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Questions - Stefan Zweig, European man – Part 1

1) What is the theme of Zweig’s The Struggle with the Daemon?

2) To what extent were the writers studied by Zweig similar?
3) Was Zweig a successful writer? Justify your answer using passages from the text.
4) What happened to Zweig after the political victory of Adolf Hitler?
5) What was Zweig’s opinion about Erasmus of Rotterdam?
6) In Erasmus’ view what was the duty of the artist and the intellectual?
7) What happened to Erasmus?
8) How does Zweig describe growing up in Vienna?
9) What was Zweig’s comments about the Viennese?
10) What was Zweig’s opinion about his school?
11) Comment on Zweig and his closer friends’ habits and behavior.
12) According to Zweig, what is the true desire of a Jew?
13) What were Zweig’s comments on Tolstoy autobiography?
14) Was Zweig interested in talking about himself? Justify your answer.
15) Were Zweig’s contemporaries admirers of his work? And our contemporaries?

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