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Fluid Mechanics

Salil Gokhale
October 2017

1 Pressure
thrust F~
P = =
Area of cross-section A~

1atm ≈ 1bar = 1 × 105 Pa

1atm = 760mmof mercury

1bar = 105 P a
1torr = 1mmmercury
Density of mercury = 13.6g/cm3 = 13600kg/m3 = 13.6g/ml

1.1 Pressure in Liquid (or gas)

Absolute Pressure = P = P0 + ρgh
Gauge Pressure = ρgh = P − P0
P0 = atmospheric pressure

P = pressure in pascal
h = height in metre of liquid
ρ = density of liquid in kg/m3
g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.8m/s2

1.2 Pascal’s Law

F1 F2
A1 A2

2 Archimedes Principle
2.1 Statement
Archimedes principle states that the upward buoyant force that is ex-
erted on a body immersed in a fluid, whether fully or partially sub-
merged, is equal to the weight of the fluid that the body displaces and
acts in the upward direction at the centre of mass of the displaced

2.2 Formula
The Archimedes principle says that the buoyancy force Fg of an object
of volume V dipped in a liquid with density ρf equals to:

Fg = ρ f V g

2.2.1 Explanation of Formulas

ρs = density of ball
ρl = density of liquid

V = Volume of ball = Volume of liquid
Loss of weight = buyoncy = upthrust = weight of displaced liquid
= ρl V g
∴ W 0 − W 2 = ρl V g
where W0 = ρs V g
∴ Reduced weight = W2 = (ρs − ρl )V g
The ball can sink because ρs > ρl

2.3 When will a body float or sink

ρs > ρl =⇒ body S sinks in liquid L
ρs < ρl =⇒ body S floats in liquid L

2.4 How much is the body submerged

= fraction of immersed body1 = Relative density of S relative to L
1− = fraction of floating body

ρs Weight of body in air Weight in air 2

= =
ρl Weight loss in liquid Weight in air − Weight in fluid

2.5 Miscellaneous
ρL ρw ρl weight loss in liquidL
= ρs = =
ρw ρl ρw weight loss in water
Valid only when body is floating
Only valid when body sinks

3 Density of alloy
Density of metal A = ρa
Density of metal B = ρb
Density of metal C = ρc

3.1 Ratio by Volume

An alloy is formed by mixing them in ratio ra : rb : rc by volume
Total Mass ρa ra + ρb rb + ρc rc
∴ ρabc = =
Total Volume ra + rb + rc

3.2 Ratio by mass

An alloy is formed by mixing them in ratio Ra : Rb : Rc by mass
Total mass Ra + Rb + Rc
ρabc = = Ra Rb Rc
Total Volume ( ρ + ρ + ρ )
a b c

4 Natural Phenomena
4.1 Lift on airplane wing and disambiguation
See University Physics p388 Conceptual example 12.10

4.2 Floating of Man

Density of water = 1g/cm3
Density of human body with empty lungs = 1.07g/cm3
Density of human body with full lungs = 1g/cm3

∴ Good swimmers can lie floating in water with their lungs filled with air
ρseawater = 1.026g/cm3 > 1g/cm3

∴ It is easier to float on seawater than on sweet water

4.3 Floating of iceberg

1 th
Iceberg floats with approximately ( 12 ) part above water.

4.4 Melting of ice in water

ρice < ρwater
∴ ice floats in water

4.4.1 Elucidation
Let area of cross-section be A
Let water level before putting ice be L1
Let water level after putting ice be L2
Let water level after ice melted be L3
Let volume of ice above water be V1
Let volume of ice below water be V2

L1 6= L2 = L3 3

A(L2 − L1 ) = V2
The water level remains same throughout the melting of ice

4.5 Some special cases of water level change
See :- Pace Class 10 pg 165 Ex. S30
Pace Class 10 pg 164 Ex. S29 ; pg167 Ex. A30 to A36

5 Terminology of fluid
1. Ideal Fluid - Density is constant, no viscosity, no internal friction.

2. Most fluids are in-compressible.

3. Flow line is the path of individual particle in a moving fluid.

4. There is only one flow line passing through a given point(steady


5.1 Laminar Flow

There is no friction between adjacent layers of flowing fluid

5.2 Non viscous Fluid

No internal friction

5.3 Ir-rotational Fluid

There is no angular velocity of fluid particle

5.4 Turbulent Flow

Flow that is not steady

5.5 Resource
See University Physics p390 f ig.12.29

6 Continuity equation and Bernoulli The-

Volume flow rate = AV = constant
∴ A1 V1 = A2 V2

6.1 Bernoulli Theorem

P + ρgy + ρV 2 = constant
ρ = Density of fluid
g = 9.8m/s2
y = Height from a common location
V = Velocity of fluid
∴ (P1 − P2 ) + ρg(y1 − y2 ) + ρ(V12 − V22 )

6.2 Venturimeter
High Pressure = low speed = large area of cross-section

Low Pressure = High Speed = small area of cross-section

6.2.1 Resources
See University Physics P388 Example 12.9

6.3 Mass Continuity Equation

Mass flow rate = Mass of fluid flowing through any cross-section =
ρAV = constant

6.4 Torricelli’s theorem

6.4.1 Assumptions
1. Top of the tank is vented to atmosphere

2. A1 = area of cross-section vented to atmosphere

3. A2 = area of opening4

4. A2 << A1

5. Water level = h

6.4.2 Theorem
Speed of liquid flowing out is
V2 = 2gh

Caution : It is not necessary that opening is at the bottom

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