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The Clown Game:

Come on come on play the game. See if you can get pass the clown
IT game. Will you become food or you will survive. With $20 you
can discover if you will walk or be eaten! Lets find out!

The Game Pieces:

A Spinner

Three envelopes

A Coin Tossed

An urn of balls to draw from.

The Game Play:

The player starts by spinning the wheel of 6 sections with 2 of the sections winning and 4 of the
sections are losses. If the player wins, he proceeds to choosing one of three envelopes.

When the spinner stops, the player choses one of three envelopes, either to see a kid or to see the
clown it. If the clown appeared in the envelope the player wins $25, the game is over. If the player
gets a kid, then proceed to the next stage. One envelope with a kid picture, and the other two has
the clown picture inside the envelope.

In the next stage, the player who proceeds will toss a coin, if tails the game stops and the player
wins $30. If heads, the player proceeds to the next game of drawing a ball out of an urn. The balls
in the urn are 18 balls, 12 of them are not numbered, and 6 have a number $50 written on them. If
the player chooses a non numbered ball, he loses and the game stops. If the player drew one of the
numbered balls, he wins $50.
Possible Outcomes:

Wins: $50

Loses: $20

Probability of Each Outcome:

Spinning the Wheel: P(Win) = 2/6 P(Loses) = 4/6

Envelope Choosing: P(Win) = 1/3 P(Loses) = 2/3

Tossing a coin: P(Win) = ½ P(Loses) = ½

Drawing a ball: P(Win) = 6/18 = 1/3 P(Loses) = 12/18 = 2/3

The Probability tree of the game:

Draw a ball Win

Spinning a wheel Win Envelope Win Toss a coin Win

Lose Lose Lose Lose

Outcomes: {(Lose), (Win, Lose), (Win, Win, Tails), (Win, Win, Heads, Win), (Win, Win, Heads,

Expected Value:

Values -20 +5 +10 +30

Probability 1/5 2/5 1/5 1/5

Expected Earnings = -20*1/5 +5*2/5+10*1/5+ 30*1/5 = 6

Part I: Play the game 50 times:

Probability of losing = 50*.8 = $40


This game attracts an audience ranging children to the elderly. Everyone wants to see if
they can make through the clown game.

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