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Fantasy Fiction Research  /40 Points Name:  Emily 

Fantasy Fiction Genre (Research various websites to fill in the blanks accordingly) 
  Fantasy Fiction, to my knowledge, is a story created on the basis of 
Prior Knowledge about  fantasy.  

  Fantasy is a genre of speculative fiction set in a fictional universe, often 

Definition of Fantasy  without any locations, events, or people referencing the real world. Its 
Fiction  roots are in oral traditions, which then became literature and drama. 

  - Not realistic…  
Fantasy Fiction  - Talking animals…  
Characteristics  - Magical powers…  
  - In the future or space…  
- Secret information…  
- Strangeness...   

  - Cinderella…  
Fantasy Fiction  - My little pony…  
Examples  - The Wizard of Oz…  
  - Harry Potter…  

  In the early 19th century, fantasy was created…  

History of Fantasy  Lord of the Rings was one of the first fantasy fiction works…  
Fiction Works 

  - Unrealistic…  
Compare and Contrast  - Takes place in the future…  
Fantasy Fiction to  - Talking animals/creatures…  
Science Fiction  - Unreal animals…  
Article One Advice (Find an article that provides advice to authors writing in this genre) 
Name of  Don’t Write a Fantasy Novel Before Reading These 8 Tips 
Article/Author  By: Unknown  

  Have fun while writing, and put your own creative twist on it, don’t force 
Summary of Article  anything too much.  

  Don't Read. Devour. ... 

Top Advice Given  Research Potential Book Markets. ... 
  Try a Fresh Perspective. ... 
Map Out the Lineage of your Series. ... 
Paint Your Characters. ... 
Build Your Setting. ... 
Don't Beat it to Death. ... 
It's a Process, Not a Checklist. 

  I will not force anything, and I will develop my characters and my setting.  
Predict how you will 
use this advice or state 
why you will not use 
this advice 

  Yes, because it gives credible information  

Can you trust this 
resource? Why or why 
Article Two Advice (Find an article that provides advice to authors writing in this genre) 
Name of  Fantasy book writing: 7 tips for captivating high fantasy 
Article/Author  By: Unknown 

  Develop your characters and setting, don’t leave them vague or 
Summary of Article  undeveloped.  

  Study classic high fantasy for useful insights 

Top Advice Given  Make sure your fictional world offers a strong sense of place 
  Avoid high fantasy clichés 
Make your characters complex and not stock types 

  I will have in-depth characters and an in-depth setting that is highly 

Predict how you will  developed.  
use this advice or state 
why you will not use 
this advice 

  Yes, because it gives credible information.  

Can you trust this 
resource? Why or why 
Article Three Advice (Find an article that provides advice to authors writing in this genre) 
Name of  Fantasy Writing Tips. How to write a fantasy novel. Advice for writers. 
Article/Author  By: Unknown  

  Use your voice and use past works to help you begin yours, but make it 
Summary of Article  your own.  

  Step 1) Realize that publishing is a tough business. There are millions of 
Top Advice Given  books out there; countless more are published every year. The vast 
  majority of these novels never sell more than a handful of copies. The 
odds of your novel becoming a bestseller aren’t much better than winning 
the lottery.  
Step 2) Accept Step 1 and decide that you’re crazy enough to go for it 
anyway. After all, some people have made it, so why not you? Odds are, if 
you’re still here, you will write your novel because you have to; to most 
writers, writing is as essential as eating or breathing.  
Step 3) Find your inner voice. Find the story that inspires you. Find the 
characters you believe in. Find the book you must share with the world.  
Step 4) Read more writing tips and study the craft.  
Step 5) Find a good place to write. I have a small, quiet office upstairs with 
nothing but a desk, a plant, and a laptop.  
Step 6) When your novel is written, revise it. Polish the writing, rethink 
characters, cut out boring scenes, write new ones, rewrite where necessary. 
I repeat this step several times. For me, Step 6 is much more work than 
Step 5. For an hour I spend writing, I can spend a day revising. 

  I will use my own voice and look at past works to help begin mine.  
Predict how you will 
use this advice or state 
why you will not use 
this advice 

  Yes, because it provides credible information.  

Can you trust this 
resource? Why or why 
Article Four Advice (Find an article that provides advice to authors writing in this genre) 
Name of  Writing Fantasy: A Short Guide To The Genre 
Article/Author  By: Joanna Penn 

  Incorporate non-human like characteristic and have fun writing.  

Summary of Article 

  Build yourself a World 

Top Advice Given  Magic  
Incorporate a supernatural phenomenon  

  I will use this information by using magic in my works and creating a fun 
Predict how you will  place to read about.  
use this advice or state 
why you will not use 
this advice 

  Yes, because it gives credible information.  

Can you trust this 
resource? Why or why 
Compare and Contrast Articles 

Compare: All the articles say to use magic, non-human like characteristics, and to have fun 
while writing.  
Contrast: There's not much to contrast. All the articles pretty much gave the same ideas and 
List of Sources Used… 

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