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Impact of English Camp to Students at Antipolo National High School

Freddie B. Pestaño

Ruth Vela Cruz


Betty Mae Broce

Janella Se


English Camp has many benefits to the student because it improves and develops

their skills. The research aims to identify the Impact of English Camp to Students at Antipolo

National High School (ANHS), this study also aims to make students nurture the knowledge that

they get through English Camp about English communicative and 21st century skills. The design

used to gather and present data in this study was quantitative method and focuses on the students

of ANHS that joined in the English Camp. A total of 356 respondents were used to constitute the

research topic. The results of this research revealed that most of the students of ANHS that

joined in English Camp strongly agree that English Camp enables students to communicate with

others using English confidently by using positive body language and communicating with

energy and develops communicative and 21st century skills by giving activities that gave the

students the opportunity to grow, develop, and practice, English Camp also empowers students to

appreciate English and Reading.

Table of Contents

Title Page 1

Abstract 2

Table of Contents 3

Chapter 1 4

Chapter 2 7

Chapter 3 10

Chapter 4 13

Chapter 5 16

References 19

Appendixes 20


Background of the Study

English is the primary language of instruction and communication; it is accepted as an

active universal language. Nowadays, many people, particularly students, ought to master

English language. By mastering the language, the students can improve themselves both in

academic and life skills. Since DepEd K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) gives 60 hours

of teaching English in a week, still some learners don’t have enough communication

opportunities inside the classroom. Outside, students also find it inappropriate speaking fluently

in English considering the people they encounter who isn’t as motivated to speak the language.

This recognize the fact that most research on communicative language and educational

psychology claims that “practice leads to fluency”.

The Department of Education yearly implement the nationwide celebration of the

National Reading Month in November in support to developing English proficiency for all and

encourages schools to conduct related activities to strengthen and nourish Filipino children’s

knowledge and mastery in reading, speaking, and writing.

Statement of the Problem

This research is focused on the impact if English Camp to all students at Antipolo

National High School based on their station tasks, activities, and the program itself in boosting

the morale of the students by speaking, understanding, the English Language and having a sense

of Leadership.

Therefore, this research aims to answer the following questions:

1. Does English Camp enable students to communicate with others using English confidently?

2. Does English Camp develop communicative and 21st century skills?

3. Does English camp empower students to appreciate English and Reading?

Significance of the Study

The significance of the study is to nurture the student’s knowledge through English

communication. English camp is the best way to make students interested in reading and

speaking using the English language. The researchers think that English camp helps their

understanding, building their own vocabulary and broaden their world. It also improves the

opportunities to learn broader than others. Nurturing the student’s knowledge through the

proficiency Encourage students to learn more in English and reading comprehension aspects of

education and give them the ability to relate people from the society. The main beneficiaries of

English Camp are the Students of Antipolo National High School because they are the one who

will be joining this camp. Many skills and abilities of the students were improved if their join in

E-camp. One of them is, they can enhance their skill in communicating through English

languages; even others can’t get those benefits but still this can be the way for them to be able to

start loving English language and also in speaking. Although there are many hindrances that

stopped the flow of this activity, the researchers look to the positive side that can be more helpful

to continuing our journey for the better future.

Scope and Delimitations

The general intent of this study is to open a specific ground to determine the perspective

or the sentiment of students at Antipolo National High School from the extent of grade levels 7-

10. This study will mainly identify the impact of English Camp in utilizing proficiency in

communication and mastery of the language.

This study delimits those who might not be included or engaged in the program or in the

camp and also it delimits outside of the ANHS or the one who didn’t study in this school.


Review of Related Literature

Students do not learn any subject area in the classroom alone. They may improve their

knowledge and skills when they are exposed in activities that are held even outside of their

classrooms. This also goes with English language learning.

English Camp has been conducted in Antipolo National High School since November

2014. The English Department and the English Club have seen tremendous benefits from this

annual activity.

Copeland and Martin Grant (2016) claimed that “literacy and its skill development

remains danger because based from their study, two out of three students in the United States of

America (USA) doesn’t have the necessary reading proficiencies to successfully complete grade-

level work

Employing arts and creative performances may help learners to improve their language

proficiency. Hutchinson, Hornysby, and Brooke as cited in Grant et al. (2008) claimed that a

number of school-based research studies document how creative pedagogies successfully use and

interconnect the arts with language learning.”

According to a research in which Ahn, So-Yeon (2015) conducted, English immersion

camps in South Korea improves the communication between English-speaking teachers and local

Korean students. In addition, after examining the paper materials of 52 English camps, it is truly

seen what relation intercultural communicative competence and global citizenship and how these

topics were implied in Korean English education. Furthermore, it also shows what these English

camps promises in terms of benefits. It also reviews the concept of the language teaching and

learning, familiarizes teachers and students, thus raising awareness.

Health and Wollach as cited in Grant (2008) claimed that young people learn when they

participate with other learners in art-full exploration such as role-playing, enacting, verbalizing,

narrating, reading, and writing. These activities were among the activities that were performed

during the past English Camps.

Conceptual Framework

The researchers utilized the Input – Process – Output (IPO) system. The input included

the students’ perceptions on the English Camp. The process included the data gathering based on

the participant experiences and comments after English Camp.

The output was the impact of English Camp to students’ communication and

appreciation of English and literature.

INPUT The impact of
The data gathering English Camp to
Students’ based on the students’
perceptions on participant communication and
English Camp experiences and appreciation of
comments after English and
English Camp.

Figure 1: shows the Input – Process – Output (IPO) for identifying the Impact of English to

Students of Antipolo National High School

Definition of Terms:

Immersion – complete involvement in some activity or interest.

Exploration – the act of exploring something

English Camp – event that is celebrated every month of November and also for the English


Tremendous– very good or excellent

Pedagogies – the art, science, or profession of teaching.



This chapter will describe and explain all steps, procedures, and methods in data

gathering and data analyzing to make this study successful. To that end, this chapter divided into

five parts: research design, sample and sampling method, instrumentation that the researchers

used to gather data, data collection and data analysis procedures.


The researchers used the quantitative method to gather and present data. Quantitative data

is the numerical and figures to make a numerical presentation, and the data gathered can be

express in statistics, graphs, and charts. This method can also help the researchers to sympathize

more to the feelings of the participants of English Camp and equivalent the impact of English

Camp to students at Antipolo National High School (ANHS).


The respondents of this study were the five hundred students from each grade level in

Antipolo National High School who participated in English Camp on November 2018 for Grade

7 and 9 levels only because they were the ones who experienced the camp last year. The

researchers also include the Grade 8 and 10 of 2017 and the researchers will get the files and

documents of this year to the founder of English Camp in ANHS.

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Sampling Procedure

The participants of this research were randomly select from Grade 7-10 to gather the

needed data for completing this study.

Table 1

Distribution of Respondents


GRADE 10 250 103

GRADE 9 250 89

GRADE 8 250 61

GRADE 7 250 103

TOTAL: 1000 356


The questionnaire which utilized in this study is a researcher-made questionnaire that

underwent face and content validity. Further, it consists of three general questions (1) Does

English Camp enable students to communicate with others using English confidently? (2) Does

English Camp develop communicative and 21st century skills? (3) Does English Camp empower

students to appreciate English and Reading?

Additionally, it uses a five-point Likert-scale system. Each question has three to five

possible answers that related to the respondents as to the degree of trueness to themselves.

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5- Strongly Agree (SA)

4- Agree (A)

3- Neutral (N)

2- Disagree (D)

1-Strongly Disagree (DA)

The researchers also used the available documents of the English Club in completing the

data for the study. The researchers take the information or data in Grade 8 and 10 level since

they’re not participate in last year English Camp of Antipolo National High School.

Data Gathering Procedure

The respondents were given a survey sheets to accomplish. Afterwards, the researchers

will considerate all the responses including their comments and suggestions. The results for each

degree will be counted and be presented in terms of frequency and percentage. The mean of each

given degree will be computed to identify

Data Collection Procedure

After the data gathering, the researchers analyzed the data using descriptive methods,

cleared tables and charts, and identifying the margin of errors that can affect the study. The

researchers will go to the person that managing the English Camp for asking the 2017 documents

of Grade 8 and 10 about English Camp. The researchers will combine all the gathered data to

discover the Impact of English Camp to Students at Antipolo National High School.

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Presentation and Analysis Data

This chapter includes the presentation and analysis of data that have been gathered from

the questionnaires distributed to the participants. This chapter also contains the presentation of

data along with the corresponding interpretations.

1. The Importance of using English Language in English Camp

Table 1
Mean based on the answer in English Camp make students communicate with others
confidently using English Language.


GRADE 7 4.08 4.08 4.16

GRADE 8 4.02 4.44 4.08

GRADE 9 4.17 4.36 4.03

GRADE 10 3.93 4.16 3.62

MEAN 4.05 4.26 3.97

INDICATOR Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Agree

The table 1 shows the mean scores based on the answers of 356 correspondents. Based on

the table, the overall average of 1A is 4.05 indicating that most students answered strongly agree.

In column 1B, the overall average of 1B is 4.26 which shows that most of the correspondents

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answered strongly agree. While in the column 1C, the overall average is 3.9725 indicating that

most students answered agree in the question.

The highest overall mean computed is seen in the column 1B. The question given in 1B is

about using positive body language and communicates with energy. It only shows that while all

aspects in communicating with others using English confidently, the certain question in 1B has

the aspect in which most of the correspondents strongly agree that they did improve with the help

of English Camp.

2. Developing communicative and 21st century skills

Table 2
Mean based on the answer in English Camp activities develop and practice communicative and
21st century skills

GRADE 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F

Grade 7 3.63 4.14 3.9 4.43 3.88 3.98

Grade 8 4.23 4.21 4.58 4.18 4.02 4.36
Grade 9 4.15 4.3 4.63 4.25 4.31 4.42
Grade 10 3.96 4.06 4.3 4.03 4.07 4.3
MEAN 3.9925 4.1775 4.3525 4.2225 4.07 4.265
INDICATOR Agree Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Agree Agree Agree

The table 2 shows another set of mean scores computed from the answers of the sample

students. The overall mean for 2A is 3.9925, in 2B is 4.1775, 2C has 4.3525, 2D has 4.2225, 2E

has 4.07, and 2F has 4.265.

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It can be seen that the column 2C has the highest computed overall mean compared to

other columns. The aspects given in developing communicative and 21st century skills were all

inferior to the 2C in terms of the mean scores. The question in 2C has the skill motivating and

supporting. Thus, it can be said that most students of the chosen sample strongly agreed that they

were able to give praises or encouragement, giving thanks and they work well as a team

3. Appreciating English and Reading through English Camp

Table 3

Mean based on the answer on the appreciation of the respondents in English and Reading

through English Camp


GRADE 7 4.24 4.09

GRADE 8 4.64 4.59

GRADE 9 4.45 4.47

GRADE 10 4.3 4.36

MEAN 4.41 4.38

INDICATOR Strongly Agree Strongly Agree

The table 3 shows the mean scores of the answers of the chosen sample. Unlike the other

two tables, namely table 1 and table 2, these two mean scores have high overall average. The

overall mean for 3A is 4.4075 while 3B has 4.3775 overall averages.

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Considering the topic, students really did appreciate English and Reading through

English Camp based on the table given above. Most of the students strongly agree that they value

English more and they appreciate the power of reading.

Chapter V

Summary of Results, Conclusions and Discussions


1. English Camp make students communicate with others confidently using English language

The researchers found out that most of the students strongly agreed that with the help

English Camp they are able to use body language and communicate with energy.

2. English Camp activities develop and practice communicative and 21st century skills

Almost question number resulted in strongly agree. This shows that students develop

their skills in English Camp when it comes to giving praises or encouragement, giving thanks for

praise or help and working well in a team.

3. English Camp empower students to appreciate English and Reading

Lastly, the result of the total average mean in the third question is 4.4075 which are 3A.

Most of them believes that they appreciate English and reading through English Camp and the

indicator results is strongly agree

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Based on the findings the researchers conclude that:

1. English Camp enables students to communicate with others using English confidently by

using positive body language and communicating with energy. This shows that the

impact of English Camp in this area is really great.

2. English Camp develops communicative and 21st century skills by giving activities that

gave the students the opportunity to grow, develop, and practice. There’s a big impact

when it comes to motivating and supporting others. They learn on how to give praises or

encouragement to their teammates and working well as a group.

3. English Camp empowers students to appreciate English and Reading. The result shows

that they appreciate the power of reading more to widen their understanding of the word

and they develop critical thinking after the Camp.

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The researchers recommend for the Camp to held focus in things that will encourage

students to show their confidence with accordance to using positive body language and

communicating with energy.

The researches recommend the camp continuing on showcasing activities in the English

Camp that will make students motivate and support each other.

The researchers recommend empowering students by letting them read more to broaden

their knowledge that helps them to develop their critical thinking.

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Aharon, Nettie (2018) What's Happening at the Flag Pole? Studying Camps as Institutions for
Israel Education, Journal of Jewish Education, v84 n4 p337-358. Retrieved

Castañeda, Martha (2018, December). This Is My Story: Latinx Learners Create Digital Stories
during a Summer Literacy Camp. DOI.Retrieved from

Copeland, Clayton A. ( September, 2016) Camp Read-a-Rama® and Fully-Engaged Literacy

Learning: Implications for LIS Education, Journal of Education for Library and Information
Science, v57 n2 p112-130.DOI.retrieved from

Rugasken, Kris (2009) English Camp: A Language Immersion Program in Thailand, Learning
Assistance Review, v14 n2 p43-51.DOI.retrieved from

Trung, Hieu (2011, June 13). Students lack confidence to use English [Web log post].DOI.
Retrieved from

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