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GUÍA DE TRABAJO 1. “Parts of the School”.


Nombre: ______________________________________________________________

Curso: ____________________________ Fecha: __________________________

Unidad Unidad 1. “My World”
Objetivo de Aprendizaje (OA 15) Escribir para realizar las siguientes funciones:
› describir acciones cotidianas; por ejemplo: I run, I sleep ›
› solicitar y dar información What/ Where is/are..?; there is/are…;
it is/ this is…;the…is/are…; Is this…? Yes, it is/No, it isn’t; Is he
your father? Yes, he is/No, he isn’t

Indicador de - Identifican descripciones de objetos, personas y lugares.

Evaluación - Usan algunas palabras descriptivas, como colores y
tamaño, al hablar de personas, lugares y objetos; por
ejemplo: the school is big, it is brown and white.
- Describen acciones cotidianas de la escuela, usando
verbos como play, run, write, jump, read, en sus formas
afirmativas y negativas.
- Describen cantidades del 1-10, usando números y
sustantivos en plural; por ejemplo: there are 2 boys.
- Escriben sobre actividades diarias, usando los verbos
have, read, write, run, jump, play en sus formas
afirmativas y negativas en presente con la ayuda del

INSTRUCCCIONES: Lee cuidadosamente antes de responder.

- Read the text

My first day at school

“My father took me to school, which was an

unknown place for me. Teachers and
students were strangers to me. When I
entered the school, I felt nervous. It was a big
building with a large compound wall. As a
small child, I could not feel stable at the sight
of the building. The atmosphere of the school
was calm and quiet. I was not acquainted
with such atmosphere earlier. It was an old
and reputed school in our locality. My father
was a student there in his childhood and
youth. The Headmaster was well known to my father and greeted him with a smile. My
father introduced me to the Headmaster and requested him to admit me to the school.
Then, I was enrolled as a student. The Headmaster allowed me to attend the class. I
became nervous. My father left me in the class room and went away. I was about to cry.
However, the kind behavior of the Headmaster and the class teacher soothed my
feelings. The class teacher asked my name and whereabouts. He patted me on my
back. I replied some of his questions promptly. He became pleased. At - first, I was not

Documento creado por Michelle Cataldo para uso exclusivo de Mi Aula.

able to understand why there were so many teachers. The bell rang. The class teacher
left our class, and another teacher came. All the students in our class, again, stood up.
Other students looked at me curiously. The teacher wrote some words on the board. He
taught simple arithmetic’s. Then, the bell rang. Another class began”.

I. Decide if the statements are true T or false F.

a. _______ The boy has been many times in the school before.
b. _______ The boy’s father studied in the school when he was young.
c. _______ The boy was very nervous when he got to the school.
d. _______ The Headmaster was not very kind to the boy.
e. _______ There were many different teachers in the school.

II. Answer the following questions.

a. How did the boy feel for his first day at school?
b. How was the school atmosphere?
c. Which questions the first teacher ask to the boy?
d. What did the second teacher teach?

III. Complete the sentences.

This is a …………………………….. This is a……………………………..

We can find many …………………. here. We can play music………………… here.

Documento creado por Michelle Cataldo para uso exclusivo de Mi Aula.

This is a …………………………….. This is a ……………………………..
We can ………………………. football here. We can buy our …………………. here.

IV. Match the place with the correct picture

V. Read this description of a school.

My school is very small, and very

beautiful. It has ten classrooms,
one cafeteria, one big playground,
and two big vegetable gardens. It
also has a new laboratory, with
fifteen computers.

Complete the sentences in your notebook, using information about your own school.

Documento creado por Michelle Cataldo para uso exclusivo de Mi Aula.

- My school is…
- It has…
- It also has…


Documento creado por Michelle Cataldo para uso exclusivo de Mi Aula.

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