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Charrette 1

Morgan Charrette

Mrs. Wold


22 January 2019

Integrity Essay

Integrity is an honest quality that showcases the strength and endurance of an object,

idea, or structure. If people are not honest with themselves--their failures, their successes, their

flaws and strengths--they can find that it is difficult to keep one’s life stable and in order.

Without integrity, there is room for weakness in one’s character and morals. The absence of

integrity is the absence of truth and cohesion. The integrity and structure of my life can be

compared to that of a tree. When it comes to incorporating integrity and balance, the composition

of a tree is the best way to reflect how my life has been built around my own morals and beliefs.


The structure of my life--the framework--when keeping to the analogy of a tree, is the

trunk. The tree’s trunk represents all my experiences in life, both good and bad. It’s all the

decisions I’ve made and all the actions I’ve taken. As each decision results in the next, they

begin to pile upon each other making me into the person I am now, learning from my mistakes

and triumphs--growing upward. You can’t erase parts of your personality, if you cut down the

trunk of a tree, you can still see the rings--the evidence of all your years of living and

experiencing this world. This forms the skeleton of my personality and how I view my own life

based on what I’ve previously seen and done.

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The style of my life--what defines its uniqueness--can be viewed as the leaves of the tree.

Like how a tree’s leaves can change color throughout the seasons, this reflects how I’m always

changing my interests and hobbies. I’ve always enjoyed trying new things and learning new

skills. I love sketching and painting, but I also love writing too--having the freedom and

opportunity to express myself through my words when I struggle to speak them out loud. I love

travelling and learning about different cultures and practicing new languages. I’ve recently

started getting more into photography and photo-editing, and plan on eventually picking up an

instrument when I have more time. I believe that you can never have too many skills or passions.

I was a cheerleader for 10 years and then I tried track and field, and now I’m more focused on

getting better at art. Although my interests are always changing, the desire to learn more is ever



The thing that keeps my life together, that makes my life feel truly whole, is my family.

In this case, the tree’s limbs. My family holds me up. No matter where I go in life, I will always

be connected to them--I will always have their support. The limbs of a tree allow it to grow in

every direction, but still keep it connected to the trunk and its roots. I’m not afraid of life’s

uncertainty because I know that I can always come home and turn to them if I ever need help or

guidance. I am not a whole person without the impact they have had on my life, that has shaped

me into who I currently am. I would not be the same person without their love and support.
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The strength of a tree comes from its bark. The bark is like armor and protects the tree

from the environment surrounding it. For me, this relates to my own ability to be resilient and

stay determined. It’s the mindset I have when faced with new challenges. From a young age, my

parents have instilled in me the belief that strength comes from hope. I haven’t always been an

optimistic person, but as I’ve gone through high school, I’ve learned how to find that balance

between being positive and being realistic. I face problems and use my creativity and own

perspective to solve them. This way of thinking has kept me strong in that I am able to bounce

back from my mistakes and problems, but also learn and grow from them.


The roots of the tree are what give it durability. The roots guarantee that the tree will last

for a long time, that the tree remains stable. Faith is not always associated with religion, faith to

me, is trusting one’s own self and my decisions leading to my future. I can put faith in those

around me and in my own abilities as I begin to look towards graduation and the beginning of a

new chapter of my life in college. My trust in myself, who I am, and my goals are what give my

life durability. It is what will guarantee my success in whatever I pursue in life or whatever plans

I make.
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The direction of my life is similar to the branches of a tree. They grow out in every

direction, reaching towards light but still staying connected to the rest of the tree. No matter what

direction my life takes, I will always remain grounded in who I am at my core. I am ready for

change, am ready for the opportunity of growing more as a person. The goals I have--graduating

college, becoming a published writer, travelling the world--they are all parts of my personality

and the choices I’ve made. I hope that I continue to work hard to reach my goals, that I am able

to have the freedom to choose whatever direction my life reaches toward.

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