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era un viernes en 1998, era invierno, la noche estaba oscuro y estaba lloviendo en
cuando una pareja llego al hotel, era un hombre y una mujer.
el era un trabajador de una fabrica y ella era una enfermera, ellos venian de bolivia.
el hombre era gordito y de baja estatura, tenia bigotes y barba y vestia pantalones y
camisa, tenia cabello corto.
ella era de baja estatura, delgada, tenia ojos marrones y el cabello rizado, vestia jeans y
una casaca.
en la noche ellos tuvieron problemas con la luz, porque se apagaba y prendia, despues
ellos escucharon que una puerta se abria y cerraba.
cuando estaban durmiendo, ellos escucharon un extraño ruido en la parte superior del
ellos fueron a ver que pasaba.
cuando ellos llegaron, vieron en una habitacion a un hombre que vestia un saco y tenia
los ojos rojos, era un fantasma.
la mujer salio corriendo pero el hombre se quedo.
a la mañana siguiente el administrador fue a ver que paso.
el encontro a un hombre muerto en el piso.
Existen muchas versiones, muchas historias del Hotel Arce,
y siguen pasando cosas extrañas en ese hotel.


one night at the ARCE hotel

It was a Friday in 1998, it was winter, the night was dark and it was raining in juliaca.

When a couple arrived at the hotel, it was a man and a woman.

He was a factory worker and she was a nurse, they came from Bolivia.

the man was short and a little overweight, had mustache and beard and wore pants and shirt,
had short hair.

she was short, thin, had brown eyes and curly hair, wore jeans and a coat.

at night they had problems with the light, because it went off and on, then they heard that a
door opened and closed.

when they were sleeping, they heard a strange noise at the top of the hotel

they went to see what happened.

when they arrived, they saw in a room a man who wore a jacket and had red eyes, he was a

the woman ran out but the man stayed.

The next morning the administrator went to see what happened.

He found a dead man on the floor.

There are many versions, many stories of Hotel Arce,

and strange things are still happening in that hotel.

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