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Social media rises a few interesting questions about not just criminal behavior but human

behavior. Though for this paper I’m going to say yes, social media has impacts on criminal behavior. By
actually making a crime someone committed no longer just a local effect. It can now reach everyone in
the world through the various connections social media affords us. So, the ways it can impact criminal
behavior as well. So lets look at how it effects human behavior. First is thanks to connections that places
such as Facebook allows us to connect to everyone and anyone at the same time. I feel like this causes
blank page syndrome. Where we now have so much choice is not just how to communicate but who to
communicate with we spread ourselves to thin at first trying to keep up with everyone. Then soon after
we slowly being to only share surface level commination rather than deep meaningful commination. Not
just you but everyone. This surface level commination makes the user rather then feeling connected
begins to make them feel isolated. It’s the same kind of thing you can see in New York City Train car. Its
full of people but no one say anything they just stare forward silently till they’ve reached their stop. This
isolation can lead to criminal behavior because social media just makes every just a bit unreal and
removed due to everyone just commutating on only a surface level be it through meme’s or only
showing the best part of their life. This can lead to people feeling like their life is left wanting. This feeling
of inadequacy can lead & isolation can breed toxic behavior. This is where social media soon becomes a
double edge sword. These people who become filled with inadequacy, loneliness, bitterness and other
toxic behaviors find each other and begin echoing each other’s viewpoints. This can lead to radicalization
as we saw with the Christchurch shooter in New Zealand. Thanks to the connections social not only
creates it allows other to see these connections and this is where law enforcement can use social media
to prosecute cases because most people don’t know that every photo they take is stored on the cloud,
these photos contain what is known as meta data which can tell law enforcement not just when a photo
was taken but where and with what kind of device. Also, conversation held on platforms such as
Facebook even when deleted is held for months till actually deletion happens just incase you or the law
wants to recover this conversation. The only problem with social media as evidence is knowing if the
person who posted the message is the same person and did not have their account hacked. What most
people don’t know is there is technology that exists already that can help identify you by a few markers,
The way you type, the device your using, audio samples taken by the application listening for commands
and many other things.

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