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Novita Masi Darii Tani MD (1681010013)

Nowadays tourism is one of the most important sector in the world. Tourism
development is increasingly viewed as an important tool in promoting economic growth,
alleviating poverty, and advancing food security. A number of studies including United Nations
World Travel Organization (UNWTO, 2002) have shown that tourism can play a significant
role towards balanced sustainable development, and that it can be effectively harnessed to
generate net benefits for the poor. The potential of the tourism sector as a development tool to
positively contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction emanates from its several
peculiar characteristics (UNWTO, 2002) including the following: (i) the industry represents an
opportunity for economic diversification, (ii) tourism is the only export sector where the
consumer travels to the exporting country thus providing opportunities for the poor to become
exporters through the sale of goods and services to foreign tourists, (iii) the sector is labour-
intensive and supports a diverse and versatile labour market; and (iv) finally, there are
numerous indirect benefits of tourism for the poor.

However, by the increasing of tourists number, some aspects of tourism are threatened
too. For the economic goals, the more tourist coming the more profit got by the destination. It
is absolute. But for other aspects,such as environment and socio-cultural, there are threats.
From environmental aspect, irresponsible tourist will bring problem for the destination by
throw away their own rubbish arround the destination. In addition, the huge number of tourist
make landlord arround the tourist destination sell their land and the investor will buy it as well
as exploited it badly. From socio cultural aspect, mass tourism can break social order in the
destination as well as acculturation.

Community Based Tourism (CBT) is one of the model of alternative tourism which is
created to avoid mass tourism. This term emerged in the mid 1990s. CBT is generally small
scale and involves interaction between visitors and host community. According to Thailand
Community Based Tourism Institute CBT is tourism that takes environmental, social and
cultural sustainability into account. It is managed and owned by the community, for the
community, with the purpose of enabling visitors to increase their awareness and learn about
the community and local ways of life.”
The concept of CBT by Goodwin and Santilli have one of these characteristics:

 benefits going to individuals or households in the community

 collective benefits – creation of assets which are used by the community as a whole, roads,
schools, clinics etc
 community benefits where there is a distribution of benefit to all households in the
 conservation initiatives with community and collective benefits
 joint ventures with community and/or collective benefits, including an anticipated transfer
of management.
 community owned and managed enterprises
 private sector enterprises with community benefits
 product networks developed for marketing tourism in a local area
 community enterprise within a broader co-operative
 private sector development within a community owned reserve

In Asia Pasific, some countries apply this kind of alternative tourism to sustain their
culture, economic, environment, and social. There are some kind of CBT applied in Asia
Pasific Economic Cooperative (APEC) countries, those are pure CBT that managed and owned
by local community, joint venture, where local community make a cooperation with one or
more company, and etcetera. For example in Mexico there is a kind of CBT applied, it is called
Ecoturismo Kuyima. In this community, the management are managed by local community
and owner of this tourism site are local people too. In the other hand, in Posada Amazonas,
Peru, it is joint venture between local community and private company called Rainforest
Expeditions. This site is 60% owned by the local community and 40% by the company.
Furthermore, the initiator of the CBT itself not only by the local community. In some case,
Non Governmental Organization, whether it is local or international take part in initiative
phase. The NGO help local community by introduce this kind of sustainable tourism to them.
Sometimes the NGO also help to organize the community by giving them some training and
education about tourism, management and other related training.

CBT is important for Asia Pasific countries. Through CBT, local community
involvement are maximized. In addition, CBT can bring some advantages to local community
in some aspects, those are socio-culture, environment and economic as well as preservation of
these three aspects.
1. Socio-Cultural

In socio-cultural aspect, CBT can re-invigorate local community tradition and social
order. In Bario Malaysia, before CBT was introduced, most of young generation of
local people there were not live in this village. They look for job in some cities in their
country, even abroad, because no one in their village would pay them. After CBT was
introduced there, they go back to their village and work as hospitality employee there.
Moreover, by CBT their tradition such as Nunaken was relearned and most of them
know their culture, their tradition.

CBT also enhance social sustainability by empowering local communities to manage

their own resources, provide meaningful employment, and assit with capacity building
and cultural preservation. In Maori, New Zealand, CBT was initiated by two inhabitants
of the local people. This initiate was made because of they want to tourists know their
culture on their own village and giving tourist a deeper understanding about their
culture. So far, tourist only know their culture when they perform it hotel. They then
developed the Maori village. In the begining the company only employeed five people,
but till 2010 they employed 98 Maoris, with many more on the waiting list to work for
the company.

In addition, CBT respects and encourages equitable participation of local community.

For example, in Waturaka Tourism Village, Ende County, there is a good efforts from
a NGO called Swisscontact to encourage equitable participation of local community. In
cooperation with local community and support by local government they build some
homestay there, create local traditional studio (sanggar), and a unique attraction to
make local people can participate on the all aspect offered. Furthermore they respect
local tradition and help them to preserve it by create local traditional studio.

Another role are conserves and promotes living cultural heritage and welfare. Shui-Li
Snake Kiln Ceramics Cultural Park in central Chinese Taipei applied this. This kiln was
established 1n 1927 by the grandfather of the current owner. They face some challenges
when they run the business. In 2010, the owner of this kiln realised that the snake kilns
were an important part of the cultural heritage of Taipei and that emphasising this
heritage factor was the key to keeping his business afloat. Whilst the production of
pottery is still important to the business of the kiln it is now tourism that is its key source
of revenue. Beside promote cultural heritage this kiln also bring prosperity to the local

Educates visitors about culture and nature. This indicator was applied in Maori as
aforementioned. In this village tourist is taught local culture and nature there. Tourist
will explore directly all things that they only know about from book. Finally CBT
demonstrates good management practices and ensures a quality and safe experience for
all of individuals involved. As the destination is managed by local people, they will
give all they have for tourist to make them satisfied. For exampe in One Life Japan.
They serve a kind of tourist activities which it is totally different from other
destinations. In this rural area bicycle is the only kind vehicle that is allowed. So tourist
can enjoy their vacation with clean and fresh air while enjoy the green view of ricefield
and plants surroundings. Tourist also can do hiking n the countryside or work for an
afternoon in a ricefield or collecting wild vegetables. This can create a quality
experience for the tourist because they never do it in their hometown or their country.
It is safe to for the tourist because there is a integrated community who manage it.

2. Environment

CBT preserve biodiversity whilst reduce rural poverty and achieve both objectives
sustainably. In Chi Phat Eco-Tourism Site, before CBET was introduced local
community get money from logging. It was automatically disturb forest biodervisty.
The balnce of nature was disturbed due to shrinkage of some kind of flora there. It has
impact too to fauna there because they lost their nest. Subsequently, in 2007 this
community was formed. Cambodia local community in assistance of an international
environmental NGO and Wildlife Alliance (formerly WildAid), including one NGO
more called Live and Learn Environmental Education work together to preserve and
conserve this biodiversity which is located in Southern Cardamon Mountains. The local
community was educated and trained to reduce illegal logging and hunting. They also
gave community member’s entrepreneurial skills. There are now fifteen eco-guide
trainees (who receive training in group management, communication, eco-
interpretation, GPS navigation, first aid), 24 hospitality (food vendors, guest house and
homestay operators) trainees, and a number of CBET Committee members who have
already receive training.
Another environmental benefits include income generation for communities to actively
protect their land from degradation and enhance conservation efforts to attract tourist
specially with regard to eco-tourism initiatives. In Bali island there is a kind of CBET
in Pemutaran village. Before CBET was introduced, there is exploitation of nature
resources arround the village by local people because of poverty. They cut down trees
for fire wood and sold it. They also caught decorative fish massively. Moreover they
caught fish by using cyanide. In addition, they take possesion of coral reefs for
commercial needs or processed it into lime and many others destructive actions. Saw
this condition, then a tourism entrepreneur name Agung Prana come to help local
community. Through his foundation Karang Lestari (sustainable coral) he educated the
local community. In the beginning it was hard for him to attest local people that they
have a potential sea park. Then by the assistance of pecalang (local security), Desa
Adat Pemutaran and local community itself they restorated all destructive nature there.
Then from restoration they conservate all asets they have and be ecotourism object.
Now this place is become one of the under water destination in Bali. In this destination
local participation is very high. It is ecologically sustainable and minimises impact on
the environment.

3. Economic

In economic aspect, CBT gives local community more benefits. All income can be got
and enjoyed by all members of local community. For example in Posada Amazonas,
Peru, altough the kind of CBT is joint venture with a private company, they still get big
profit from it due to a lot of tourist come there. The ownership of the ecotourism is 60%
by local community and 40% by the company. The company trained the local
community so they can take over the whole of the enterprise in 2016. Posada Amazonas
comprised 30 double occupancy huts and offered many opportunities for hiking and
experienceing the spectacular local flora and fauna. The community made a profit of
arround $US80.000 in 2008, they earned most of the $US140.000 by being employees
of the CBT venture. This has helped to significantly diversify the economy of the
village. Most people in the community combine their income from the CBT with
farming and harvesting forest products.
CBT supports local economic development through diversification of employment. In
Bario for example, before CBT was introduced their profession is only farmer. After
CBT applied there, now they have some kind of profession such as entrepreneur,
employee of hospitality industry, vendors, and other professions. It can make local
community financially viable as well.

In APEC countries CBT is very important. Through CBT almost all good condition can
be formed. Local community participation is a must so that the program supported by them
(Breugel, 2013). This statement is in line with what happen in APEC countries right now. They
maximize local involvement in all activities there inspite of the kind of CBT is joint venture.
Local community can improve their livelihood by manage their tourist destination and work in
hospitality industry in their village. Besides, they more aware in their biodiversiy, both cause
of their own awareness or come from other parties outside their community such as NGO and
private company. it also can sustain their culture by relearn their culture and make their social
life better.


Asker, Sally, et al. “Effective community based tourism: a best practice manual.” Asia pacific
economic cooperation (APEC) tourism working group. Gold coast, Australia:
sustainable tourism cooperative research centre (2010).
Goodwin, Harold, and Rosa Santilli. "Community-based tourism: A success." ICRT
Occasional paper 11.1 (2009).
Putra, I Nyoman Darma, “Pariwisata Berbasis masyarakat Model Bali”, Denpasar : Program
Studi Kajian Pariwisata Universitas Udayana (2015).
Watu, Nando, Agrowisata, Berkunjung Ke Kelimutu, Jangan Lupa Mampir Di Waturaka,

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