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Que. 1 [A] select the appropriate alternative & complete the following statements: 7M

1. Salt is added to concentration of about ………. To preserve food products.

A) 10-15 % b) 20-25% c) 15-20 d) above 50%
2. Special horticulture practice like …………... is mostly followed in grape.
a) Bending b) girdling c) notching d) bahar treatment
3. Ambia bahar is observed in the month of ………
a) Jan-feb b) June-july c) sept-oct d) nov-dec
4. Yellow stem borer is serious pest of which crop?
a) Rice b) lemon c) coconut D) mango
5. Sorghum bicolor is the botanical name of crop …….
a) Cotton b) jowar c) maize d) wheat
6. In India seed act came into force throughout the country in
a) 1966 b) 1967 c) 1969 d) 1999
7. Scanner is …….. device for a computer.
a) Output b) input c) storage d) power

[B] Do as directed. 7M
1. give example for in situ green manuring crop.
2. optimal size for pit method of FYM.
3. give spacing for mango plantation.
4. what is optimal seed rate for sugarcane?
5. khaira disease in rice causes due deficiency of which element?
6. define plant breeding.
7. define extension education.
Que.2. [A] Answer the following question: (any two) 6M

1. Write down the advantages and limitations of organic farming.

2. Write in detail about Bahar treatment.
3. Write short note on Pruning.
[B] Answer the following questions in short: (any four) 8M
1. What are advantages of green manuring
2. Classify the Biofertilizer.
3.Define and give example for straight and complex fertilizer.
4. Define apomixis. Enlist its types.
5.What are tools and techniques used for personal contact method?

Que.3. [A] Solve any Two of the following : 6M

What are Criteria for scheduling irrigation .

Write in detail about inter cropping.

1. Give the principles of preservation.

[B] Solve any Four of the following : 8M
1.What are significance of vegetative reproduction.
2.Write short note on square system of fruit planting.
3.Classify the manures.
4.Enlist objectives of plant breeding.
5.Give critical stages for Rice and Groundnut.
Que.4. [A] Solve any Two of the following : 6M
1.Write flow chart diagram of presentation of Jam.
2.What are the principles of extension education.
3.Classify and write in detail about polyhouse type.
[B] Solve any Four of the following: 8M
1. Enlist Eight different cropping system.
2. Give short note on seed act.
3. Write seed treatment for cotton crop.
4. Enlist Eight factors for planning of fruit orchard.
5.Write in detail about Tikka disease in groundnut.
Que 5. [A] Solve any One of the following: 7M
1. Write down steps in Jaggery preparation.
2. Give information for Groundnut on following points: -
a) Soil and climate b) Manures and fertilizers
b) Seed and sowing c) Varieties d) Yield

[B] Solve any One of the following: 7M

1.Give information for Banana on following points

a) Soil and climate b) Maturity indices

c) Varaites d) Yield e) Disesase and pest


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