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5/12/2018 Cómo durar más tiempo en la cama: la guía completa: los movimientos de poder

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Cómo durar más tiempo en la

cama: la guía completa
Es bueno durar más tiempo en la cama, ¿verdad?

Poder seguir y seguir a voluntad, y luego liberar cuando más te guste.

Bueno, resulta que hay muchas formas de controlar su erección y eyaculación para que duren

Aquí están los mejores:

Contenidos [ mostrar ]

1. Hacer Que El Sexo Sea La Norma: Joder Más

Si acaba de comenzar a tener relaciones sexuales, el sexo sigue siendo algo "fuera de lo
común para usted".
Tu mente y tu cuerpo reaccionan a la novedad aprovechándose de ella lo más rápido posible. 1/13
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Esto lo que tu mente subconsciente está diciendo:

“ Tu mente subconsciente : ¡Rápido! Impregnarla

Tú : Pero me gustaría durar más.
Tu mente subconsciente : ¿Estás bromeando? La última vez que tuviste
relaciones sexuales fue hace 1 año ... Con una muñeca in able. Esta es
nuestra oportunidad, dispara ahora!

No necesitas ninguna técnica loca para superar este problema: el tiempo y la cantidad de sexo
silenciarán naturalmente esa voz.
Sus nervios se apaciguarán y poco a poco se asentarán en una rutina más duradera.

2. Método Stop-Start
Este es un método muy popular para durar más tiempo en la cama.
Consiste en tener relaciones sexuales en forma y comienza: empuje pocas veces, luego
deténgase. Empuje unas cuantas veces, luego pare.

Funciona, pero si este es tu único método y no haces nada más durante las paradas, hace que
la experiencia sexual en general sea menos natural y apasionada.
Y podría ser más difícil para ella alcanzar un orgasmo. Pero agregue un cambio de posición y
funciona de maravilla.

3. Distrae Tu Mente Del Sexo

Un viejo clásico.
Aleja tu mente del sexo con pensamientos profundamente despiertos.
Reducirás las sensaciones placenteras que estás experimentando y te hará durar más.

Esta es la técnica que Marshall utiliza en este episodio de Cómo conocí a tu madre: 2/13
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Cierto, eso es algo que también debes tener en cuenta: no te dejes llevar por los
pensamientos que matan los huesos o podría funcionar demasiado bien :).

4. Cambiar Posiciones
This is one of my favorites.
It allows you to stop while at the same time being dominant in bed.

Instead of just stopping indeed: change her position.

A typical session of mine looks like this: begin by bending her over and penetrating her from
behind. Then go missionary on the bed. Follow with a doggy style. Then make her go on top.
Finish it from the back with her at on her belly.

You don’t need to follow the same steps of course, but de nitely do switch position.
Hell, they don’t even need to be all sex positions. Stop and kiss!

4.2 Do It In Positions You Don’t Like 3/13
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4.2 Do It In Positions You Don t Like

When you feel like you’re more at risk of coming, do it in positions that you least like.

I’ll come out of the closet: I don’t particularly enjoy blow jobs. Then if I didn’t want to come,
I’d make a switch with her giving me head.
Think of positions and sexual acts you don’t particularly love, and do more of those.

5. Break Through The Wall. Then Coast

You know that feeling you get when you start moving very quickly, and very quickly you’re
short of breath?

There is an expression in Italian for this: “rompere il ato”.

It doesn’t have a precise equivalent English, but the best translation would be “get into your

When you start running and before you get into your stride it feels like you’re done after one
minute, right? It feels like you just don’t have it in you anymore.
But that’s not true.
You have it in you to go on for hours.
It’s just a matter of enduring and outlasting those “short of breath” moments of intense
dif culty. And then you get into your rhythm and coast.

It’s the same to lasting longer in bed.

You need to overcome those key moments when you’re almost about to come. That’s the
moment to slow down, change position, squeeze your snake… Whatever it takes until you hit
your stride.

6. Add Non-Penetrative Sex To The Menu

It’s reductive to think of sex as just penetration. 4/13
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Especially if your worry is to last longer for her because women don’t see sex like men do.
They have a wider, more holistic view of sex that goes beyond pure penetration.

Engage in more foreplay, kiss more, use your tongue (

pussy/) and ngers… Then even if the penetrative sex won’t last as long, it’s not a problem.
Because it’s only one item on the menu, and the overall sex did last long.

7. Make Her Come First

If you fear of not lasting enough in bed is to make her orgasm, then what about making her
come rst?

Do lots of foreplay, learn to give proper head (,

use your ngers… And then go for it with your penis after she’s done. She’ll be very happy that
you will not last too long :).

8. Do It Romantically: Slow Down

The hotter the ame, the faster it burns.

There is a direct connection between how quickly he goes, and how soon he peaks. A quicker
tempo can overload the tip of the penis with stimuli, which leads to the inevitable ejaculation.

A slower rhythm stimulates the tip of penis less, allowing him to last longer in bed.

He who goes slowly, goes far

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9. Train Your “Hold Back Muscles” With Kegel 

Kegel exercises are a series of exercises to strengthen your pelvic oor muscles.
Stronger pelvic oor muscles, in turn, will help you hold back more easily and last longer.

The biggest hurdle with kegel exercises is to actually nd those muscles as it’s not as simple
as doing curls.
But it’s not that dif cult either.
Do this to nd them:

1. Stop urination mid ow (but don’t it as an exercise per se)

2. Try to lift your penis up vertically in front of a mirror and make sure
you’re not using abs and glutes’ muscles
3. Tighten the anal muscles you normally use to prevent passing gas

Then your exercises will be about contracting and releasing those muscles, several times a
day. Start laying down on a mat rst as it’s easier. And then you can do even while seating. At
the of ce… Or while reading ThePowerMoves :).

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10. The Nice Guy Solution: Make It About The

It’s funny.

When I started having sex the thought of how to last longer in bed never even crossed my
As I matter of fact, I had the opposite problem: how to come.

It was because all my focus was on making it a good experience for her and showing my
This is a mindset that Robert Glover discusses in No More Mr Nice Guy
( Such as that some men make it too
much about the woman. So much so that they forget about themselves and the pleasure of
sex in itself.

Needless to say, that’s not a good solution if you go all the way.
But, if you can move the focus from the sex to the physical performance, it can be of help.

11. If You’re Too Horny: Masturbate

A common issue that stops men from lasting longer in bed is that they are too horny. 7/13
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Being horny is good, but when that horniness translates into quick ejaculations, not so much.
A method as old as the penis itself then is to masturbate with frequent intervals so that you
never go too “quick shooting caveman”.

12. Practice Lasting Longer With Masturbation

Since you’re there, you can use masturbation as your training ground.

When you’re about to peak, try all the methods.


Breathing deeper and relaxing

Contracting your pelvic oor muscles
Squeezing the tip of your penis
Slowing down
And even switching imaginary position

You will get to know yourself more and will understand what works best for you.

13. Cialis / Viagra / Medication

For many men the idea of lasting longer is not so much not to ejaculate, but to keep having
And they want to avoid ejaculation because when they come, they lose the erection.

Well, if that’s the problem, then Viagra easily xes the erection issue.
And it’s undoubtedly effective to keep going. It can also be of great psychological comfort
knowing that in the worst case there is still effective medication out there. 8/13
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However, don’t make this your go-to solution.

First work on yourself and use all the other methods in here, which are natural and work

14. Extended Pleasure Condoms

There are several makers on the market of “extended pleasure condoms”, here is one example
on Amazon (

They use chemicals such as Lidocaine (

and Benzocaine ( that work like localized
anesthetics. They numb the tip of your penis and reduce the sensations. Reduced sensations
allow for longer lasting sex sessions.

The downside is that they might reduce your sensations too much, so you need to nd the
right balance. If you want to use this method, you could try removing some of the chemical
lube with a little rinsing. 9/13
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15. The Squeeze Method

It consists of grabbing your penis and squeezing the tip of it just when you’re about to peak. It
can work… But not always. When it doesn’t work, it completely ruins the ejaculation by taking
all the pleasure out of it.
And it kills the mood.

Learn how it works and use when needed. Just don’t make it your only and main tool.

16. Get Drunk

I put this one as last.
But it’s not a “last but not least case” as this is the worst long term technique for lasting
longer. For obvious reasons :). 10/13
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But that’s not to say that it doesn’t work.

Have you ever heard of “whiskey dick?”.
Some call “whiskey dick” the lack of erection due to alcohol consumption. But whiskey dick is
also the inability of coming during sex.

I remember years ago coming back home with a hot girl from a night out at a club.
She was a true club queen and of the hottest girl I had ever been with.
And yet… I banged her to sleep like in the Marshall video above… And I didn’t even come!

Yes, if you have good erections alcohol works.

It’s the same concept of the extended pleasure condoms: alcohol is a suppressor and it
decreases your sensations. Except it’s not localized and runs through your whole body.

I shouldn’t put this warning here, but just to be sure: don’t use this as a long term solution.

The Holistic Approach: Healthy Life

Mens Sana in Corpore Sano (

That’s the millennia old secret wisdom.

The Romans knew it, and it means “a healthy mind in a healthy mind”.

Eat well (, exercise, meditate, rest and have

plenty of sex,
And chances are you’ll never again look again at an article on how to last longer in bed.
You can start here for nutrition:

Best health and nutrition books (

health-and-nutrition-books/) 11/13
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