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Symposium on Emotion
New Findings, New Questions
Paul Ekman
University of California. San Francisco

Abstract—7/it' evidence on universals in it signifies (Bruner & Tagiuri, 1954; To reconcile these fmdings of univer-
facial expression of emotion, renewed Hunt. 1941; Klineberg, 1938; Landis, sality with the many reports by cultural
conrr(>versy about that evidence, and 1924; Munn, 1940). in the early t970s anthropologists of dissimilar faciai ex-
new findings on cultural differences are there were two challenges: a critical re- pressions, we {Ekman & Friesen, 1969)
reviewed. New findings on the capability evaluation of the experiments which had postulated display rules to refer to what
for voluntatily made facial expressions supported that position (Ekman. Frie- we presume each culture teaches its
to generate changes in both autonomic sen, & Ellsworth, 1972) and, more im- members about the management of ex-
and centra! tiervous svstent acfivitv arc portant, new data. Izard and also Friesen pression in social contexts. Cultural dif-
discussed, and possible mechanisms by and I conducted similar studies of liter- ferences in display rules could explain
which this could occur are outlined. Fi- ate cultures, working independently but how universal expressions might be
nally, new work which has identified how at the same time. Izard's work and ours modified to create, on occasion, the ap-
to distingtiish the smile of enjoyment was influenced by Tomkins's writings on pearance of culture-specific facial ex-
from other types of smiling is described. emotion (1962) and his advice on the pressions of emotion. We tested this idea
conduct of the research we performed. in a study comparing the spontaneous
In each culture subjects chose the expressions shown by Japanese and
This paper focuses on the evidence emotion terms which fit photographs of Americans when they were alone, and
and issues regarding observable facial posed Caucasian facial expressions. Al- presumably no display rules should op-
expression of emotion (for nonobserv- though Izard (1971) and I (Ekman, So- erate, and when they were with another
able facial activity, see Tassinary & Ca- renson. & Friesen. 1969) showed differ- person (Ekman, 1972; Friesen, 1972). As
cioppo, this issue). I will not describe the ent photographs, gave our subjects predicted, there was no difference be-
major methodological advances which somewhat different lists of emotion tween cultures in the expressions shown
for the first time provide techniques for terms, and examined people in different in response to films of unpleasant scenes
measuring observable facial behavior ob- cultures, we both obtained consistent ev- when the subjects thought they were
jectively (but see my review [Ekman, idence of agreement across more than a alone. However, when an authority fig-
1982]). Instead I will focus on two new dozen Western and non-Western literate ure was present the Japanese more than
findings and one set of studies dating cultures in the labeling of enjoyment, an- the Americans masked negative expres-
back 20 years. 1 will begin with those ger, fear, sadness, disgust, and surprise sions with the semblance of smile.
older studies, of universals in facial ex- facial expressions. We, like Izard, interpreted the evi-
pression, because they provide the back- In order to rule out the possibility that dence in terms of universal facial expres-
ground for the newer research and also such agreement could be due to mem- sions as posited by Tomkins (1962) and
because there is renewed controversy bers of every culture having learned ex- (much earlier) by Darwin (1872). Consis-
about universals, as well as some new pressions from a shared mass media in- tent with an evolutionary view of expres-
findings and a number of unanswered put, Friesen and I (Ekman, 1972; Ekman sion were other reports of similarities in
questions. & Friesen, 1971; Ekman et al.. 1969) expression in other primates and in early
also studied a visually isolated preliter- appearance developmentally. Recently,
UNIVERSAL FACIAL ate culture in New Guinea. We repli- there have been some challenges to that
EXPRESSIONS cated our findings for literate cultures, interpretation. Lutz and White (1986)
as did Heider and Rosch a few years cited anthropologists who regard emo-
From 1920 through I960 many influ- later in another visually isolated culture tions as social constructions and re-
ential psychologists maintained that fa- in what is now West Irian. Although sur- ported cultures in which the emotions
cial expressions are socially learned and prise expressions were distinguished proposed as universal are neither named
culturally variable, with no fixed rela- from anger, sadness, disgust, and enjoy- nor expressed. Unfortunately, such re-
tionship between an expression and what ment expressions in both preliterate ports are not substantiated by quantita-
cultures, surprise was not distinguished tive methods nor protected against the
from fear expressions in one of these potential for bias or error when the in-
The author's work is supported by a Re- cultures. Friesen and I also reversed formation is obtained by the single ob-
search Scientist Award from the National In- the research design and found that server who formulated the hypothesis
stitute of Mental Health (MH 06092), when New Guineans posed facial ex- under study. Ortony and Turner (1990)
Address correspondence to Paul Ekman, pressions they were understandable to provided a different challenge, speculat-
Human Interaction Laboratory, University of Western observers (Ekman & Friesen, ing that it is only the components of ex-
California, 401 Parnassus. San Francisco, CA pressions, not the full emotional expres-
94143. 1971).

34 Copyrighl -& 1992 American Psychological Society VOL. 3, NO. 1, JANUARY 1992


sions. which are universal; but see my generated centrally when an emotion is change but Ihc experience uf an emotion.
rebuual (Ekman. in press-a) and one by called forth by. lor example, an event, In response lo an open ended question
Izard (in press). memory, or image. about what emotions, sensations, or
A new line of studies has found con- A new role for facial expression was memories they experienced, there were
sistent evidence of cultural differences In found in my collaborative study with few reports of memories or sensations,
the perception of the strength of an emo- Levenson and Friesen (Ekman, Leven- while on 78% of the trials the subjects
tion rather than of which emotion is son. & Friesen. 1983). Voluntarily per- reported feeling an emotion. More infor-
shown in a facial expression. Japanese forming certain facial muscular actions mation on this point, on the issue of gen-
make less intense attributions than do generated involuntary changes in auto- erality, and on the details of the emotion-
Americans {Ekman et al.. 1987) regard- nomic nervous system (ANS) activity. specific patterns of ANS activity can be
less of whether the person showing the We did not ask subjects to pose emo- found in Levenson's paper in this issue
emotion is Japanese or American, male tions, but instead to follow muscie-by- and also in Levenson et al. (1990).
or female (Matsumoto & Ekman, 1989). muscle instructions to create on their Before turning to the question of how
This difference appears to be specific to faces one of the expressions which had voluntarily making different facial con-
the interpretation of facial expressions of been found to be universal. For example, figurations generates different patterns
emotions, since it was not found in the rather than ask a subject to pose anger of physiology, let me broaden our focus
judgment of either nonfacial emotional we said: "Pull your eyebrows down and to consider central nervous system
stimuli or facial nonemotional stimuli together; raise your upper eyelids and (CNS), not just ANS, physiology. In a
(Matsumoto & Kudoh, 1991). tighten your lower eyelids; narrow your study employing the same muscle-by-
A number of empirical questions re- lips and press them together." Different muscle instructions used to study ANS
main about universais in facial expres- patterns of ANS activity occurred when activity, subjects created the various fa-
sion. Although there is evidence of more subjects made the muscular movements cial configurations while left and right
than one different expression for each which had been found universally for the frontal, temporal, and parietal electroen-
emotion (up to five visibly different ex- emotions of anger, fear, sadness, and cephalographic {EEG) activity was mea-
pressions for some emotions) in Western disgust, sured. Different patterns of EEG activity
cultures, we do not know how many of This work has since been replicated in occurred when subjects made the mus-
those different expressions which signal three more experiments (Levenson, cular movements which had been found
a single emotion are shown universally Carstensen, Friesen, & Ekman, 1991; universally for the emotions of happi-
(Ekman & Friesen, 1975, 1978). Nor is Levenson, Ekman, & Friesen. 1990), ness, anger, fear, sadness, and disgust
there certain knowledge about whether and a number of possible artifacts which (Davidson & Ekman, 1991; Ekman &
there are other emotions in addition to could have been responsible for this phe- Davidson, 1991).
anger, fear, disgust, sadness, enjoyment, nomenon have been ruled out. The fmd- in unpublished research Friesen,
and surprise that have universal expres- ings were again obtained in a very differ- Levenson, and I have formulated nine
sions. There is some evidence, although ent culture—the Minangkabau of Suma- different explanations of how voluntary
it is contradictory, for universal facial tra, Indonesia, who are fundamentalist facial action generates emotion-specific
expressions for contempt, interest, Moslem and matrilineal—suggesting that physiology. Here I will indicate only
shanie, and guilt. Little is known also this phenomenon may be pan-cultural three broad divisions among these expla-
about cross-cultural differences in dis- (Ekman, 1989a). nations, leaving out the specific details
play rules, as a function of sex, role, age, It appears that the specific patterns of relevant to subdistinctions within each of
and social context (but see recent work ANS activity that were generated by these divisions. The first explanation,
by Matsumoto, in press). These and making the different facial expressions which is the one we endorse, posits a
other questions about universals have re- are not unique to this task, but are the central, hard-wired connection between
cently been reviewed (Ekman, 1989b). same as are found in more conventional the motor cortex and other areas of the
emotion-arousing tasks. This lack of brain involved in directing the physiolog-
specificity confirms my proposal (Ek- ical changes which occur during emo-
FACIAL ACTION GENERATES man, 1984, in press-b) that emotions are lion. The second gToup of explanations
EMOTION PHYSIOLOGY characterized by patterned changes in proposes that such a connection is
both expression and physiology, changes learned, not, hard-wired. Such learning
Most emotion theorists emphasize the which are distinctive for each emotion, could be common to all members of our
involuntary nature of emotional experi- and which are not (in large part) specific species or culture-specific. {Our findings
ence, ignoring those instances when peo- to the means by which the emotion was in Indonesia raise questions but cannot
ple choose to generate an emotion aroused. This latter point is most readily rule out the viability of the culture-
through reminiscence or by adopting the noted with facial expression, which can specific variation.) The third set of ex-
physical actions associated with a partic- signal that someone is angry, for exam- planations emphasizes peripheral feed-
ular emotion (e,g., speaking more softly ple, without providing any clue as to back from the facial actions themselves,
to deintensify anger or smiling to gener- what made the person angry. rather than a central connection between
ate enjoyment). Facial expression from When subjects followed our instruc- the brain areas which direct those facial
this vantage point is seen as one of a tions to make these facial expressions, movements and other brain areas. This
number of emotional responses that are most reported not simply a physiological view includes variations in terms of

VOL. 3, NO. 1, JANUARY 1992 35


whether feedback conies lioni the nuis- the sweet emotions of the soul; the . . . {Schneider, Josephs, & Friedrich,
eles. Ihe skin, or Icinperaliiie changes lake joy, Ihe deceitful laugh, cannot 1988). Psychiatrically depressed pa-
inul whelhei il is hard-Nsiied or requires provoke the contraction of this latter tients showed more Duchenne smiles
learning, Ihis e\planalion is consistent muscle . . ," (p. 126). The orbictilaris at time of discharge from a hospital
wiih Ihe views ol 1/ard {in press). Laird oculi "does nol obey the will; it is only than at time of admission, with no dif-
(Laird. 1974; Duclos et al.. 1989), brought into play by a true feeling. . . . ference in other kinds of smiling (Mat-
Tomkins (1962). and Zujonc (1985). Its inertia in smiling unmasks a false sumoto, 1987). Similarly, there was
For now. there is no clear empirical friend" (p, 72). more Duchenne smiling in late as
basis for a definitive choice among these We (Ekman & Friesen, 1982) adopted compared with early psychotherapy
explanations. Through studies of people Duchenne's proposal and also suggested sessions, but only among patients
with faciai paralysis who have no possi- three other ways in which enjoyment who had improved (Steiner, 1986).
bility of peripheral facial action or feed- smiles could be distinguished from other
2. Persons, Schizophrenic patients
back we hope to challenge the third cat- forms of smiling: by the action of certain
showed fewer Duchenne smiles than
egory of explanations, but this work is other muscles, by the extent of bilateral
normal individuals, but there was no
not yet complete, and the results may symmetry, and by the timing of the
difference between the groups in
not be unambiguous. smite. While there has been some empir-
other kinds of smiling (Krause, Stei-
ical support for each of these means of
mer, Sanger-Alt, & Wanger, 1989).
distinguishing enjoyment from non-
Nonabusive mothers showed more
THE SMILE OF ENJOYMENT enjoyment smiles (Ekman. Friesen, &
Duchenne smites than abusive moth-
O'Sullivan, 1988, on other muscular dif-
ers when interacting with a child {Bu-
The last focus of research which I will ferences; Ekman, Hager, & Friesen,
gental, Blue, & Lewis, 1990). Leven-
discuss—the smile—has misled many 1981. and Hager & Ekman, 1985, on
son and Gottman found happily
psychologists and anthropologists. Fail- symmetry; Hess & Kleck, in press, on
married couples showed more Duch-
ing to recognize that there are different timing), many more studies have tested
enne smiles than unhappily married
types of smiling which may have differ- Duchenne's proposal, and it is this work
couples, but there was no difference
ent meanings has led to confusing and I will now review. In all of these studies
in other kinds of smihng (Levenson,
contradictory results. The appearance of the smile with orbicularis oculi (which in
smiling of some form in unpleasant cir- his honor I have called the Duchenne
cumstances led anthropologists such as smile) is compared with other kinds of 3. Other Emotional Responses. Only the
Birdwhistell (1970) and LaBarre (1947) smihng (social smiles, masking smiles, Duchenne smile correlated with self-
to proclaim that facial expressions have etc.) which do not include that muscle. reports of positive emotions after sub-
different meanings in different cultures. Three types of evidence support Duch- jects had seen two films intended to
Landis (1924) concluded that smiling is a enne's distinction. induce positive affect, and only the
meaningless expression because his sub- Duchenne smile predicted which of
jects showed some form of smiling in re- 1. Social Context. We (Ekman et al., the positive films each subject re-
sponse to unpleasant as well as to pleas- 1988) found more Duchenne smiles ported liking best (Ekman et al.,
ant stimuli. More recently, studies of in- when subjects truthfully described 1990). In that same study different
terpersonal deception have obtained pleasant feelings than when they patterns of regional brain activity
contradictory findings on smiling. claimed to be feeling pleasant but were found when the subjects showed
The confusion might have been were actually experiencing strong the Duchenne as compared with other
avoided if scientists in this century had negative emotions. In another study, smiles. The study of 10-month-old in-
read the work of French neuroanatomist in which people were not asked to de- fants (Fox & Davidson, 1988) also
Duchenne de Bologne. who wrote in ceive but simply watched emotion- found differences in regional brain ac-
1862. Although this work was not trans- inducing films while alone, there were tivity when the infants showed Duch-
lated into English until recently (Duch- more Duchenne smiles when they enne or other kinds of smiling. Also,
enne, 1862/1990), Charles Darwin {1872) watched pleasant than when they patterns of regional brain activity
described Duchenne's ideas about smil- watched unpleasant films, but there when subjects deliberately performed
ing in his own book on expression. was no difference in how often other a Duchenne smile differed from those
Duchenne said that the smile of enjoy- kinds of smiling occurred (Ekman, found when a non-Duchenne smile
ment could be distinguished from delib- Davidson, & Friesen, 1990). Ten- was performed (Ekman & Davidson,
erately produced smiles by considering month-old infants showed more 1991), results consistent with Fox and
two facial muscles: zygomaticus major, Duchenne smiles when approached Davidson's study of infants and my
which puils the lip corners up obliquely, by their mothers, and more of other own (Ekman et al., 1990) study of
and orbicularis oculi, which orbits the kinds of smiling when approached by spontaneous smiling.
eye, pulling the skin from the cheeks and a stranger (Fox & Davidson, 1988).
forehead toward the eyeball. According Five- to 7-year-old children showed This is a remarkable convergence of
to Duchenne, "The first [zygomaticus more Duchenne smiles when they evidence supporting the distinction be-
major] obeys the will but the second succeeded in a game, and more other tween Duchenne and other kinds of smil-
[orbicularis oculi] is only put in play by kinds of smiling when they failed ing. No account should be taken of stud-

VOL. 3, NO, 1, JANUARY t992


i'aul l,kman

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38 VOL. 3, NO. I, JANUARY 1992

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