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Institute of Nursing education Mumbai

Seminar on philosophies of education & nursing education.
It is scientific, systemic inquiry about the ultimate
reality in the universe. It is basis for understanding man. Philosophy has
been derived from two Greek words, ”Philos means love,” Sophia means
wisdom.” so the word philosophy means love of wisdom .Philosophy is
therefore concerned with a search for eternal truth. Philosophy refers to
a certain way of thinking.
a) To arrive at the solution of problem through the use of human
reasoning and experience.
b) To find the deeper meaning of the problem.
1) Philosophy is the science of knowledge- Fitche.
2) Philosophy is the science of all sciences-Coleridge.
3) Philosophy is the mother of all art & true medicine of mind.-
4) Philosophy is a search for a comprehensive view of nature,
an attempt at a universal explanation of nature of things.-
5) Philosophy is unceasing effort to discover the general truth
that lies behind the particular fact to discern and also the
reality that lies behind appearance.


1) Metaphysics: It is record of exploration of the human mind into the ultimate nature of
man and of the world. It is result of attempt to answer the question ,”what is really real.”
e.g, one of the question for which no one has been able to find universally convincing
answer is , Does man possess a soul apart from his body?
Philosophers belonging to the IDEALIST SCHOOL declares that man is essentially a
soul and they accord the visible body only an inside status.
REALIST SCHOOL of scholar give equal status to the body and mind of a man.
NATURALIST look upon the mind as a byproduct of matter and give primacy to the

2) EPISTEMOLOGY: Metaphysics is concerned with the nature of reality while

epistemology focuses on our knowledge of this reality. The epistemologist tries to answer
questions like, what is the difference between knowing and believing ? ,” what can be
known beyond the information provided by our sense organs ? and what is guarantee that
what we know is true.?
Thus the major concern of epistemology is knowledge and truth.

3)AXIOLOGY: It is the branch of philosophy that is concerned with the general problem
of values,i.e, the nature , origine and performance of values.
Axiology has two major subdivisions as follow
a)Ethics: It is the branch of philosophy that is concerned with the morals- good and bad,
right and wrong, approval and disapproval and virtue and vice.
b) Aesthetics: It is the branch of science that is concerned with the problem of beauty and

4)LO0GIC: It is the study of ideal method of thoughts and reasoning.


Philosophy and education are interdependent in nature. the relation between philosophy &
education can be understood from the following facts.
1) Education is the science while philosophy is an art. Education is practical while
philosophy is speculative. They are the two facets of coin.
2) Philosophy determine the supreme aim of life and set standards and values that should
guide and direct man’s educational efforts.
3) Philosophy point out the way to be followed by education. Education is laboratory in
which philosophic theories and speculations are tested. education can be considered
applied philosophy. philosophy is wisdom education that transmit wisdom from one
generation to other.
4) Education is best mean to propagate philosophy. A philosopher is constane seeker of
truth. According to ROSS philosophy and education are two sides of coin former is
contemplative and latter is active side.
5) Philosophy set the goal of life and education provides mean for its achievement.
6) All these great philosophers of the world are also great educators.
7) Philosophy determine all the broad aspect of education. All the problem of education are
the problem of philosophy.
8) The chief task of philosophy is to state the aspect of good life whereas for the education
the chief task is to how to make life worth living.

Interdependence of philosophy and education

1) It is the theory. 1) It is the practice.
2) It is contemplative. 2)it is an active side.
3) It deals with end. 3)
4) It determine what
constitute good life
Management of Subdural Hematomas: Part II. Surgical
Management of Subdural Hematomas.
Fomchenko EI1, Gilmore EJ2,3, Matouk CC4, Gerrard JL4, Sheth KN2,3,5.
Author information

Management of patients with subdural hematomas starts with Emergency
Neurological Life Support guidelines. Patients with acute or chronic subdural
hematomas (SDHs) associated with rapidly deteriorating neurologic exam,
unilaterally or bilaterally dilated nonreactive pupils, and extensor posturing
are considered imminently surgical; likewise, SDHs more than 10 mm in size
or those associated with more than 5-mm midline shift are deemed operative.

While twist drill craniostomy and placement of subdural evacuating vport
system (SEPS) are quick, bedside procedures completed under local
anesthesia and appropriate for patients with chronic SDH or patients that
cannot tolerate anesthesia, these techniques are not optimal for patients with
acute SDH or chronic SDH with septations. Burr hole SDH evacuation under
conscious sedation or general anesthesia is an analogous technique;
however, it requires basic surgical equipment and operating room staff, with
a focus on a closed system with burr hole followed by rapid drain placement
to avoid introduction of air into the subdural space, or multiple burr holes with
extensive irrigation to reduce pneumocephalus and continue SDH
evacuation via drain for several days. Acute SDH associated with significant
mass effect and cerebral edema requires aggressive decompression via
craniotomy with clot evacuation and frequently a craniectomy. Chronic SDHs
that fail conservative management and progress clinically or radiographically
are addressed with craniotomy with or without membranectomy. Surgical
SDH management is variable depending on its characteristics and etiology,
patient's functional status, comorbidities, goals of care, institutional
preferences, and availability of specialized surgical equipment and adjunct
therapies. Rapid access to surgical suites and trained staff to address
surgical hemorrhages in a timely manner, with appropriate post-operative
care by a specialized team including neurosurgeons and neurointensivists,
is of paramount importance for successful patient outcomes. Here, we
review various aspects of surgical SDH management.

Neuro-critical care; Subdural hematoma; Surgical management

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