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Self study points

Test cases/scenarios for Links – There are two types of link can be available on web page
that is internal and external links here are some test scenarios to test link on web page

a. Tool tips text should be available and meaningful.

b. Check whether all external links are opening in new window with proper URL
c. Test all internal links are navigating within application as per requirement
d. Test links jumping on the same pages
e. Check whether email address link opening the mail instance like outlook
f. Test to check if there are any blank page to link
g. Test Links opening in other tab /window as per requirement
h. Compatibility Testing for all links on other browsers
i. Ensure that color of links change after the page is visited once. (This can vary as per the design).
j. Ensure that the link color is as per the specification.
k. Ensure that a hand icon is displayed when mouse pointer is hovered over the link.
l. Check loading time for internal links as per requirement
m. Check whether shared link is getting shared properly with correct address
n. Check whether shared link is getting opened properly

Test cases/scenarios for Forms– There are various types of form one can find on
webpages, but fields are relatively same, according to which following are the scenarios to test the form

a. Test the form position on the web page

b. Check whether all controls are available on the form as per requirement
c. Check the alignment of web controls in the form
d. Test all labels of the forms
e. An asterisk is displayed near required fields
f. Check the behavior of form by not filling up any data into the form.
g. Check heading of the form
h. Check phone number field with alphabetic data and with invalid formats
i. Check email field with invalid email format
j. Check Captcha field with reset button
k. Save and cancel buttons in the form
l. Check the behavior of form by adding random data in the text field.
m. Validation message on required field or incorrect values
n. Check whether the navigation between the fields is successful using tab
o. Multiple clicks on the submit should not be allowed while the registration is in progress.
p. Submit button can be disabled before entering the mandatory fields in the form.

• Test cases/scenarios for Search box– Search box is the common and most essential
field of any website here are some scenarios which may help to test the search box field.
a. Without entering anything click on Search button.
b. Check the cross or cancel option to clear the search keyword
c. Click in the search field and press Enter key.
d. Enter any one character and click on Search button/press Enter key.
e. Enter only special characters and click on Search button.
f. Enter only numbers and click on Search button
g. Enter alphanumeric characters and click on Search button
h. Enter alphanumeric characters and special characters and click on search button.
i. Enter string more than the max char limit of the field.
j. Enter string with spaces (before string, after string and in between) and verify the results.
k. Verify this on all pages where Search box is available
l. Try to drag and drop image or other file in search box and check the result
m. Check if search is applied on water mark updated in search box
n. Check whether auto suggestion is working or not

• Test cases/scenarios for Result grid/Search result – Result grid is page

displayed after user searched for particular keyword so while testing result grid following points may help

a. Enter the search criteria in Search field which will give only one result and verify the UI of the page
b. Enter the search criteria in search field which will not give any results and Verify the UI.
c. Enter First / middle/ last word of any title and verify the search results
d. For each item category -Enter the value in search field based on the above prepared “Test Data” and
verify the search results.
e. For each category- Enter the value in search field which will give multiple results :
-Verify the UI and pagination.
-Verify sorting order of search results.
–Validate the search results and no. of Search results from the database
f. For each category-Add new item in the system and after that search the same item through the Search
g. For each category-Update title of any existing item and after that search updated item through the
Search field with old and new title.
h. For each category-Remove any existing item from the system and after that search same item through
the Search field.
i. Verify the above scenarios for logged in and not logged in user.
j. Verify that users are able to search public items only. They should not be able to search those items
/details which are private
k. Check the total number of results to be displayed in one page
l. Duplicate records should not display in result
m. Pagination should be enabled when there are more results than the default result count per page
n. Check the number of result appears on a page it should be same on all pages till last page
o. Searched keyword should be highlighted in the search results page and also in the page where the
keyword exists.
p. Proper messages should be displayed when there are no results.
q. Check the count of the search results displayed in the page.
• Test cases/scenarios for Text boxes and text area – Test area are most
common field of web page and important too as maximum input like customer’s information ph. no.
name, email ids are entered in text box and text can be entered from text boxes in free way so while
testing text boxes or text areas testers should be more alert here are some scenarios to check the same

a. Check for the alpha characters or alpha numeric characters

b. Check for alphabet is accepted in upper and lower case both
c. Check the mandatory condition for the textbox if given
d. Check the textbox is blank or not by default
e. Check Max-Min character limit of text box
f. Check for numeric characters only
g. Check with the requirement whether it will accept numeric and special characters
h. Check by entering ”HTML tag” and click save button
i. Check by entering “Java Script” and click save button
j. Check by entering “Spaces” in the prefix and suffix of the entered character-Trimming of space
k. Check by entering “single quotes and double quotes”
l. Check Copy and Paste long texts from word or notepad
m. Check the height and alignment of text boxes are same throughout the site
n. Check drag and drop image in text box
o. Check text box except only spaces as input
p. Check the zip code text field with string instead of numbers.
q. Check the zip code text field with numbers shorter than required.

• Test cases/scenarios for Buttons– Buttons are another important field in web
application as user feedback, customer information etc. will got saved or submitted only when is click on
save or submit button. There are various types of buttons may have on web page following are some of

a. Test cases/scenarios For Radio Buttons

Check for selecting a radio button
Check for only one radio button is getting selected at a time
Check for the Radio button label description
Check for size and color of button
Check for the alignment of the Radio Buttons

b. Test cases/scenarios for check box-

Check for selection of check box/s
Check for the Check Box label description
Check for the alignment of the Check Boxes
Check for height, length and width of each box
Check user can check multiple boxes at a time
Check the checked box is ticked
Check the unchecked box is unticked
Check if the checkbox selection enables the specific element
c. Test cases/scenarios For command buttons (Add/edit/delete)
Check the font size
Check the font color
Check the spelling mistake
Check the button size
Check whether expected result is displayed on click
Check when u have click the add button, record should be added.
Check when u have click the delete button, record should be deleted.
Check the value get modified when click on edit/update button

• Test cases/scenarios for Password – Password is critical field of all as it maintain user
data safe so while testing password field tester should be more alert.
Check whether password field is accepting only characters as per requirement
Check for a password length
Check for password is displayed in encrypted format
Check for all possible combination of alphabets, numbers and special characters as per requirement
Check whether validation is placed if user fail to enter the correct password

• Test cases/scenarios for Email – Email is important part of website as it connect user
and owner here are some points to check while testing email functionality

a. Check from Which id it will get fired

b. Check by whom it will received
c. Check Subject line of an Email
d. Check Content Of an Email
e. Check is there any link Present in Email if yes where it is redirecting.
f. Check repetitive click on same link results in?
g. Check the Spellings all over the Email
h. Check If mail is of “Do not Reply” Kind what happen even if replied
i. Check if mail is not of “Do not Reply” kind what will happen On reply
j. Check for special characters in email body template should be handled properly.
k. Check content of the email
l. Check email in different email services like outlook, Gmail, Hotmail, yahoo etc.
m. Check send email functionality using TO, CC and BCC fields
n. Check validation while sending blank mail content
o. Check validation while sender or receiver section is blank
p. Check sending high volume of emails.
q. Check various languages handled properly in content
r. Check whether email is not going to spam folder

• Test cases/scenarios for Image/file upload– It is very convenient for user to

upload file or image rather than writing long paragraph so it should be user friendly and properly guided.

a. Check for uploaded image path

b. Check image upload and change functionality
c. Check image upload functionality with image files of different extensions (e.g. JPEG, PNG, BMP etc.)
d. Check image upload functionality with images having space or any other allowed special character in
file name
e. Check duplicate name image upload
f. Check image upload with image size greater than the max allowed size. Proper error message should be
g. Check image upload functionality with file types other than images (e.g. txt, doc, pdf, exe etc.). Check
validation for invalid format
h. Check if images of specified height and width (if defined) are accepted otherwise rejected
i. Check progress bar should appear for large size images
j. Check if cancel button functionality is working in between upload process
k. Check if file selection dialog shows only supported files listed
l. Check multiple images upload functionality
m. Check image quality after upload. Image quality should not be changed after upload
n. Check if user is able to use/view the uploaded images

• Test cases/scenarios for Dropdown filter – To avoid wrong inputs from user
dropdown is best option or to fetch the correct data from many option available on the website. Below
are some scenarios while testing
a. Check default selected value in dropdown
b. Check maximum character length display in the dropdown
c. Check maximum no. of values display in dropdown without scroll bar
d. Check dropdown should be open by clicking on both box and dropdown arrow
e. Check once dropdown is selected, you should be able to select values by keyboard arrow keys or mouse
scroll even if dropdown is closed.
f. Check after selecting dropdown, if you press any alphabet key, the respective value should be selected
g. Check if user should not able to edit the dropdown value
h. Check whether dropdown values are arranged in alphabetical order

• Test cases/scenarios for Date field/Calendar control – Date field are

frequently used field in most of the sites to test this field some points are suggested below

a. Check by entering the invalid date and valid month and valid year
b. Check by entering the valid date and valid month and invalid year
c. Check by entering the valid date and invalid month and valid year
d. Check by entering the valid date and invalid month and invalid year
e. Check by entering the invalid date and invalid month and invalid year
f. Check by entering the invalid date and valid month and invalid year
g. Check by entering the invalid blank space and valid month invalid
h. blank space
i. Check by entering the blank space for day and blank space for month and
j. blank space for year
k. Check whether the year entered is leap or ordinary year.
l. Check for ordinary year the max limit of number in day field in the month should be 31.
m. Check for leap year the max limit of number in day field in the month Feb should be 29.
n. Check alternate months for date in day field i.e. 30/31 should be accepted.
o. Check by entering the date below/beyond the range, i.e. 32 or 0 etc.
p. Check by entering the month below/beyond the range, i.e. 13 or 0…
q. Check by entering zero before the single digit number in date/month.
r. Check if auto populated calendar filed is open on click of box or on calendar icon
s. Check whether we should be able to select the desired day on the calendar.
t. Check after we click on to the selected date should come in to the box and calendar
u. Check if the calendar field is editable even if user can select date form calendar populated
v. Check editable calendar can take date format specified and not any other value
w. Check whether calendar control is opening in all the browsers

• Test cases/scenarios for Messages and pop up – Messages are guidance or alert
for user so it is very necessary at every point messages should be given for user

a. Check Message For Each field of an web app

b. Check informative message should display standard icon, message content, cross and ok button
c. Check all text messages for spelling and grammar
d. Confirmation Messages
e. Pop up Messages
f. Messages as per Browser
g. Error Messages
h. Alert/Error message should be shown in red color
i. Check all alert messages should display question mark
j. Confirmation message of Successful Functionality Should be shown in Green color
k. Confirmation Before Delete functionality
l. Font, Alignment, Size and color of the Messages
m. Placing & Spacing Of Messages
n. Format of messages
o. Spellings of messages
p. While Message Pop up or a child window opens for message other areas will get Non editable.
q. Most important Message Should be easily understandable
r. Time must be Such as the message can be read by User
s. Messages must be related to concern page only it should get disappear once on new page

• Test cases/scenarios for Graphical Reports- Reports are analytical part so it

should be properly represented and easy to understand

a. Check reports will get generated for respective data

b. Check the data must be reflect same as input given
c. Check in change in inputs immediate effect will update in reports on Refresh
d. Check the input with Special characters and effect in reports
e. Check Long text as input and then check the report
f. Check for different Formats of reports
g. Check label of X and Y axes are correct
h. Check legends are specified on reports
i. Check legends are easy to understand

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