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3 - - - - - - - - - - - -x
9 Index No.: 78/15
- - - - - - - - - - - -x
89-00 Sutphin Boulevard
11 Jamaica, New York
12 July 11, 2016
12:01 p.m.
17' H. TABAT, one of the Defendants in the
18 above-entitled action, held at the above
19 time and place, taken before Maryann Laub,
20 a Notary Public of the State of New York,
21 pursuant to Court Order and stipulations
22 between Counsel.
24 * * *

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Attorneys for Plaintiff
5 221 Mineola Boulevard
Mineola, New York 11501
Attorneys for Defendant
10 Lisa Hyunshim Yun
875 Merrick Avenue
11 Westbury, New York 11590
15 Attorneys for Defendant
Gary H. Tabat
16 1500 Lakeland Avenue
Bohemia, New York 11716
20 Lisa Hyunshim Yun
23 * * *
'-~: 25

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3 IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED, by and between the

4 attorneys for the respective parties hereto, that:

5 All rights provided by the C.P.L.R., and Part 221

6 of the Uniform Rules for the Conduct of Depositions,

7 including the right to object to any question, except as

8 to form, or to move to strike any testimony at this

9 examination is reserved; and in addition, the failure to

10 object to any question or to move to strike any

11 testimony at this examination shall not be a bar or

12 waiver to make such motion at, and is reserved to, the

13 trial of this action.

14 This deposition may be sworn to by the witness

15 being examined before a Notary Public other than the

16 Notary Public before whom this examination was begun,

17 but the failure to do so or to return the original of

18 this deposition to counsel, shall not be deemed a waiver

19 of the rights provided by Rule 3116, C.P.L.R., and shall

20 be controlled thereby.

21 The filing of the original of this deposition is

22 waived.

23 IT IS FURTHER STIPULATED, a copy of this

24 examination shall be furnished to the attorney for the

25 witness being examined without charge.

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2 GAR Y H. TAB A T, the

3 witness herein, having f i r s t been duly

4 sworn by the Notary Public, was

5 examined and testified as follows:



8 Q. State your name for the record,

9 please.

10 A. Gary H. Tabat.
11 Q. Where do you presently reside?

12 A. 165 Windwatch Drive, Hauppauge,

13 New York 11788.

14 MR. PASCALE: Good afternoon,

15 Mr. Tabat. My name is Brian Pascale.

16 I'm going to ask you a series of

17 questions. As I am sure you already

18 know, all your answers must be verbal.


20 Q. Have you ever been convicted of

21 a crime?

22 A. No.

23 Q. Have you plead guilty to a

24 crime?

25 A. No.

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1 G. H. Tabat
2 Q. Did you discuss your testimony
3 with anybody, aside from your attorneys
4 today?
5 A. No.

6 Q. Did you review any documents in

7 preparation for your testimony today?
8 A. No.

9 Q. Were you involved in a motor

10 vehicle accident on September 8, 2014?
11 A. Yes.
12 Q. What day of the week was that?
13 A. I believe i t was a Monday. But
14 I am not sure.
15 Q. Do you recall what time of day.
16, the accident was?
17 A. Somewhere between 9:30 and
18 10:00.
19 Q. Where did the collision occur?
20 A. On the Long Island Expressway
21 going in a westbound direction.
22 Q. Was i t near a particular exit?
23 A. I don't remember the exit i t was
24 near, but I -- listening to previous
/~ 25 testimony, 49 would be about right. The

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1 G. H. Tabat
2 Q. You had not reached work that
3 day?
4 A. No, I had not reached work yet.
5 Q. Had you driven on this part of
6 the LIE prior to September 8, 2014?
7 A. Yes.
8 Q. How often would you drive that
9 route?
10 A. I would say at least two to
11 three times a week.
12 Q. Do you have any other offices
13 besides Garden City?
14 A. Yes.
15 Q. Where are your other offices?
16 A. Hauppauge.
17 Q. Approximately two to three days
18 week you are in that office as well?
19 A. That's correct. I'm what is
20 called a floater.
21 MR. MAURER: He didn't ask you
22 that.

23 THE WITNESS: I know.

24 Q. Was this rush hour at the time

25 of the accident?

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1 G. H. Tabat

2 A. No.

3 Q. Can you describe this area of

4 the LIE where the accident occurred?

5 A. It's three lanes and an HOV

6 lane.

7 Q. Any shoulder?

8 A. It's the same type of shoulder

9 that's on the rest of the LIE. I don't
10 know if there is a shoulder in the HOV
11 I lane, off the HOV lane, but I do know there

12 is a shoulder on the right.

13 Q. What lane were you in when the

14 accident occurred?

15 A. I was in the left lane. Not the

16 HOV, but the left.

17 Q. Where were you coming from

18 immediately before the accident?

19 A. Either my home or my Hauppauge

20 office. I am not sure which.

21 Q. What time did you leave,

22 approximately?

23 A. Fifteen to twenty minutes before

24 the accident.

25 Q. What exit did you pick up the

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1 G. H. Tabat

2 LIE on?

3 A. Either Exit 57 or Exit 53.

4 Q. How long would you say you were
5 on the LIE prior to this collision
6 occurring?
7 A. About 15 minutes, 20. At least
8 15.
9 Q. When you first entered the LIE,
10 did you go to the right lane, did you go
11 into the middle lane, did you immediately

12 go into the left lane?

13 A. I don't recall.
14 Q. How long would you say you were
15 in the left lane prior to the accident?

16 A. I would say ten minutes. Five

17 to ten minutes.

18 Q. What were traffic conditions

19 like that day?
20 A. Traffic conditions at the time I
21 got onto the LIE and moved forward were
22 good. It was moderate. I would say

23 moderate. congestion, but everything was

24 moving.

25 Q. Prior to the accident, what

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1 G. H. Tabat

2 would you say your highest rate of speed

3 was on the LIE?

4 A. Fifty-five to sixty.

5 MR. MAURER: Off the record.

6 (Whereupon, a discussion was

7 held off the record.)

8 Q. Prior to this accident, did you

9 see Ms. Romero's vehic1e?
10 A. I believe I did.
11 Q. When did you see Ms. Romero's

12 vehicle for the f i r s t time prior to this

13 collision?

14 A. Maybe two or three minutes

15 before. I t ' s hard to say.

16 Q. Were you in the left lane at

17 that time?

18 A. Yes. I was in the left lane.

19 Q. Where was Ms. Romero's vehicle

20 when you f i r s t saw it?

21 A. She was in front of me in the

22 left lane.

23 Q. At some point, did another

24 vehicle get in front of your vehicle?

25 A. Between the two of us?

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1 G. H. Tabat

2 MR. PASCALE: Strike that

3 question.

4 Q. At some point prior to the

5 collision, did another vehicle get between

6 your vehicle and Ms. Romero's?

7 A. No.
8 Q. When you first saw Ms. Romero's
9 vehicle, was there another vehicle ahead of
10 yours in between those vehicles?
11 A. I don't understand the question.
12 Q. When you first saw Ms. Romero's
. \
13 vehicle, was there any other vehicle
14 between your vehic'le and Ms. Romero's?

15 A. Not that I recall. The first

16 time I recall seeing her vehicle she was in
17 front of me, but I don't remember exactly

18 how long that was.

19 Q. Aside from Ms. Romero's vehicle,
20 was there another vehicle involved in a
21 collision that you were in on September 8,
22 2014?

23 A. Yes, there was.

24 Q. Who owned that vehicle, to your
25 knowledge?

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1 G. H. Tabat
2 A. I would imagine i t ' s the
3 plaintiff. I don't know.
4 Q. How many vehicles were involved
5 in this collision?
6 A. I think three of us.
7 Q. Was there an Altima involved in
8 this collision?
9 A. I didn't I didn't observe the
10 make of the cars in the collision.
11 Q. Was there a person named Lisa
12 Hyunshim Yun that was involved in this
13 collision with you?
14 A. Yes.
15 Q. Where was Ms. Yun's vehicle
16 prior to this collision?
17 A. It was in front of my vehicle.

18 Q. Was i t behind Ms. Romero's

19 vehicle?
20 A. I believe so.
21 Q. At any point prior to this
22 accident, did Ms. Yun's vehicle change
23 lanes?
24 A. No.
25 Q. At any time prior to the

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1 G. H. Tabat

2 accident, after you first saw i t , did

3 Ms. Romero's vehicle change lanes?

4 A. No.

5 Q. After you first saw Ms. Romero's

6 vehicle, at any point, did your vehicle

7 change lanes?

8 A. No .

9 Q. Where was Ms. Yun's vehicle when

10 you first saw it?
11 A. When I first saw i t , i t was in

~2 front of me moving forward.

13 Q. It was always in front of you

14 from the time you first saw i t up until the

15 time of the accident?

16 A. I believe from the first time I

17 saw i t to the time of the accident, yes, it

18 was in front of me.

19 Q. How long were you traveling

20 behind Ms. Yun's vehicle prior to this

21 collision?

22 A. I don't recall.

23 Q. How long was i t from the time

24, you first saw Ms. Romero's vehicle until

25 the time of this collision?

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1 G. H. Tabat

2 A. Seconds.

3 Q. How many seconds, approximately?

4 A. It's impossible for me to tell

5 how many seconds i t was. I can't even

6 begin to guess.

7 Q. Could i t have been a minute?


9 Q. Less than a minute or more than

10 a minute?
11 A. It was less than a minute.
12 Q. Less than 45 seconds?
13 A. Yes.
14 Q. Was i t less than 30 seconds?

15 A. Yes.

16 Q. Was i t less than 20 seconds?

17 A. Probably yes.

18 Q. Was i t longer than ten seconds?

19 A. It was somewhere between, I

20 would say I would have to say i t was

21 probably around 10 to 20 seconds, somewhere

22 in that neighborhood, to the best of my

23 recollection. Because i t was okay.

24 I ' l l leave i t at that.

25 Q. At some point, there was a

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1 G. H. Tabat
2 collision, correct?

3 A. Correct.
4 Q. Describe the collision.

5 A. The front of my car collided

6 with the back of Ms. Yun's vehicle.
7 Q. Did anything else happen after

8 your vehicle collided with Ms. Yun's

9 vehicle?
10 A. Not that I observed.
11 Q. Did you observe Ms. Yun's
12 vehicle strike Ms. Romero's vehicle
13 following the impact with your vehicle?

14 I A. No.
15 Q. I'm going to hand you what has
16 been marked as Defendants' Exhibits A, B, C
17 and D.

18 Do you recognize what is

19 depicted in Defendants' Exhibits A, B, C
20 and D?

21 A. Do I recognize it? No.

22 Q. Do you recognize if that is

23 Ms. Romero's vehicle that was involved in
24 this collision?

25 A. No.

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1 G. H. Tabat

2 Q. I'm going to hand you what has

3 been marked as Plaintiff's Exhibit 8.

4 Please tell me when you are ready.

5 A. I'm ready.

6 Q. Do you recognize what

7 Plaintiff's Exhibit 8 is?

8 A. At this point, no, I don't.

9 Q. Did you take any photographs of

10 any of the vehicles involved in this
11 collision following the accident?

12 A. No, I did not.

13 Q. Do you know i f anybody on your
14 behalf took any photographs of any of the

15 vehicles at the accident scene?

16 A. No. Nobody on my behalf did.

17 Q. Did you take any p~otographs of

18 I any of the vehicles not at the accident

19 scene following this collision?

20 A. No.

21 Q. Did anyone on your behalf take

22 any photographs of any of the vehicles

23 following this accident, aside from at the

24 accident scene?

25 A. I don't know.

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1 G. H. Tabat
2 Q. I'm going to hand you what has
3 been marked as Plaintiff's Exhibits 1 and
4 2 • Please tell. me when you are ready, sir.
5 A. Okay.
6 Q. Do you recognize what

7 Plaintiff's Exhibits 1 and 2 are?

8 A. 1 and 2, I believe, are
9 Ms. Yun's vehicle.
10 Q. That was the vehicle that was
11 ahead of yours that you were involved in
12 the collision with?
13 A. That's correct.
14 Q. Do you know who took these
15 photographs, sir?
16 A. No.
17 Q. I hand you what has been marked
18 as Plaintiff's Exhibits 6 and 7.

19 Do you recognize what

20 Plaintiff's Exhibits 6 and 7 are?

21 A. No.
22 Q. If I was to tell you that they

23 are Ms. Yun's vehicle following this

24 collision, would that refresh your
25 recollection?

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1 G. H. Tabat
2 A. It would refresh my recollection
3 as that this is the same vehicle as this,

4 and i t ' s Ms. Yun's vehicle (indicating).

5 Q. Did you happen to take a look at

6 the damage to Ms. Yun's vehicle following

7 this collision?

8 A. I did look at the damage at some

9 point briefly, but I was more interested in

10 finding out that Ms. Yun was okay and that

11 the person in front of her was okay.

12 Q. Is any of the damage that you

13 looked at briefly depicted in the

14 photographs that are Plaintiff's Exhibits 6

15 and 7?

16 A. I can't remember whether this

17 would accurately depict this or not since I

18 didn't take the picture and i t happened two

19 years ago. I was more interested in the

20 people than the property damage. No, I

21 can't.

22 Q. I'm going to hand you what has

23 been marked as Plaintiff's Exhibit 3.

24 Do you recognize what

25 Plaintiff's Exhibit 3 is?

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1 G. H. Tabat
2 A. That is a picture of my vehicle,
3 I think. I'm pretty sure i t is.

4 Q. Let me hand you Plaintiff's

5 Exhibits 4 and 5.

6 Do you recognize what

7 Plaintiff's Exhibits 4 and 5 are?

8 A. Yes, I do. Including the

9 handsome face that's staring there.

10 Q. I would happen to agree.

11 What is Plaintiff's Exhibits 4

12 and 5?

13 A. It's a picture of my vehicle.

14 And i t looks like i t was the picture of my

15 vehicle at the scene of the accident. That

16 appears to be an accurate depiction of the
17 outward appearance of the damage that was

18 done to my car.

19 Q. Do you know how much damage

20 monetarily-wise was done to your vehicle in

21 this collision?

22 A. Not a lot.

23 Q. Was i t repaired after the

24 accident?

25 A. Yes, i t was.

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1 G. H. Tabat
:2 Q. Prior to this collision, did you
3 see Ms. Yun's vehicle slow down?
4 A. I saw Ms. Yun's vehicle coming
5 to an abrupt stop, and I didn't notice the
6 slowing down. I just saw the brake light
7 go on and the stopping of the vehicle. And
8 I didn't know what had caused i t , because
9 all of the vehicles were flowing, traffic
10 was flowing.
11 Q. Did you happen to see if
12 Ms. Yun's vehicle struck the vehicle ahead
13 of hers?
14 A. All I saw was, at that moment,
15 the car in front of her totally stopped and
16 everybody else moving. And I don't know
17 whether she hit the vehicle or stopped
18 before the vehicle. I tried to apply my
19 brakes. And I looked to my right lane to
20 just get out of the lane and get in the
21 other lane, but I couldn't, because there

22 were cars coming by because nobody else was

23 stopped. And I could not stop in time, and

24 I hit the back of her vehicle.

25 Q. Were you able to see any vehicle

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1 G. H. Tabat
2 or traffic ahead of Ms. Romero's vehicle?
3 A. Yes, I was.
4 Q. Were you able to see over her
5 vehicle?
6 A. No. Around the vehicle. I

7 mean, the shocking thing to me, the

8 thing -- my first observation was that her

9 car was stopped, and there was nobody
10 stopped in front of her. And there was
11 nobody else.
12 Q. When did you make that
13 observation?
14 A. When I saw her brake lights go
15 on, and she came to a really abrupt stop.
16 And I immediately tried to come to an
17 abrupt stop. That's the only thing I
18 remember, is that there was just traffic
19 moving. I didn't know why i t stopped. I

20 s t i l l don't know why she stopped. It

21 was i t wasn't that the car in front of

22 her stopped. Nothing stopped.

23 Q. From the time you first saw

24 Ms. Yun's brake lights come on and you
25 applied your brakes, how much time elapsed

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1 G. H. Tabat
2 between the impact and the time you first'

3 saw those brake lights come on?

4 A. Somewhere between 10 and 20
5 seconds.
6 Q. How fast were you going at the
7 time you first saw those brake lights?
8 A. I don't recall.
9 Q. What was your distance from
10 Ms. Yun's vehicle when you first saw her
11 brake 1 igh ts come on?
12 A. I don't recall how far away I
13 was from her at that point. I just recall
14 what my immediate observations were, and i t
15 was to try to get into another lane or put
16 my brakes on immediately.
17 Q. How long did i t take for you to
18 stop from the time you first applied your
19 brakes when you saw Ms. Yun's brake lights
20 come on?
21 MR. MAURER: Read that back.

22 (Whereupon, the requested

23 portion of the transcript was read back

24 by the Court Reporter.)

25 A. I would say -- again, somewhere

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1 G. H. Tabat

2 between five and fifteen seconds. I mean,

3 I looked to my right. I immediately hit my

4 brakes. I was totally surprised that

5 somebody was stopped in the left lane and

6 everybody else was going.
7 Q. Is i t fair to say there was no

8 HOV lane at this area?

9 A. Oh, there is an HOV lane.

10 Q. So you looked to your right.
11 What about to your left?

12 A. I didn't look to my left, I

13 don't think. I don't remember.

14 Q. Do you know if any vehicles were

15 in the HOV lane, that you could have moved

16 into that lane?

17 MR. MAURER: That's two

18 questions.

19 A. There were cars in the HOV lane.

20 The HOV lane was pretty full, as was the

21 right lane next to me. Traffic was moving

22 at a moderate speed. I don't think that

23 either -- I don't think I was going more

24 than 50, 55 miles an hour, tops, at this

25 point, because i t was just a moderate

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1 G. H. Tabat

2 speed. It wasn't wide open where you could

3 do 60, 65, 70 miles an hour.

4 Q. Following this collision, what
5 did you do?
6 A. I got out of my car. I went
7 over to Ms. Yun and I she was getting
8 out of her car. I asked her if she was
9 okay. Together we I asked her, I said,
10 do you have any idea why this person
11 stopped in front of us? She said, no, I
12 have no idea. And then we were going to go
13 up to this woman and talk to her. She went

14 up. I didn't even know she talked to her.

15 I didn't know she went to the car. I went

16 back to my car, because at that point I had
17 to call somebody from my office to come
18 and -- I remember I couldn't find my phone.
19 My phone had been on my passenger seat, and
20 the collision had caused i t to go forward

21 and under the seat. It was I finally

22 found i t . I called somebody from my office

23 to tell them to come forward.

24 Q. Who did you speak to at your

25 office?

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1 G. H. Tabat

2 A. Ruth, my receptionist, who was

3 the one who came.

4 Q. What did you tell Ruth?
5 A. I told Ruth I had an accident.
6 I told them to call Garden City or court,
7 or wherever i t was, and tell them I wasn't
8 going to make i t . I said, I don't think my
9 car is able to drive, so somebody has to
10 get me, and I have to wait for a tow truck
11 to come.

12 Q. Going back to the collision, how

13 would you describe i t ; medium, heavy,

14 light?

15 A. I would describe i t as light.

16 Q. Were you wearing your seat belt?
17 A. Yes.

18 Q. Did your seat belt lock up at

19 the time of the impact?
20 A. No.

21 Q. Airbags deployed?
22 A. I was stopping. My car was very

23 close to being stopped at that point.

24 Okay? I would say maybe another five feet,

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1 G. H. Tabat

2 did not deploy.

3 Q. Did you honk your horn prior to

4 the impact?

5 A. No.

6 Q. Did you attempt to swerve in any

7 way, aside from looking?

8 A. Yes. I was going to attempt to

9 swerve to the right, but I saw the traffic.
10 I just put on my brakes. There was nothing
11 else I can do except put on my brakes.

12 Q. Did your tires skid at all?

13 A. I think at the end they may have

14 locked a l i t t l e bit. I don't believe there

15 was any rubber in the street from i t .

16 Q. At some point, did you speak

17 with the driver of the plaintiff's vehicle?

18 A. No.
19 Q. Did you ever approach her

20 vehicle?

21 A. No.

22 Q. Looking at Plaintiff's Exhibit

23 6, sir. In the upper left-hand corner

24 there is a man's head.

25 Are you able to determine

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1 G. H. Tabat

2 whether that is your head?

3 A. It looks like my head.

4 Q. Does that refresh your

5 recollection of whether you spoke with

6 Ms. Romero at the accident scene?

7 A. No. I t ' s my recollection that I

8 did not speak with her.
9 Q. That head is at the window of
10 Ms. Romero's --
11 MR. MAURER: Objection as to

12 where the head is . You can't determine

13 that based on the photograph.

14 A. I will tell you that that

15 appears to be my head. And I will further

16 tell you that i t does not refresh my

17 recollection that I spoke with her. My

18 recollection remains that I did not have

19 any conversation with the driver of that

20 front vehicle. That's it.

21 Q. Does i t refresh your

22 recollection as to whether you approached

23 that vehicle?

24 A. It refreshes my recollection

25 that I went to the front of Ms. Yun's

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1 G. H. Tabat

2 vehicle to look and see what kind of damage

3 had been caused to her front and the rear

4 of the other vehicle, but that's all i t

5 refreshes.

6 Q. Why did you want to go look at

7 the damage to the front of Ms. Yun's

8 vehicle and the damage to the rear of

9 Ms. Romero's vehicle?

10 A. Just to see i t .
11 Q. Had you been informed there was

12 a second collision with Ms. Yun's vehicle

13 and Ms. Romero's vehicle following your

14 accident?

15 A. I didn't know whether the

16 collision preceded or was after. Okay?

17 But I went to see what the damage was.

18 Q. At some point, though, you were

19 told there was another. collision, whether

20 i t was preceding?

21 MR. MAURER: At the time of the

22 accident or sometime in the future

23 after the accident?

24 MR. PASCALE: At the accident

25 scene after the accident.

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2 A. I knew that there was another

3 collision, because the plaintiff's car

4 remained stopped. It didn't go forward.

5 Q. From your own deduction, the

6 reasoning?

7 MR. MAURER: One at a time.

8 A. Yes. So from my deductive

9 reasoning, I presumed that that car either

10 had been hit before, after or twice. I

11 just wanted to see the damage that had been

12 done. I don't know whether I went to see

13 that before or after the ambulance came.

14 Q. Did you see any damage to

15 Ms. Romero's vehicle when you went to look

16 at that collision?

17 A. I believe I saw damage to the

18 vehicle, but my recollection was that i t

19 wasn't damaged like this vehicle was.

20 Q. When you say "this vehicle," you

21 mean Ms. Yun's vehicle?

22 A. Right.

23 Q. Do you recall the damage that

24 you saw to Ms. Yun's vehicle?

25 A. I mean, I would love to say this

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2 refreshes my recollection, but I don't have

3 a recollection of the full extent of the

4 damages. I just remember that my

5 recollection is the damage done to the

6 front vehicle was not a lot externally, and

7 Ms. Yun's vehicle, i t was.
8 Q. Following this accident, did you
9 call 911?
10 A. No, I did not.
11 Q. Following this accident, did the
12 police arrive at the accident scene?
13 A. Yes, they did.
14 Q. Did you speak with them?
15 A. I believe I spoke with t~em when
16 they came over to me and asked me to write
17 out on their report.

18 Q. Did you verbally tell them what

19 happened when you spoke with the police
20 officers?

21 A. I don't recall.

22 Q. I'm going to hand you what has

23 been marked as Defendants' Exhibit E.
24 Please tell me if you recognize Defendants'

25 Exhibit E.

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1 G. H. Tabat

2 A. I do not recognize Defendants'

3 Exhibit E.

4 Q. Have you ever seen a copy of the

5 police report following this accident?

6 A. No.

7 Q. Did you ever see a copy of the

8 statement that you gave, the written

9 statement that you gave to the police

10 officers at the accident scene?

11 MR. MAURER: Besides today?

12 MR. PASCALE: Besides today.

13 A. No, I have not. I did see i t

14 today, though.

15 Q. When did you see i t today?

16 A. About half-hour ago.

17 Q. If we turn to page six of the

18 accident report that's Defendants' Exhibit

19 E, which I believe is the page you are on,

20 do you recall if this is a copy of your

21 statement that you gave at the accident

22 scene?

23 A. Yes, i t is.

24 Q. Your signature is at the bottom?

25 A. That's my signature.

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1 G. H. Tabat
2 Q. And your handwriting is in the
3 body?

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. According to your statement that-

6 you gave to the police officers, what

7 happened in this accident?

8 MR. MAURER: Is that a question?

9 Q. Can you read the body of the

10 statement as you gave to the police
11 officers.
12 A. What I stated in there is,
.. ~

13 (reading) I was driving in the left lane.

14 The car in front of me appeared to either
15 hit the car in front of her or stop short.

16 I I slammed on my brakes but was unable to

17 avoid contact. The front of my vehicle hit

18 the back of Ms. Yun's vehicle.

19 Q. Is that a fair and accurate

20 representation, as you remember i t , of this

21 accident?
22 A. Yes, i t is.

23 Q. At any point following this

24 accident, did you speak with Ms. Romero?

25 A. Not to my recollection.

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1 G. H. Tabat
2 Q. After the police arrived, did
3 eventually an ambulance come to the
4 accident scene?

5 A. Yes.

6 Q. What did you observe with the

7 ambulance?

8 A. I didn't observe much with the

9 ambulance. Because at that point, I think
10 the police were there, and I was talking to
11 Ms. Yun. That's all I recall.
12 Q. Did you see Ms. Romero getting
... ~
13 put into the ambulance?
14 A. No.
15 Q. Did you ever speak with the
16 ambulance personnel?
17 A. No.
18 Q. While the ambulance was there,
19 what was the sum and substance of your

20 conversation with Ms. Yun?

21 A. The sum and substance of my

22 conversation with Ms. Yun was that I wanted

23 to make sure she was all right. I also

24 wanted to know that i f she had any idea of
25 why this person in front of her stopped.

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1 G. H. Tabat
2 And Ms. Yun also told me at that time that
3 she had not hit that vehicle, that she had

4 stopped her car before hitting the vehicle,

5 and didn't hit the vehicle until after I

6 hit her. That was her statement to me.

7 Q. Did you exchange information

8 with Ms. Yun?
9 A. Yes, we did.
10 Q. After the accident, until today,
11 have you ever spoken with Ms. Yun again?
12 A. You know, I think maybe once.
13 Q. By telephone?
14 A. Yeah, by telephone. She called
15 me.
16 Q. What was the sum and substance
17 of that conversation?
18 A. I told her I was too old for

19 her.

20 Q. The question s t i l l stands,

21 because I don't buy i t for a second.

22 A. She wanted to verify, I think,

23 the insurance information. And that was

24 about i t .
25 Q. Did Ms. Yun ever send you the

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1 G. H. Tabat

2 photographs following this accident?

3 A. No.

4 Q. You are presently wearing

5 glasses.

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. Do you have to wear them when

8 you drive?
9 A. I do wear them when I was

10 driving.
11 Q. Were you wearing them at the

12 time of the accident?

. \
13 A. Yes.

14 Q. You had a valid New York State

15 driver's license at the time of the

16 accident?
17 A. Yes.

18 Q. Within 24 hours of the accident,

19 did you consume any alcohol?

20 A. Before or after?

21 Q. How about during?

22 A. No.

23 Q. Within 24 hours of the accident,

24 did you take any prescription medications

25 that would impair your ability to drive a

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1 G. H. Tabat
2 vehicle?

3 A. No.

4 Q. Within 24 hours of the accident,

5 did you fail to take any medication that

6 you are required to take?

7 A. No.

8 Q. Did you have any mechanical

9 issues with your vehicle on the day of the

10 accident before the accident?

11 A. No.
12 Q. Did you have any food or drink

13 in the vehicle at the time of the accident?

14 A. No.

15 Q. Were you a smoker at the time of

16 the accident?
17 A. No.

18 Q. Were you speaking on your phone

19 at the time of the accident? I'm
20 assuming

21 A. I have hands-free in my car. I

22 use i t all the time. I was not speaking on

23 the phone.

24 Q. You weren't sending any text

25 messages?

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1 G. H. Tabat
2 A. I was not sending E-mails or
3 texts.

4 Q. Have you ever been known by any

5 other names?
6 A. Only the ones my wife calls me.
7 Q. How bad are they?

8 A. Not good.

9 Q. What's your middle name, sir?

10 A. Hank.
11 Q. What's your date of birth?
12 A. 5/15/45. I told you I was too

13 old.
14 Q. You are married 47 years?
15 A. Yes, sir.
16 Q. What is your wife's name?
17 A. Marcia.

18 Q. Tabat?
19 A. Yes.
20 Q. Do you live just with Marcia or

21 anybody else?

22 A. Do I have to answer that?

23 MR. MAURER: Objection.

24 Q. Does your mistress live with
25 you?

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1 G. H. Tabat
2 A. Only when my wife goes to

3 Florida. No. I live with just her.

4 MR. PASCALE: I have no further

5 questions for you, subject to anything
6 defense counsel may have.

7 MR. MAURER: Off the record.

8 (Whereupon, a discussion was

9 held off the record.)

10 MR. KUMAR: I have some

11 questions.



14 Q. What do you do for a living?

15 A. I am an attorney.

16 Q. How long have you been an

17 attorney?

18 A. Since 1971.

19 Q. Have you ever practiced bodily

20 i injury cases?

21 A. No. Well, I do divorces.

22 Q. Your primary practice is doing

23 matrimonials?

24 A. Yes.

25 Q. Do you have any friends who

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1 G. H. Tabat

2 practice in the bodily injury category?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. On the date of this accident,

5 you said you did observe Ms. Yun's car

6 coming to a stop?

7 A. No. I did not observe i t -- I

8 mean, i t was stopped. I didn't know

9 whether i t was stopped or i t had hit the

10 car in front of her, because that car had

11 stopped so abruptly. So I didn't know I

12 didn't know whether she had hit her or

13 whether she had stopped. I do know I hit

14 her.

15 Q. At the point of impact between

16 your vehicle and Ms. Yun's vehicle, was

17 Ms. Yun's vehicle stopped or moving?

18 A. Oh, i t was stopped.

19 MR. KUMAR: I have nothing

20 further.

21 (Whereupon, at 12:43 p.m., the

22 Examination of this witness was

23 concluded. )


~ 25

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5 :ss

8 I, Gary H. Tabat, hereby certify that

9 I have read the transcript of my testimony
10 taken under oath in my deposition of
11 July 11, 2016; that the transcript is a
12 true and complete record of my testimony,

13 and that the answers on the record as given

14 by me are true and correct.



20 Signed and subscribed to before me this

21 _________ day of _______________ , 2016.


24 Notary Public, State of New York

.~ 25

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4 G.H. Tabat Mr. Pascale 4
5 Mr. Kumar 38




/-'\ 25

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3 1-800-727-6396



6 NAME OF CASE: Romero v. Yun





















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2 C E R T I F I e ATE
4 I, Maryann Laub, a Notary Public in
5 and for the State of New York, do hereby
6 certify:
7 THAT the witness(es) whose testimony
8 is hereinbefore set forth, was duly sworn
9 by me; and
10 THAT the within transcript is a true
11 record of the testimony given by said
12 witness (es) .
. 13 I further certify that I am not
14 related, either by blood or marriage, to
15 any of the parties in this action; and
16 THAT I am in no way interested in the
17 outcome of this matter.
18 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto
19 set my hand this 19th day of July, 2016.


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[& - calls] Page 1

& 5 35:2336:4,10,10,13 avenue 2:10,16

& 2:9,14 36:16,1939:4 avoid 32:17
r-~---'-~~-- J 5 1957: , ,12
r-~_ _1_ _ _~ 5/15/45 37:12 accurate 19:16 b
1 17:3,7,8 50 23:24 32:19 b 4:2 15:16,19
1-800-727-6396 42:3 53 9:3 accurately 18:17 back 15:620:24
10 14:2122:4 55 23:24 action 1:183:13 22:21,2324:16
10001 42:4 57 9:3 43:15 25:1232:18
10:00 5:18 6 addition 3:9 bad 37:7
11 1:1240:11 42:6 r6~1-=7-:1-8-,2-0-1-8:-1-4~ afternoon 4:14 bar 3:11
11501 2:542:4 26:23 ago 18:1931 :16 based 27:13
11590 2:11 60 24:3 agree 19:10 begun 3:16
11716 2:16 65 24:3 ahead 11:917:11 behalf 16:14,16,21
11788 4:13 I-~---~ I 20:1221:2 believe 5:13 10:10
1250 42:4 1 _ _~7_ _ _ : airbags 25:21,25 12:2013:1617:8
12:01 1:12 7 17:18,2018:15 alcohol 35:19 26:1429:1730:15
12:43 39:21 70 24:3 altima 12:7 31:19
15 9:7,8 78/15 1:9 ambulance 29:13 belt 25: 16, 18
1500 2:16 r-::-------=-8--~- 33:3,7,9,13,16,18 best 14:22
165 4:12 8 5:107:6 11 :21 answer 37:22 birth 37:11
1971 38:18 16:3,7 answers 4:1840:13 bit 26:14
11_9_th_4.:..::3--=-::1~9_ _ _~ 875 2:10 anybody 5:3 16:13 blood 43:14
2 89-00 1:10 37:21 bodily 38:1939:2
2 17:4,7,8 9 - appearance 19:17 body 32:3,9
20 9:714:16,21 22:4 19~1-1-3-0:-9~--- appearances 2:2 bohemia 2:16
42:22 appeared 32:14 bottom 31 :24
2013 6:15 9:30 5:17 appears 19:1627:15 boulevard 1:102:5
2014 5:107:6 11 :22 a applied 21 :2522:18 brake 20:621 :14,24
2016 1:1240:11,21 ability 35:25 apply 20:18 22:3,7,11,19
42:643:19 able 20:2521:425:9 approach 26:19 brakes 20:1921:25
221 2:53:5 25:2526:25 approached 27:22 22:16,1923:426:10
24 35:18,2336:4 abrupt 20:521 :15 approximately 7:17 26:11 32:16
r----=---=--=-=--:'-':::'~~-----J 21 :17 8 :22 14:3 brian 2:64:15
1--::-_ _--=-3_ _ _--" abruptly 39:11 area 6:28:323:8 briefly 18:9,13
3 18:23,25 accident 5:10,166:7 arrive 30:12 broadway 42:4
30 14:14 6:10,237:258:4,14 arrived 33:2 buy 34:21
3116 3:19 8:18,249:15,25 aside 5:311:19 c
330 42:4 10:8 12:22 13:2,15 16:2326:7 c 2:615:16,1940:2
38 41:5 13:1716:11,15,18 asked 24:8,930:16
16:23,2419:15,24 assuming 36:20
4 c.p.l.r. 3:5,19
25:527:628:14,22 attempt 26:6,8
4 19:5,7,11 41:4 call 24:1725:630:9
28:23,24,2530:8,11 attorney 3:2438:15
45 14:12 called 7:2024:22
30:1231:5,10,18,21 38:17 34:14
47 37:14 32:7,21,2433:4 attorneys 2:4,9,15
49 5:256:3 calls 37:6
34:1035:2,12,16,18 - 3:45:3

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[car - following] Page 2

car 15:5 19:1820:15 copy 3 :23 31 :4,7,20 describe 8:3 15:4 examined 3:15,25
21 :9,21 24:6,8,15 corner 26:23 25:13,15 4:5
24:1625:9,2229:3 correct 7:19 15:2,3 desena 2:14 exchange 34:7
29:932:14,1534:4 17:13 40:14 determine 26:25 exhibit 16:3,718:23
36:21 39:5,10,10 counsel 1:223:18 27:12 18:25 26:22 30:23
cars 12:1020:22 38:6 dimple 2:12 30:2531:3,18
23:19 country 42:4 direction 5:21 exhibits 15:16,19
case 42:6 county 1:2 6:25 40:6 discuss 5:2 17:3,7,18,20 18: 14
cases 38:20 course 6:22 discussion 10:638:8 19:5,7,11
category 39:2 court 1:2,21 6:24 distance 22:9 exit 5:22,236:3 8:25
caused 20:824:20 22:2425:6 divorces 38:21 9:3,3
28:3 crime 4:21,24 documents 5:6 expires 42:25
certify 40:843:6,13 d doing 38:22 expressway 5:20
change 12:22 13:3,7 r-------------------j drink 36: 12 extent 30:3
d 15:17,2040:2
42:8 drive 4:127:825:9 externally 30:6
damage 18:6,8,12
charge 3:25 18:2019:17,1928:2 35:8,25 f
city 6:257:13 25:6 driven 7:5
28:7,8,1729:11,14 f 43:2
close 25:23 driver 6:9 26: 17
29:17,2330:5 face 19:9
collided 15:5,8 27:19
damaged 29:19 fail 36:5
collision 5:199:5 driver's 35:15
damages 30:4 failure 3:9,17
10:13 11:5,21 12:5 date 37:11 39:442:6 driving 6:13,24 fair 23:732:19
-~ 12:8,10,13,16 13:21 32:13 35:10
day 5:12,157:39:19 far 22:12
13 :25 15 :2,4,24 36:940:21 42:22 f-d_u~IY,,---4_:_3_43_:_8___---1 fast 22:6
43:19 e feet 25:24
18:7 19:21 20:2
days 7:17 e 30:23,2531:3,19 fifteen 8:2323:2
deduction 29:5 37:240:2,243:2,2 fifty 10:4
deductive 29:8 either 6:248:199:3 filing 3:21
come 21 :16,2422:3
deemed 3:18 23:2329:932:14 finally 24:21
defendant 2:9,15 43:14 find 24:18
25:11 33:3
defendants 1:7,17 elapsed 21:25 finding 18:10
coming 8:1720:4,22
15:16,1930:23,24 employment 6:23 first 4:39:9 10:12
31:2,18 entered 9:9 10:2011:8,12,15
commission 42:25
defense 38:6 entitled 1:18 13:2,5,10,11,14,16
complete 40:12
depict 18:17 errata 42:2 13:2421 :8,2322:2
concluded 39:23
depicted 15:19 es 6:1443:7,12 22:7,10,18
conditions 9: 18,20
18:13 esq 2:6,12,17 five 9:16 10:423:2
conduct 3:6
depiction 19:16 esqs 2:4,9,14 25:24
congestion 9:23
deploy 26:2 eventually 33:3 floater 7:20
consume 35:19
deployed 25:21 everybody 20:16 florida 38:3
contact 32: 17
deponent 42:7 23:6 flowing 20:9,10
controlled 3 :20
deposition 3: 14,18 exactly 11 :17 following 15: 13
conversation 27: 19
3:2140:1042:6 examination 1:16 16:11,19,23 17:23
depositions 3:6 3:9,11,16,244:6 18:624:428:13
convicted 4:20 38:1239:2241:3 30:8,11 31:532:23

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[following - lie] Page 3

35:2 goes 38:2 hereunto 43:18 issues 36:9

follows 4:5 going 4:165:21 highest 10:2 j
food 36:12 15:15 16:2 17:2 hit 20:17,2423:3
jamaica 1: 11
form 3:8 18:2222:623:6,23 29:1032:15,1734:3
july 1: 12 40: 11 42:6
forth 43:8 24:1225:8,1226:8 34:5,639:9,12,13
forward 9:21 13:12 30:22".. hitting 34:4
24:20,2329:4 good 4:149:2237:8 home 8:19 k
found 24:22 gregory 2:17 honk 26:3 k 40:2
free 36:21 guess 14:6 horn 26:3 kind 28:2
friends 38:25 guilty 4:23 hour 7:2423:24 knew 29:2
front 10:21,2411:17 h 24:331:16 know 4:187:238:10
125:51718131:1122'0131,18 f-h-l-:6-,-17-2-:-15-4-:-2,-10-------j hours 35:18,23 36:4 817:11141219:3 16:13,25
1 : : : 5 5:1 6:1 7:1 8:1 9:1 hov 8:5,10,11,16 : :1920:8,1 6
21:10,2124:11 10:111:1 12:1 13:1 23:8,9,15,19,20 21:19,2023:14
27:20,2528:3,7 14:1 15:1 16:1 17:1 huntington 6:2 24:14,1528:15
30:632:14,15,17 18:1 19:1 20:1 21:1 hybrid 6:14 29:1233:2434:12
33:2539:10 22:1 23:1 24:1 25:1 hyunshim 1:62:10 39:8,11,12,13
full 23:2030:3 2:2012:12 knowledge 11:25
furnished 3:24 26:1 27:1 28:1 29:1 1-------------1 known 37:4
30:1 31:1 32:1 33:1 i
further 3:2327:15 34:1 35'.1 36'.1 37'.1 f-----------I kumar 2:1238:10
38:439:2043:13 idea 24:10,1233:24 38:13 39:1941:5
future 28:22 38:1 39:1 40:8,18 imagine 12:2 I
42:7,21 immediate 22:14
I---_ _~g _ _ _---I half 31:16 immediately 8:18 I 40:2
g 4:25:1 6:1 7:1 8:1 hand 15:15 16:2 9:11 21 :1622:16 lakeland 2: 16
9:110:111:112:1 17:2,1718:2219:4 23:3 lane 8:6,11,11,13,15
13:1 14:1 15:1 16:1 26:2330:2243:19 impact 15:13 22:2 9:10,11,12,15 10:16
17:1 18:1 19:120:1 hands 36:21 25:1926:439:15 10:18,2220:19,20
21:122:123:124:1 handsome 19:9 impair 35:25 20:21 22:1523:5,8
25:1 26:1 27:1 28:1 handwriting 32:2 impossible 14:4 23:9,15,16,19,20,21
29:130:131:132:1 hank 37:10 including 3:719:8 32:13
33:134:135:136:1 happen 15:718:5 index 1:941:2 lanes 8:5 12:23 13:3
37:1 38:1 39:1 40:2 19:1020:11 indicating 18:4 13:7
g.h. 41:4 happened 18: 18 information 34:7,23 laub 1: 19 43 :4,23
garden 6:257:13 30:1932:7 informed 28:11 lease 6:18
25:6 hard 10:15 injured 6:6 leave 8:21 14:24
gary 1:6,162:15 hauppauge 4:12 injury 38:2039:2 left 8:15,169:12,15
4:10 40:8,18 42:7 7:168:19 insurance 34:23 10:16,18,2223:5,11
42:21 head 26:2427:2,3,9 interested 18:9,19 23:1226:2332:13
getting 24:733:12 27:12,15 43:16 lexus 6:14
given 40: 13 43: 11 heavy 25: 13 involved 5:9 11 :20 leydi 1:3
glasses 35:5 held 1:18 10:738:9 12:4,7,1215:23 license 35:15
go 9:10,10,1220:7 hereinbefore 43:8 16:10 17:11 lie 7:68:4,99:2,5,9
21:1424:12,2028:6 hereto 3:4 island 5:20 9:21 10:3

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[light - presently] . Page 4

.-'" \

n 40:2,2 original 3: 17,21

name 4:8,1537:9,16 outcome 43: 17
42:6,7 outward 19:17 police 30:12,1931:5
named 12:11 owned 11:24 31:932:6,1033:2
names 37:5 owner 6:16 33:10
~~=-~=--=------I portion 22:23
nassau 6:25
f-.-------'p'------I practice 38:2239:2
near 5 :22,24
p.m. 1:1239:21 practiced 38:19
neighborhood 14:22 page 31:17,1941:3 preceded 28:16
new 1:2,11,202:5 42:8 preceding 28:20
2:11,164:13 35:14
part 3:57:5 preparation 5:7
40:4,24 42:2,4,4,4
particular 5:22 prescription 35:24
parties 3:443:15 present 2:19
notary 1:203:15,16 pascale 2:4,64:7,14 presently 4:11 35:4
4:4 40:24 42:25
4:15 11:228:24
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[presumed - subject] Page 5

presumed 29:9 recollection 6:4 28:9,13 29:15 six 31:17

pretty 19:3 23 :20 14:23 17:25 18:2 route 7:9 sixty 10:4
previous 5:24 27:5,7,17,18,22,24 rubber 26:15 skid 26:12
primary 38:22 29: 18 30:2,3,5 rule 3:19 slammed 32:16
prior 7:69:5,15,25 32:25 rules 3:6 slow 20:3
10:8,12 11:4 12:16 record 4:8 10:5,7 rush 7:24 slowing 20:6
12:21,25 13:2020:2 38:7,940:12,13 ruth 25 :2,4,5
smoker 36: 15
26:3 43:11 s somebody 23:5
probably 14:17,21 refresh 6:4 17:24 "-s-4-2-:8---------j 24:17,2225:9
property 18:20 18:227:4,16,21 south 6:3
saw 10:2011:8,12
provided 3:5,19 refreshes 27:2428:5 speak 24:2426:16
public 1:203:15,16 30:2 27:830:1432:24
4:4 40:24 42:25 related 43:14 33:15
43:4 remained 29:4 speaking 36:18,22
pursuant 1:21 remains 27:18 speed 10:223:22
scene 16:15,19,24
put 22:1526:10,11 remember 5:23 24:2
33:13 11:1718:1621:18 spoke 27:5,1730:15
30:1231:10,2233:4 30:19
q 23:13 24:18 30:4 seat 24:19,21 25:16
32:20 25:18 spoken 34:11
queens 1:2
question 3:7,1011:3 repaired 19:23 second 28:1234:21 ss 40:5
stands 34:20
11 . 1132 . 834 . 20 report 30:1731:5,18 secon d s 1423512
\ questions 4:17 reporter 22:24 14:14,16,18,21 22:5 staring 19:9
23:1838:5,11 reporting 42:2 23:2 state 1:2,20 4:8
1----------~------1 representation 35:1440:4,2443:5
r 32:20 see 10:9,11 20:3,11
stated 32:12
r 4:243:2 requested 22:22 statement 31:8,9,21
28:1729:11,12,14 "
rate 10:2 required 36:6 32:5,10 34:6
reached 7:2,4 reserved 3:9,12 seeing 11 :16 stenz 2:9
read 22:21,2332:9 reside 4:11 seen 31:4 stipulated 3:3,23
40:9 respective 3:4 send 34:25 stipulations 1:21 3:2
reading 32:13 rest 8:9 stop 20:5,2321 :15
ready 16:4,5 17:4 return 3:17 sending 36:2437:2 21:1722:1825:25
september 5:10 7:6
really 21: 15 review 5:6 11 :21 32:1539:6
rear 28:3,8 right 3:75:258:12 series 4:16 stopped 20:15,17,23
reason 42:8 9:1020:1923:3,10 set 43:8,19 21:9,10,19,20,22,22
reasoning 29:6,9 23:21 26:929:22 sheet 42:2 23:524:11 25:23
recall 5:159:13 33:23 29:433:2534:4
shocking 21 :7
11: 15,16 13 :2222:8 rights 3:5,19 short 32:15 39:8,9,11,13,17,18
22:12,13 29:23 road 42:4 stopping 20:725:22
shoulder 8:7,8,10,12
30:2131:2033:11 romero 1:327:6 street 26: 15
receptionist 25:2 32:2433:1242:6 signature 31:24,25 strike 3 :8, 10 11:2
recognize 15: 18,21 romero's 10:9,11,19 ' 15:12
signed 40:20
15:2216:617:6,19 11:6,8,12,14,19 sir 17:4,1526:23 struck 20:12
18:24 19:630:24 12:18 13:3,5,24 37:9,15 subject 38:5
31:2 15:12,2321:227:10
Veritext Legal Solutions
212-267-6868 516-608-2400
[subscribed - yun's] Page 6

subscribed 40:20 43:11 u way 26:743:16

42:22 text 36:24 wear 35:7,9
unable 32: 16
substance 33:19,21 texts 37:3 I wearing 25:1635:4
understand 11: 11
34:16 thing 21:7,8,17 35:11
uniform 3:6
sum 33:19,21 34:16 think 6:14 12:6 19:3 upper 26:23 week 5:127:11,18
support 41:2 23:13,22,2325:8 weitz 2:4
use 36:22
supreme 1:2 26:13 33:934:12,22 went 24:6,13,15,15
v 27:2528:1729:12
sure 4:175:148:20 three 7:11,178:5
19:333:23 10:14 12:6 v 42:6 29:15
surprised 23:4 time 1:195:156:23 valid 35:14 westbound 5 :21
sutphin 1:10 7:248:21 9:20 vehicle 5:10 6:9,12 westbury 2: 11
sweeney 2:14 10:12,1711:16 6:17,20 10:9,12,19 whereof 43:18
swerve 26:6,9 12:25 13:14,15,16 10:24,24 11 :5,6,9,9 wide 24:2
sworn 3:144:4 13:17,23,2520:23 11 :13,13,14,16,19 'wife 37:638:2
42:22 43:8 21:23,2522:2,7,18 11:20,2412:15,17 wife's 37:16
25:1928:21 29:7 12:19,22 13:3,6,6,9 window 27:9
34:235:12,1536:13 13:20,24 15:6,8,9 windwatch 4:12
t 4:2,240:243:2,2 15: 12, 12,13,23 17:9 wise 19:20
tabat 1:6,172:15 17:10,23 18:3,4,6
times 7:11 witness 3:14,254:3
4:10,155:1 6:1 7:1 19:2,13,15,2020:3
tires 26:12 4:197:2339:22
8:1 9:1 10:1 11:1 20:4,7,12,12,17,18
today 5:4,731:11,12 41:343:7,12,18
12:1 13:1 14:1 15:1 20:24,2521 :2,5,6
31:14,1534:10 woman 24:13
16:1 17:1 18:1 19:1 22:1026:17,20
told 25:5,628:19 work 7:2,4
20:121:122:123:1 27:20,23 28:2,4,8,9
34:2,1837:12 write 30:16
24:125:126:1 27:1 28:12,13 29:15,18
tops 23:24 written 31: 8
28:129:130:131:1 29:19,20,21,2430:6
totally 20:1523:4 x
32:1 33:1 34:1 35:1 30:732:17,1834:3 x-----------I
tow 25:10 1-1

36:1 37:1,1838:1 34:4,536:2,9,13 1:3,9

traffic 9:18,2020:9
39:140:8,1841:4 39:16,16,17 y
21:2,1823:21 26:9
42:7,21 vehicles 11: 10 12:4 y 4:2
transcript 22:23
take 16:9,17,21 18:5 16:10,15,18,2220:9 yeah 34:14
18:1822:1735:24 23:14 years 18:1937:14
traveling 13: 19
36:5,6 verbal 4:18 york 1 :2,11,20 2:5
trial 1: 16 3: 13
taken 1:1940:10 verbally 30:18 2:11,164:13 35:14
tried 20:1821:16
talk 24:13 verify 34:22 40:4,2442:2,4,4,4
truck 25:10
talked 24:14
true 40:12,1443:10 veritext 42:2 43:5
talking 33:10 yun 1:62:10,20
try 22:15 w
telephone 34:13,14 f--- --:- - - - - - - I 12:1218:1024:7
turn 31:17 w 40 2
tell 14:4 16:4 17:4
twenty 8:23 wait 25:10 33:11,20,2234:2,8
twice 29:10 waived 3:22 34:11,2542:6
two 7:10,17 10:14 waiver 3:12,18 yun's 12:15,22 13:9
ten 9:16,1714:18
10:25 18:1823:17 want 28:6 13:20 15:6,8,11
testified 4:5
type 6:128:8 wanted 29:11 33:22 17:9,23 18:4,620:3
testimony 3:8,11 5:2
33:2434:22 20:4,1221 :2422:10
5:7,2540:9,1243:7 22:1927:2528:7,12
Veritext Legal Solutions
212-267 -6868 516-608-2400

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