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Subhash Institute of Technology, Giridih

(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Affiliated JTU, Govt. Of Jharkhand)

2nd Year Diploma Engineering Examination, 2019
Subject : Engineering Mechanics Subject Code : M203
Time : 2 Hours Full Marks : 50
Branch : Mining Engineering Pass Marks : 20
Answer in your word
Answer any five questions. Question no: -1 is compulsory
All question carry equal (10) marks

1. Select most suitable option from the given alternatives (2×5=10)

(i) Two equal forces each equal to P act an angle θ their resultant will be :
(a) P cos
(b) 2P cos
(c) 2P sin
(d) None
(ii) Force system may be classified as:
(a) Collinear
(b) Concurrent and non-concurrent
(c) Parallel like and unlike
(d) All
(iii) The forces, which meet at one point and their lines of action also lie on the same
plane, are known as:
(a) coplanar concurrent forces
(b) coplanar non-concurrent forces
(c) non-coplanar concurrent forces
(d) non-coplanar non-concurrent forces
(iv) Moment of inertia of a circular section about its diameter (d) is



(v) Moment of inertia of a rectangular section having width (b) and depth (d) about an
axis passing through its C.G. and parallel to the depth (d), is



2. Draw S. F. D. and B. M. D. for the loaded cantilever beam shown in figure. Write down
max. S. F. and max. B. M

3. Two forces P and Q are acting at a point in a plane. The angle between the forces is ‘α’.
Prove that the resultant (R) of the two forces is given by R= 𝑃 + 𝑄 + 2𝑃𝑄 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼 .

4. The resultant of two concurrent forces is 1500 N and the angle between the forces is 90o.The
resultant makes an angle of 36o with one of the force. Find the magnitude of each force.

5. The four coplanar force are acting at a point as shown in figure. Determine the resultant in
magnitude and direction.

6. ABCD is a square, each side being 20 cm and E is the middle point of AB. Forces of 7, 8,
12, 5, 9 and 6 kN act on the lines of directions AB, EC, BC, BD, CA and DE respectively.
Find the magnitude, direction and position of the resultant force.
7. Find the centre of gravity of L-section shown in figure.

8. Find the moment of inertia of T -section shown in figure.

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