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Lesson Plan

Institution: Oscar A. Flores
Names of the teachers: Carlos Mejia
Grade: 3rd grade
Class: English
Number of students: 36
Time: 40 min
Textbook: Speaking English in Honduras
Public: Children
Age: 10 years old.
Level: beginners
Needs: vocabulary and pronunciation
Situation: students will work as hole group by guessing the correct feeling.
Function: How are you feeling today?
Notion: Grammar structure:
 Vocabulary

 Affirmative sentences
I am sad
You are happy
He is angry
She is thirsty
It is hungry
We are sad
They are happy

 Negative sentences
I am not sad
You are not happy
He is not angry
She is not thirsty
It is not hungry
We are not sad
They are not happy

 Yes/No Questions
Am I sad?
Are you happy?
Is he angry?
Is she sad?
Is it hungry?
Are we sad?
Are they happy?

 Verb
Verb to be (simple present)

 Information questions
How are you?

Unit name: How are you feeling today?

Topic: feelings

Skills: Speaking and Listening skills

Supporting material: Flashcards, worksheets, markers, whiteboard and


General Objectives:
At the end of the unit students will be able to:
 Recognize people’s emotions.
 Create sentences in affirmative, negative and interrogative form.
 To know the importance of emotions

Specific Objectives:
 Conceptual: Lets define at least 5 emotions that people do when they
express their feelings.
 Procedural: Let’s create at least 5 orally and written sentences in
affirmative form by using emotions about feelings.
 Attitudinal: Let’s identify correctly at least 5 emotions to comprehend
emotions of others.
Lesson plan

Unit: Feelings unit 2 Date:

Objective: let´s create at least 5 written sentences in affirmative form by using
Emotions about feelings.
Greeting (2 mints)

 The teacher writes the date on the board and ask the students repeat it. Then,
he/she writes the objective.

Warm up activities (8 mints)

 Simon says (play) using the words that we have seen before.

Presentation: (10 mints)

 Teacher reads the objective for the students to understand what they are going to
 Teacher gives some affirmative sentences

Controlled Practice: (9 mints)

 Teacher and students create orally sentences using the affirmative form of simple
present. Using the feelings vocabulary. (worried, crying, sick, sleepy, embarrassed)

Free Practice: (6 mints)

 Students create sentences in affirmative form
Evaluation: (5 mints)
 A worksheet

Lesson plan

Unit: Feelings unit 2 Date:

Objective: let´s create at least 5 orally and written sentences in negative form
by using flashcards about feelings.
Let’s define at least 5 emotions that people do when they express their feelings.
Greeting (2 mints)

 The teacher writes the date on the board and asks the students repeat it. Then,
he/she writes the objective.

Warm up activities (8 mints)

Simon says (play)

Presentation: (10 mints)

 Teacher reads the objective for the students to understand what they are going to
 Teacher asks students about the topic and the different emotions that students
 Teacher present the topic and gives to the student’s examples of negative form

Controlled Practice: (9 mints)

 Teacher and students create orally sentences using the negative form of simple
present. Using the feelings vocabulary. (sad, happy, angry, thirsty, hungry).
Example; she is no sad, she is happy. And so on…

Free Practice: (6 mints)

 Teacher gives 4 emotions and students write 5 negative sentences according to
the feelings vocabulary. (sad, happy, angry, thirsty, hungry).

Evaluation: (5 mints)
 A dictation with the vocabulary. (sad, happy, angry, thirsty, hungry)

Lesson plan

Unit: Feelings unit 2 Date:

Objective: let´s create at least 5 orally and written sentences in negative form
by using flashcards about feelings.
Greeting (2 mints)

 The teacher writes the date on the board and ask the students repeat it. Then,
he/she writes the objective.

Warm up activities (8 mints)

 Simon says (play) using the words that we have seen before. (sad, happy,
angry, thirsty, hungry).

Presentation: (10 mints)

 Teacher reads the objective for the students to understand what they are going to
 Teacher gives a review about the negative sentences

Controlled Practice: (9 mints)

 Teacher and students create orally sentences using the negative form of simple
present. Using the feelings vocabulary. (worried, crying, sick, sleepy, embarrassed)

Free Practice: (6 mints)

 Scramble sentences: students work in groups then teacher gives them pieces
of paper that have written sentences in disorder students should put them in the
correct order.

Evaluation: (5 mints)
 A dictation with the vocabulary using the negative form. (worried, crying, sick,
sleepy, embarrassed)

Lesson plan

Unit: Feelings unit 2 Date:

Objective: let´s identify the differences between negative and affirmative
sentences by creating at least 5 orally and written sentences in negative and
affirmative form by using flashcards about feelings.
Greeting (2 mints)

 The teacher writes the date on the board and ask the students repeat it. Then,
he/she writes the objective.
 The teacher leads a short pray to the lord and students repeat after him/her.
 Brief review of class rules.

Warm up activities (8 mints)

 Simon says (play) using the words that we have seen before. (sad, happy,
angry, thirsty, hungry).

Presentation: (10 mints)

 Teacher reads the objective for the students to understand what they are going to
 Teacher gives a review about the negative sentences.

Controlled Practice: (9 mints)

 Teacher and students create orally sentences using the negative and affirmative
form of simple present. Using the feelings vocabulary. (worried, crying, sick, sleepy,

Free Practice: (6 mints)

 Change the sentence: students work in groups and one represent of each
group will chose a piece of paper that has written a sentence it can be
affirmative or negative then all the members of the groups will help to change
the sentence.

Evaluation: (5 mints)
 A dictation with the vocabulary using the negative form. (worried, crying, sick,
sleepy, embarrassed)


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