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Flood (High)

The word flood means the inability of rivers, lakes, drainage or other
waterways to accommodate massive quantities of water, so the water
overflow and enters the surrounding area. Flood often occurs in the area
on the edge of the river or a region that was once a river absorption, and
also in the area where the drainage system is disrupted. This disaster
usually occurs in the rainy season as the rainfall with high intensity and
with a very long duration. There are two factors that can cause flood, the
natural factors and social factors.
The first factor is the natural factor. This factor is a cause that
comes from nature itself. Nature produce heavy rain that continued to fall
and caused the area of water absorption overflowed, so that the water can
no longer flow. As a result, the water will spread to all directions and
entered into residential areas. In addition, nature can also cause the
constriction of the river as a result of erosion it caused the sedimentation
get into the river and reduced the capacity of the river.
The second factor is the social factor. This factor is a factor that
often causes flood. It happens because of human behavior itself which
often caused nature damage. People often throw the trash in the rivers, it
is causing the surface of the river becomes shallow as a result of the trash
piling up. Some people also build their houses or other buildings in the
area that supposed to be a water absorption area of the river.
The surface of the river that becomes shallow caused the river can
no longer accommodate water in the large amounts and also caused the
soil can no longer absorb the water. a result, when the rain fall with a long
duration, eventhough it is not so heavy it will cause water overflowed
towards all directions and the large amount of water will flow into
residential areas. The water caused the houses are flooded, even worse
flood could sink the houses in the residential.

Flood (Sedang)

How Flood Happens

A flood is an overflow of water that submerges land which is usually
dry. Flooding occurs most commonly from heavy rainfall when natural
watercourses do not have the capacity to convey excess water. However,
floods are not always caused by heavy rainfall.
Floods can result from other phenomena, particularly in coastal
areas where inundation can be caused by a storm surge associated with a
tropical cyclone, a tsunami or a high tide coinciding with higher than
normal river levels. Flood can caused by dam failure, triggered for
example by an earthquake, will result in flooding of the downstream area,
even in dry weather conditions.

Tsunami (High)

Tsunami is a natural disaster caused by the increasing waves of the

sea to land with a high swiftness as the consequence of the quake which
is centered under the ocean. The quake can be caused by land erosion,
sifted plate, an erupted volcano as well as a meteoroid that falls in the
ocean. Tsunami usually happens if the size of the earthquake exceed until
7 on the Richter scale. This tsunami is quite dangerous, mainly for those
who live around the beach. With great force, it will sweep out whatever
around it. From all causes of tsunami, earthquake is the major cause.
An earthquake on the bottom of sea gives rise to an affliction of the
sea water that caused by the change of the profile of the ocean floor that
generally occurs because of a tectonics earthquake and perpendicular
(vertical) ground motion with the surface of the sea water or earth surface.
If the movements of the ground are horizontal on the surface of the sea,
there will not happen tsunami. Even though the movement of the ground is
horizontal, but the energy of the earthquake is big, and it can cause the
collapse of cliffs/hill on the sea automatically in which the movement is
perpendicular to the surface of the sea.
Although there is no earthquake that hits the land directly which
results vertical movement, the condition of a cliff and hill in the sea has
been unstable and because of the force of gravity and ocean currents that
led to landslides, it causes tsunami. Earthquake causes perpendicular
layers motion of earth. As a result, the sea bottom is suddenly up and
down, so that the balance of sea water was disturbed on it, similarly with
cosmic objects or meteors that fall from above. If the size of a meteor or
landslide is quite big, mega tsunami can happen with hundreds of meters
high. Vertical movement of the earth crust because of a volcanic eruption,
an earthquake, the avalanche or a meteor falling to earth can cause the
sea floor becomes up or down suddenly therefore it disturbs the balance
of water on it.
This makes the occurrence of energy flow of sea water on the
beach become large waves so that tsunami happens. Billows can spread
to all directions. Energy which conceives in the wave of the tsunami is
fixed on the function of the altitude. The height of waves in the sea is only
about 1 meter. Thus, the rate of a wave cannot be felt by a ship that was in
the middle of the sea. When it approaches the coast, the speed of the
tsunami of decline until about 30 miles per hour, but its height has
increased to reach tens of meters. When it reaches the coast, tsunami
enters the land until hundreds of meters, even kilometers.

Tsunami ( medium )

The Process Of Occurrence Of Tsunamis

If talking about the process of the occurrence of a tsunami, then
we certainly should start from the cause, i.e. the area of the earthquake
in the sea. Tsunami always starts a movement of terrific that customarily
we call the earthquake. Although it is known that there are many kinds
of quakes, but 90% of the tsunami caused by the movement of the
plates in the belly of the Earth happens to belocated there in the ocean.
However, it should be also mentioned, history never recorded
the terrible tsunami due to the eruption of Krakatoa.
The earthquake that occurred in the belly of the Earth would have
resulted in the emergence of pressure towards the vertical so that the
ocean floor will rise and fall in a short span of time. This will then trigger an
imbalance on the ocean water is then pushed into a large wave that
moves mainland region.
With great power on the water wave, the fair only if the buildings on
the Mainland could be swept away easily. This tsunami waves propagate
at speed sun imaginable. He could reach 500 to 1000 kilometers per
hour on the sea. And by the time it reaches shore, its speed is reduced to
50 to 30 kilometers per hour. Despite the diminished rapidly, but the
pace could have caused severe damageto humans.
If we observe the process of occurrence of tsunamis, of course
we understand that there is no human intervention in it. As such, we do
not have control in order to prevent these causes. However, with
maximum vigilance and preparation, we can minimize the impact of the
tsunami itself. Good examples already shown Japan. Though prone
to tsunamis, but awareness of its people is able tosuppress the number of
casualties due to the disaster.


Landslide is a geological process that happen because of the

movement of rock mass or soil such as the fall of rocks or clumps of soil
which detached from the main section of the mountain or hill. Landslide
usually happen in the mountainous areas.
Mostly landslides happen because of earthquake that moves the
underground plate which caused the element or the subsurface plate
displaced, so it is causing fraction and landslide. High rainfall during the
rainy season will also caused landslide. Long duration of the rain will occur
the water evaporation on the ground surface in large amounts. The
evaporation will make pore or soil cavity, then there would be cracks on
the ground. When rain falls, the rain will infiltrate the cracks. Then, the
water will accumulated at the bottom of the slope and caused lateral
movement which occur landslide.

Earthquake (high)

Earthquakes are measured utilizing perceptions from

seismometers. The minute size is the most widely recognized scale on
which earthquakes bigger than more or less 5 are accounted for the whole
globe. The a greater number of various seismic tremors littler than size 5
reported by national seismological observatories are measured for the
most part on the nearby extent scale, additionally alluded to as the Richter
scale. These two scales are numerically comparative over their scope of
legitimacy. Extent 3 or lower tremors are basically practically impalpable or
powerless and size 7 and over possibly cause genuine harm over bigger
ranges, contingent upon their profundity. The biggest tremors in notable
times have been of greatness marginally more than 9, albeit there is no
restriction to the conceivable extent. The latest substantial tremor of extent
9.0 or bigger was a 9.0 greatness quake in Japan in 2011 and it was the
biggest Japanese tremor since records started. Force of shaking is
measured on the changed Mercalli scale. The shallower a seismic tremor,
the more harm to structures it causes, all else being equivalent.
At the Earth’s surface, tremors show themselves by shaking and
infrequently uprooting of the ground. At the point when the epicenter of an
extensive seismic tremor is found seaward, the seabed may be uprooted
sufficiently to bring about a torrent. Earthquakes can likewise trigger
avalanches, and sporadically volcanic movement.

Earthquake ( medium )

Earthquake is one of the most destroying natural disasters.

Unluckily it often happens in several regions. Recently a horrible
earthquake has shaken West Sumatra. It has brought great damages.
Why did it occur? Do you know how an earthquake happens?
Earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground suddenly
breaks along a fault. This sudden release of energy causes the seismic
waves. It make the ground shake. When two blocks of rock or two plates
are rubbing against each other, they stick a little. They don’t just slide
smoothly. The rocks are still pushing against each other, but not moving.
After a while, the rocks break because of all the pressure that’s built up.
When the rocks break, the earthquake occurs.
During the earthquake and afterward, the plates or blocks of rock
start moving, and they continue to move until they get stuck again. The
spot underground where the rock breaks is called the focus of the
earthquake. The place right above the focus is called the epicenter of the

Forest fire (high)

Forest fires are one of the causes of forest destruction are the
greatest and and is very detrimental. Repair damage to forests from fires
require a long time, moreover, to return into the woods again. Therefore,
we need to consider several things that can cause fires.
One of the causes of forest fires are due to volcanic activity of the
volcano like a burning forest because of a lava flow or heat (wedus
gembel) volcanic eruptions. Based on the experience that there is a fire
like this is difficult to anticipate, but may be minimized
One of which led to the burning of forests are caused by human
hands as clean up agricultural land, open agricultural land even to acts of
vandalism of a handful or a group of people. Such measures must be
curbed with socialization to the community.
Human-caused forest fires not only the deliberate sifanya as
described in the previous, but also due to negligence or carelessness of
man. The action of the human carelessness among others throw cigarette
butts and forgot to turn off the fire ungun.
The impact of forest fires would have been detrimental to the life,
therefore we must not let the unburned forest and always sustainable,
impact, among others: Produces carbon dioxide emissions a major cause
of global warming, Deadly various types of flora and fauna that are in the
forest, damaging homes , and many other distinguished anymore ..
We as humans should not be careless and keep our forests so that
no forest fires
Forest fire ( medium )

Forest fire is an incident where the forest which is classified as

natural ecology has transformed caused by massive burning activity of the
forest. Basically, this kind of incident has both positive and negative
impact. However, the negative impact of forest fire is more dominant than
the positive impact.
Forest fire could happen because a lot of factors, such as lightning
strikes on the dry forest because of long dry season. Long dry season also
caused the water sources dried up including the forest. Its losses water
due to evapotranspiration process. Stems, twigs, and dried leaves that rub
against each other could cause fire, then the fire will spread quickly.
Other factors like, human carelessness on throwing cigarette
carelessly or forgot to water the camp fire. Sometimes forest fire also
happens because of volcanic activity such as hit by lava flows or hot
clouds from volcanic eruption. Forest fire also could happen intentionally.
There are some people that intentionally burn the forest to open up a new
land or other vandalism actions.
So, to prevent the forest fire we need to take a good care of the
forest. We need to be more aware that forest is really important for us as
human, forest can give us oxygen that we need to breath and also forest
can prevent flood or landslide from happening. Forest also needed by
other creatures that make forest as their home.

Bullying ( medium )

Bullying is an acts interfere with a person that can be done by

individual or individuals who can make the victim into a depression.
Bullying can happen to anyone and anywhere, cases occur most often in
schools, bullying included as a criminal act and the impact that may occur
is dangerous, especially for child’s psychological , bullying occur due to
the social environment is not good, the person feels most strongly who
oppress the weak one. Bullying often go unreported because victims fear,
and this is where the teacher must be able to monitor his students that
bullying doesn’t continue and make the victim more suffer. To prevent
bullying as parents need to be closer to children and teach norms,
bullying is a crime and should not be done.
Corruption ( high )

"Corruption" in the wider sense includes bribery, extortion, fraud,

deception, collusion, cartels, abuse of power, embezzlement, trading in
influence and money laundering. Corruption commonly occurs in the
infrastructure, construction and engineering sectors especially during the
planning and design phases of those projects. Do you know how does
corruption in these phases happen? The following paragraphs will explain
it to you.
Corrupt practices during the planning and design phases are
usually done by all parties involved in these phases such as the project
owner, government departments responsible for issuing planning
permission and other approvals, the architect, design consultants, and a
bidder. The corrupt practice is started when the project owner bribe a
government in order to obtain approval for a design which does not meet
relevant building regulations, or to obtain planning permission for the
A government official then asks for bribes as a condition of his
approval of the project. The bribes can be in form of shares in the project
owner; a share in the profits of the project owner; a share in the profits of
construction from the contractor; or the use of his own companies to
provide construction services or supplies to the project owner.
After that, a bidder may bribe a representative of the project owner
or consulting engineer to specify a design which improperly favors that
bidder over the others. For example, a certain technology which is only
owned by the bidder may be specified, even though other technologies
may be cheaper. This would normally result in those bidders who do not
own the specified technology being disqualified in the pre-qualification list,
or being rejected directly since they are considered as non-compliant at
tender stage.
By doing those corrupt acts, all parties mentioned above value
themselves or their institutions without considering the result of the
projects they will build and it will be horrible for our future.

Teens addicted to smoking (medium)

Smoking is known to be damaging to one’s health and can cause

various cancers in the body. Smoking at any age has negative effects,
including for teenagers and young adults. Teens are often exposed to
images of celebrities smoking, which can make it seem cool, even though
there are many serious downsides to smoking. In some instances, the
media tries to make smoking look acceptable, which helps tobacco
companies make sales. Teens may be faced with peers who smoke or
family members who smoke in their home. Being bullied to start smoking is
very possible, especially for those who are over 18, since it is then legal to
smoke cigarettes in many regions. If teens live with smokers, they are
likely exposed to second-hand smoke and all the health repercussions that
come with it. These teens are also more likely to have access to packs of
cigarettes that older siblings, parents or other family members have in the

How Juvenile Delinquency Happens

Teeneger is a transitional term for a child who is aged 10-21 years.

At this stage, teens begin to look for identity. We have often heard the
term juvenile delinquency in various forms. There are teenagers who like
to brawl on the streets, get drunk, abuse drugs, and so on. How does
juvenile delinquency happen?
When you go home early in the morning due to teenagers playing
online games, then in the old days, going home early in the morning
because they gather somewhere while having a drink or going around
using a motorbike to get out of town. There were some of them who had
motorcycle accidents in the middle of the night while doing this motorbike
racing activity.
Fighting between students has also been around since my teenage
days, the trigger is sometimes just a trivial problem, it can only be because
of a woman or it can start from a joke that offends one of the students. In
the name of solidarity and friendship they compactly clashed in defense of
their respective friends. The sanction was only a one-week suspension,
and it did not deter.
Delinquency and violence committed by children and adolescents
are rooted in related social problems. Among them are violence against
children and neglect carried out by parents, the emergence of sexual
behavior from an early age, domestic violence, the participation of children
in deviant gangs, and low levels of education.

Lunar eclipses (high)

The lunar eclipse is an event of the sun, the earth and the moon lie
on one line so that the shadow of the earth covers a part or whole moon.
The lunar eclipses that occur on this earth distinguished to several types,
they are total lunar eclipse, partial lunar eclipse and lunar eclipse
The process of the lunar eclipse begins when the earth is between
the sun and the moon on the same line. The result is the sunlight can not
reach the moon because it is blocked by the earth.
A total lunar eclipse is when the moon is right in the umbra (the
darkest area). On a partial lunar eclipse, the earth is not entirely blocking
the moon from the sun. While the other half of the surface of the moon is
in the penumbra area. So there is still some sunlight that reaches the
surface of the moon. On the lunar eclipse umbra, all parts of the moon are
in the penumbra. So the moon can still be seen with a gloomy color.
There is also a very rare lunar eclipse phenomenon called super
total lunar eclipse red blood. This kind of lunar eclipse occurs due at the
time of occurrence of the total lunar eclipse. The moon position is in the
position of the closest approach to the earth, thus making the moon seem
larger and brighter than usual and at the same time only red color of
sunlight penetrated to reflected by the earth’s atmosphere.

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