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Name: _______________________________________ Date: ____________________

Section: _____________________________________ Group no. ___________________

Investigate: Studying Work, Power and Energy

I. Objective
To understand work and its relation to power and energy.
II. Materials
 Balloons * golf/tennis ball
 Meter stick * a timer/ cellphone with timer

Important : Be very careful when handling stored energy.

III. Procedure

Part 1

1. Release a blown-up balloon

2. Drop a raised ball about one (1) meter from the ground.
3. Answer the questions below under results and discussions.

Part 2

1. Locate a stairway and find the following stairway measurement: (a) the height of one step and (b) the
number of steps to the second floor. Record the measurements.
2. Climb the stairs slowly while a group mate records the time taken while climbing.
3. Repeat step 2 but climb faster this time.
4. Complete the calculations below under results and discussions.

IV. Results and Discussions

Part 1 - Energy stored in a balloon:

1. I s work done when one blows up a balloon? Explain. ___________________________

2. What do you call the energy stored in a blown-up balloon?

3. What happens to the stored energy after the ball fell to the ground?

Part 2 - Use this table to estimate your weight in Newtons: *

*under 100 lb, use 90 lb = 400 N 1. What is your weight in newtons? ___________________ (newtons)
100-150 lb, use 125 lb = 556 N 2. How high is one step of the stairs in meters? ____________ (meters)
150 – 200 lb, use 175 lb = 778 N 3. The number of steps to the second floor is ______________
Over 200 lb, use 225 lb = 1001 N 4. The total distance to the second floor is ________________ ( meters)
5. The work done in climbing to the second floor ____________ (joules)

The time taken:

(a) While climbing slowly: _______ (seconds) (b) while climbing faster: __________ (seconds)
Power output (slow): ________ (watts) Power output (fast): ____________ (watts)
V. Conclusion
From this activity, what can you conclude about the force and its relation to the object’s motion?

“ Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow”. Anthony J. D’ Angelo

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