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Fluid Mechanics

1.4 Fluid Mechanics in Civil/Structural Engineering

Every civil/structural engineering graduate needs to have a thorough understanding of
fluids. This is more obvious for civil engineers but is equally valid for structural
x Drainage for developments;
x Attenuation of surface water for city centre sites;
x Sea and river (flood) defences;
x Water distribution/sewerage (sanitation) networks;
x Hydraulic design of water/sewage treatment works;
x Dams;
x Irrigation;
x Pumps and Turbines;
x Water retaining structures.
x Flow of air in / around buildings;
x Bridge piers in rivers;
x Ground-water flow.
As these mostly involve water, we will mostly examine fluid mechanics with this in

Remember: it is estimated that drainage and sewage systems ! as designed by civil

engineers ! have saved more lives than all of medical science. Fluid mechanics is
integral to our work.

11 Dr. C. Caprani
Fluid Mechanics

2. Introduction to Fluids

2.1 Background and Definition


x There are three states of matter: solids, liquids and gases.

x Both liquids and gases are classified as fluids.
x Fluids do not resist a change in shape. Therefore fluids assume the shape of the
container they occupy.
x Liquids may be considered to have a fixed volume and therefore can have a
free surface. Liquids are almost incompressible.
x Conversely, gases are easily compressed and will expand to fill a container
they occupy.
x We will usually be interested in liquids, either at rest or in motion.

Liquid showing free surface Gas filling volume

Behaviour of fluids in containers

12 Dr. C. Caprani
Fluid Mechanics


The strict definition of a fluid is:

A fluid is a substance which conforms continuously under the action of

shearing forces.

To understand this, remind ourselves of what a shear force is:

Application and effect of shear force on a book

Definition Applied to Static Fluids

According to this definition, if we apply a shear force to a fluid it will deform and
take up a state in which no shear force exists. Therefore, we can say:

If a fluid is at rest there can be no shearing forces acting and therefore all
forces in the fluid must be perpendicular to the planes in which they act.

Note here that we specify that the fluid must be at rest. This is because, it is found
experimentally that fluids in motion can have slight resistance to shear force. This is
the source of viscosity.

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Fluid Mechanics

Definition Applied to Fluids in Motion

For example, consider the fluid shown flowing along a fixed surface. At the surface
there will be little movement of the fluid (it will !stick" to the surface), whilst further
away from the surface the fluid flows faster (has greater velocity):

If one layer of is moving faster than another layer of fluid, there must be shear forces
acting between them. For example, if we have fluid in contact with a conveyor belt
that is moving we will get the behaviour shown:

Ideal fluid Real (Viscous) Fluid

When fluid is in motion, any difference in velocity between adjacent layers has the
same effect as the conveyor belt does.

Therefore, to represent real fluids in motion we must consider the action of shear

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Fluid Mechanics

Consider the small element of fluid shown, which is subject to shear force and has a
dimension s into the page. The force F acts over an area A = BC×s. Hence we have a
shear stress applied:


Any stress causes a deformation, or strain, and a shear stress causes a shear strain.
This shear strain is measured by the angle I .

Remember that a fluid continuously deforms when under the action of shear. This is
different to a solid: a solid has a single value of I for each value of W . So the longer
a shear stress is applied to a fluid, the more shear strain occurs. However, what is
known from experiments is that the rate of shear strain (shear strain per unit time) is
related to the shear stress:

Shear stress v Rate of shear strain

Shear stress Constant u Rate of shear strain

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Fluid Mechanics

We need to know the rate of shear strain. From the diagram, the shear strain is:


If we suppose that the particle of fluid at E moves a distance x in time t, then, using
S RT for small angles, the rate of shear strain is:

'I §x·
¨ y¸ t ˜
x 1
't © ¹ t y

Where u is the velocity of the fluid. This term is also the change in velocity with
height. When we consider infinitesimally small changes in height we can write this in
differential form, du dy . Therefore we have:

W constant u

This constant is a property of the fluid called its dynamic viscosity (dynamic because
the fluid is in motion, and viscosity because it is resisting shear stress). It is denoted
P which then gives us:

Newton’s Law of Viscosity:


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Fluid Mechanics

Generalized Laws of Viscosity

We have derived a law for the behaviour of fluids ! that of Newtonian fluids.
However, experiments show that there are non-Newtonian fluids that follow a
generalized law of viscosity:

§ du ·
W A  B¨ ¸

© dy ¹

Where A, B and n are constants found experimentally. When plotted these fluids
show much different behaviour to a Newtonian fluid:

Behaviour of Fluids and Solids

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Fluid Mechanics

In this graph the Newtonian fluid is represent by a straight line, the slope of which is
P . Some of the other fluids are:
x Plastic: Shear stress must reach a certain minimum before flow commences.
x Pseudo-plastic: No minimum shear stress necessary and the viscosity
decreases with rate of shear, e.g. substances like clay, milk and cement.
x Dilatant substances; Viscosity increases with rate of shear, e.g. quicksand.
x Viscoelastic materials: Similar to Newtonian but if there is a sudden large
change in shear they behave like plastic.
x Solids: Real solids do have a slight change of shear strain with time, whereas
ideal solids (those we idealise for our theories) do not.

Lastly, we also consider the ideal fluid. This is a fluid which is assumed to have no
viscosity and is very useful for developing theoretical solutions. It helps achieve
some practically useful solutions.

18 Dr. C. Caprani
Fluid Mechanics

2.2 Units
Fluid mechanics deals with the measurement of many variables of many different
types of units. Hence we need to be very careful to be consistent.

Dimensions and Base Units

The dimension of a measure is independent of any particular system of units. For

example, velocity may be in metres per second or miles per hour, but dimensionally,
it is always length per time, or L T LT 1 . The dimensions of the relevant base units
of the Système International (SI) system are:

Unit-Free SI Units
Dimension Symbol Unit Symbol
Mass M kilogram kg
Length L metre m
Time T second s
Temperature ș kelvin K

Derived Units

From these we have some relevant derived units (shown on the next page).

Checking the dimensions or units of an equation is very useful to minimize errors.

For example, if when calculating a force and you find a pressure then you know
you!ve made a mistake.

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Fluid Mechanics

SI Unit
Quantity Dimension
Derived Base

Velocity LT 1 m/s m s1

Acceleration LT 2 m/s2 m s2

Force MLT 2 Newton, N kg m s 2

kg m-1 s 2
Pressure Pascal, Pa
ML-1T 2 2
Stress N/m

Density ML-3 kg/m3 kg m-3

Specific weight ML-2T 2 N/m3 kg m-2 s 2

Relative density Ratio Ratio Ratio

Viscosity ML-1T 1 Ns/m2 kg m-1 s1

kg m2 s 2
Joule, J
Energy (work) ML2T 2

Watt, W
Power ML2T 3 Nm/s kg m2 s 3

Note: The acceleration due to gravity will always be taken as 9.81 m/s2.

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Fluid Mechanics

SI Prefixes

SI units use prefixes to reduce the number of digits required to display a quantity.
The prefixes and multiples are:

Prefix Name Prefix Unit Multiple

Tera T 1012
Giga G 109
Mega M 106
Kilo k 103
Hecto h 102
Deka da 101
Deci d 10-1
Centi c 10-2
Milli m 10-3
Micro P 10-6
Nano n 10-9
Pico p 10-12

Be very particular about units and prefixes. For example:

x kN means kilo-Newton, 1000 Newtons;
x Kn is the symbol for knots ! an imperial measure of speed;
x KN has no meaning;
x kn means kilo-nano ! essentially meaningless.

Further Reading

x Sections 1.6 to 1.10 of Fluid Mechanics by Cengel & Cimbala.

21 Dr. C. Caprani
Fluid Mechanics

2.3 Properties

Further Reading

Here we consider only the relevant properties of fluids for our purposes. Find out
about surface tension and capillary action elsewhere. Note that capillary action only
features in pipes of d 10 mm diameter.

Mass Density

The mass per unit volume of a substance, usually denoted as U . Typical values are:
x 1000 kg/m3;
13546 kg/m3;
1.23 kg/m3;
Paraffin: 800 kg/m3.

Specific Weight

The weight of a unit volume a substance, usually denoted as J . Essentially density

times the acceleration due to gravity:
J Ug

Relative Density (Specific Gravity)

A dimensionless measure of the density of a substance with reference to the density

of some standard substance, usually water at 4°C:
density of substance
relative density
density of water
specific weight of substance
specific weight of water
Us Js
Uw Jw

22 Dr. C. Caprani
Fluid Mechanics

Bulk Modulus

In analogy with solids, the bulk modulus is the modulus of elasticity for a fluid. It is
the ratio of the change in unit pressure to the corresponding volume change per unit
volume, expressed as:

Change in Volume Chnage in pressure

Original Volume Bulk Modulus
dV dp

In which the negative sign indicates that the volume reduces as the pressure
increases. The bulk modulus changes with the pressure and density of the fluid, but
for liquids can be considered constant for normal usage. Typical values are:
x Water: 2.05 GN/m3;
x Oil: 1.62 GN/m3.

The units are the same as those of stress or pressure.


The viscosity of a fluid determines the amount of resistance to shear force.

Viscosities of liquids decrease as temperature increases and are usually not affected
by pressure changes. From Newton!s Law of Viscosity:

shear stress
du dy rate of shear strain

Hence the units of viscosity are Pa ˜ s or N ˜ s m 2 . This measure of viscosity is

known as dynamic viscosity and some typical values are given:

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Fluid Mechanics

24 Dr. C. Caprani
Fluid Mechanics

3. Hydrostatics

3.1 Introduction


In fluids we use the term pressure to mean:

The perpendicular force exerted by a fluid per unit area.

This is equivalent to stress in solids, but we shall keep the term pressure.
Mathematically, because pressure may vary from place to place, we have:

'o0 'A
p lim

As we saw, force per unit area is measured in N/m2 which is the same as a pascal
(Pa). The units used in practice vary:
x 1 kPa = 1000 Pa = 1000 N/m2
x 1 MPa = 1000 kPa = 1 × 106 N/m2
x 1 bar = 105 Pa = 100 kPa = 0.1 MPa
x 1 atm = 101,325 Pa = 101.325 kPa = 1.01325 bars = 1013.25 millibars

For reference to pressures encountered on the street which are often imperial:
x 1 atm = 14.696 psi (i.e. pounds per square inch)
x 1 psi = 6894.7 Pa § 6.89 kPa § 0.007 MPa

26 Dr. C. Caprani
Fluid Mechanics

Pressure Reference Levels

The pressure that exists anywhere in the universe is called the absolute pressure, Pabs .
This then is the amount of pressure greater than a pure vacuum. The atmosphere on
earth exerts atmospheric pressure, Patm , on everything in it. Often when measuring
pressures we will calibrate the instrument to read zero in the open air. Any measured
pressure, Pmeas , is then a positive or negative deviation from atmospheric pressure.
We call such deviations a gauge pressure, Pgauge . Sometimes when a gauge pressure

is negative it is termed a vacuum pressure, Pvac .

The above diagram shows:

(a) the case when the measured pressure is below atmospheric pressure and so is a
negative gauge pressure or a vacuum pressure;
(b) the more usual case when the measured pressure is greater than atmospheric
pressure by the gauge pressure.

27 Dr. C. Caprani
Fluid Mechanics

3.2 Pressure in a Fluid

Statics of Definition

We applied the definition of a fluid to the static case previously and determined that
there must be no shear forces acting and thus only forces normal to a surface act in a

For a flat surface at arbitrary angle we have:

A curved surface can be examined in sections:

28 Dr. C. Caprani
Fluid Mechanics

And we are not restricted to actual solid-fluid interfaces. We can consider imaginary
planes through a fluid:

Pascal’s Law

This law states:

The pressure at a point in a fluid at rest is the same in all directions.

To show this, we will consider a very small wedge of fluid surrounding the point.
This wedge is unit thickness into the page:

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Fluid Mechanics

As with all static objects the forces in the x and y directions should balance. Hence:

¦F x 0: p y ˜ 'y  ps ˜ 's ˜ sin T 0

But sin T
, therefore:

p y ˜ 'y  ps ˜ 's ˜

p y ˜ 'y ps ˜ 'y
py ps

¦F y 0: px ˜ 'x  ps ˜ 's ˜ cosT 0

But cosT
, therefore:

px ˜ 'x  ps ˜ 's ˜

px ˜ 'x ps ˜ 'x
px ps

Hence for any angle:

py px ps

And so the pressure at a point is the same in any direction. Note that we neglected the
weight of the small wedge of fluid because it is infinitesimally small. This is why
Pascal!s Law is restricted to the pressure at a point.

30 Dr. C. Caprani
Fluid Mechanics

Pressure Variation with Depth

Pressure in a static fluid does not change in the horizontal direction as the horizontal
forces balance each other out. However, pressure in a static fluid does change with
depth, due to the extra weight of fluid on top of a layer as we move downwards.

Consider a column of fluid of arbitrary cross section of area, A:

Column of Fluid Pressure Diagram

Considering the weight of the column of water, we have:

¦F y 0: p1 A  J A h2  h1  p2 A 0

31 Dr. C. Caprani
Fluid Mechanics

Obviously the area of the column cancels out: we can just consider pressures. If we
say the height of the column is h h2  h1 and substitute in for the specific weight, we
see the difference in pressure from the bottom to the top of the column is:

p2  p1 U gh

This difference in pressure varies linearly in h, as shown by the Area 3 of the pressure
diagram. If we let h1 0 and consider a gauge pressure, then p1 0 and we have:

p2 U gh

Where h remains the height of the column. For the fluid on top of the column, this is
the source of p1 and is shown as Area 1 of the pressure diagram. Area 2 of the
pressure diagram is this same pressure carried downwards, to which is added more
pressure due to the extra fluid.

To summarize:

The gauge pressure at any depth from the surface of a fluid is:
p U gh

32 Dr. C. Caprani
Fluid Mechanics


1. Pressure acts normal to any surface in a static fluid;

2. Pressure is the same at a point in a fluid and acts in all directions;
3. Pressure varies linearly with depth in a fluid.

By applying these rules to a simple swimming pool, the pressure distribution around
the edges is as shown:

1. Along the bottom the pressure is constant due to a constant depth;
2. Along the vertical wall the pressure varies linearly with depth and acts in the
horizontal direction;
3. Along the sloped wall the pressure again varies linearly with depth but also
acts normal to the surface;
4. At the junctions of the walls and the bottom the pressure is the same.

33 Dr. C. Caprani

| Metacentre point (M): This point, about which

the body starts oscillating.
| Metacentric Height: Is the distance between the
centre of gravity of floating body and the

| If M lies above G a righting moment is produced,
equilibrium is stable and GM is regarded as
| If M lies below G an overturning moment is
produced, equilibrium is unstable and GM is
regarded as negative.
| If M coincides with G, the body is in neutral

1- Practically :

2- Theoretically:
MG = BM + OB – OG……..........(2)
In Water

OB = 0.5
Chapter 4 – Buoyancy, Floatation and Stability


Archimedes’ Principle

When a stationary body is completely submerged in a

fluid, or floating so that it is only partially submerged,
the resultant fluid force acting on the body is called
the buoyant force.

Note that the forces F1, F2, F3, and F4 are simply the
forces exerted on the plane surfaces, W(=mg) is the
weight of the shaded fluid volume, and FB is the force
the body is exerting on the fluid.

The forces on the vertical surfaces, such as F3 and F4,

are all equal and cancel, so the equilibrium equation
of interest is in the z direction and can be expressed

F2  F1  mg

F2  F1 Ug (h2  h1 ) A
If the specific weight of the fluid is constant, then ;

where A is the horizontal area of the upper (or lower)

FB Ug (h2  h1 ) A  Ug >(h2  h1 ) A  V @
surface, and Equation (1) can be written as ;

Chapter 4 – Buoyancy, Floatation and Stability

Simplifying, we arrive at the desired expression for

the buoyant force ;

FB UgV 㩷

Figure 1

Chapter 4 – Buoyancy, Floatation and Stability

Archimedes' principle states that the buoyant force

has a magnitude equal to the weight of the fluid
displaced by the body and is directed vertically

Thus, we conclude that the buoyant force passes

through the centroid of the displaced volume as
shown in Figure 1(c).

The point through which the buoyant force acts is

called the center of buoyancy.

Chapter 4 – Buoyancy, Floatation and Stability


A spherical buoy has a diameter of 1.5 m, weighs

8.50 kN, and is anchored to the seafloor with a cable
as is shown in Figure 2(a). Although the buoy
normally floats on the surface, at certain times the
water depth increases so that the buoy is completely
immersed as illustrated. For this condition what is the
tension of the cable?

Figure 2

Chapter 4 – Buoyancy, Floatation and Stability


As illustrated by the Figure 3, a body is said to be in a

stable equilibrium position if, when displaced, it
returns to its equilibrium position.

Conversely, it is in an unstable equilibrium position if,

when displaced (even slightly), it moves to a new
equilibrium position.

Stability considerations are particularly important for

submerged or floating bodies since the centers of
buoyancy and gravity do not necessarily coincide.

Figure 3

Chapter 4 – Buoyancy, Floatation and Stability

A small rotation can result in either a restoring or

overturning couple.

For example, for the completely submerged body

shown in Figure 4, which has a center of gravity
below the center of buoyancy, a rotation from its
equilibrium position will create a restoring couple
formed by the weight, W, and the buoyant force, FB,
which causes the body to rotate back to its original
position. Thus, for this configuration the body is
stable. It is to be noted that as long as the center of
gravity falls below the center of buoyancy, this will
always be true; that is, the body is in a stable
equilibrium position with respect to small rotations.

Figure 4

Chapter 4 – Buoyancy, Floatation and Stability

However, as is illustrated in Figure 5, if the center of

gravity of the completely submerged body is above
the center of buoyancy, the resulting couple formed
by the weight and the buoyant force will cause the
body to overturn and move to a new equilibrium

Thus, a completely submerged body with its center of

gravity above its center of buoyancy is in an unstable
equilibrium position.

Figure 5

Chapter 4 – Buoyancy, Floatation and Stability

For floating bodies the stability problem is more

complicated, since as the body rotates the location of
the center of buoyancy (which passes through the
centroid of the displaced volume) may change.

As is shown in Figure 6, a floating body such as a

barge that rides low in the water can be stable even
though the center of gravity lies above the center of

This is true since as the body rotates the buoyant

force, FB, shifts to pass through the centroid of the
newly formed displaced volume and, as illustrated,
combines with the weight, W, to form a couple which
will cause the body to return to its original
equilibrium position.

Figure 6

Chapter 4 – Buoyancy, Floatation and Stability

However, for the relatively tall, slender body shown

in Figure 7, a small rotational displacement can cause
the buoyant force and the weight to form an
overturning couple as illustrated.

Figure 7

Fluid Mechanics

3.3 Pressure Measurement

Pressure Head

Pressure in fluids may arise from many sources, for example pumps, gravity,
momentum etc. Since p U gh , a height of liquid column can be associated with the
pressure p arising from such sources. This height, h, is known as the pressure head.

The gauge pressure in a water mains is 50 kN/m2, what is the pressure head?

The pressure head equivalent to the pressure in the pipe is just:

p U gh


50 u 103
1000 u 9.81
| 5.1 m

So the pressure at the bottom of a 5.1 m deep swimming pool is the same as the
pressure in this pipe.


A manometer (or liquid gauge) is a pressure measurement device which uses the
relationship between pressure and head to give readings.

In the following, we wish to measure the pressure of a fluid in a pipe.

36 Dr. C. Caprani
Fluid Mechanics

This is the simplest gauge. A small vertical tube is connected to the pipe and its top is
left open to the atmosphere, as shown.

The pressure at A is equal to the pressure due to the column of liquid of height h1 :

pA U gh1


pB U gh2

37 Dr. C. Caprani
Fluid Mechanics

The problem with this type of gauge is that for usual civil engineering applications
the pressure is large (e.g. 100 kN/m2) and so the height of the column is impractical
(e.g.10 m).

Also, obviously, such a gauge is useless for measuring gas pressures.

U-tube Manometer
To overcome the problems with the piezometer, the U-tube manometer seals the fluid
by using a measuring (manometric) liquid:

Choosing the line BC as the interface between the measuring liquid and the fluid, we

Pressure at B, pB = Pressure at C, pC

For the left-hand side of the U-tube:

38 Dr. C. Caprani
Fluid Mechanics

pB p A  U gh1

For the right hand side:

pC U man gh2

Where we have ignored atmospheric pressure and are thus dealing with gauge
pressures. Thus:

pB pC
p A  U gh1 U man gh2

And so:

pA Uman gh2  U gh1

Notice that we have used the fact that in any continuous fluid, the pressure is the
same at any horizontal level.

39 Dr. C. Caprani
Fluid Mechanics

Differential Manometer
To measure the pressure difference between two points we use a u-tube as shown:

Using the same approach as before:

Pressure at C, pC = Pressure at D, pD

p A  U ga pB  U g b  h  U man gh

Hence the pressure difference is:

p A  pB U g b  a  hg U man  U

40 Dr. C. Caprani

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