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TET N27s no, 291 NATIONAL COOPERATIVE HIGHWAY RESEARCH bea OleLa LAL SYNTHESIS 291 Evaluation of Pavement Friction Characteristics A Synthesis of Highway Practice TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD PDUs. ea Ss TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2000 otfcers (Gale: MARTIN WACHS, Dino, Insite ofTenspottion Studies, Univer of Califor, Berkeley ‘ice Chairman: JOHN M. SAMUELS, Sonor VP-Operatins Planning and Sepport Novel Souther Corporation. Norfolk Virginia ecutive Dinclor: ROBERT E. SKINNER, JR, Tunsporation Research Bond Members THOMAS BARRY, IR. Seta) of Tunspotatin, Florida DOT JACKE. BUFFINGION, fararh Profesor Mart-Backwl Navonl Rar! Tunpoeaion Sindy Center, Univers ofAkanses SARAH. CAMPBELL, Prsidnn, TrnaManagement lay Washington Dic ANNE P CANBY, Secretory of Transportation, Delaware DOT E DEAN CARLSON, Seretry. Knane DOT” JOANNE CASEY, Preston! Intermodal Arssiation of Now America, Grebe Mayland JOHN L, CRAIG, Director Nebata Deparment of Reade ROBERT A. FROSCHL, Senior Recrach Felon Jobe Kennedy Schoo of Government, rand Unverssy ‘GORMAN GILBERT. Dino Oilahoma Dansportaion Cntr Oklchoms State avery ‘GENEVIEVE GIULLANO, Prfseor Schoo of Poin Planing. and Devlopmens, Univer of Souther California LESTER A HOEL, La. Lacy Distinguished Professor Department of Coil Engineering, Univer of Virginia HLTHOMAS KORNEGAY. Becurse Destog Port of Mouson Author ‘THOMAS F LARWIN, Genera Manager Sar Digs Metropolitan Trost Devlopment Board BRADLEY L MALLORY, Secretry of Dansportion, Penlvants DOT ; JEFFREY R. MORELAND, Senior VP ond Che of iat Burlingon Northern Sana Fe Ribsy ‘SID MORRISON, Secretary of Dunsportation, Wihingon State DOT. JOHNP: POORMAN. Stuff Director Capital Dzict Tnasportaion Canmitee Albany New or SWAYNE SHACKILEORD, Senior Vice Prerident, teshan Smith &Parrs Aipharet, Georg MICHAEL S, TOWNES, Evecutive Director Transportation Distt Commasion of Hampton Roads THOMAS WARNE, Eerie Dicton Utah DOT. ARNOLD F WELLMAN, JR. VP"Corporate Public Afrs, United Parcel Service IAMES A WILDING, Pron! and CEO, MevopolitanWickington Airport Authority M.GORDON WOLMAN, Pesto of Gropraphy and Environmental Engineering, Te Jahns Hopkins Universi DAVID N. WORMLEY Daan of Expicerng, Pensyivenia State Unierty MIKE ACOTT, Preside, Nationa Arpal: PeverentAzzocition (x oie) SUE BAILEY, Adminstrator National Highway afi Safty Adamuration, US. DOT (ox oii) KELLEY 8. COYNER, Adminstrator Resear and Special Programs Administration, US. DOT exo) MORTIMER I. DOWNEY Deputy Secretary Ofc ofthe Secretary US. DOT exif) NURIA L FERNANDEZ, Acting Admissraton Federal Transit Admnzration, U.S. DOT ex offic) RUSSELL [- FUHRMAK. Acting Commander US: Army Carp of Engineer (xc) JANE. GARVEY. Administrator, Fodor Aviation Adminstration, UDOT ex oe) JOHN GRAYKOWSKL Actrg Administrator Martine Adintratin, US. DOT exo) EDWARD R. RAMBERGER, Peden and CEO, Atecation of Amaricen Reload (e fi (CLYDE HARI.IR.. Acting Deputy Admnizirtn Federal Motor Carrer Safety Adiisration, US. DOT ext) SOHN C HORSLEY, Executive Direcios Amero Assocation of Ste Highay and Danporaion Oficial ex oo) JAMES M: LOY, Conmandan, SCout Chand U.S DOT (ex oii) WILLIAM W. MILLAR, Presden, american Pble Transit Acca (e fco) JOLENE M. MOLTTORIS, Adinsraton, Federal Ralmad Amnicration, US. DOT (ex fo) MAROO'T OGE. Director Ofie of Tanspoeion and Ar aly U.S EPA (ex lis) VALENTIN RIVA, Presiden and CEO, American Concrete Paving Azroiton ex ofc) ASHISH I. SEN, Director Bure of Tranportation Statics, U.S DOT (ox of) KENNETH R, WYKLE, aiiniatr, Federal MghnayAdvnsirain, US. DOT ex of) [NATIONAL COOPERATIVE HIGHWAY RESEARCH PROGRAM Tranporation Research Board Executive Conmitee Subconmatn for NCHRP MARTIN WACHS, Director laste of Transportation Sie, Universi of Califor, Beraley (Cai) LESTER A HOBL, University of Virginia SOHN HORSLEY, American Astocation of Stat High and ‘Transporation ffcale JOHN M, SAMUELS, Norfolk Southern Corporation [WAYNE SHACKELPORD, Gresham Sah & Partners [ROBERT SKINNER, IR, Draporation Reseach Board KENNEL RWYKLE, Federal Highway Adninitration Program taf [ROBERT J. REILLY, Dircor Cooperative Reseerch Programs CRAWFORD F JENCKS, Manager NCHRP DAVID. BEAL, Sener Program Ofer LLOYD. CROWTHER, Seior Program Officer BRAY DERR, SeiorProgrem Officer AMIR N-HANNA Senior Program Officer EDWARD T. HARRIGAN, Senor Program Ofcer CHRISTOPHER HEDGES, Senior Program Otcer TIMOTHY G HESS, Seni Prosram Officer RONALDD. MCCREADY, Senor Program Officer (CHARLES W NIESSNER. Senior Progam Ofer Field of Special Projects Project Commitee P25 IAN MacGLLIVRAY, owe DOT (Chai) KENNETH, AFFERTON, Now Jertey DOT (Retire) SUSAN BINDER, Federal High Advinisaion THOMASR. BOHUSLAY Texar DOT NICHOLAS J. GARBER, University of Wine [DWIGHT HORNE, Federal Highway Adminsration YSELALLORT, Forde DOT WESLEY $C. LUM, Caljornia DOT GARY TAYLOR, Mihigen DOT. IURICHARD YOUNG, JR, Pot Buctey Schuh & Jemigan, Ie MARK. NORMAN, Transporation Research Bord sao) WILLIAM ZACCAGNINO, Federal Highway Administration Lise) IR St for NCHRP Projet 20-5 STEPHEN. GODWIN, Dinctor for Staaicand Information Services DONNA. VLASAK, Senior Program Officer DON TIPPMAN, Eaitr EILEEN P DELANEY, Bdior JAMIE FBAR, Associate Etor HILARY FREER, Arociate Editor [STEPHEN F MAHER, Manager Sywthese Sadie (CHERYL Y, KEITH, Senior Secretary agi TEE aie V2 45 LO NATIONAL COOPERATIVE HIGHWAY RESEARCH PROGRAM 2Y Do: NCHRP SYNTHESIS 291 Evaluation of Pavement Friction Characteristics A Synthesis of Highway Practice Consuiranr JOHN J. HENRY Professor Emeritus Mechanical Engineering ‘The Pennsylvania State University ‘Topic Panes. JERRY BLACKWELDER, North Carolina Department of Transportation WILLIAM DEARASAUGH, Transportation Research Board JAMES DELTON, Arizona Department of Transportation KENNETH W. FULTS, Texas Department of Transportation AMIR N. HANNA, Transportation Research Board KENT A. HANSEN, National Asphalt Pavement Association ROGER M. LARSON, Federal Highway Administration LARRY G. MOSHER, American Concrete Pavement Association THOMAS J. YAGER, NASA Langley Research Center Pavement Design, Management, Performance Research Sponsored bythe American Assoclation of State Highway and Transportation Ortitals in Cooperation with the Federal Highway Adminstration TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD — NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL > NATIONAL ACADEMY PRESS ° WASHINGTON, D.C. — 2000 a

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