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My reflection on chapter 1

In chapter one, they reported the rudiments of developmental reading. And the
topics under this are eight facets of reading, reading ranges, the types of reading,
comprehension, and the reading formula. After listening to their report may the
ones that I have known back in developmental are flowing back in my brain. Just
like in the eight facets of reading. Which are reading as a sensory process; reading
as a perceptual process; reading as a response; reading as a learned process;
reading as a developmental task; reading as a tool for learning; reading as a growth
process; reading as an interest. I almost totally forgot them all but thanks to the
reporters I remember and understand their value in my role in being a future
educator. And maybe the other topics that they have discussed help me remember
the ones that I have almost forgotten. But there are still some topic that they have
discuss than I am not really familiar with or I should say that I don’t know the
other topics that have been discuss, maybe I am not around when they tackle that
certain topic in our developmental reading, or maybe I am not listening back then I
can’t really remember why. The topics that I am referring to are the levels of
reading comprehension and this are:
Level 1 – Literal – Stated facts in the text: Data, specifics, dates, traits and settings
Level 2 – Inferential – Build on facts in the text: Predictions, sequence and
Level 3 – Evaluative– Judgement of text based on: Fact or opinion, validity,
appropriateness, comparison, cause and effect
Level 4- Applied– Response to a text based on: Author’s language, values,
imagery, style and purpose
When they discuss and give some example and afterwards they make us our own
examples. For me making our own example makes it easier for us to comprehend
the topic. And the other one is the reading formula which are SQ3R, SQ4R, and
The SQ3R is an abbreviation to help you remember the steps and to make
references to it simpler. The symbols stand for the steps followed in using the
method: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. And the SQ4R stands for
survey, question, read, recite, relate, and review. These six steps can help you
learn and remember what you read more effectively. The other formula is the
EARTH which I can remember because ma’am Genever helps us to understand it
more better with the help of its very instructional materials. and know I
understand the topic I know that I won’t forget on what I learn in chapter one.

My reflection on chapter 2
In this chapter the topics are all about communication skills. In here the reporters report their topics with
good activities that are appropriate with their certain topic. And as far as I can remember all the topics in
these chapters really requires activities to support their topic. Like the types of listening skills which are

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