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SDII Nurul Musthofa 2017 / 2018

Nama : Kelas : III ( Three )


a. Greeting ( opening ) : 10
b. Pronunciation : 20
c. Material : 60
d. Fluency : 10


a. Good morning ?
b. How are you?
c. What is your name?
d. What is our subject now?
e. What day is it today?
f. What date is it today?
g. Did you study last night?
h. Are you ready for answering the question?


1. Mention kinds of subject and tobe and the meaning!

( Sebutkan jenis Subject dan tobe beserta artinya contoh I am : saya )

2. What are these in Indonesian !

a. wall d. floor
b. table cloth e. lamp
c. eraser

3. Mention colours and the meaning! (sebutkan macam warna dan artinya)

4. Mention 5 of the number starting from 50! (sebutkan 5 angka mulai dari 50 ke atas)

5. Translate in to Indonesian language !

a. Red sharpener.
b. She has white paper
c. Fifty minus twenty is equal to thirty
d. Mimma has a doll. She has a doll. This is her doll

6. Translate in to English !
a. Mereka adalah keluargaku.
b. Aku mempunyai satu saudara perempuan
c. Mr. Dahlan adalah ayahku.
d. Mrs. Sarah adalah ibuku.
e. Anita, Ryan, and Andi mempunyai televisi, mereka mempunyai televisi berwarna
merah, Televisi itu adalah milik mereka.


a. See you later

b. Good bye
c. Thankyou so much
SDII Nurul Musthofa 2017 / 2018

Nama : Kelas : IV ( Four )


a. Greeting ( opening ) : 10
b. Pronunciation : 20
c. Material : 60
d. Fluency : 10
Opening Closing

a. Good morning ? a. See you later

b. How are you? b. Good bye
c. What is your name? c. Thankyou
d. What is our subject now?
e. What day is it today?
f. What date is it today?
g. Did you study last night?
h. Are you ready for answering the question?Material


1. Mention ten kinds of preposition and the meaning!

( Sebutkan 10 jenis kata depan dan artinya )

2. Mention 5 of home activities and the meaning !

(Sebutkan 5 kegiatan sehari hari dan artinya)

3. Mention 7 of Part of Body and the meaning!

(Sebutkan 7 bagian tubuh dan artinya)

4. Mention 7 the member of family and the meaning !

(Sebutkan 7 anggota keluarga dan artinya)

5. Mention 7 kinds of the tame and wild animals and meaning! (Sebutkan 7 jenis hewan
jinak dan buas dan arti)
6. Mention 7 kinds of the friuts and vegetables and meaning! (Sebutkan 7 jenis buah dan
sayuran dan arti)

7. Translate into Indonesian language ! Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.

a. They are writing a letter
b. Saturday, 16 August 2016
c. They have twenty five durians
d. It is a quarter to five.

8. Translate into English language! Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris

a. Saya sedang membaca buku
b. Mereka sedang bermain catur
c. Kita mempunyai 15 mangga
d. Tanggal 15 Juni 2016
e. Jam 5 lebih 30 menit

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