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Title : Price Hike

Many people complain when the cost of basic goods increases due to the
flow-on effects on living expenses. However, shop owners and resellers are
ultimately in control of cost-pricing, leaving the consumer with limited, if any, say
in the matter.

Whilst beneficial to companies and shop owners, there are claims stating that
inflation is one of the main aggravating causes of political and socio-economic
instability within the country. Due to increases in cost of living also not being
reflected in wage raises, or lack thereof, crime rates would also increase as a
result of poverty and basic goods being simply unaffordable.

The factors contributing to the price increase of basic goods include:

• Rising costs of fuel sources (affecting overall production
and transportation costs);
• Greediness exhibited by companies responsible for cost-pricing.
As an example,even with the reduced fuel prices imposed by the
government, the prices of goods remain at an all-time high;
• Consumers insisting on purchasing the same type (or brand)
of goods despite the higher price.
• The lack of emphasis to produce food and goods in-country.
Contoh Soalan Kefahaman Bahasa Inggeris

There are a few suggestions that can be considered in order to curb the effects
of a higher cost of living on society. This includes equipping members of society
with good money management skills, enabling them to spend smart and save.
Another aspect is to increase agricultural production and to utilise uninhabited
land. In addition, steps should be taken to make popular and reinvigorate the
career of agriculture and farming as a good source of income. As a precaution,
international trade agreements must be made to effectively cooperate between
neighbouring countries to reduce import tax, helping to minimise the price-
increase of imported goods.

Therefore, it can be extrapolated from this that prices of basic goods and
services will inevitably rise in accordance with international trading agreements,
cost of living and other external, as well as internal, factors. However, the effects
of it on society can be mitigated through thrifty and savvy managing of
consumer spending habits. Besides the consumers, the responsible parties must
also take part and do what is necessary to curb the price hike and help control
the market situation to the extent possible.

1. Every time the price of goods and services increase, which party is
affected the most?

A. Government
B. End consumer
C. Shop owners and resellers
D. Low-Income earner

2. What would be the best description of the word “famine”

A. Crime rate
B. Poverty
C. Scarcity of food
D. High cost living
Contoh Soalan Kefahaman Bahasa Inggeris

3. Consumers could typically manage price increases if they:

A. Work overtime
B. Take 2-3 jobs
C. Adjust their lifestyle
D. Hunger strike

4. Below are among the reasons of a price hike

I. Increase of fuel cost
II. Brand obsession
III. Consumers’ bad spending habits
IV. Insufficient production of crops

A. I & II
C. I, II & III
D. All above

5. Below are suggestion mentioned in article to reduce effect of

price hike, except

A. Money management
B. Increase import duty
C. Optimized the use of land
D. Produce more in house goods
Contoh Soalan Kefahaman Bahasa Inggeris

Towards better global cybersecurity co-ordination

Original article by: Lt Col Husin Jazri (retired)

The most important international hurdles that we must overcome together -

sooner rather than later - is the inconsistency between what I call the “geo-
graphic limitation of sovereign national laws” and its inherent conflict with the
borderless nature of the Internet.

The Internet as a whole is too important for the global community, as well as our
own national society’s well-being and progress, for us not to seek improved ways
and means to effectively protect participants - call it an Internet governance
agenda, if you will.

The issue is this: The usefulness and effectiveness of any country’s legislation
is bound by its geographic borders (unless specific inter-country treaties are
signed) whereas nearly all of our online activities - social media, peer-to-peer
networking, instant messaging, streaming content, even straightforward web-
surfing, and blog or content hosting - are clearly not.

And as for the career cybercriminals who are behind the online incidents of
fraud and forgery, system intrusion, international espionage and hate-motivated
international cyberincidents (even spam) - many of them are savvy enough to
engage in cross border activities when they know that the so-called “long arm
of the law” still isn’t long enough yet to catch them.

Our current arrangement for conflict resolution in cyberspace, which is

generally based on goodwill and a spirit of inter-agency co-operation between
the various countries of the world, is still not sufficient and clearly is wanting in
many respects.
Contoh Soalan Kefahaman Bahasa Inggeris

This is because the way we operate it now is at odds with the realities of
information and communications technology: Our laws are formulated to
conform within geographic borders thus we cannot expect to get our way
forcing that square peg (border-limited preventive measures) into a round hole
(borderless world).

There are many cyberincidents that remain pending because the cross-border
nature of the Internet does not lend itself to legislation, particularly those that
involve multiple sovereign nations (cybercrime frequently involves not one but
multiple transiting countries).

No phishing

Identity theft incidents (like phishing sites targeting local banks) are good
examples. In many instances, criminals targeting customers of local financial
institutions will host their phishing sites abroad. Indeed, 99% of phishing
sites targeting Malaysian financial institutions are hosted outside the country.

This essentially leads to two things in their “favour.” The first one is delay of the
takedown or removal of the phishing sites due to different time zones and other
physical-geographic reasons (language too, sometimes).

Secondly, efforts to obtain information such as log files or contents on the

server for investigation purposes are also delayed due to differences in legal
provisions. The cybercriminals know this and they have been exploiting the
loophole for a long time.

Aside from the geographic limitation of laws, another equally important issue is
the difference in cultural interpretation of security versus privacy. In the West for
example, personal privacy is revered, thus any manner of disclosure without the
express permission of the information owner is frowned upon. Even the idea of
national identification that would make it easier to track citizens is treated with
suspicion. However, after 9/11, the balance between security and privacy has
probably permanently shifted.
Contoh Soalan Kefahaman Bahasa Inggeris

To move forward, I believe there is a pressing need for more formalised

international diplomacy channels for cyberspace conflict resolution. Many
informed experts have advocated a heightened level of international diplomacy
as a way to get each of us to understand our differing points of view; and I am
in full agreement.

Personally, I hope to see arbitration at the highest global stage, perhaps at the
United Nations level. I envision the UN-like resolution concept to be instituted
among member nations - something that would not require anything beyond
what has already been physically instituted at many national levels in terms of a
national agency.

The arbitration committee can take into account all cyberspace issues and
conflicts escalated upward by member national agencies and speed up the
execution to resolve issues.

I do not say this lightly because we do not now have a mechanism of redress
for even a simple issue, say a woman who wants to address the presence of her
photo that showed up on the Web without her permission.

While we all welcome freedom of expression and information on the Internet,

I am sure we agree that freedom without responsibility is wrong.

6. The author believes that the internet presents a cybersecurity dilemma


A. It involve too many online threats (Such as viruses)

B. It can easily be used to invade the privacy of others
C. It attracts a lot of cybercrimes such as fraud and forgery
D. Cyberincidents are hard to solve due to the cross-border
nature of the internet
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7. What action does the author deem necessary to achieve better


A. Government must restrict freedom of expression over

the internet as some people misuse it.
B. Government must reformulate its domestic laws in
order to minimize the number of cybercrimes.
C. Establish better cybersecurity cooperation between
countries via formal international diplomatic channels.
D. Minimize the number of online high-profile
transactions such as banking and other financial

8. According to the author, cybercriminals take advantage of the

following EXCEPT

A. Freedom of expression over the Internet

B. The borderless nature of the internet
C. Physical and geographic obstacles such as language
D. Difference in legal provisions which delay investigations.

9. Experts suggest that improving cybersecurity by establishing

formalised international diplomatic channel between various
countries would help

A. Come up with specific laws and legislations to maintain

cybersecurity and minimize cybercrimes
B. Speed up the takedown or removal of the phishing sites
C. These countries share and understand their difference
views and ideas of the issue
D. Minimize the number of phishing sites
Contoh Soalan Kefahaman Bahasa Inggeris

Title : Foreign Immigrants

The existence of more than two million foreign immigrants (both legal and
illegal) causes major concern of certain parties in the nation. The labor sector
for example is monopolized by foreign workers including construction works,
house maids, production lines, field work, agriculture and services. The
increasing number of incoming immigrants implicates many things.

On the positive side, there are benefits of having foreign laborers. Among
the benefits of foreign labor is how cheap they are. With reduced labor costs,
it will eventually result in lower production costs. Foreign laborers are also
considered productive an efficient as they are known not to complain much.
Furthermore, they are considered robust with their willingness to do a
multitudes general works which are otherwise considered dirty, dangerous
and require a great amount of strength.

In addition, foreign workers are known to have contributed to the Nation’s

development. They also help with the public elections. In the long run, foreign
immigrants help with the diplomatic relations between countries. Despite all
the benefits mentioned, foreign labor is known to cause a lot of problems. With
general labor works and services being monopolized by foreign workers, the
job market is severely limited for Malaysians to even consider. At times, proper
documents are absent for these foreigners which results in numerous issues
later on. Furthermore, a lot of foreign workers comprise of incompetent human
resource, restricting them to only perform general works or typical labor i.e.

With the influx of immigrants, it is difficult to keep track; arising certain issues
such as the laborers’ welfare, etc. are usually caught in disregard. This is evident
with cases of physical abuse of foreign maids for example. Implications are
further evident with the involvement of crime, prostitution and drug
trafficking by foreign immigrants. What’s worse is the existence of
middlemen, job agencies and corrupt government officials who are simply
irresponsible with so many immigrants that are not accounted for.
Contoh Soalan Kefahaman Bahasa Inggeris

In conclusion, it can be said that the existence of foreign immigrants have

its benefits and as well as downsides. However, the peace and prosperity of our
nation must be well-balanced and maintained in order to address this issue.

10. The categories below are jobs commonly monopoly by foreign

workers except

A. House Maids
B. Agriculture
C. Construction
D. Executive

11. What are the qualities most love by employers when it comes to
foreign immigrants?

A. Picking jobs
B. Adaptable to different general works
C. Inefficient
D. posses high academic

12. Below are major issues concerning foreign labor except

A. Monopolizing labor jobs

B. Illegal entries into the country
C. Limited education level
D. High wage
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13. With influx of immigrants the following problems arise

I. Disregard of labor welfare

II. Increase in crime rate
III. Improve diplomatic relations
IV. Increase production cost

A. I & II
D. All above

14. Which is the “least” culprit for creating influx of immigrants

A. Middlemen
B. Immigrants
C. Corrupt government officials
D. Job agencies
Contoh Soalan Kefahaman Bahasa Inggeris

Title : Road Safety

The total number of deaths and injuries due to road accidents increases year
after year despite numerous campaigns held in order to curb the situation.
Effects arising from road accidents include loss of life which results in loss of
human resource to a certain extent. It also causes damage to property. The rise
in the number of road accidents reflects on the safety of one of Malaysia’s main
medium of transportation. This reflects the country’s image which in turn affects
our tourism industry, an important source of our country’s gross income.

Human factors has always been the center of blame and fault when it comes
to road accidents. Carelessness resulting from various factors including
pressure, driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, and also the act of
doing something else like talking on a mobile phone or text messaging is often
the cause. Another human factor which leads to accidents is the tendency to
speed on the road. Whether it’s to get to a destination on time or to boast a car’s
power and size, speeding is simply an act portraying the disregard of human life.

Another factor is the road condition themselves. Although access to

expressways and interstate highways are present, traffic builds up easily, causing
major congestions, especially during festive seasons. The overall quality of
road systems in some parts of this country is still considered poor. As for the
vehicles themselves, some are not properly inspected and regularly maintain.
What’s worse, many car owners make excessive modifications not according to
road safety rules and specifications. Furthermore the lack of road safety and
traffic enforcement has always been another factor to blame.

Road safety should be improved by shaping the human factor at various levels,
including road safety education at schools, driving school and learning centers,
and also through the media campaigns. New laws and road safety regulations
should be drafted and enforced. In addition, road transportation management
should be researched and revised wherever necessary.
Contoh Soalan Kefahaman Bahasa Inggeris

Upgrading of the current road systems and utilities should also be considered.
This includes and overhead bridge for pedestrians, maintenance and calibration
of traffic lights and also the repair and maintenance of damaged roads and
improvement of old roads. To achieve this, the contractors involved in road
construction, maintenance and repair must be monitored and accounted for.

Vehicles must undergo regular inspection, whether it’s a commercial truck, lorry
or a private owner’s car. Such practices must be encouraged, especially before
long travelling periods during the festive season for example. Commercial
vehicles should go through periodic maintenance and servicing. To complement
all that, enforcement of road safety and traffic regulations is a must.

As a conclusion, the awareness and cooperation of all parties is required in

order to curb the problem of road accidents. This will help reduce road
fatalities, unnecessary damage to property and helps portray Malaysians as
civilized people responsible on the road.

15. All answers below are the effects that rises from road accident EXCEPT

A. loss of life
B. loss of human resources
C. property damage
D. increase awareness

16. The rise in the number of road accidents affects our _____industry.

A. tourism
B. business
C. agriculture
D. sport
Contoh Soalan Kefahaman Bahasa Inggeris

17. Which following statement are true?

A. road systems in some parts of this country is still

considered poor.
B. road systems in some parts of this country is still
considered average.
C. road systems in some parts of this country is still
considered same
D. road systems in some parts of this country is
considered the best.

18. According to the article what is the best solution to curb the problem
of road accident?

A. awareness and cooperation of all parties

B. cooperation of all parties
C. awareness of all parties
D. awareness and cooperation of one parties

19. How to upgrade current road system?

A. shaping the human factor including road safety

education at schools only.
B. shaping the human factor including road safety
education at schools and driving school
C. shaping the human factor including driving
school only.
D. shaping the human factor at various levels,
including road safety education at schools,
driving school and learning centers, and also
through the media campaigns.
Contoh Soalan Kefahaman Bahasa Inggeris

20. All statements are true about upgrading of the current road systems
and utilities EXCEPT

A. overhead bridge for pedestrians

B. maintenance and calibration of traffic lights
C. repair and maintenance of damaged roads
D. improve new roads

21. Although access to expressways and interstate highways are present,

traffic builds up easily, causing ______ congestions

A. small
B. minor
C. major
D. zero

22. The girl was running quickly ____________ the bus station.

A. against
B. towards
C. behind
D. forward
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23. The plane arrived _________ Kuala Lumpur on time.

A. at
B. in
C. to
D. on

24. She loves her job ______________ Monday mornings.

A. in
B. on
C. by
D. at

25. Micheal ran _________________, even though she never used any
running shoes.

A. unusal slow
B. unusual slowly
C. unusually slow
D. unusually slowly

26. The singer was ____________ dressed.

A. extreme elegant
B. extremely elegant
C. extreme elegantly
D. extremely elegantly
Contoh Soalan Kefahaman Bahasa Inggeris

27. The woman was ______ and everything she did, she did __________.

A. careless, careless
B. careless, carelessly
C. carelessly, careless
D. carelessly, carelessly

28. He stopped ___________ to us. We spent ten minutes having a really

nice chat before he moved on again.

A. talking
B. to talk
C. talks
D. talked

29. It is hard to work hard without_____________.

A. have training properly

B. having trained properly
C. to have trained properly.
D. trained proper

30. We were worried about ___________ done his homework yet.

A. that he had not

B. the fact that he had not
C. him not having
D. he not having
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31. She was caught _____________ umbrellas from the lobby.

A. stealing
B. to steal
C. stold
D. steal

32. I want ____________ right away.

A. that Hannah comes

B. Hannah to come
C. Hannah’s coming
D. Hannah comes

33. She truly wanted _____________________ taken seriously.

A. to be
B. to being
C. to have
D. to has

34. She said they killed the policeman without __________________.

A. that he knew about it

B. her knowing about it
C. he knew about it.
D. him knew about it.
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35. They were all very excited about ________________.

A. that I came
B. the fact that I came
C. my coming
D. my came

36. We are __________ every weekend.

A. used to going there

B. used to go there
C. used to there
D. used to went there

37. Jeremy left without ______________________ another word.

A. he said
B. that he said
C. saying
D. says

38. Timoty does not ___________ badminton very often these days.

A. plays
B. play
C. playing
D. played
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39. My friend Kay Tee ___________ go to your silly party.

A. don’t want to
B. don’t wants to
C. doesn’t want to
D. doesn’t wants to

40. Who ever said money_________?

A. don’t count
B. don’t counts
C. doesn’t counts
D. doesn’t count

41. Remmy and Rushel __________ when it comes to politics.

A. doesn’t agree
B. doesn’t agrees
C. don’t agree
D. don’t agrees

42. He _____________ know much about anything.

A. don’t
B. doesn’t
C. do
D. does
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43. Today is Wednesday. Yesterday it ___________ Tuesday.

A. were
B. is
C. be
D. was

44. The bus ___________ arrives late during bad weather.

A. every week
B. later
C. yesterday
D. always

45. The chairperson will ____________ members to the subcommittee.

A. appoint
B. disappoint
C. appointment
D. disappointed

46. Peter says he can’t ___________ our invitation to dinner tonight.

A. angel
B. across
C. accept
D. almost
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47. I have only a ________ Christmas cards left to write.

A. few
B. fewer
C. less
D. little

48. Jamal ___________ English, Mandarin and a bit of Arabic.

A. speaks
B. speak
C. speaking
D. is speaking

49. Where ___________ Sarah live?

A. are
B. is
C. do
D. does

50. How many people ___________ in your family?

A. are there
B. is there
C. there are
D. there
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