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Di Susun Oleh :

1. Ardhia Pramesti R C (S16072)

2. Bachtiar Habib A (S16074)
3. Deni Dwi P (S16075)
4. Madila Nurwahyu (S16102)
5. Siti Fatma Ratih (S16120)
6. Zoon Argi Saputra (S16128)



Typhoid is an acute infectious disease of the small intestine caused by
salmonella thypi and salmonella para thypi A, B, C. synonyms of this disease are
typhoid and paratyphoid abdominal. (Syaifullah Noer, 1998).

Abdominal typhus is an acute infectious disease that usually affects the

digestive tract with symptoms of fever more than 7 days, gastrointestinal
disorders, impaired consciousness, and is more common in children aged 12-13
years (70% - 80%), at the age of 30 - 40 years (10% -20%) and above the age of
12-13 years children (5% -10%). (Mansjoer, Arif 1999).

Abdominal typhus is an acute infectious disease that usually affects the

digestive tract with symptoms of fever more than 1 week, indigestion and
impaired consciousness (FKUI 1999).

1. Salmonella Thyposa, a gram-negative bacillus that moves with vibrating
feathers, is not foamy having at least three types of antigens, namely:
a. antigen (somatic, consisting of complex glyopolysaccharide)
b. H antigen (flagella)
c. antigen V1 and hyaline membrane protein.
2. Salmonella parathypi A
3. salmonella parathypi B
4. Salmonella parathypi C
5. Faces and urine from patients with thypus (Rahmad Juwono, 1996).

The shoot period is 7-14 (average 3 - 30) days, during the incubation
prodromal symptoms are found (initial symptoms of disease / symptoms that are
not typical):
a. Feeling not feeling well
b. Sluggish
c. Headache
d. Dizzy
e. Diarrhea
f. Anorexia
g. Cough
h. Muscle pain (Mansjoer, Arif 1999).

Following other clinical symptoms:

1. Fever
Fever lasts 3 weeks:
a. Week I: Remittent fever, usually decreases in the morning and increases
in the afternoon and evening
b. Week II: Fever continues
c. Week III: Fever begins to fall gradually
2. Disorders of the digestive tract
a. Dirty tongue is covered with dirty brown membrane, tip and reddish
edge, rarely accompanied by tremor
b. The liver and spleen are enlarged which are painful in touch
c. There is constipation, diarrhea
3. Awareness of consciousness
a. Awareness is apathy – somnolence
b. Other symptoms "ROSEOLA" (reddish spots due to embolism results in
capillary skin) (Rahmad Juwono, 1996).

Patients who are treated with a diagnosis of abdominal typhoid observation

should be considered and needed directly as a person with abdominal typhus and
given treatment as follows:
1. Isolate sufferers and disinfect clothing and excreta.
2. Good treatment for avoiding complications, considering long illness,
weakness and anorexia and others.
3. Rest for fever up to 2 weeks normal again, which is absolute rest, lying down
on the bed. A week later you can sit and then stand and walk.
4. Diet. Food must contain enough fluids, calories and high protein. Foodstuffs
should not contain a lot of fiber, do not stimulate and do not cause a lot of
gas. Milk 2 times a glass a day needs to be given. The type of food for
sufferers with decreased awareness is that liquid food that can be given is
given through the gastric tube. If the child is aware and appetite is good, soft
foods can be given.
5. The drug of choice is chloramphenicol, unless the patient is not compatible
with other drugs such as ampicillin, cotrimoxazole and others. High doses of
chloramphenicol are recommended, ie 100 mg / kg / day, given orally or
intramuscularly 4 times a day or intravenously if needed
The administration of high-dose chloramphenicol provides benefits, namely
when treatment is shortened and relapse does not occur. However, it may be
the formation of less anti-substances, because the basil is destroyed too
quickly. People who are discharged need to be given an injection of Tipa
6. If there are complications, appropriate therapy must be given. For example,
giving intravenous fluids to patients with dehydration and acidosis. If there is
bronchopneumonia, penicillin and others must be added.

Dangoes, Marilyn, E. 1993. Rencana Asuhan Keperawatan. EGC : Jakarta.

Lynda, Juall. 2000. Diagnosa Keperawatan. EGC : Jakarta.

Mansjoer, Arif. 1999. Kapita Selekta Kedokteran. Media Aesculapis : Jakarta.

Rahmad, Juwono. 1996. Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. FKUI : Jakarta.

Sjaifoellah, Noer. 1998. Standar Perawatan Pasien. Monica Ester : Jakarta.

Conversation About Thypus

Nurse : Good morning Mr. Ari. My name is Tiar and I’ll be looking after you for this morning.

Patient : Good morning Mr. Tiar

Nurse : How are you feeling today?

Patient : I’m feeling good. My fever has gone, but I’m a bit weak

Nurse : Have you eaten yet?

Patient : Yes, I’ve eat this morning and take my medicine.

Nurse : That’s great. Do you feel nausea?

Patien t: Yes, I feel nausea when I’m eating but it’s get better after I take the medicine.

Nurse : You have to eat fruit, vegetables. and you also have to maintain your diet. Don't eat
spicy, sour, fast food like noodles. And multiply exercise to stay healthy.
Patient : thank you nurse I will do it
Nurse : Let’s wait for a day and you will get better. I’ll get you blood preasure first okay?

Patient : Yes, please and thanks.

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