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Multi-model support

Oracle database provides a long list of supported data models that can be used and managed
inside Oracle database:

 JSON document support[41]Oracle Database supports JavaScript Object Notation

(JSON) data natively with relational database features, including transactions,
indexing, declarative querying, and views.[42].
 Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA) offers a set of NoSQL-style APIs to store,
query and index JSON documents in the database, without needing to know Structure
Query Language (SQL) or how Document Collections are stored in the database.
Currently, SODA drivers are implemented for the following languages:
o Java
o OCI (C-based)
o NodeJS
o Python
 Oracle Spatial and Graph Oracle Database provides native support for managing
spatial and location data
o Oracle Locator – a freely-available subset of Oracle Spatial and Graph
 Oracle XML DB,[43] or XDB,[44], a no-cost component in each edition of the database,
provides high-performance technology for storing and retrieving native XML.
 Oracle Text[45], a no-cost component in each edition of the database. It provides native
support for managing free text, in multiple languages inside the database.
 Oracle Multimedia (known as "Oracle interMedia" before Oracle 11g) for storing and
integrating multimedia data within a database[46]
 Object-relational database[47] support, a no-cost component in each edition of the
database. It provides native support for objects inside the database.


Oracle Corporation classifies as "utilities" bundled software supporting data transfer, data
maintenance and database administration.[48]

Utilities included in Oracle database distributions include:

 Data Pump utilities, which aid in importing and exporting data and metadata between
 SQL*Loader, utility that facilitates high performance data loading.
 oradebug – interfaces with Oracle session tracing[50]

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