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How Do Water Treatment Plants Work

The process are :

1. Coagulation & Flocculation

Water usually come from rivers , fresh water lakes ,or streams . In the water there will be
some organic materials and sediment . To remove bacteria , sand , dirt , wood , etc ,
chemicals calls coagulants are added to water , this material such as alluminium sulfate or
ferric choloride work to help the particle in the water to yield together , essentially this
chemical has the opposite charges of suspended thing like clays . When combine the
charges of the particle are neutralize allow them to stick together . Coagulants are often
add to the water right at the end of the drinking water plant . then the water goes to the
mixing basins called the flocculation basins . in this basins the coagulate water slowly
mixing together to form floc particle , after mixing for amount of time and determine by
the water quality and the flocculation basins , the water move to the sedimentation .
2. Sedimentation
This process is where the water sits while the floc particle to begin settling out at faster
rate , by simply by adding or mixing chemicals in to the water , and let the water stay ,
large portion of the sediment settle out to the bottom as slidge which can be taken to land
field or holding facility , the floc particles are ultimately remote from the bottom basins .
Some engineers also used dissolved air flotation rather than sedimentation . where aires
are pump into the bottom of the tank creating a large amount of tiny bubles , as the bubles
floats it takes floc together with them , foaming a layer of floc on the surface of tank ,
then the slipper arm pushes the floc to the collections basins where then goes to holding
facilities . In this process clean water is taken form the bottom where the least amount of
floc in .
3. Filtration
The water at this point start to looking clear but there are still bacteria and very small
suspendent sand in the mix . Nearly every portable water treatment plant would use sand
filters in the process , a basins of fine to coarse that filters water , it will be possible to
drink water with only sand filters but it will come to be inefficient and more cleaning
time . This sand filters can be set up in to 2 different ways : the water flows from the
bottom exits top or the water reverse from the top to bottom , the coomon technique is the
water flows from the bottom to the top . Water flowing out of sand filters have clearity
around less than 3 Nephelometric Turbidity Units , which is as measurement of how
many particles still remaing in the water or turbidity .
Many treatement plan will also pass water through activated carbon basins , activated
carbon particles has many tiny pores that help removes tiniest sediment of bacteria , this
process is not necessary but it helps improves taste and odour .
4. Disinfection
There are 3 main ways of disinfection in water treatments process which can be used
individually or in combination with one another dependent upon design . First chlorine
treatement , ozon treatement , and UV treatement . In the US they mainly use by adding
cholrine or cholrine based compounds such as chlorine dioxide and monochloramine
work to kill microorganism , but the side effect is that this compound can react with other
organic material in the water to create disinfection byproducts which is harmful to human
health and have to be prevented . Chlorine treatement must come at the end of whole
process . Chlorine not only kill any patogens in the water but also remain in the tap water
killing any contaminents that might get produced after leaving the plants .
Ultraviolet Radiation Treatment , in this process UV light shine through water which
scambels any bacteria’s DNA , this process doesn’t kill bacteria but prevent them from
reproduce , thus making them harmless .
Ozone treatment , this process involves adding ozone ( O3 ) to the water called the
ozonation , the ozon kill the bacteria and improves the water tastes and odour, this
process also require that chemical be used to remove ozon such as sodium bisulfate .

After this whole process , the water finally ready to be pump into the city’s pipes network to
delivery to your tap . The water flowing out of the plant is tested for various level chemicals ,
particles and other quality as plant permit that set by government agency regulates water quality
holds the treatment plant accountable in the treatment process .

Constant pressure of 40 PSI must be kept at the outlet of the water in the system so that in the
area of high elevation in the pipe network the water retrained residual pressure , 1 FT in water
elevation is directly connected to increase or decrease of ,433 PSI , so the water pump through
out the city is pressured at any given point or different elevation flushed away . Postive pressures
always has to be achived as do not let any extra water in the ground flow through pipe crack or
joints , this will contaminate the entire system and is the one reason why we might experieces a
boil water notice .

Masive pump at the treatment plant supplies pressure to the system through constant operation ,
some of this system can be store as elevation at the water tower which can give pump a back up
in the emergency or fire flows , in a lot of cases water tower allows the pumps to the treatment
plants to run at a constant rate which increased efficiency and remove downtime problems . this
combination of pump and water tower allows your tap remain flowing .

Water Function

1. Stabilizes Temperature

Water cools the earth when it heats up and warms it when it cools down. When the
temperature drops low enough, water freezes, releasing its own heat and warming the
frigid air. When the temperature rises high enough, water evaporates, taking some of the
heat with it and cooling the hot air. It also cools the heat of volcanoes and wildfires, via
moisture released from burning vegetation, which forms clouds that cool the air and then
release rain. And water in the ground cools the surface of the earth during the day and
warms it at night.

Without water the air and earth would vacillate between extreme hot and extreme cold
every day, everywhere, with a gradual increase in temperature as time goes on.

2. Cushions & Softens

Just as water in a waterbed has a cushioning effect with any movement, so it also has
when buried in the earth. This cushioning is good protection during an earthquake,
proven in seismic studies, when the groundwater slows down seismic waves and
dampens their effects.
Water also softens the soil, making it easier for rain to percolate through to refill the
aquifer - the earth's underground storage space. When stored groundwater is sucked up
and not replaced, the soil gradually condenses and becomes hard. Then water slides off
the top, instead of being absorbed, and the earth loses its storage place and its shock

The softening effect of water is also evident in the way it prepares seeds to grow. Many
seeds have hard covers that keep them from growing until water is present. Water softens
the seed cover enough for the little shoots to break out, then the soft soil, mixed with
organic matter, provides a perfect medium for the shoots to grow into full-fledged plants.

Without water most seeds would be too hard to grow, and the ground would be too hard
or sandy to absorb and hold rain. Without water storage, droughts would kill, and
earthquakes would be severe.

3. Enables Transportation

Throughout the earth and the bodies of living things, water is used to transport both
nutrients and wastes. On land, water transports nutrients and rich soils from the
mountains to lower altitudes on the way to the sea. In the ocean, water currents disperse
nutrients throughout the world.

Humans use waterways to transport goods via boats and barges. Water in plant sap and
blood transports nutrients and wastes to and from cells. In the human and animal brain
water transports electrical charges, which allow us to think clearly.

Without water there would be no dispersal of nutrients, electrical messages, or mass

transit of goods and services that help life prosper.

4. Cleanses and Breaks Down Wastes

Rain cleans whatever it passes through (air, the earth's surface, soil), which is why
everything smells fresh after a rain. It also plays a cleansing role in our own bodies, as it
passes through the kidneys. It carries down dirt, debris, minerals, and toxins, washing all
into the sea. Once in the ocean, algae and other microbes break the debris down (except
plastic) into basic food components that can be used to support life. The ocean thereby
becomes a primordial soup, filled with nutrients of all kinds. From the ocean life was

Without water the earth and our bodies would be unable to break down wastes.

5. Enables Reproduction

Water is a key component of birth - the reproductive cycle of all animals mimicking the
life-spawning ocean. In mammals, sperm are carried by water to impregnate the egg.
Once impregnated, all nutrients in a female's body that a baby will need are carried by
water (amniotic fluid) to the womb, before leftovers are distributed to the mother. Babies
are born with a gush of water and are immediately fed with water that is nutrient rich.
Birds produce eggs that are mostly water mixed with nutrients for the growing life inside.

Without water there would be no reproduction, hence continuation of life as we know it.

6. Provides a Home

In addition to being the soup from which life emerged, the ocean and other water bodies
act as home for more life than what lives on land. Mammals, fish, birds, insects, trees,
plants, algae, krill, and many other forms of life either live directly in water or are wholly
dependent upon it for survival. This includes the tiny iceworms, copepods, and diatoms
that inhabit trillions of minuscule tunnels in icebergs and their undersides, providing food
for whales and fish that migrate to the poles to eat.Without water life would lose its
primary food source.

7. Helps Make Things

Water and carbon dioxide are the two key components of plant photosynthesis, which is
how plants make their food. Bees use water to make honey, flowers use water to make
nectar, trees use water to make pitch, spiders and snakes use water to make venom, and
termites mix saliva with mud to make their homes.

Humans use water to make paint, dyes, inks, all kinds of drinks, and we bottle it straight.
We use it for paper, fabrics, food processing, chemical compounds, and the manufacture
of hundreds of other products essential to modern living.
Without water, plants and many insects and arthropods could not survive, nor would
humans have developed the foods and industries we have.

8. Hydration

Water hydrates the body by serving as a lubricant to moisten joints, and also protects
your eyes, brain and spinal cord. Your digestive system uses water for vital fluids such as
blood, saliva and digestive fluids to aid in the transportation of nutrients and removal of
waste products. Water helps move your food through your intestines, which is important
in preventing constipation.

9. Electrolytes

Water provides the medium for electrolytes to circulate throughout your body.
Electrolytes are the minerals sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium.
These electrolytes provide transportation of glucose and amino acids in and out of cells.
Each electrolyte is balanced by another of equal but opposite charge to manage the flow
of nutrients to cells and waste from cells.

10. Acid-Base Balance

Water helps regulate pH balance in your body. Water is neutral -- neither acidic, or low
pH, nor basic, or high pH. The concentration of hydrogen in the body creates an acidic or
basic level in your blood and organs. Water allows free hydrogen ions to move in and out
of blood, cells and water to maintain the pH of your body, which is around 7.4.

Stem Cell Function

1. Tissue regeneration

Tissue regeneration is probably the most important use of stem cells. Doctors have
already used stem cells from just beneath the skin's surface to make new skin tissue. They
can then repair a severe burn or another injury by grafting this tissue onto the damaged
skin, and new skin will grow back.
2. Cardiovascular disease treatment

In 2013, a team of researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital reported in PNAS

Early Editionthat they had created blood vessels in laboratory mice, using human stem
cells . Within 2 weeks of implanting the stem cells, networks of blood-perfused vessels
had formed. The quality of these new blood vessels was as good as the nearby natural
ones.The authors hoped that this type of technique could eventually help to treat people
with cardiovascular and vascular diseases.

3. Brain disease treatment

Doctors may one day be able to use replacement cells and tissues to treat brain diseases,
such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

In Parkinson's, for example, damage to brain cells leads to uncontrolled muscle

movements. Scientists could use stem cells to replenish the damaged brain tissue. This
could bring back the specialized brain cells that stop the uncontrolled muscle movements.
Researchers have already tried differentiating embryonic stem cells into these types of
cells, so treatments are promising.

4. Cell deficiency therapy

These new cells could repair heart damage by repopulating the heart with healthy tissue.
Similarly, people with type I diabetes could receive pancreatic cells to replace the insulin-
producing cells that their own immune systems have lost or destroyed . The only current
therapy is a pancreatic transplant, and very few pancreases are available for transplant.

5. Blood disease treatments

Doctors now routinely use adult hematopoietic stem cells to treat diseases, such
as leukemia, sickle cell anemia, and other immunodeficiency problems . Hematopoietic
stem cells occur in blood and bone marrow and can produce all blood cell types,
including red blood cells that carry oxygen and white blood cells that fight disease.
10 of the best air-purifying plants

1. Devil ‘s Ivy

Devil's ivy, also known as golden pothos, fights nasty toxins like xylene, benzene,
formaldehyde and trichloroethylene. Just be sure to keep this plant out of reach of your
cat or dog as it's toxic to pets

2. Boston Fern

Ferns can typically be quite tricky to care for but the Boston fern
is the most tolerant of the bunch. They prefer moist soil, indirect sunlight and humid
conditions, so they're an ideal plant for the bathroom. Not only do they provide a lush
green display, they filter out the irritating chemicals, Xylene and formaldehyde.

3. Chinese Evergreen

It helps filter out a variety of air pollutants and begins to remove more toxins as time
and exposure continues.

4. Weeping Fig

Often referred to as Ficus (like most plants in the fig family), Weeping fig's love the
light and don't like being moved so it's best to find a nice sunny spot in your home for it
to stay and only re-pot when necessary . They are particularly good at filtering
formaldehyde, xylene and toluene – but again, toxic to cats and dogs, so keep them out
of reach.

5. Bamboo Plam
The Bamboo palm is perfect for indoors as it survives in low light conditions, unlike
most other palm varieties. They filter Xylene and formaldehyde from the air as well as
transpiring a litre of water a day – making them great humidifiers.
6. Spider Plant
This perennial herb is very easy to care for and thrives in a wide variety of conditions
(even temperatures as low as 2 degrees!). Spider plants have also been shown to reduce
indoor air pollution in the form of formaldehyde and xylene.
7. Peace Lily
This popular indoor plant survives with very little sunlight and only needs watering about
once a week, depending on the weather. Peace lilies cleanse your home of pollutants like
acetone – a carcinogen commonly found in nail polish and paint. Keep this one away
from your fury friends also.
8. Snake Plant
This easy-to-care-for plant, also known as mother-in-law's tongue, filters out a chemical
called formaldehyde, absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.
9. Flaminggo Lily
Native to the tropics, this exotic flowering plant prefers a warm and shady environment
and daily misting helps to prolong its flowers. They are known to be effective in
removing formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, and ammonia from the air.
10. Pineapple Plant
The pineapple plant produces more oxygen than most, which explains the recent reports
that this magical plant can actually cure snoring! According to NASA, adding a
pineapple plant to your bedroom will greatly improve the air quality, which in turn
creates a better environment for restful, snore-free sleeping. While this sounds too good
to be true, we are definitely willing to give it a go.

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