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Michele A. Medinsky and John L. Valentine

One-Compartment Model Physiologic
Two-Compartment Model Thermodynamic
Elimination Transport
Apparent Volume of Distribution Perfusion-Limited Compartments
Clearance Diffusion-Limited Compartments
Half-Life Specialized Compartments
Saturation Toxicokinetics Lung
Bioavailability Liver
Computer Software Blood
Basic Model Structure

INTRODUCTION librium with concentrations in tissues, then changes in plasma

chemical concentrations reflect changes in tissue chemical con-
The study of the kinetics of chemicals was originally initiated for centrations, and relatively simple pharmacokinetic models can
drugs and consequently was termed pharmacokinetics. However, adequately describe the behavior of that chemical in the body.
toxicology is not limited to the study of adverse drug effects but Compartmental pharmacokinetic models consist of a central
entails an investigation of the deleterious effects of all chemicals. compartment representing plasma and tissues that rapidly equili-
Therefore, the study of the kinetics of xenobiotics is more prop- brate with chemical, connected to one or more peripheral com-
erly called toxicokinetics. Toxicokinetics refers to the modeling and partments that represent tissues that more slowly equilibrate with
mathematical description of the time course of disposition (ab- chemical (Fig. 7-1). Chemical is administered into the central com-
sorption, distribution, biotransformation, and excretion) of xeno- partment and distributes between central and peripheral compart-
biotics in the whole organism. The classic way to describe the ki- ments. Chemical elimination occurs from the central compartment,
netics of drugs is to represent the body as consisting of one or two which is assumed to contain rapidly perfused tissues capable of
compartments even if those compartments have no apparent phys- eliminating chemical (e.g., kidneys and liver). Advantages of com-
iologic or anatomic reality. An alternate approach, physiologically partmental pharmacokinetic models are that they require no infor-
based toxicokinetics, represents the body as a series of mass bal- mation on tissue physiology or anatomic structure. These models
ance equations that describe each organ or tissue on the basis of are valuable in predicting the plasma chemical concentrations at
physiologic considerations. It should be emphasized that there is different doses, in establishing the time course of chemical in
no inherent contradiction between the classic and physiologically plasma and tissues and the extent of chemical accumulation with
based approaches. Classic pharmacokinetics, as will be shown, re- multiple doses, and in determining effective dose and dose regi-
quires certain assumptions that the physiologically based models mens in toxicity studies (Gibaldi and Perrier, 1982).
do not require. Under ideal conditions, physiologic models can pre-
dict tissue concentrations, whereas classic models cannot. How-
One-Compartment Model
ever, the values of the appropriate parameters are often unknown
or inexact, hampering meaningful physiologically based toxicoki- The simplest toxicokinetic analysis entails measurement of the
netic modeling. plasma concentrations of a xenobiotic at several time points after
the administration of a bolus intravenous injection. If the data ob-
CLASSIC TOXICOKINETICS tained yield a straight line when they are plotted as the logarithms
of plasma concentrations versus time, the kinetics of the xenobi-
Often, it is difficult to obtain relevant biological tissues in order to otic can be described with a one-compartment model (Fig. 7-2).
ascertain a chemical or chemical concentration in the body and Compounds whose toxicokinetics can be described with a one-
then relate that chemical concentration to a toxicologic response. compartment model rapidly equilibrate, or mix uniformly, between
The least invasive and simplest method to gather information on blood and the various tissues relative to the rate of elimination. The
absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination of a com- one-compartment model depicts the body as a homogeneous unit.
pound is by sampling blood or plasma over time. If one assumes This does not mean that the concentration of a compound is the
that the concentration of a compound in blood or plasma is in equi- same throughout the body, but it does assume that the changes that



Generally, a curve of this type can be resolved into two

monoexponential terms (a two-compartment model) and is de-
scribed by

C  A  e    t    e   t
where A and B are proportionality constants and  and  are the
first-order distribution and elimination rate constants, respectively
(Fig. 7-2). During the distribution () phase, concentrations of the
chemical in the plasma decrease more rapidly than they do in the
postdistributional elimination () phase. The distribution phase
may last for only a few minutes or for hours or days. Whether the
distribution phase becomes apparent depends on the time when the
first plasma samples are obtained, and on the relative difference in
the rates of distribution and elimination. If the rate of distribution
is considerably rapid relative to elimination, the timing of blood
sampling becomes critical in the ability to distinguish a distribu-
tion phase. The equivalent of kel in a one-compartment model is 
in a two-compartment model.
Occasionally, the plasma concentration profile of many com-
pounds cannot be described satisfactorily by an equation with two
exponential terms—for example, if the chemical has an excep-
tionally slow distribution into and redistribution out of a deep pe-
ripheral compartment or tissue. Sometimes three or four exponen-
tial terms are needed to fit a curve to the plot of log C versus time.
Such compounds are viewed as displaying characteristics of three-
or four-compartment open models. The principles for dealing with
such models are the same as those used for the two-compartment
open model, but the mathematics are more complex and beyond
the scope of this discussion.

Figure 7-1. Compartmental pharmacokinetic models where ka is the first-

order extravascular absorption rate constant into the central compart- Elimination
ment (1), kel is the first-order elimination rate constant from the central
compartment (1), and k12 and k21 are the first-order rate constants for Elimination includes biotransformation, exhalation, and excretion.
distribution of chemical into and out of the peripheral compartment (2) The elimination of a chemical from the body whose disposition is
in a two-compartment model. described by a one-compartment model usually occurs through a
first-order process; that is, the rate of elimination at any time is
proportional to the amount of the chemical in the body at that time.
First-order reactions occur at chemical concentrations that are not
occur in the plasma concentration reflect proportional changes in sufficiently high to saturate elimination processes.
tissue chemical concentrations (Rowland and Tozer, 1980). The equation for a monoexponential model, C  C0 
In the simplest case, a curve of this type can be described by ekelt, can be transformed to a logarithmic equation that has the
the expression general form of a straight line, y  mx  b:

C  C0  ekelt log C  (kel2.303)  t  log C0

where C is the blood or plasma chemical concentration over time where log C0 represents the y-intercept or initial concentration, and
t, C0 is the initial blood concentration at time t  0, and kel is the (kel2.303) represents the slope of the line. The first-order elim-
first-order elimination rate constant with dimensions of reciprocal ination rate constant (kel) can be determined from the slope of the
time (e.g., t1). log C versus time plot (i.e., kel  2.303  slope). The first-order
elimination rate constants kel and  have units of reciprocal time
Two-Compartment Model (e.g., min1 and h1) and are independent of dose.
Mathematically, the fraction of dose remaining in the body
After the rapid intravenous administration of some chemicals, the over time (CC0) is calculated using the elimination rate constant
semilogarithmic plot of plasma concentration versus time does not by rearranging the equation for the monoexponential function and
yield a straight line but a curve that implies more than one dispo- taking the antilog to yield
sitional phase. In these instances, the chemical requires a longer
time for its concentration in tissues to reach equilibrium with the CC0  Anti log [(kel2.303)  t]
concentration in plasma, and a multicompartmental analysis of the
results is necessary (Fig. 7-2). A multiexponential mathematical Thus, if the elimination rate constant is, for example, 0.3 h1,
equation then best characterizes the elimination of the xenobiotic the percentage of the dose remaining in the body (CC0  100)
from the plasma. and the percentage of the dose eliminated from the body after 1 h,


Figure 7-2. Concentration versus time curves of chemicals exhibiting behavior of a one-compartment phar-
macokinetic model (top) and a two-compartment pharmacokinetic model (bottom) on a linear scale (left) and
a semilogarithmic scale (right).

Elimination rate constants, kel and  are determined from the slope of the log-linear concentration versus time
curve. Half-life (T12) is the time required for blood or plasma chemical concentration to decrease by one-half.
C0 is the concentration of the chemical at t  0 determined by extrapolating the log-linear concentration time
curve to the Y-axis (t  0).

i.e., 1  (CC0  100), are 74 and 26 percent, respectively, re- tal amount of chemical in the body to the concentration of a xeno-
gardless of the dose administered (Table 7-1). The percentage of biotic in plasma, and is typically described in units of liters or liters
the total dose eliminated at one hour is said to be independent of per kilogram of body weight (Kato et al., 1987). Vd is the appar-
dose. ent space into which an amount of chemical is distributed in the
body to result in a given plasma concentration. For example, en-
Apparent Volume of Distribution vision the body as a tank containing an unknown volume (L) of
well mixed water. If a known amount (mg) of dye is placed into
In a one-compartment model, all chemical is assumed to distrib- the water, the volume of that water can be calculated indirectly by
ute into plasma and tissues instantaneously. The apparent volume determining the dye concentration (mg/L) that resulted after the
of distribution (Vd) is a proportionality constant that relates the to- dye has equilibrated in the tank simply by dividing the amount of
dye added to the tank by the resultant concentration of the dye in
water. Synonymously, the apparent volume of distribution of a
Table 7-1 chemical in the body is determined after intravenous bolus ad-
Elimination of Four Different Doses of a Chemical at 1 Hour ministration, and is mathematically defined as the quotient of the
After Administration as Described by a One-Compartment amount of chemical in the body and its plasma concentration. Vd
Open Model and First-Order Toxicokinetics with a kel of 0.3 h 1 

is calculated as

Vd  Doseiv(  AUC0

mg mg mg % of dose

10 7.4 2.6 26 where Doseiv is the intravenous dose or known amount of chemi-
30 22 8 26 cal in body at time zero;  is the elimination rate constant; and

AUC0 is the area under the chemical concentration versus time
90 67 23 26
250 185 65 26 curve from time zero to infinity. The product,   AUC0 , is the

concentration of xenobiotic in plasma.

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classic toxicokinetics
toxicokinetics model
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