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Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2018) 11: 8


Mapping groundwater recharge potential using GIS approach

in Darwha block
Nitin Patil 1 & Vishnu Prakash Reddy 1 & Anurag Patangray 1 & Surendra Kumar Singh 1

Received: 6 January 2017 / Accepted: 30 November 2017 / Published online: 3 January 2018
# Saudi Society for Geosciences 2018

Groundwater is the most important source of water in meeting irrigation, drinking, and other needs in India. The assessment of the
potential zone for its recharge is critical for sustainable usage, quality management, and food security. This study reports
alternative mapping of the groundwater recharge potential of a selected block by including large-scale soil data. Thematic layers
of soil, geomorphology, slope, land use land cover, topographical wetness index, and drainage density of Darwha block (District
Yavatmal, Maharashtra, India) were generated and integrated in a geographic information system environment. The topographic
maps, thematic maps, field data, and satellite image were processed, classified, and weighted using analytical hierarchical process
for their contribution to groundwater recharge. The layers were integrated by weighted linear combination method in the
GIS environment to generate four groundwater potential zones viz., Bpoor,^ Bpoor to moderate,^ Bmoderate to high,^ and
Bhigh.^ Based on the generated groundwater potential map, about 9830 ha (12%) of the study area was categorized as
high potential for recharge, 25,558 ha (31%) as poor to moderate, 33,398 ha (40%) as moderate to high, and 12,565 ha
(15%) as poor potential zone. The zonation corresponds well with the field data on greater well density (0.22/ha) and
irrigated crop area (27%) in the high potential zone as against 0.02 wells/ha and only 6% irrigated area in the poor zone.
The map is recommended for use in regulating groundwater development decisions and judicious expenditure on drilling
new wells by farmers and the state authorities.

Keywords Groundwater . GIS . Remote sensing . Land use land cover . Basaltic region . Recharge potential

Introduction normal rainfall during 2015–2016 (14% below long-term av-

erage— Monsoon report 2015) has not caused any reduction
Groundwater is a dominant source of irrigation in India with in food production despite almost half the districts reporting
60–70% share (Gandhi and Namboodiri 2009). In fact, India monsoon failure as compared to the 19% decline in food pro-
is the highest user of groundwater in the world. Estimates by duction during year 1965–1966 when monsoon was 20% be-
the IDFC Foundation (2013) indicate that about 88% of the low normal (Prasad and Sharma 1991). According to the
total annual groundwater drawn from all the wells in India is World Bank report (2009), more than 60% of the irrigated
being used for irrigation. Kulkarni et al. (2015) have argued agriculture and 85% of the drinking water supplies in the
that nearly 700 million Indians, who live in villages, almost country are dependent on groundwater. It also warns that if
entirely depend upon groundwater for their daily needs. The the current trends continue, in 20 years, about 60% of all
importance of groundwater in the Indian context could also be India’s aquifers will be in critical condition. However, varia-
gauged from the fact that the second successive year of below tions in climate, topography, land use, crop intensity, and other
anthropogenic factors lead to different patterns of groundwa-
ter usage/draft and its replenishment/recharge. Thus, the man-
agement strategies must be region specific based on reliable
* Nitin Patil estimates. For instance, basaltic rocks of Deccan occupy the most extensive tracts of Western Peninsula covering large
parts of the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh,
National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, and Andhra Pradesh. The recharge capability of basaltic rocks
Nagpur, India is greatly influenced by the overlying thickness, texture, and
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Fig. 1 Location map of the study area (Darwha)

structure of the soils and their location with reference to to- distribution observations while saving time and money
pography and geomorphology of landscape units (Khadri and (Machiwal et al. 2011; Sener et al. 2005; Murthy 2000;
Suple 2013). In many parts of the country, data are Leblanc et al. 2003; Yeh et al. 2009). The RS data combined
inadequate and field realities do not match the with Geographic Information System (GIS) and ground-based
prospect maps. The Report of the Working Group on information are most useful to infer groundwater behavior.
Sustainable Ground Water Management, Planning Many factors such as topography, lithology, soil type, slope,
Commission (2011) on sustainable groundwater manage- drainage pattern, landform, land use land cover, and climate
ment recommended adopting alternative techniques for (Jaiswal et al. 2003; Jha et al. 2007; Senanayake et al. 2016;
recharge assessment where the estimates do not match Subagunasekar and Sashikkumar 2012; Sharma et al. 2012;
the situation on the field. Currently used prospecting Yeh et al. 2009) have a deterministic effect on the groundwater
methods do not include soil, land use land cover infor- potential of the region and hence used in delineating potential
mation/data, and thus, major factors are either complete- zones of groundwater.
ly ignored or used at small scale. Based on the avail- This study is an attempt to devise a method to include
able information, we believe there are no research re- soil data and large-scale land use land cover (LULC) in-
ports from India using soil data for groundwater poten- formation for groundwater potential delineation. Soil data
tial estimation. Moreover, most of the data used in de- in India are not generally available on large scale. Perhaps
lineation groundwater potential rely on small-scale this is the reason; we did not find a single report relating
(1:50,000) information. soil information on large scale to estimate groundwater
Several methods, such as geological, hydro-geological, and recharge potential for region/watershed. We also used geo-
geophysical, are used to estimate the groundwater potential of morphology, drainage, and slope as the significant factors
the region. Remote sensing (RS) holds tremendous potential affecting potential groundwater recharge. A GIS technolo-
for regional groundwater flow studies. It facilitates a wide gy was used to digitize the data on these factors, and a
range scale study and synoptic view of the space-time multi criteria decision analysis was employed to delineate
Arab J Geosci (2018) 11: 8 Page 3 of 15 8

Cartosat DEM Landsat-8 Image NBSS & LUP data

Slope TWI Drainage Density LULC Soil Geomorphology

Prioritize the weights for each factor

Ground water Potential Map

Validation with Field data

Fig. 2 Flowchart of processes to generate a groundwater potential map

recharge potential zones. The study block is located in the providing reliable estimates of the groundwater recharge
most distressed agrarian district of India where more num- potential.
ber of farmer suicides has been recorded recently for suc-
cessive years. The reasons for high prevalence of suicides
inter alia include crop failure due to monsoon variations Materials and methods
and lack of irrigation facilities in the region. Since
groundwater is considered less vulnerable than surface The study area (Fig. 1), Darwha block (administrative unit), is
sources to climate fluctuations and can therefore help to located in the Yavatmal district of Maharashtra state, India. It
stabilize agricultural populations and reduce the need for is positioned between 77° 33I 50II, 77° 59I 50II E longitudes,
farmers to migrate when drought threatens agricultural and 20° 28I, 20° 11I N latitudes admeasuring 87,157 ha. The
livelihoods (Moench 2002), this study aimed at Deccan Trap Basalt is the predominant water bearing

Table 1 Pairwise comparison

matrix and criteria weights Drainage Slope Soil TWI LULC Geomorphology Criteria
density weights

Drainage 1.00 0.33 5.00 0.50 0.50 3.00 19.91

Slope 3.00 1.00 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 10.31
Soil 0.20 3.00 1.00 0.33 1.00 3.00 15.16
TWI 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 0.33 0.20 15.69
LULC 2.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 0.33 17.41
Geomorphology 0.33 3.00 0.33 5.00 3.00 1.00 21.52
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Table 2 Weightages of
groundwater prospecting Factor Class Scale value Weightage
parameters by multi criteria
evaluation technique Drainage density 20
0–1.5 2
1.5–3 4
3–5 5
5–7 7
7–25 9
Slope 10
0–3 7
3–7 6
7–13 5
13–23 2
23–50 1
Soil 15
Clay 3
Sandy loam 6
Clay loam 5
Sandy clay loam 4
Silty loam 7
Settlement Restricted
TWI 15
0.00–0.20 2
0.20–0.37 4
0.37–1.00 7
Agriculture 6
Water bodies 9
Wastelands 3
Forest 4
Habitation Restricted
Geomorphology 22
Dissected upper plateau 4
Moderate soil cover 6
Plateau top/(denudational slopes) 3
Water body mask 9
Exposed rock/negligible soil cover 1
Alluvial plain (younger/lower) 8
Habitation mask Restricted
With thin soil cover 5

formation. The Weathered Vesicular Basalt mainly forms the were labeled separately. The influence of factors affecting
predominant shallow aquifer down to the depth of 20 m bgl. groundwater recharge and the interaction between them were
The Massive Basalt is also encountered at the top, thereby examined. Weighting values were assigned according to the
forming poor yielding aquifer and also restricting the ground- on-site situation and multi criteria decision analysis. The dis-
water recharge to the underlying porous Vesicular Basalt tribution of the groundwater recharge potential zone was de-
(CGWB report 2013). termined by coordinating it (Fig. 2) with the analytical hierar-
The climate in this part of India is semi-arid and water chical process. The data were verified through field visits.
requirement is mostly served by a mean annual monsoon of Details of the data used are as follows:
925 mm during June to September. The human population
(165,000) and more than 100,000 livestock depend on limited & Satellite/Cartosat image of the study block (30 m spatial
water resources in this block (Socio-economic report of resolution)
Yavatmal district 2013). & Landsat 8 satellite image for preparation of the LULC
Remote sensing technology, such as satellite images, was map, Digital Elevation Model (DEM)—acquisition date:
used in this study to identify the land use, land cover features, 28 January 2016
topography, and distribution of the drain lines in the block. & Soil map at 1:50,000 scale prepared by Bhaskar et al.
Additionally, the soil survey database, geologic maps, and on- (2014)
site investigation were conducted to ascertain hydro- & Geomorphology map at 1:50,000 scale prepared by the
geological conditions. Different polygons in thematic maps Maharashtra Remote Sensing Applications Centre
Arab J Geosci (2018) 11: 8 Page 5 of 15 8

Fig. 3 Land use land cover map of Darwha block

& Open well location data (prepared using Google of surface water. The low potential of groundwater recharge
Earth Pro) and irrigation data collected through field can be expected on steep slopes, as water runs quickly down-
visits stream providing inadequate time for infiltration. Five slope
classes were differentiated namely 0–3, 3–7, 7–13, 13–23, and
23–50%. Areas with gentle slope can be considered as good
The DEM was built using Cartosat data. The slope analysis sites for groundwater recharge. Thus, the weightage decreased
function in the GIS was used to assess the variation of slope in with an increasing slope (Table 1).
the study block using data from the Digital Elevation data- The drainage density is the total length of all the rivers in a
base. The slope gradient has direct influence on infiltration drainage basin divided by the total area of the drainage basin.
The drainage-length density (Dd) as defined by Greenbaum
(1985) indicates the total drainage-length in a unit area and is
Table 3 Land use statistics of Darwha block
determined by
Land use (2016) Area (ha) Percent to total area Drainage density ðDd Þ ¼ ð1Þ
Agriculture 64,796 74
Forest 9869 11 Where, L is the accumulated length (km), n is the order of the
Wasteland 8207 9
stream, and A is the surface area of the watershed (km2). The
Habitation 1718 2
line density tool, in ArcGIS, was used with a search radius of
Water body 2561 3
500 m to map the drainage density. The drainage density clas-
ses were arbitrarily classified as low to nil (0–1.7), low (1.7–
Total 87,150
3.7), moderate (3.7–6.2), high (6.2–11.5), and very high
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Fig. 4 Drainage density map of Darwha block

(11.5–25.5). The Strahler’s system was followed for drain/ relationship with the surface runoff (Krishnamurthy et al.
stream classification because of its simplicity, where the 2000). It was assumed that the higher the stream order, the
smallest, unbranched fingertip streams are designated as first better will be the opportunity for the infiltration to groundwa-
order, the confluence of two first-order channels gives a chan- ter. Hajam et al. (2013) observed that in the Vishav basin
nel segments of second order, two second-order streams join (India) the fifth, sixth, and seventh order stream segments
to form a segment of the third order, and so on. The presence occur in comparatively plain lands. It is generally accepted
of a natural drainage system is an indirect indication of the that flow occurs at a lower velocity in higher order streams
high permeability and porosity of the terrain due to its and relatively higher hydrostatic pressure causes a downward

Table 4 Soil, slope, and TWI statistics of Darwha block

Soil type Area Percentage TWI Class Area (ha) Percentage to Slope Area (ha) Percentage to
(ha) to total area total area (%) class (%) total area (%)

Clayey/gravelly clay 50,178 58 0–2 55,341 64 0–3 44,038 51

Sandy loam 8359 10 2–3.75 23,840 28 3–7 28,734 33
Clay loam/clay loam 20,327 23 3.75–1.00 6674 8 7–13 8077 9
Gravelly sandy clay loam 5274 6 13–23 3615 4
Silty loam 26 0.3 23–50 1394 2
Arab J Geosci (2018) 11: 8 Page 7 of 15 8

Fig. 5 Soil texture map of Darwha block

movement of water into the soil and hence groundwater in the discharge zone while recharge zones have slightly
recharge. better opportunity time for water to infiltrate into the
The stream order was multiplied with the length of stream soils and then to water table.
to further improve the map. The LULC map was prepared using supervised classifica-
The topographic wetness index (TWI) developed by Beven tion of satellite image, and it was further refined using the
and Kikby (1979) was used to quantify the topographic con- Google Earth Pro image (visual interpretation) followed by
trol on hydrological processes. ground truth verification for better accuracy. Land use/land
cover influences the rate of surface runoff, infiltration, and
TWI ¼ ln ðAs=tanðβÞÞ ð2Þ groundwater utilization. Thus, it can be a good indicator of
the recharge potential. Five different classes of land use were
where As is the specific catchment area (catchment area di- distinguished with the highest weightage to water bodies and
vided by the cell width in the slope direction); β is the local the lowest to wastelands.
slope in the steepest down slope direction of the terrain in The available soil information at the 1:50,000 scale
degrees, tanβ is the local slope angle of the specific grid, was added as a theme layer with more weightage to
which is used to replace approximately the local hydraulic alluvial soils conducive to recharge of groundwater
gradient under steady state conditions. Using normalized while clay soils were rated less conducive for recharge.
TWI values, recharge zones were categorized as dis- Clay and silt texture soils typically show low permeabil-
charge zone and probable recharge zones. High TWI ity levels and impervious conditions (Saunders 2001).
occurs in places with high flow accumulation values Geology provides descriptive information on underlying
and flat slopes. Most of the rainwater flows as runoff soil/rock layers and their properties. The porosity of
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Fig. 6 Slope map of Darwha block

rocks differs from one rock type to another. Effective (Table 1) were determined with Saaty’s one to nine scale
porosity may be original or induced and governs the (Saaty 1987) where a score of one represents equal importance
recharging capacity by providing space to retain water between the two themes, and a score of nine indicates the
(Senanayake et al. 2016). Geomorphological features extreme importance of one theme compared to the other one.
combined with structures and lithology control the oc- The weightages so obtained were rounded off to the nearest
currence, movement, and quality of groundwater. The whole number (Table 2).
evolution of landforms is useful to understand the oc- The groundwater potential map was then developed from
currence of porous and permeable zones. Therefore, the the BM^ value as defined as follows.
geomorphological information was classified and
M ¼ w1X1 þ w2X2 þ w3X3 þ … þ wnXn
assigned weight into eight categories.
Where M is the value for each pixel of the final groundwater
Deriving the weights using analytic hierarchy process potential map of the study area. Variables w1, w2, ….wn are
the weight values for each preparatory factor and variables
The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) proposed by Saaty X1, X2, ….Xn are the rating values for each pixel according
(1980) as a method of solving socio-economic decision-mak- to the preparatory factor to which it is referred.
ing problems has been used to solve a wide range of problems
(Agarwal et al. 2013). The AHP is utilized when dimensions
are independent and is suited to solving the problems involv-
ing dependent dimensions (Yang et al. 2008). The thematic Results and discussion
maps of LULC, soil, TWI, slope, drainage density, and geo-
morphology were prepared and classified into defined raster The LULC map derived for Darwha block is depicted in
classes. The relative importance values of thematic layers Fig. 3. The numbers in Table 3 show that the block has
Arab J Geosci (2018) 11: 8 Page 9 of 15 8

Fig. 7 Topographic wetness index.

more than 74% area cultivated to crops, while forestland groundwater recharge (low rating). Slope categorization data
is limited to 11%. Approximately 11% area is classified as indicate that 51% of the lands have 0–3% slope that is ame-
wastelands. During the verification visits, it was noted nable for recharge. More than 80% of the study area belongs
that these are either high sloping lands bereft of vegeta- to moderate slope class (0–3 or 3–7%). Only 6% of the total
tion or very sparse bush lands. The soils are less than 5- area showed steep slopes (Fig. 6). However, soils are clayey
cm thick in these wastelands. The forest is not thick and reducing the potential which is also reflected in TWI statistics
has moderate canopy. Cotton and soybean are the major of the block (Table 4, Fig. 7).
crops occupying more than 80% cultivated area. Since Various landforms in the study area are plateau top; dissect-
sowing along the slope is practiced, this crop land use ed upper plateau; exposed rock; thick, moderate, and thin soil
was assigned weight of six, while other land uses also cover with weathered material; shallow alluvial plain (youn-
scored poorly (Table 2). ger/lower); denudational plateaus; residual hill; linear ridge;
Drainage channels were delineated using Cartosat and dikes. All these parameters are classified into seven cate-
DEM (30 m) and verified with the drainage map (Fig. gories (Fig. 8, Table 5).
4) generated using Google Earth Pro and then validated
during field visits/ground truthing. The drainage density Groundwater potential map
map was categorized into five classes varying from ex-
cellent to poor zones as shown in Fig. 4, and the The raster maps prepared, i.e., soil, LULC, geomorphology,
weightage was accorded as detailed in Table 2. drainage density, TWI, and slope, were integrated using
Soils of the block (Table 4, Fig. 5) are dominantly clayey weighted overlay analysis to produce groundwater potential
(58% area) followed by gravelly clay loam (23%). Clay soils zones (Fig. 9). It is classified into four zones varying from
have low infiltration rates and hence considered not good for poor to high potential (Table 6).
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Fig. 8 Geomorphological map of the study area

Expectedly, the high recharge potential zone is located watershed named BKupta nala^ (11,260 ha) was extracted
around the drainage channels and water bodies. The poor re- from the block map for verification/sample study (Fig. 10).
charge zone occurred in the hilly region, forestlands, and Wells located in poor and moderate to poor zone were selected
wastelands. More than 50% of the block area was observed for verification. The wells in high or moderate zones were not
to have Bmoderate to high^ potential. A representative included due to certainty originating from the fact that the
irrigated land parcels in the image could be visually differen-
tiated from the barren land parcels asides the clearly visible
well(s). Of the 40 randomly selected wells (20 each in poor
Table 5 Geomorphological statistics of Darwha block and moderate to poor zone), all the wells in the poor zone were
observed to have been abandoned because of the meager
Classification Area (ha) Percent to total area
yields and were reportedly used for drinking water purpose.
Thick soil cover 27,940 31.97 In the moderate to poor zone, four wells were observed to be
Dissected upper plateau 2171 2.48 located near earthen channels built for canal water convey-
Moderate soil cover 18,535 21.2 ance. Each of these wells irrigated more than 2 ha area belying
Plateau top/(denudational slopes) 31,586 36.14 the recharge class. Thus, the aberration from prediction was
Water body mask 1925 2.2 well explained. It could be inferred that the recharge potential
Exposed rock/negligible soil cover 1511 1.72 map was validated. Data on well irrigation collected from each
Alluvial plain (younger/lower) 3533 4.04 village (total 140 villages) and web portal of Government of
Habitation mask 32 0.03 Maharashtra ( were also referred for
With thin soil cover 162 0.18 verification. Since the block depends on rainfall for monsoon
season crop (first crop), cropped fields observed in the month
Arab J Geosci (2018) 11: 8 Page 11 of 15 8

Fig. 9 Groundwater recharge potential zones of the study area

of January indicate irrigated (rabi) crop. Further, year 2015 accordance with the recharge potential class. A total of
was a drought year (550 mm rainfall as against annual normal 3155 ha irrigated area were observed to be in the high/
of 925 mm); hence, a possibility of crops raised on residual moderate to high category.
soil moisture was ruled out through field visits. Fields without Information on total irrigated area in each potential zone
visible wells and plots with more than 1 ha (Google Earth Pro and number of wells per unit area (well density) could also
image) were marked for verification, because the well yields help in verification of the recharge potential. However,
in the block are generally low. It was noted that land parcels farmers in semi-arid regions often dig open wells more with
with more than 1 ha irrigated area were either irrigated by a hope than rationale or probability of finding water. Despite
canals or tubewells. From the statistics in Table 6 and Fig. these facts, well density could be useful in ascertaining the
11, it could be observed that the irrigated area is in correctness of recharge potential assessment. It is evident in
Table 7 that the well density was higher (0.22/ha) in the
BHigh^ recharge potential area and lower (0.02/ha) in the
Table 6 Area statistics of different groundwater prospect zones in the
BPoor^ potential area. Nearly 79% of the total irrigated area
study area is located in a combined zone of high and moderate to high
Groundwater recharge potential Area (ha) Area (%)
From these results, it is evident that the groundwater re-
Poor 12,565 15 charge potential has been mapped with acceptable accuracy.
Poor to moderate 25,558 31 In a similar study, Singh and Prakash (2002) estimated the
Moderate to high 33,398 40 groundwater recharge potential map of a sub-watershed from
High 9830 12
the geology, the lineament maps, the drainage, the slope, and
the thickness of the soil covered. They observed that the well
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Fig. 10 Groundwater potential and well map of the Kupta Nala watershed

yield data in India are closely related to the groundwater re- focus is mostly on drainline treatments such as channel
charge potential zone. As most of the soil covered in our study widening, desilting, cement bunds on the streams, and
area is clayey, water needs greater time to infiltrate into ground. earthen dams. However, it does not include planned efforts
So it will be better to construct more percolation/storage struc- to enhance groundwater recharge. Shiferaw et al. (2003) have
tures to improve the groundwater recharge in the study block. observed that excessive extraction without reinvesting in
The Central Ground Water Board report (2013) estimates the recharging facilities has led to depletion of scarce groundwater
available groundwater in Darwha block at 92 MCM and the resources in many parts of India. Even when the level of
draft of 38 MCM. The report states further 48 MCM water recharging has increased, the groundwater level in many wa-
could be utilized without stress. However, there has been a tersheds is declining due to unregulated overexploitation by
rapid increase in the number of wells since 2010 and majority large number of irrigators. This is expressed in terms of in-
of the wells have dried up. The well yield in general is low to creasing drilling and extraction costs for farmers as well as
moderate, ranging from 0.4 to 8 lps for a 30-m drawdown in complete drying and abandonment of some wells. Some stud-
this block. The water levels rise by 2–5 m after monsoon. The ies indicate that up to 50% of the wells (especially open wells)
depth to groundwater ranges from 10 to 20 m. once in use in many parts of India have completely dried up.
Considering such limitations in major parts of the state, the In the Kupta Nala watershed, there are 834 wells of which
Government of Maharashtra has recently launched a program only 568 are functional. Nearly 32% wells have dried up
to make the state drought free. During the last 2 years, a big (Table 8). An unknown number of wells were drilled but never
investment of 180,000 (US$2880 million) was made mostly used because of poor or no water yields. The continuous com-
for rainwater conservation and harvesting to make 5000 vil- petition between the farmers for limited groundwater is caus-
lages self-sufficient to meet domestic water requirements and ing many problems such as wasteful expenditure in drilling
irrigate agriculture fields to maximum possible extent. The new wells. Such financial burden in this part adds to the
Arab J Geosci (2018) 11: 8 Page 13 of 15 8

Fig. 11 Irrigated crop area overlaid on the GWP map (Darwha block)

distress being faced for more than a decade, as farmer suicides deep tubewells in 40–50 km 2 area) as reported by the
go unabated. The recharge potential map could substantially SANDRP (2015). We did not observe such high density dril-
help in decisions related to investments in the direct recharge ling in Darwha, but numerous instances of failed bores in the
of abandoned open wells. State-sponsored financial existing open wells were narrated. The state legislation bans
assistance/subsidy schemes for helping farmers in drilling drilling of new wells in 76 overexploited and 7 critical water-
new wells could also utilize the information for judicious ex- sheds beyond 60 m depth. Though the study block does not
penditure. In nearby drought-affected districts like Parbhani, appear in this list, the potential map could be used in regulat-
nearly 10,000 tubewells were drilled in a single month (210 ing the drills.

Table 7 Wells and irrigation statistics of the Kupta Nala watershed

Groundwater recharge Cultivated Number Number of Irrigated Percentage to total Well density
potential area (ha) of wells functional area (ha) irrigated area (number
wells per,ha)

Poor 2963 32 13 226 2 0.02

Poor to moderate 4586 294 178 2256 20 0.08
Moderate to high 2736 419 311 6985 61 0.16
High 419 89 66 1967 17 0.22
Total 10,845 834 568 11,434
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Table 8 Well statistics of Darwha block

Groundwater Number Functional Functional wells Average distance

potential class of wells wells (% of the total wells) between two

Poor 32 13 41 198
Poor to moderate 294 178 61 153
Moderate to 419 311 74 130
High 89 66 74 135
Total 834 568 68

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