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WSP UK Building Services

BIM Protocol (Autodesk Revit)

Issue 2013.1
Table of Contents
Introduction........................................................................................ 5
Overview ........................................................................................ 5
Industry Standards ......................................................................... 5
Building Information Modelling .......................................................... 6
Concepts ........................................................................................ 6
Benefits .......................................................................................... 6
Approach ........................................................................................... 7
Prerequisites .................................................................................. 7
Model Strategy ............................................................................... 7
Software ............................................................................................ 9
Autodesk ........................................................................................ 9
Others ............................................................................................ 9
BIM Execution Plan ......................................................................... 10
Level of Development ...................................................................... 10
Template ......................................................................................... 10
Project Template .......................................................................... 10
Folder Structure ............................................................................... 11
Project Folders ............................................................................. 11
Support Folders............................................................................ 11
Naming Conventions ....................................................................... 12
Project File Naming ...................................................................... 12
Level Codes ................................................................................. 13
Number Codes ............................................................................. 13
Worksharing .................................................................................... 14
Model Division .............................................................................. 14
Standalone Model Files ................................................................ 15
Central Model Files ...................................................................... 15
Local Model Files ......................................................................... 15
Worksets ...................................................................................... 15
Project Model Initiation .................................................................... 16
Linked Files ..................................................................................... 17
Revit Links.................................................................................... 17
Levels and Grids .......................................................................... 17
Location and Units ........................................................................... 18
Co-ordination................................................................................ 18
Shared Co-ordinates .................................................................... 18
Project North Rotation .................................................................. 18
Project Units ................................................................................. 18

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Distribution ...................................................................................... 19
Model Issue .................................................................................. 19
Sheet Issue .................................................................................. 19
Model Issue Sheet ....................................................................... 19
Export .............................................................................................. 20
DWG ............................................................................................ 20
GBXml .......................................................................................... 20
Co-ordination ................................................................................... 21
Model Review............................................................................... 21
Clash Reporting ........................................................................... 21
Views ............................................................................................... 22
Working Views ............................................................................. 22
Documentation Views................................................................... 22
View Templates............................................................................ 23
Filters............................................................................................... 24
Working Filters ............................................................................. 24
Documentation Filters .................................................................. 26
3D Filters ...................................................................................... 28
Ductwork Systems ........................................................................... 29
Ductwork Types ........................................................................... 29
Ductwork Systems ....................................................................... 29
Ductwork Colours ......................................................................... 29
Fire Rated Ductwork .................................................................... 29
Pipework Systems ........................................................................... 30
Pipework Types............................................................................ 30
Pipework Systems ........................................................................ 30
Pipework Colours ......................................................................... 31
Pipework System Properties ........................................................ 31
Electrical Systems ........................................................................... 32
Containment Types ...................................................................... 32
Containment Systems .................................................................. 32
Containment Colours ................................................................... 32
Electrical Distribution Systems ..................................................... 32
Families ........................................................................................... 33
Autodesk Content......................................................................... 33
WSP Content ............................................................................... 33
Generating Content ...................................................................... 33

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Presentation Styles.......................................................................... 34
Template ...................................................................................... 34
Annotation .................................................................................... 34
Leaders ........................................................................................ 34
Line Weights ................................................................................ 34
Line Styles.................................................................................... 35
Line Patterns ................................................................................ 35
Detail Level .................................................................................. 35
Object Styles - Model ................................................................... 36
Definitions........................................................................................ 38
BIM Protocol Updates...................................................................... 39
Revisions...................................................................................... 39
Feedback ..................................................................................... 39

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This document provides guidance in the approach to be taken by WSP UK when applying Autodesk Revit for
the production of building services BIM models. This standard should be applied by default unless otherwise
dictated by the client.
This protocol applies to Autodesk Revit 2013.

Industry Standards

These protocols align with all known relevant industry documents including:

BS 1192:2007
AEC (UK) BIM Standards
BS EN ISO 4157-1

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Building Information Modelling


Building Information Modelling (or Management) BIM:

BIM is a methodology and not software (Revit is a BIM tool).
Build it twice; once in a virtual environment and once in the real world.
Elements are graphically modelled to the detail necessary (fit for purpose).
Elements are rich in data which can be extracted by various applications.


Improved project life cycle process and data management:

Increased design collaboration and co-ordination.
Lower project costs and construction time.
Reduction of error and waste.

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Alongside these protocols the following should be put in place for every project as prerequisites for the
successful application of Autodesk Revit MEP for building services modelling:
Competent Project BIM Co-ordinator / Manager.
Suitable hardware, software and skilled resource.
Project BIM Execution Plan defining collaboration requirements.
Project LOD (Level of Development) Schedule defining model scope and complexity.
Regular BIM Project Model Reviews should be scheduled with the design team.

Model Strategy
In compliance with BS 1192:2007 Collaborative Working’ the building services models will be developed using
the collaborative data environment (CDE).

Phase 1: Model produced as combined MEP model in isolation as a standalone file.

This will typically be split into separate discipline models for mechanical, electrical and public health
as the design develops with worksharing enabled when necessary.
Further discipline segregation may be appropriate due to individual model size and performance.

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Phase 2: Models will be shared with the wider design team for co-ordination.
The model is distributed for ‘Work In Progress / Information Only’ to promote design development
and collaboration. No liability is implied for such data and how it is subsequently used.
Received models such as architectural or structural models should be downloaded to the local
project folder and reviewed prior to linking into the live WSP MEP model(s).

Phase 3: Formal issue will be as 2D sheets and standard transmittal forms.

Phase 4: All document issues should be saved within an archive directory of the project folder.
A copy of the model from which they were derived should also be archived.

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All Autodesk software is provided to WSP under a Global Network User Licence agreement (GNUL).
The key software currently installed for building services BIM modelling includes:

2D / Schematics
Autocad 2010 - 2013.

BIM Authoring
Revit MEP 2011 *
Revit MEP 2012 *
Revit 2013 (Architectural, Structural and MEP combined) *

* Revit files cannot be saved as earlier versions although they can be upgraded to newer versions. E.g.
a Revit 2012 architectural file could not be read by building services using Revit 2011 although the
2011 file could be upgraded and read by architects using 2012 or 2013. For this reason it is
recommended that a common software version be agreed by all team members at project outset and
documented in the BIM Execution Plan (BEP).

Model Review
Navisworks Manage 2013

Standalone Viewers
Design Review 2013
Navisworks Freedom 2013


Add-ins / Exporters
IES VE-ware (Revit to IES exporter)
Dialux (Revit to Dialux exporter)
Fabduct (Revit to Cadduct exporter)

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BIM Execution Plan
At the outset of a project a BIM Execution Plan (BEP) should be created by the BIM Coordinator from the
company template. It defines the strategy and collaboration requirements specific to the project including:
Software platform.
Deliverables and LOD.
Characteristics and data segregation.
Exchange and review strategy.

Level of Development
At the outset of a project, potentially at bidding stage, it is important to set the building services BIM model level
of development (LOD). The LOD table is contained within the BIM Execution Plan (BEP). As a basic outline the
following is applied:
Concept Stage: AIA LOD 100 – 3D geometric objects depicting key equipment or routes
Design Stages: AIA LOD 200 – 3D generic parametric objects depicting generic items.


Project Template

All new building services projects should be created using the appropriate version specific template:
WSP UK Revit MEP #### Template (where #### signifies the version date)

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Folder Structure

Project Folders

The Revit model files reside within the default project folder structure:
../Projects/1122333 – Example/H Dwgs/Revit MEP/..

Any linked files reside within a sub folder:

../Projects/1122333 – Example/H Dwgs/Revit MEP/Architects
../Projects/1122333 – Example/H Dwgs/Revit MEP/Structures

Any project generated family files reside within a sub folder:

../Projects/1122333 – Example/H Dwgs/Revit MEP/Families

Any issued sheets or model files reside within a sub folder:

../Projects/1122333 – Example/H Dwgs/Revit MEP/Issued
Dated sub-folders can be used to record receipt.

Support Folders

The Autodesk ‘out the box’ support files reside within the common drive folder structure:
X:/CAD/Revit/Library-Std (Autodesk Libraries)
X:/CAD/Revit/Templates-Families (Autodesk Family Templates)
X:/CAD/Revit/Templates-Project (Autodesk Project Templates)

The WSP produced support files reside within the common drive folder structure:
X:/CAD/Revit/Library-WSP (WSP Libraries)
X:/CAD/Revit/Templates-Families (WSP Family Templates)
X:/CAD/Revit/Templates-Project (WSP Project Templates)
X:/CAD/Revit/Parameters (WSP Shared Parameter File)

All WSP generated files where folders are shared with Autodesk are prefixed with ‘WSP_’
All content in the root folders relates to the current software version with previous content in dated folders.

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Naming Conventions

Project File Naming

In compliance with BS 1192:2007 model files should be named thus:

Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Worksharing

Project Originator Zone Level File Type Role Number _CENTRAL

Field 1: Project (Recommended 3 characters)

An abbreviated code or number identifying the project.

Field 2: Originator (Recommended 3 characters)

An abbreviated code identifying the originating stakeholder, which will be WSP.

Field 3: Zone/System (Recommended 2 characters)

Identifier of which building, area, phase or zone of the project the model file relates. (01-999)

Field 4: Level (Recommended 2 characters) (See Level Codes table)

Identifier of which level, or group of levels, the model file relates.

Field 5: Type (Recommended 2 characters)

Document type, which will be M3 for 3D model files, DR for 2D drawings, SH for schedules.

Field 6: Role (Recommended 2 characters)

2 character discipline identifier code. Typically will be ME, EL or PH but further allocations exist.

Field 7: Number / Descriptor

Descriptive field to define the type of data portrayed in the file. Avoid repeating information codified
in other fields. Typically this will be a four digit number to allow for multiple sheets.

Local / Central (mandatory when using worksets)

In workset enabled files _CENTRAL shall be suffixed to the filename.

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Project Model Example:
Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7 Worksharing
Project Originator Zone Level File Type Role Descriptor _CENTRAL
HQ1 WSP 01 ZZ M3 ME Ductwork _CENTRAL

Project Drawing Example:

Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field 7
Project Originator Zone Level File Type Role Number
HQ1 WSP 01 GF DR ME 101

Level Codes

In compliance with BS EN ISO 4157-1 field 4 floor level codes should be named thus:
Code Level
ZZ Multiple Levels
RF Roof level
02 Second floor
01 First floor
M2 Mezzanine floor 2
M1 Mezzanine floor 1
GF Ground floor
LG1 Lower Ground floor level 1
LG2 Lower Ground floor level 2
F1 Foundation level 1

Number Codes

In alignment with existing CAD drawing numbering protocols field 7 numbering codes should be named thus:
Sequence Allocation
001-099 Scheme Design
101-199 GA Plans
201 – 299 Site / Externals
301-399 Sections / Elevations
401-800 Additional series to suit
901-999 Schematics / Details

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Model Division
Ideally a single building services model would be produced however there are many factors which work against
this including model performance. Model strategy will differ between projects however initially a standalone
model is created and developed by a single person until such time as either or all of the below comes into play.
This reduces repetition of set-up tasks, promotes uniformity and enables model division to be aligned with
project or resource requirements as they evolve.

Additional modellers require concurrent access:

Enable worksharing (see section on worksets).

Save file as a CENTRAL file suffixing the file name with ‘-CENTRAL’ (see section on Central Files).
All users open CENTRAL file ensuring ‘create new local’ is checked.

Model performance becomes too slow:

Models over 50MB should be reviewed ideally with no files over 100MB.
Remove redundant families and links, compress and audit (do not purge).
Divide by discipline rather than zone to maintain system connectivity.
Save a copy of the model E.g. Building services splits to mechanical and electrical.
(If the model is a CENTRAL file open and detach and save as the new file)
Remove other discipline E.g. mechanical from electrical and electrical from mechanical.
Link discipline models into each other as overlays for continued co-ordination.

Another office is taking ownership of one or more disciplines.

Divide the model as performance section above.

Each office must exchange models on a regular basis with a local copy linked into each project.

Ownership of discipline models is per office with BIM management directed by project office.

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Standalone Model Files

Revit Model files will reside on local network servers and thus subject to regular back-ups.
Maximum number of Revit back-ups should be set to 3.

Central Model Files

Revit CENTRAL files will reside on local network servers and thus subject to regular back-ups.
Revit CENTRAL files must not be opened across the wide area network (WAN).
No-one should work directly within a CENTRAL file following its creation.

Local Model Files

Revit LOCAL files should remain on local workstations and not be moved or copied manually.
Revit LOCAL files to be saved back to CENTRAL hourly as a minimum.
Users should always save to CENTRAL and close when leaving the office.
Save to CENTRAL should not be run unattended so any warnings can be addressed.


Once worksharing is enabled the following worksets should be created by the BIM co-ordinator with further
worksets created to suit individual project requirements:
Workset Name Editable Visible Notes / Use
in all
Shared Levels and Grids No Yes Default workset
WSP-Ductwork No Yes Ductwork, fittings and accessories
WSP-Pipework No Yes Pipework, fittings and accessories
WSP-Containment No Yes Cable tray, conduit and trunking
WSP-Lighting No Yes Lighting fixtures, accessories and switches
WSP-Power No Yes Electrical fixtures and accessories
WSP-Public Heath No Yes Drainage pipework, fittings and accessories
WSP-RVT Architecture No Yes Linked architectural Revit files
WSP-RVT Structure No Yes Linked structural Revit files
WSP-DWG No No Linked or inserted DWG overlays

Users should collaborate using Element Borrowing and not Workset Ownership due to potential problems with
accessing elements and synchronisation issues when checking a workset back into the CENTRAL file.

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Project Model Initiation
The Process map below outlines the steps to be taken when starting a project:

Where separate discipline models are required the following workflow should be applied:

There are advantages and restrictions in producing sheets from a container model so it is at the local BIM Co-
ordinators discretion to choose to produce sheets direct from the discipline models if deemed appropriate.

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Linked Files

Revit Links

Received architectural and/or structural files can be linked into the building services Revit project for
coordination. Such models are typically issued to WSP as ‘WIP – for information only’ so it is vital that the
integrity of any derived information is checked again the formally issued 2D drawings. However where these
are derived directly from a Revit model of the same date the information should match.
Linking a Revit file:
Open received file and ensure it is detached from CENTRAL.
Remove all sheets, sections, legends and 3D views leaving only one set of floor plan views.
Audit, compress and purge three times and check file size (under 100mb).
Link into the WSP building services model using ‘ Auto – by shared coordinates’

Note that files should not be linked over the wide area network (WAN) between different offices.

Levels and Grids

With an architectural or structural file attached levels and grids can be imported using the copy and monitor
All grids should be copy monitored.
One level per floor, ideally FFL, should be copy monitored.
No other items should be copy monitored as this can impact model performance.

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Location and Units


It is a requirement of BS 1192:2007 that all BIM projects:

Use real world co-ordinate systems.
Use true height above project datum.
Adopt the established Project Shared Coordinate system across all BIM data files.
However electronic data modelled more than 20 miles from the origin places a limitation whereby this can
cause accuracy and display issues. In this instance the required adjustment to project datum must be agreed
by the design team and recorded in the BIM Execution plan (BEP).

Shared Co-ordinates

Shared coordinates should be recorded in the BIM Execution plan at the outset of the project and remain static.
These can be entered manually however on receipt of a correctly positioned architectural and/or structural file
the shared co-ordinates can be acquired. All subsequently linked files should be attached using ‘Auto – by
shared coordinates’.

Project North Rotation

The angle from True North to Project North should be recorded in the BIM Execution plan at the outset of the
project and remain static. This can be entered manually however on receipt of a correctly positioned
architectural and/or structural file the shared co-ordinates can be automatically acquired.

Project Units

Models shall be produced with Project Units in millimetres with two decimal places in order to ensure accurate
reporting in temporary dimensions. Permanent dimensions are set in the template to report zero decimal
Caution should be used when importing families created in Imperial (E.g. two inches generally termed as 50mm
would be imported as 50.8mm)

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Model Issue

Where a model is issued it must be clear in the transmittal that distribution is for ‘Work in Progress - Information

Processing the model file for Issue:

Open and DETACH the CENTRAL file and save-as into the issue folder.
(Removing the suffix of ‘_CENTRAL’ from the file name).
Remove all drawing sheets, 3D views and sections from the model.
Audit, purge three times and compress the model file.
Remove temporary or irrelevant links (RVT, DWG, Images)
Copy all relevant links into the issue folder.

Ensure transmittal clearly highlights all significant amendments to the model.

Sheet Issue

Electronic non editable plots shall be issued in DWF (preferred) or PDF format.

Model Issue Sheet

The model issue sheet contains liability and copyright information and must not be removed.

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Export Setups are defined in the template for export to recognised UK classification systems:

WSP Uniclass


Export to GBXml should be performed with caution recognising the geometric limitation and interpretation when
imported into packages such as IES. For Revit MEP 2012 the IES VE Ware Revit plug-in should be used how-
ever this has not yet been upgraded for Revit 2013 leaving only the Autodesk standard export option. The IES
exporter provides additional export options beyond the export of spaces to include shading components.

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Model Review

A significant amount of services co-ordination will be achieved ‘on the fly’ whilst populating the model.

Intra-disciplinary model review should occur on a regular basis as set out in the BIM Execution Plan (BEP).

External model co-ordination will typically reviewed using Autodesk Navisworks.

Navisworks Manage 2013 now has the ability to read Revit files in directly although care should be
taken as the central file will be locked for the duration of the conversion. Exporting a Navisworks
file from Revit is the recommended workflow.

Untrained users must not open the Revit model directly but a 3D DWF or NWD file can be exported for review.

Clash Reporting

When a co-ordination clash is detected this should be reported by email to all interested parties.

Clash report should detail:

Unique clash reference number specific to project (Work order / Clash #)
Element ID number is available.
Details of the clash / problem.
Screen capture(s) of the clash.
Room reference, level, gridline or similar location information.
Reference file(s) name, date and source.

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Working Views

One working view should be created per floor as a multi-disciplinary co-ordinated plan. Additional views can be
created to suit discipline, callout or similar user requirements. All views should be logically named and
temporary views removed regularly. View templates are available to apply but are not linked for flexibility.

Documentation Views

Scope boxes should be defined to ensure identical representation between disciplines. Dependant views
should be used wherever a building is split into multiple sheets View references should be utilised to show
continuation numbers. View templates are linked to documentation views to maximise continuity.

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View Templates

View templates aligned with this protocol are available within the template as below (Linked for documentation):
Floor Plans / 3D

Ceiling Plan


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Working Filters

Working - Coordination (Filters to show containment, mechanical and electrical equipment)

Working - Mechanical (Filters to show mechanical ducts, mechanical pipework and equipment)

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Working - Electrical (Filters to show containment and electrical equipment)

Working - Public Health (Filters to show public health pipework)

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Documentation Filters

Documentation – Coordination (Filter to show as Monochrome)

Documentation – Comms, Fire Alarm, Lighting, Power & Security

(Filter to show as Monochrome)

Documentation - Pipework (Filters to show as monochrome and mechanical pipework)

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Documentation - Public Health (Filters to show as monochrome and public health pipework)

Documentation - Containment (Filters to show as monochrome and electrical trunking)

Documentation - Ductwork (Filters to show as monochrome and mechanical ductwork)

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3D Filters

Visibility - Mono (Filters to show as monochrome for 3D views)

Visibility - Shaded (Filters to show as shaded for 3D views)

Visibility – Realistic 3D (No filters)

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Ductwork Systems
Duct types and systems provide for common oval, round and rectangular ductwork. Pipe types and systems
provide for standard materials. An additional duct type including fittings has been added for electrical trunking
as this is unavailable in Revit 2013 electrical systems. Additional types can be created.

Ductwork Types
Oval Duct - DW144 Segmented Bend / Shoe Branch
Rectangular Duct – DW144 Radius Bend / Shoe Branch
Rectangular Duct – DW144 Square Bend / Shoe Branch
Rectangular Duct – Electrical Trunking
Round Duct – DW144 Pressed Radius Bend / Shoe Branch

Ductwork Systems

Ductwork Colours

Fire Rated Ductwork

Fire rated ductwork systems are also hatched in mechanical and coordination view using a filter. Fire clad
insulation should also be applied for spatial coordination.

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Pipework Systems

Pipework Types

BS143 Galvanised Malleable Iron – Threaded

BS EN 545 Ductile Iron – PN10 – Flanged
BS EN 545 Ductile Iron – PN 16 – Flanged
BS EN 877 Cast Iron – Coupling (Timesaver)
BS EN 1092 Carbon Steel – PN 16 – Flanged
BS EN 1124 Stainless Steel – Push-Fit
BS EN 1254 Copper – Brazed
BS EN 1254 Copper – Press-Fit
BS EN 1254 Copper – Soldered
BS EN 10241 Mild Steel – Threaded
BS EN 10253 Carbon Steel - Butt Welded
BS ISO 727-2 ABS – Solvent Welded
HDPE – Butt Welded

Pipework Systems

BCWS (Boosted Cold Water Service)

CHW_F & CHW_R (Chilled Water)
CONDENSATE (Condensate Drain)
DCWS (Domestic Cold Water Service)
FOUL WATER (Foul Drainage)
HWS_F & HWS_R (Hot Water Service)
LTHW_F & LTHW_R (Low Temperature Hot Water)
MCWS (Mains Cold Water Service)
RWP (Rain Water)
STEAM (Steam)
SVP (Soil Vent)

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Pipework Colours

Mechanical Pipework

Public Health Pipework

Pipework System Properties

Mechanical Systems Type Properties

Public Health Type Properties

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Electrical Systems
Cable Tray provides for standard containment requirements. Revit does not include power systems so
therefore these must continue to be controlled using the service type parameter and filters. An additional duct
type including fittings has been added for electrical trunking as this is unavailable in Revit 2013 electrical
systems. Additional types can be created.

Containment Types

Containment Systems
Containment will automatically be coloured and visibility controlled by the template provided the standard
abbreviations (in upper case) are used as below. This list can also be found in the template within legends.

Containment Colours

Electrical Distribution Systems

Electrical Distribution Systems (to be applied to distribution board prior to circuiting)

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Autodesk Content

Autodesk content as provided with the software is provided on the WSP Common drives at each office location:
Additional is available at Autodesk Seek although size, units and functionality, units must all be
verified as appropriate prior to import into a live project.

WSP Content

All WSP generated content is available on the WSP Common drives at each office location:

No modifications or new content should be saved back to this server as they are subject to regular overwriting
by the replication of files from the master library.

Generating Content

Additional content should be generated in response to individual project requirement. Individual components
can be created by competent Revit modellers or generated using the services of the WSP Delhi iCRC.
../Projects/1122333 – Example/H Dwgs/Revit MEP/Families

At key stages or on completion of a project all generated content should be checked by the BIM Coordinator
and copied to the UK BIM Development Manager for approval and inclusion in the WSP Library.

All content should be created to a level suitable to:

Generally visually identify the component.
Establish spatial co-ordination and connection requirements.
Maintain model performance by not over modelling.

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Presentation Styles


The WSP UK Building Services Template should always be used to start a project. This template is aligned with
the protocols within this document and includes many families, systems and settings configured for building
services models.


Text shall be produced in style ARIAL NARROW using font file ARIALN.TTF
Annotations should be by tagging wherever possible.
Comments should be added to elements in preference to the addition of detached text.
Annotations should be clearly legible using opaque background where necessary.
Typically annotation will be 2.5mm although ISO standard sizes 1.8, 3.5, 5.0, 7.0 can also be used.


Leaders shall be produced in style ‘Leader filled – 20 degrees’.

Dot style arrowheads should be used for hatched areas.

Line Weights

Line weights are assigned within the template as the table below:

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Line Styles

Line styles are assigned within the template as the table below to enable sheet detailing:

Line Patterns

Line patterns are assigned within the template as the table below to match Autocad linetypes:

Detail Level

Detail level is set within the template as the table below:

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Object Styles - Model

Object styles are set within the template as the table below:

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From AEC (UK) BIM Standard:

Co-ordinator Responsible for setting and implementing Project BIM Strategy, this
person would usually be the most experienced Revit user.

BIM: Building Information Modelling (BIM): Data beyond graphics. The creation and use of
coordinated, internally consistent, computable information about a building project in
design and construction.

Component / Family: A component (known as a family in Revit) is an individual element that can be reused
in a number of situations. Examples include doors, stair cores, furniture, façade pan-
els, columns, walls etc. Components are typically inserted and moved/rotated into re-
quired position.

Assembly: A collection of components and/or modelled elements arranged to define part or all of
a building model such as groups or sub-models in Revit. An assembly typically con-
tains information that can be referenced without repositioning.

Container: An optional repository which can be used to compile assemblies and components for
specific purposes including export and publication. A container can exist for each indi-
vidual profession/discipline or for multiple disciplines, for buildings or for a complete

WIP: Work In Porgress (WIP): each individual company or discipline’s own work. This in-
formation has not been approved or verified fit to share across the project team. Ref-
erence BS1192:2007.

Shared: Shared Information that has been checked and approved and is made available across
the project team such as information for data exchange between BIM software, like
gbXML, CIS/2 and IFC files. Reference BS1192:2007.

Published: Published information refers to documents and other data generated from Shared in-
formation. Typically this will include contract drawings, reports and specifications. Ref-
erence BS1192:2007.

Views/Output files: A generated rendition of graphical or non-graphical information (a plan,section, eleva-

tion, schedule, or other view of a project).

WSP UK Building Services Jeremy Newsome

BIM Protocol (Autodesk Revit) 38 | 40 BIM Development Manager
Rev 2013.0
BIM Protocol Updates


Issue Notes Author Date

2012.1 Initial Draft as ‘WSP Revit MEP 2012 Template Guide’ J Newsome 01.09.2011
2012.6 First General Release J Newsome 01.12.2011
2012.8 General Revisions J Newsome 01.01.2012
2012.9 General Revisions J Newsome 01.04.2012
2012.10 General Revisions J Newsome 01.05.2012
2013.0 Rewritten for Revit 2013 and issued as draft ‘WSP UK Building J Newsome 01.06.2012
Services - BIM Protocol (Autodesk Revit)’
2013.1 Comments incorporated. Equip filters dark green. Fire rated ductwork J Newsome 03.07.2012
added. General distribution.


All comments / feedback should be sent to the WSP UK Building Services BIM Development Manager:

39 | 40
WSP UK Limited
Colston 33
Tel: +44 (0)11 7930 2011
Fax: +44 (0)11 7929 4624

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