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In The name Of Our Supreme Creator

Printed in the Sovereign Earth Alliance®

Copyright © 2006 C.E., by His Royal Majesty Arthur Alexander Augustus©
All Rights/Defenses Reserved Universal
[date recognized by the S.E.A. as the Year of Grace, 6006 A.Y.]
Item No. 01-19-2006-A1-SEA

The Sovereign Earth Alliance©® }

The Sovereign Kingdom of Augustus }Declared, Adjudged, Decreed and Ordered
The Sovereign E’State of Arthur Alexander Augustus© }
By Sovereign Mandate Manifestum Patent of Majora and Minora Regalia Prerogative Instance In Law of His
Royal Majesty Arthur Alexander Augustus©, the Magnus Regnant of the Sovereign Earth Alliance©®.
Printed in the Sovereign Earth Alliance©®

Seal of the Sovereign Earth Alliance©® :

Royal Office of Registrar
Sovereign Earth Alliance®

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The Sovereign Earth Alliance©® Charter as Declaration and as Consitution


The Holy Sovereign Earth Alliance

"Where We Go One - We Go All"

The Universal Pillars of Sovereign Law and Justice

To Live Honorably By Our Standing And Comity

To Hurt No One Without Just Cause

To Give Unto Every One His Just Due

To Render Justice to One and All

To Let Right Be Done Though The Heavens Should Fall

The Universal Maxim Of Sovereign Law and Justice

Injustice To One Is Injustice To All

Present Charter as Declaration and as Constitution



The Sovereign Kings

And Their Prerogative
Royal Courts Of Their Regal Retinue Wherever They Sojourn
The Saintly Kingdoms
Of Each Standing Sovereign
Of The Holy Sovereign Earth Alliance

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Dual Nature of the Charter

This present Charter is drafted by Members States of the Sovereign Earth Alliance, each
member king thereof defined herein as "State-In-Being" a "Head-Of-State" and "State-In-Fact"
of the First Holy Imperial Universal Royal Courts of Standing Sovereigns' hereafter Member
States of the "Sovereign Earth Alliance" of the Citadel of Peace and thereby, shall serve as
Charter and Constitution until, if at all, a more perfect Charter as Constitution shall arise in
convention upon a Treaty for Charter in Nature as Declaration and as Constitution. This present
Charter as Declaration and as Constitution shall serve explicitly in simplified terms of
development to explain its outstanding characteristic and the key to its construction or any future
development respective hereto, should be its dual quality as Declaration and as Constitution
strictly governing explicitly and exclusively signatory Member States and no other absence such
evidence as signatory except the private property or territorial integrity or political independence of
any established Claims of any Member State or Royal Retinue of each Member State. As
Declaration this Charter and any future development respective hereto, shall constitute a binding
agreement alongside any other foundational agreements via 'variation by agreement' executed by
the signatory Sovereigns as "Head-Of-State" Member States to work together for peaceful ends
and to adhere to certain standards of universal respect. As Constitution this Charter and any
future development respective hereto, shall create a suggested number of four (4) overall
instruments by which these ends may be achieved in practice and these standards actually
maintained. The first (1st) function of the Charter is Moral and Idealistic: the second (2nd)
Realistic and Practical. All Walks of Life who have lived through the various struggles of war,
oppression and a myriad of genocidal terror of so many kinds to numerous to mention are not
ashamed, as other far removed generations are, to declare the depth and the idealism of their
attachment to the cause of Peace. But neither are They ashamed to recognize the Realities of Force
and Power which war has forced Them to see and to endure while bearing in mind that the
Doctrine of Non-Resistance is absurd and slavish to the good will of All Walks of Life where
ever Their Regal Retinue sojourn.

As Declaration this Charter commits and binds the signatory kings of which become the
Member States of the Sovereign Earth Alliance to the maintenance of "Universal Peace and
Accord", to the development of "friendly relations among All Walks of life based upon the
Universal Pillars and Maxim of Sovereign Law for the principle of equal Rights, Duties and
self-determination of All Walks of Life", and to the achievement of "Universal cooperation in
solving Universal problems no matter how small or great", together with the promotion of all
technology and encouragement of "respect for all fundamental Freedoms for All Walks of Life
Universally." More precisely, the signatory Sovereigns as Member States of the Sovereign
Earth Alliance agree to promote "higher standards of living, education, full work, greater
business, better occupations, vocations, calling, trade, profession, and conditions of economic
and social advancement, high technological research and development; solutions of universal
economic, social, health and related problems; and universal cultural and educational
cooperation; and universal respect for, and observance of Rights, Duties and fundamental
Freedoms for All Walks of Life without distinction as to origin, race, gender, language or
spiritual, mental or physical beliefs not in contradiction with the uniformity of the Universal
Pillars of Sovereign Law to the advancement of any Walk of Life wanting quality of Standing
as a 'State-In-Being' 'Head-Of-State' and 'State-In-Fact' to full membership as a Sovereign
king on equal footing as a signatory Member State of the Charter along with the signatory
Member States of the Sovereign Earth Alliance".

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Further, this Charter's stated capacity as Declaration created by the Sovereigns of the Member
States of the Sovereign Earth Alliance shall serve the Universal Principles of Contract Law
(hereafter: U.P.C.) which its signatory Member States accept as binding. "Sovereign Equality"
of the signatory Member States are declared hereby, to be the foundation of their associated
Universal Intergovernmental Assembly defined as the Universal Congress of the Sovereign Earth
Alliance. Fulfillment in good faith of the obligations of the signatory Member States shall be
pledged by full recourse in Compliance to this Charter by signatory Member States as Surety and
binding just Stewardship for One another "in order to ensure to all of them the Rights, Duties
and Benefits resulting from membership" in the associated Universal Intergovernmental
Assembly. This Charter hereby declares that the signatory Member States bind themselves to
Arbitration within the forum established by the Charter guaranteeing the well-being of the Alliance
to "settle Their Universal disputes by Peaceful means" and in such manner as not to endanger
Universal Peace, Accord, and/or Justice. This Charter hereby declares that signatory Member
States are to "refrain in Their Universal relations from threat or use of force against the
Private Property or Territorial Integrity or Political Independence of any Established Claims
of any signatory Member State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purpose of this
Charter of the signatory Member States of the Sovereign Earth Alliance". At the same time
signatory Member States bind themselves to give the signatory Member States of the Sovereign
Earth Alliance "every assistance in any justifiable action the associated Universal Congress of
the signatory Member States of the Sovereign Earth Alliance takes" in accordance with the
Charter, and to "refrain from giving assistance to any state against which the associated
Universal Congress of the Member States of the Sovereign Earth Alliance is taking justifiable
preventative or enforcement action".

Finally, this Charter as Declaration binds those of its Member States having Responsibilities for
Administration, Claims or whose Royal Retinue have not yet attained the full measure of self-
government, to recognize the principle "that the interests of all such Administration, Claims or
any Royal Retinue are paramount" and to "accept as a sacred trust" the obligation to perfect
such Administration, Claims or educate their Royal Retinue in Peace and promote such
Administration, Claims or Royal Retinue with the dignity and honor due the highest standard of
Administration and education when dealing with self-government and their Rights and Duties and
Manifest Destiny toward each and every Member State of the associated Universal Congress of
the Sovereign Earth Alliance and All Walks of Life where possible, for their continued wellbeing.

This Declaration shall serve each and every purpose and principle which shall be estimable and
notable in and of themselves. This Declaration states without condition or qualification, a first (1st)
and overriding Objective and Purpose of Peace through Strength "to maintain Universal Peace
and Accord". Universal Peace and Accord shall be essential conditions of all those sojourning
upon this planet Earth or otherwise. And at all times this Declaration shall declare increasingly unto
All Walks of Life the unalienable right to be free from fear and free from want by such Peace
through Strength. Which, accordingly all signatory Member States shall envision as the great goal
and final objective of the associated Universal Congress of the Member States of the Sovereign
Earth Alliance endeavors as the reason for taking the Mantle of self-government upon
Themselves. In convening such Assembly not only for the kings Themselves but for All Walks of
Life. Each Member State shall bring about the realization of that which is estimable and which
each and every Member State shall work for unceasingly as the example handed to Them by Their
Supreme Creator, and the Saintly stepping stones laid by those who have come before us in like
kind down through the on-going concourse of time, as evident by the signatory Member States
knowledge of Truth passed down by all of the Ever-Vigilant' years of history that Their Gallant
Ancestors preserved when seeking the restoration or establishment of Their Rights, Duties and

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Fundamental of Freedoms everywhere for All Walks of Life. These Divine Truths are evident today
by all the present kings of standing and good will acting as signatory Member States in
Convention by keeping Their Turn True to Their Supreme Creator, upon the Watch Towers of
Responsibility of self-government passed to Their Royal Distinction for such measure of sacrifices
as to Their Royal Prerogative Instance shall deem as necessary to exercise in maintenance and
continuance of Their Royal Birthrights to self-government as are such Rights and Duties bound,
and, required to exercise in furtherance of the Predestination of all Their future Regal Posterity or

But neither this Declaration, nor any other past or future Declaration as they may or shall be
declared, may or shall assert the possible intention of the present or future potential signatory
Member States of the Sovereign Earth Alliance to bring about the economic and social
conditions essential to an enduring Peace, or to promote all technology and solemn respect for All
Walks of Life, Duties and fundamental Freedoms, would suffice, in and of themselves, to meet the
evil of illicit discord and the fear of illicit conflict which this Convention is called to consider.
What is demanded and needed, as this Charter states, will and shall declare, is a machinery to give
effect to the purpose to maintain such Peace-"effective collective standards for measures for the
prevention and removal of threats to Peace by estimable fortitude and Peace through
Strength". What is agreed herein, the signatory Member States of the Sovereign Earth Alliance
are determined to have Peace and Accord, and the means to maintain Strength "to bring about by
Peaceful means for adjustment and/or settlement of Universal Disputes".

Four Instruments Created

This Charter shall in its capacity as Constitution undertakes to recognize Member States created
via 'variation by agreement.' Furthermore, this Charter establishes a kingship not unlike the
Roundtable of king Arthur and his Knight Errantry and such king to 'serve' as High King (e.g.
Magnus Regnant) according to the foundational agreements each signatory Member State having
executed and governed by the U.P.C. and, a Universal Congress to appoint signatory Member
States on equal footing with such king when in assembly of the whole to be known as the
"Universal Congress" which in turn shall appoint such Member States to serve at the good
pleasure of said High King as his privy council to be known as the "Knights of the Roundtable"
while in good behavior at the behest of the Universal Congress. Furthermore, said Knights are to
establish and keep harmony by the comity created by signatory Member States of the associated
Universal Congress of the Sovereign Earth Alliance, hereafter to be known as the "Universal
Congress" of the Sovereign Earth Alliance. This Charter further undertakes to create, in addition
to the aforementioned king with his specialized but vital functions, four principle overall
instruments to arm the Alliance and their purposes and to accomplish its ends: and enforcement
agency; an assembly for discussion and debate which the Universal Congress should serve as; an
Eclectic and Accord institute through which the learning and the knowledge of the Earth or
otherwise, may be brought to bear upon its common problems; an Universal Court in which
justiciable Causes may be heard. The First is called as afore stated the "Knights of the
Roundtable"; the second, the "Universal Congress"; the third. The "Council of Eclectics and
Accord"; the fourth, the "Universal Court of Peace". Their functions are the functions
appropriate to their names.

The Knights of the Roundtable

It will be the duty of the Knights of the Roundtable, supported by their pledged participation,
and backed by eclectic contingents to be made available by Member States, to use Their great

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and honorable prestige to bring about by peaceful means the adjustment or settlement of
universal disputes arising from the Universal Maxim "Injustice to One is Injustice To All"
with the guiding principle, to any recourse had, shall be "To Let Justice Be Done Though The
Heavens Should Fall". Should these means fail, it is Their Right and Duty, as They have
Power, to take whatever measures are necessary, including measures of accord, to settle acts of
aggression or other breaches of Peace. It will be the Right and Duty of the Knights of the
Roundtable, in other words, to make good the commitment of the Sovereign Earth Alliance to
maintain Universal Peace and Accord, turning that lofty purpose into reality. To that end this
Roundtable will be given the use and the support of diplomatic, economic and reconciliation
tools and awards in the control of the Sovereign Earth Alliance.

The Universal Congress

It is hereby declared the responsibility of the Universal Congress to discuss, debate, reveal,
expose, and lay open-to perform, that is to say, the healthful and ventilating functions of a free
deliberative body, with the Right or Duty to ratify, enact or legislate upon matters particular to its
body. The Universal Congress may take up any matter within the scope of this Charter or relating
to Powers and functions of any Council or Organs provided in this Charter. The Universal
Congress may discuss the maintenance of Peace and Accord and make recommendations on the
subject to the Roundtable or king, calling attention to situations likely to endanger Peace and
Accord. The Universal Congress may initiate studies and make recommendations for the purpose
of promoting universal cooperation in the maintenance of Peace and Accord. The Universal
Congress is charged with the duty of assisting in the realization of Sovereign Rights and
fundamental Freedoms of self-determination of All Walk of Life and encouraging the development
of Written Universal Law. The Universal Congress may debate any situation, regardless of origin,
which they think likely to impair their sovereign well-being, and recommend measures for their
Peaceful reconciliation. The Universal Congress may receive and consider reports from the
various established or to be established Councils or Organs of the Sovereign Earth Alliance,
including the Knights of the Roundtable or king himself.

Stated in terms of the purposes and principles of the Charter, in other words, it is the function of
the Universal Congress, with its free discussion and their equal voice, to realize in fact the
"Sovereign Equality" of their Member States to which the Sovereign Earth Alliance are
committed and to develop in fact the "friendly relations among Sovereigns based on respect for
the principle of equal-footing in Rights and Self-Determination of All Walks of Life seeking
Standing in Sovereignty" which this Charter on Purposes names as its second (2nd) Objective.
Furthermore, it is the function of the Universal Congress to realize in their own deliberations the
"Universal cooperation in the solution of Universal problems" which this Charter recites as one
of its principle aims, and to employ the liberty of their public debates, and the prestige of their
recommendations, to promote and encourage "respect for Sovereign Rights and Duties and
fundamental Freedoms".

The Council of Eclectics and Accord

The relation of the Council of Eclectics and Accord to the stated purposes of the Sovereign
Earth Alliance is similarly direct and functional. The attainment of the ends which the Sovereign
Earth Alliance lists among its Objectives and Purposes in economic, social, health, technology
and other related fields, requires expert knowledge and careful study and the development of
collaborative programs of action. The instrument devised by this Charter to these ends shall be a
Council in the economic and social field acting under the general responsibility of the Universal

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Congress and consisting of Councilors appointed by any one or more Member States, so long as
no more than one Councilor of any one field serves upon such Council at any given time. When
two or more Member States proffer appointments to any one Eclectic field, each proffer shall sit in
a Committee of Whole governing such particular Eclectic field, with each member having equal
voice with the most senior member in age of the Committee appointed. And, after such Majority
vote of the Committee on the Record of such Committee, the most senior member of the
Committee shall cast the Majority voice of the Committee by the Record upon any matter under
consideration before the Council.

The Council of Eclectics and Accord is hereby empowered to make and initiate studies in their
field, to frame reports and to make recommendations on their own initiative not only to the
Universal Congress, including the Knights of the Roundtable or king himself, and also inclusive
hereby, to the Members States of the present or any future established Councils or Organizations
and any specialized committee of any such Eclectic fields of economics, science and technology,
health and culture, labor and trade, finance and Sovereign Rights, and the like, under the Council's
own coordination, which will be associated with the Sovereign Earth Alliance. Furthermore, the
Council shall be authorized to call Universal Conferences "on any matters falling within its
competence"; to prepare, for submission to the Universal Congress, "draft Conventions" in their
fields; "to perform services at the request of Member States of the Sovereign Earth Alliance and
at the request of specialized agencies of appointment by any One or more Member States of the
Sovereign Earth Alliance; and to obtain reports from Member States and from the specialized
agencies on steps taken to give effect to their recommendations and those of the Universal
Congress. In a field of interest which concerns the Member States and from as directly as the field
of social and cultural and economic improvement, the power to study, report and recommend, the
power to call conferences, prepare draft conventions and require reports of progress, is a power
which can be counted on to go a long way toward translating a mental cultivation in the classical
polite learning and aspirations into every society for the benefit of All Walks of Life and self-

The Universal Court of Peace

The role of the Universal Court of Peace in the realization of the objectives of this Charter is
obvious from the nature of the Court's character of choice as of 'First and Last Resort'. The
purposes of this Charter shall include the adjustment or settlement of Universal discords either in
their character singularly, jointly or severally "in conformity with Principles of the Universal
Pillars and Maxim of Sovereign Law". The Universal Court of Peace is the instrument of the
Sovereign Earth Alliance to effect this purpose in the Case of justiciable discord referred to the
Court by the parties. Where discords are referred to the Court, or where Member States accept
the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court, the justices decisions are, of course, binding upon the
parties. Moreover, this Charter brings into agreement the Member States to undertake to comply
with the Courts decisions. Where a party to a Case decided by the Court fails to comply with the
Court's decisions, the matter may be brought to the attention of the Knights of the Roundtable or
the High King himself for appropriate action.

These four (4) overall instruments of universal action constitutes the principle means by which
this Charter proposes to translate the Universe's hope for Peace and Accord into a new beginning of
Earthly reality of Peace and Accord. There are other instruments, adapted to other and more special
ends. There should be a Universal Trust Fund, which will have the heavy responsibility of attaining
in non-strategic areas the Objectives and Purposes established by this Charter. There is the kingship
sitting at the pleasure of the Universal Congress and which shall not be removed for any reason

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while in good behavior and which, as a universal character of service responsible to the Alliance
alone, will constitute such staff, and ministries under such direction of royal decree. The Knights of
the Roundtable, the Universal Congress, the Council of Peace and Accord and the Universal
Court of Peace are, however, the Principle tools through which, and by which, the specific aims
and purposes of this Charter would be carried out.

It is hereby declared that such four (4) instruments are admittedly institutions that are accorded
equally, the full faith and credit of the Member States concerning Their Records and Acts.
Furthermore, the jurisdiction of the Universal Court is compulsory touching upon the Court's
process or due course action issued or directed upon Member States or such other party's which
may choose to use the Court's arbitration forum for settlement of conflicts. The Universal
Congress shall only be able to legislate by signatory Member States in the presence of the High
King. The Knights of the Roundtable is/are obliged, when action is used, to act through Eclectic
contingents supplied by the Member States. Measured against the magnitude of the task to which
the Sovereign Earth Alliance have committed Themselves and considered in the light of the long
history of previous failures in this undertaking, such limited instruments may seem inadequate to
the labor to be done. They have, nevertheless, characteristics which justify a greater hope for Their
success than the extent of the powers delegated to Them would imply. They have behind them
history of the Saints' long effort to suppress, in other areas of life, inordinate order, anarchy and the
rule of violence. These four (4) instruments are, in effect, the four (4) principle forums through
which the Sovereigns of Earth can achieve the establishment of Peace and Accord as between
Sovereigns and Their Regal Retinue and such other communities at Large.

Four Instruments Developed Through The Ages

On the frontiers of self-government in society-not least upon the American frontier-the

instruments of order have always been, in one form or another, and agency to enforce respect for
law with moral and physical power to prevent and to suppress breaches of the peace; a court in
which the differences and disagreements of its citizens/subjects could be heard and tried; and a
meeting place where the moral sense of the community could be expressed and its judgments
formed, whether as declarations of law or as declarations of opinion. To these three (3) fundamental
and essential instruments of order, time and the necessities of advancing civilization have added a
fourth (4th) institution through which technical knowledge and accumulated experience can be
brought to bear upon the social and economic problems of society-problems with which learning
and science and experience can effectively deal.

These four (4) fundamental instruments-the enforcement officer, the Court, the public meeting,
and the center of science and the knowledge-are instruments to which free People are accustomed.
They are instruments in the use of self-governing People have become adept over many
generations. They are instruments the efficacy of which has been demonstrated by the whole
history of civilization. Their establishment in the universal concept of Earth's place in the Universe,
though accompanied by limitations upon their scope, will not alter their quality nor diminish their
prestige. To transplant vines and trees from familiar to unfamiliar environments is necessary to cut
them back and prune them. To transplant social organisms from the Earth of individual and group
relations to the Earth of universal relations is necessarily also to limit them and cut back.
Nevertheless, instruments of proven social value taken over from the domestic to the universal
would carry with them qualities of vigor and of fruitfulness which the limitations placed upon them
by their new conditions cannot kill. They have behind them an historical momentum and a
demonstrated usefulness which means far more, in terms of ultimate effectiveness, than the precise
legal terms by which they are established in their new environment.

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Adapting These Agencies to Universal Relations

Moreover, if the work of cutting back is done realistically, the chances of survival are increased.
The four (4) social instruments taken over by the Sovereign Earth Alliance have been adapted to
the conditions of the actual Earth of universal relationships with realistic appreciation of the
limiting factors to be faced. The Knights of the Roundtable is not the enforcement agency of a
world state, since world opinion will not accept the surrender of sovereignty which the
establishment of the world state would demand. The Knight of the Roundtable, therefore, depends
upon the Sovereign Member States for the actions both of Persuasion and of Accord through
which it will attempt to keep the Peace. But its dependence upon the Member States is realistically
adapted to the situation of the Member States. The Roundtable is to use the power of the
Members States in accordance with the realities of the distribution of power. The Knights of the
Roundtable is expressive of the actualities of the possession and the exercise of power in the
modern realm of consciousness. The Knights of the Roundtable shall be appointed by the
Universal Congress and made permanent Members of the Roundtable whilst sitting at the
pleasure of the High King and in good behavior accorded by the Universal Congress.
Furthermore, in order that Their possession of power and Their use of power may be made to serve
the purpose of Peace, it is provided that they shall exercise Their power only in agreement with
each other and not in disagreement. And that such power shall only be used out from under Royal
Decree of the High King or by unanimous declaration issued by all the current total Member
States of the Sovereign Earth Alliance in Good Standing out from under their Royal
Prerogative of the Great Seal of the Universal Congress sitting before the High King assembled.
This Charter expresses a similarly realistic acceptance of the facts of the actual Earth limits of the
Member States within the Universal Congress exercises in discussion and deliberation with
respect to the exclusive power to legislate only on matters unanimously agreed upon, since the
power to legislate would necessarily encroach upon the Sovereign Independence of the Member
States singularly otherwise. So too the Council of Eclectics and Accord has no power or right to
interfere with the domestic affairs of the Member States composing the Sovereign Earth
Alliance. And for the same reason the jurisdiction of the Court is limited to the signatory Member
States or otherwise agreed upon by any such parties willing to submit to the jurisdiction and
judgments of the Court. These adaptations to the realities of the existing situation within the
contemporary Earth do not decrease, but on the contrary increase, the likelihood that the
instruments borrowed by this Charter by the Sovereign Earth Alliance from history, touching
upon the ancient struggle for Peace and Accord among People of Earth will serve Their purpose
in the newer struggle for Peace and Accord among Member States and such conditions which
shall arise Universally as People begin to stretch out their imaginations and influences upon the
our solar system and beyond.

Upon the fact that each individual Member State seeking self-determination and desiring
equality in Sovereignty to which the Law's of Nature and Nature's Creator have entitled them,
does hereby adopt this Charter by Their separate Declaration of Expatriation from whence ever
and Repatriate to the body politic of the Sovereign Earth Alliance by the adoption of this
Charter as Constitution which will furnish effective means for the realization of the purposes
fixed by this Declaration and Charter as Constitution which will set noble and enduring goals for
the work of the Charter as Constitution. Thereby, we each base our firm conviction that the
adoption of this Charter is in the best interests of the Sovereign People of the Universe
everywhere and the hope of the Earth presently.

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When the People wake up to the fact that choice is the best exercise of Their Birthright to Self--
Government and that coming into society is a fact not One of any People can avoid, it is best to
choose and exercise of this Birthright to fellowship with People of Faith, Credit, and Standing. If
the People at present refuse to take upon themselves the Cross of Self-Government and form
Their Institutions of Government upon the Eclectic Foundations historically revealed, then They
will be enticed into subjugation by those with foreign concepts to the Ideas of Freedom and Self--
Government. Time is of the Essence in all things Eclectic or Spiritual, Mental and Physical
when charged with the vigilance of keeping the Peace and Accord. The Sovereign Earth Alliance
is not as yet a territorial Alliance so to speak. But be assured it has a territory that we all truly
should know so well..."The Hearts of Men." This is the True Kingdom, where each and every
One is created a Sovereign and reigns upon his own throne, exercising his kingship according to
his own dictates. For too long now have we the Sovereign People of Earth relinquished our
Birthright unknowingly to foreigners whom have little care for our Peace and Accord.

Beginning the Work of Peace and Accord

If we are earnestly determined, as each signatory Member State of the Sovereign Earth
Alliance believe we are, that the innumerable dead of the millenniums shall not have laid the fullest
price possible upon the alter of liberty and died in vain, we must act in concert with the other
Member States of the Earth to bring about the Peace and Accord for which these dead gave up
their lives. The Charter of the Sovereign Earth Alliance shall be the product of such concerted
action. It offers means for the achievement of that purpose. If the means are inadequate to the task
they must perform, time will reveal their inadequacy, as time will provide, also, the opportunity to
amend them. The Sponsoring signatory Powers on which this Charter is based will be published
to the Earth were those willingly participate in the purpose of the Convention to consider them
convened. In time as more People become aware of the opinions of the Sovereign Earth Alliance
and their desire for Universal Peace, greater numbers of People will be brought to bear upon the
fruitful elements of Peace and Accord for All Walks of Life. Subsequently, the Charter's text will
be examined and reconsidered by People and individuals for many years to come. Hopefully the
Charter will continue to be a stepping stone of great value for all generations to come.

For the first time in Our history on Earth, many of the Earth's Sovereign Peoples' directly,
and through Their own participation seeking self-determination are collaborating in drafting this
Universal Declaration as Charter and as Constitution. What should and shall result from this
Saintly work is a Sovereign Victory for All good and faithful interests dedicated to seeking Good
Will towards All Walks of Life to establish Universal Peace. Each signatory Member State
having within their capacity to establish such institutions amongst themselves as they may find
themselves willing to sacrifice to establish has ordained their efforts before a Candid World. But
whatever our efforts in presenting the concepts covering this Charter may appear in form as
imperfections, we humbly plead as our Gallant Ancestor, the Charter written upon your hearts
will be enough to render the Charter of the Sovereign Earth Alliance, a testament for which it
will offer the Earth an instrument by which a real beginning may be made upon the work of Peace
and Accord. We the People, the Member States of the Sovereign Earth Alliance, in Universal
Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Creator of the Earth for the rectitude of our
intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these States, solemnly
publish and declare, That these Sovereign Member States are, and of Right ought to be Free and
Independent States: that they are Absolved from all Allegiances to political bands which have
connected them with another, and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to
levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliance, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and

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Things which Independent States may of Right do. And for the support of this Declaration as
Charter and as Constitution, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we
mutual pledge via 'variation by agreement' our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor
most respectfully and submit that neither we nor any other People can or should refuse
participation in this holy task and do thereby subscribe our names forthwith.

Records of the Signatories: Held by the Ministry Secretariat

Proffered without prejudice,
By: H.R.M. Arthur Alexander Augustus©
Magnus Regnant of the Sovereign Earth Alliance©®

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