

- Here, the students should be able to take in what is being asked of them. By understanding the
instructions given, the students will be able to carry out the game smoothly. The pairs will all be
provided with a hint sheet to assist them when giving their partner hints to solve the idiom. This is
an example of the students making use of the resources (materials) to complete the task.
Competency 6 – To use information and communications technology (ICT)
- The students will not have access to technology at this time, but the smart board is always ready
for use if needed.

Competency 8 – To cooperate with others

- The game will be played in pairs therefore the students must be able to listen to each other
differences and work together in order for each of them to be able to complete the task at hand.
Each child must understand the role they play in the activity, in other words, they must rely on
their partners queues in order to be able to successful discover the idiom. When playing the game
students should display a positive attitude toward one another, should a peer struggle the student
should focus on assisting their partner rather than making negative comments.

Competency 9 – To communicate appropriately

- In order for the students to be able figure out the idiom their partner must be able to provide them
with various clues. These clues can either be verbal or even mimed, the students will “select one
or more appropriate modes of communication” (QEP, 2010, p. 39) while keeping in mind the
game’s purpose.

Time Lesson

10:20 am – 10:30 am Introduction:

I will begin my lesson by having students explore where idioms can be found
and where they are used. We will explore the power point slide defining idioms
and look through the examples. Essentially a whole class discussion will open
up our lesson.

Students will be given a breakdown of the tasks to come. Firstly, a work sheet
on idioms will follow our discussion. After orally correcting the worksheet, we
will begin to review the idiom headbands game.

10:30 am – 10:50 am Development:

During this time, students will be given the time to complete the idiom stencil.
Once completed we will review students answers orally and correct the sheet.

Explanation of the idiom headband game

Idiom headbands consists of two players working together to discover the
idiom on the headband. The students will be pre-grouped by myself to save
time, avoid conflict, and to ensure the students benefit from the pairing. Once
grouped they will each grab a headband and a bag of idiom cards. To put on
their headbands, they will need tape, I will be setting up tape stations in
various areas of the classroom. To decide who goes first, the person with the
name closest to the letter A begins. I will be providing an example like, if Joe
and Emily play together, Emily will go first since her first name started with a
letter closer to the letter A.

From there, the teammate will put on their headband and place the idiom card
at the front. Their peer will give them clues about the idiom in order for them to
be able to discover which idiom they have in the time provided. The student
with the most idiom cards at the end of the game wins. In terms of time given, I
will be putting up a fifteen-minute timer on the Smart board. Once their partner
has figured out the idiom they must switch. They keep doing this until time runs

This specific group of students are known to get rowdy and have behaviour
difficulties which may not play out well with the game I have created. Giving
them the benefit of the doubt, the students will be given one chance to play the
game. Should they not be able to follow the expectations given then they will
be sent back to their desks to work on prepared stencils.

11:15 am – 11:20 am Conclusion:

The last few minutes will be used to clean up the headband game and recap
the concept covered.

Assessment Criteria:

The student(s):
- Uses language/talk as a means of exploring, expressing and developing
- Develops, through trial and error strategies for working collaboratively
with peers
- Develops language strategies to support communication in collaborative
- Selects effective and appropriate strategies for problem solving in a
specific context
- Self-evaluate his/her language development

Assessment Tools:

Any stencils being completed will be used to assess students understanding

on the topic covered. To add, the students will be asked to keep track of which
idioms they got right and which they did not during the headbands game.
DIFFERENTIATION I have prepared a hint sheet for the groups which can be used by the students
& should they feel they need the additional help.
On this sheet there will be a list of possible hints they can use in order to help
their teammate discover the idiom. However, instead of using the idiom I will
use numbers to avoid students looking at the other idioms. In other words,
there will be a number on the idiom card being used by the child with the
headband. That same number can be located on the hint sheet. Underneath
the number, there will be the list of hints they can use.

Should the activity need to be stopped earlier than expected, a set of idiom
stencils will be ready at hand. The students can work on those instead.
PROFESSIONAL Competency 1 – To act as a professional inheritor, critic, and interpreter of
COMPETENCIES knowledge or culture when teaching students
- By gamifying a lesson, I will be grabbing the students’ attentions. The
students will be learning through game which will “motivate/encourage
significant, in-depth learning…” Having both the stencil and the
headbands game will allow the children to “transfer/apply knowledge” in
different contexts

Competency 2 – To communicate in the language of instruction, both orally

and in writing, using correct grammar, in various contexts related to teaching
- I will be using appropriate language and vocabulary when speaking to
the students. In addition, I have reviewed the hint sheets and idiom
cards I created to ensure that they respected both grammar and writing

Competency 4 – To pilot teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to

the students concerned and the subject content with a view to developing the
competencies targeted in the programs of study
- Since the game is played in pairs, it “encourages teamwork.”
Furthermore, the game has been tailored to fit the age group I am
teaching. It will allow them to “engage in a meaningful task [the game]”

Competency 5 – To evaluate student progress in learning the subject content

and mastering the related competencies
- Engagement in class discussion will be taken note of
- The stencil being completed will also be reviewed to gage which
students are grasping the concept or not
- During the game the students will be taking note of which idiom they got
by listing the associated number under their name. The papers will be
collected and will later be reviewed to see how many idioms the
students were able to get through in the time given.

Competency 6 – To plan, organize, and supervise a class in such a way to

promote students’ learning and social development
- I will be circulating the classroom to ensure that all the groups are on
task. In addition, I will be using the classroom management techniques
my CT has set in place with her students. To get their attention I say,
“eyes on me”. The students stop what they are doing, respond with
“eyes on you”, then wait for instruction.

Competency 8 – To integrate information and communicates technologies

(ICT) in the preparation and delivery of teaching/learning activities and for
instructional management and professional development purposes
- I will be using the Smart Board throughout my lesson. It will be used to
display definitions, examples, instructions, and time.

Competency 10 – To cooperate with members of the teaching team in carrying

out tasks involving the development and evaluation of the competencies
targeted on the programs of study, taking into account the students concerned
- When creating my lesson, I consulted with my CT for feedback. From
there, I would be able to adjust my lesson accordingly.

Competency 11 - To engage in professional development individually and with

- I incorporated the feedback provided by my CT as well as her ELA
partner throughout my planning of my figurative language unit.

Competency 12 – To demonstrate ethical and responsible professional

behavior in the performance of his or her duties
- As mentioned earlier, I will be circulating the classroom while the
students are playing the game. Should they be struggling I will provide
them with assistance or advise them to grab a hint sheet to guide them
with their clues.

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