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Archimedes Principle

What is Archimedes Principle ?

“the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the displaced water”

 If the weight of the water displaced is less than the weight of the object, the object will sink

 Otherwise the object will float, with the weight of the water displaced equal to the weight
of the object.


Fb =𝝆. 𝒈. 𝑽 Ws = W- Fb

Fb = buoyant force Ws = weight of object in the water

ρ = density of water W = weight of object on the air

g = gravitaty of earth Fb = Buoyant force

V = volume of immersed object

History of Archimedes Principle

Hiero ( King of Greek) order a golden crown in a shape of wreath to the goldsmith. The
goldsmith did as he ordered. Few days before the ceremony to place the wreath in the temple He
hear a rumours that the goldsmith had given him not of pure gold but gold that had silver mix.
Then the king come to his cousin Archimedes to know that the goldsmith cheating or not.
Archimedes thinking and try to solve this problem. When Archimedes cleaning his body in a tub
for the last ritual, he stepped into a tub of water. As he began to lower himself to the water, the
water in tub began to spill out over the side. In that moment he realised that he found the way to
solve the problem. He realized that an object, when immersed in water, displaced a volume of
water equal to its own volume, and that by measuring the volume of the displaced water, the
volume of the object could be determined, regardless of the object’s shape. The next day
Archimedes do this method to prove the fact, Archimedes took a lumb of gold as the king give to
the goldsmith into a tub with water, and Archimedes do the same way with the wreath crown gold,
if the goldsmith cheating the weight of water that spill by wreath crown gold will be heavier than
lumb of gold. And the result is the weight of the crown gold more than a lumb of gold. It prove
that the king cheated by the goldsmith.

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