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middle of a lake. One of the people is rich, and the other is poor; one
is a Republican, and the other a Democrat; one is tall, and the other
short; one is male, the other female; one is heavy, the other thin; one
is a puritan, the other a hedonist; one is a believer, the other a skeptic;

2: Cooperation and Balance and so on. Despite all of their apparent differences, these “two people in
the boat”—the values, beliefs, opinions, ideas, and motivations so often
in conflict—are going to have to reconcile, learn to row together, and
work together and cooperate if they want to reach the other shore. One
Imagine two hands, one open and offering, simple way 2s can start creating an internal sense of balance and in-
the other clenched in a fist of resistance. tegration is by wearing bright, contrasting colors that are coordinated.
Which hand do you put forward most?
Do you hold out both hands in equal measure? The Essence of Cooperation and Balance
Do you allow yourself to receive as much as you give?
Do you overhelp, then resent it? Imagine for a moment what the world might look like if cooper-
Where does your responsibility end and that of others begin? ation didn’t exist: Isolated humans working alone, with all of their poten-
tial, would produce practically nothing; in fact, they probably wouldn’t
Have you found a balance in your life?
survive very long. Erecting even a single building requires a coopera-
tive network of architects, engineers, builders, and secretaries-specialists
Before we can make friends with anyone else, in many fields. Human culture is founded on people working together in
we must first make friends with ourselves. relationship, cooperating toward common goals.
For 2s, true cooperation and support often involve doing less and
allowing others to do more and thereby discover their own abilities,
their own strength, and their own responsibilities. For example, Hiroko
Life Purpose somehow managed to raise three young children, work part-time, and
also volunteer as combination secretary, vice president, and treasurer
Individuals working 2 as their life purpose are here to clarify the of her neighborhood association. She wrote the neighborhood bulle-
limits of their responsibility and learn to work with others in a spirit of tin, invited speakers, and cooked for and helped organize block par-
harmony, balance, and mutual support. Because our life purpose is an ties. Whenever neighbors needed information or assistance, they would
uphill climb, those working 2 as a primary life purpose (20/2s, 39/12s, and call Hiroko, who had a bad case of overcooperation. (People rarely com-
48/12s) and all those with a 2 in their birth number face the challenge of plain about someone who gives too much.) One memorable weekend
balancing their compelling sense of responsibility to others with their own when two of her children were ill, it seemed that everyone in Hiroko’s
inner needs and limits. world needed help with something. She finally snapped, and she was
Balance is a major issue in the lives of 2s: balance between giving forced to recognize her general state of imbalance. She told her older
and receiving, between saying yes and saying no, between the value child he would have to help take care of the two younger ones for the
of thoughts and the value of feelings, between the needs of self and next few days, something she wouldn’t have dreamed of before; she called
the needs of others. In order to achieve outer balance, especially in terms some neighbors and started to delegate responsibility; and she called all
of cooperation, 2s first need to resolve their internal conflicts, discord, of the other people who had made requests of her, took a deep breath,
and contradictions. and said no. To her surprise, the sky didn’t fall; the Earth, and the neigh-
Inner cooperation can pose special difficulties for 2s. It’s as if they borhood, went on spinning. Hiroko learned that in resigning as “general
have two people inside them, sitting side by side in a rowboat in the manager of the universe,” she not only found her balance and retained

her health, she also served others by empowering them to take their influence our experience, others sometimes do take that proverbial
fair share of responsibility. mile.
Emma, a young woman working 2, used to make her college
roommate’s bed every morning, even after her roommate’s boyfriend
Challenges on the Path
had stayed over. Often she would lie very still in her bed, trying to
The very same qualities that make 2s such great potential assets go to sleep, while six feet away her roommate and boyfriend were mak-
to society can be their own undoing. Wanting so much to be helpful, ing love. Emma said nothing about this situation, except to offer to
they may chronically subordinate their own needs to the needs of others, find someplace else to sleep, so as not to disturb the couple—a clear
going beyond loving sacrifice or healthy altruism into servitude. They case of overcooperation.
ignore or discount their feelings and needs and end up doing what Eventually, Emma requested another room—a constructive so-
they or someone else thinks they “should” do. lution, but Emma might have benefited more had she stated her feel-
Most 2s start out in overcooperation—in codependent behavior ings and her rights and put more responsibility on her roommate for
patterns—feeling responsible for others’ happiness and others’ lives, hav- working out her romantic situation without intruding on Emma’s
ing trouble saying no, overcommitting, ignoring their limits and bound- privacy. Emma had not established her boundaries, so people treated
aries, and taking on more than they can, or ought to, handle, then going her as a doormat; in ignoring her own needs, she unknowingly en-
into resentment. Not all codependents are working 2 energy, but where couraged others to do the same. The key for finding cooperative balance
others are amateur codependents, 2s are professionals, especially if they for 2s is learning the difference between support and servitude.
haven’t yet defined their boundaries and limits of responsibility. Guided In relationships, partners may unintentionally take advantage of
by the Law of Responsibility, 2s can find a renewed sense of 2s by asking or expecting them to do more and more, until they react.
inner peace and of joy in support freely given. After that, 2s may continue to make dinner or take out the trash, but
Should is a big word and a significant force in the lives of 2s, who, they shut down emotionally.
as I’ve noted, think in terms of what they should do, what others should In the sexual arena or in relationships in general, when 2s start
do, and what situations should be like. Vulnerable to other people’s needs out overcooperating—doing what someone else wants without con-
and demands, 2s often feel confused about what is the “right” decision sidering their own needs or desires, one imbalance soon creates another.
or action. They often ask, “What do you think I should do?” Where they started out giving and giving, 2s later withdraw, resist, or
Until 2s learn to act on the basis of what they truly feel, their take a rigid stance. Sexually, this may manifest as frigidity or impo-
service won’t last for long. If they don’t feel good about what they’re tence, as if their subconscious is saying, “I’m not going to give anymore.”
doing, cooperation will eventually turn to conflict as even the most Until 2s establish healthy boundaries, they need to avoid situa-
accommodating 2s begin to feel overwhelmed and shift into undercooper- tions of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, and to remember that all
ation. After bending over too far backward, they react, going from give- of us of any age have the right to say no at any time when it comes
give-give to stubborn resistance. Resenting both themselves and those to our bodies and our feelings. If something doesn’t feel right to them,
whom they helped, they just shut down; at this point, they want things 2s need to honor their feelings and communicate as strongly as necessary.
their own way or else—with no compromise. In fact, some 2s who have
overcooperated most of their life can later get stuck in a state of chronic Other Qualities and Issues
resentment, sullenly doing what they think everyone else expects.
Friends or loved ones may wonder what happened to cause the The battle cry of 2s is, “It’s their fault!” Many people who live
sudden change in attitude and may perceive such 2s as stubborn, un- with 2s perceive them as judgmental, but they are really saying, “It’s
fair, or self-centered. But behind their stubbornness lies a feeling of not my fault!” Assigning blame helps 2s relieve their own internal pres-
helplessness, a fear of being overwhelmed by others—a core belief that sure, since 2s can feel responsible for everything from floods to earth-
if they give an inch, others will take a mile. And because our beliefs quakes.

In order to succeed in resolving outer conflicts and achieve balanced At the Summit: Potential and Destiny
cooperation, those working 2 first need to resolve internal discord. Due
to their exaggerated sense of responsibility, most 2s overthink in the form Those working 2 energy form the foundation, the very under-
of obsessive worry or overanalysis, then bounce from mental preoccupa- pinnings, of every society. They often serve as the unsung heroes and
tion to reactive emotions (“Oh my God! What are we going to do?”). heroines who make all the difference in the world; they assure the suc-
Achieving mental and emotional equanimity poses a major chal- cess of great undertakings and achievements.
lenge for 2s; when they weigh and sort opposing values to make a de- Because 2 is a very strong service number, people working 2 have
the drive to serve and help, to instruct and guide, to assist and support.
cision, they have trouble choosing one over another.
When working in positive ways, they generally have a reputation as
Most of us have potentially conflicting beliefs, values, and desires
big-hearted people. They tend toward loyalty and responsibility; they
filed away in our mind—reasons to get out of bed and reasons to pull
are the kind of people others can count on. When the going gets tough,
the covers back up; reasons to get married and have children and rea-
have 2s in your corner; when you need someone to talk to, these indi-
sons to stay single or remain childless—the list is endless. For most
viduals can be very good listeners.
of us, these apparent opposites somehow coexist, but for 2s, these op-
With intrinsic inner and outer strength, 2s work hard to improve
posing values are like two children who both want to ride in the front
situations and support people. Once they find a clear goal, they cooperate
seat. Resolving these conflicts poses a challenge for 2s, who hate to
for the common good. Many 2s have strong ambitions and can be-
disappoint anyone.
come leaders in any field, but they most often serve a larger cause in
As they learn to take responsibility for their own life instead of
a support capacity, in cooperation with others. They find the most fulfill-
feeling responsible for everyone else’s, 2s stop blaming others for their
ment when supporting others, because such a role is aligned with their
own inner conflicts and begin to establish healthy limits. They find a life purpose. This support energy does not by any means relegate 2s
balance between what is okay and what is not okay—between what to subordinate positions. The energy of 2 conveys an attitude about
they will gladly do and what they won’t do. They learn when to say life, not a role in life; 2s can become and have become presidents of
yes and how to say no. companies and nations.
Emotional stress happens when the mind resists what is; 2s tend At the highest levels, 2s transcend the concept of cooperating with
to resist changes that make them feel out of control; therefore, they others and see others as a part of their larger Self. This realization dis-
often experience mental conflict, emotional stress, and physical tension. solves resentment, allows 2s to take complete responsibility for their
Racing thoughts impose general muscular tension that compromises life, and results in their having equal respect for self and others. They
the lymphatic system and the immune system. Although 2s don’t often truly become a source of loving service in the world.
get ill due to their robust constitution, allergies can become a prob-
lem, especially in times of stress. Action Checklist
Those working 2, whether they have a wiry, muscular, or wide The following actions can make a difference in the lives of those
body, have intrinsic physical strength and sturdiness, as well as internal working 2 energy:
fortitude, vigor, and perseverance. But their strength can also manifest
as stubbornness, rigidity, or tension. Because of this, 2s benefit from • Understand the difference between support and servitude; learn
meditation practice, dance, hatha yoga, and martial arts, such as t’ai chi when to say yes and how to say no.
ch’uan, which help them relax, respond, and flow in life. • Learn to flow with change, relax into life, and stay flexible,
letting go of what isn’t your responsibility.
Anything we do, we can overdo or underdo, so 2s in particular
• Spend some time each day stretching, meditating, and relaxing.
need to develop a higher order of perspective and balance before they • To determine a course of action, use your head but go with
can fulfill their life purpose. Balance, as outlined in the Law of Balance, is your gut feelings.
the essential catalyst that leads 2s toward the summit of their
Accessing Cooperation and Balance
1. Think of someone you know, or imagine a film, literary, or
historical character—a role model who exhibits a clear coopera-
tive balance and who honors equally the needs of self and
2. Imagine yourself as that person—feeling inner harmony,
responsible for yourself and supportive of others, cooperating
toward mutual goals within clear and appropriate limits and
boundaries. In what specific ways can you put these qualities
into practice and bring more balance into your life?

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