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 Determine and test the Archimedes principle through an experimental test.
 learn and learn the most important laws of hydrostatics, such as Pascal's Law
and Archimedes' Law.
II. theoretical framework
The hydrostatic pressure is the pressure or force that the weight of a fluid at rest can
cause. It is the pressure that an element experiences just because it is submerged in a

The fluid generates pressure on the bottom, the sides of the container and on the
surface of the object introduced into it. Said hydrostatic pressure, with the fluid in a
state of rest, causes a force perpendicular to the walls of the container or to the
surface of the object.

Figure 1: vessel where

the elements of
hydrostatic pressure are

Hydrostatics, on the other hand, is the branch of mechanics that specializes in the
equilibrium of fluids. The term is also used as an adjective to refer to what belongs or
is related to that area of mechanics.
This is calculated in the following way, from a simple multiplication of gravity,
density, liquid and depth, in an equation its formula would be the following.

P= d x g x h.
The stability of a partially or totally submerged body is vertical and obeys the balance
between body weight () and flotation force (F):
FF = W (en el equilibrio)
both forces are vertical and act along the same line. The
flotation force will be applied at the center of flotation
(CF) and the weight will be applied at the center of
gravity (CG).

Figure 2: forces acting on the object

The stability of a partially or totally submerged body is of two types:

LINEAR STABILITY: It becomes clear when we move the body vertically upwards. This
displacement causes a decrease in the volume of fluid displaced by changing the magnitude
of the corresponding flotation force. As the balance is broken, a restoring force of vertical
direction and downward direction appears, thus restoring equilibrium
ROTATIONAL STABILITY: This type of stability is revealed when the body undergoes
an angular displacement. In this case, the center of flotation and the center of gravity do not
remain on the same vertical line, so the force of flotation and weight are not collinear,
causing the appearance of a couple of restorative forces
type of balance in the system:
Stable equilibrium: when the pair of restorative
forces returns the body to its original position. This
occurs when the body has greater density in the
lower part of it, so that the center of gravity is
below the center of flotation.
Figure 3: graph of the forces
Unstable equilibrium: when the pair of forces
in stable equilibrium
tends to increase the angular displacement
produced. This occurs when the body has a higher
density in the upper part of the body, so that the
center of gravity is above the center of the
Neutral balance: when no pair of restorative
forces appears despite an angular displacement has
Figure 4: graph of the forces
occurred. We can find this kind of equilibrium in
in unstable equilibrium
bodies whose mass distribution is homogeneous, so
that the center of gravity coincides with the center
of flotation.

Figure 5: Graph of the forces

in neutral equilibrium.
A body totally or partially submerged in a fluid at rest receives a push from the bottom
upwards equal to the weight of the volume of the fluid that dislodges. This force is called
Hydrostatic or Archimedean thrust, and is measured in Newton
The principle of Archimedes is formulated as follows:

E = is the push.
ρf = is the density of the fluid.
V = the "volume of fluid displaced" by some body submerged partially or totally in it.
g = the acceleration of gravity.
m = the mass.

The thrust depends on the density of the fluid, the volume of the body and the gravity in
that place.
The thrust (in normal condition and described in a simplified manner) acts vertically
upwards and is applied at the center of gravity of the fluid dislodged by the body; this point
is called the center of careening.

The explanation of the principle of Archimedes consists of two parts as indicated in the
 The study of forces on a portion of fluid in equilibrium with the rest of the fluid.
 The replacement of said fluid portion by a solid body of the same shape and

Figure 6: differences
 Volume evicted when an object is immersed in a fluid, displacing it when it takes
its place.
 The volume of the displaced fluid can be measured and, from this, the volume of
the submerged body can be deduced (which must be exactly equal to the volume of
the fluid dislodged).
 A submerged object displaces a volume of liquid equal to the volume of the object.
 By the Principle of Archimedes it is known that the weight of the object is obtained
multiplied its volume by the density of the fluid.
 If the density of the object is less than that of the displaced liquid, the object floats;
if it is greater, it sinks.
 In the case of a floating object, the weight of displaced fluid will be equal to the
weight of the object.
III. Equipment and materials

 Hydrostatic test bench.

 Vertical tubes of different sizes.
 Cylinder.
 Balance.
 Flotation boat.
IV. Procedure
Test No. 1: Law of Pascal.
The apparatus for observing the level of a liquid consists of a series of vertical tubes
of different sizes, shapes and cross section. These tubes are joined at their base by a
horizontal tube. The device is permanently connected to the upper tank of the bank
of tests.
Cerrar la válvula de drenaje del banco de pruebas.
Llenar el tanque superior del banco de pruebas al cual se encuentran unidos los
tubos de diferente geometría.
Observar los niveles de los tubos y responder el cuestionario.
Abra la válvula de drenaje del banco de pruebas y observe el comportamiento del
 Close the drain valve of the test bench.
 Fill the upper tank of the test bench to which the tubes of different geometry
are attached.
 Observe the levels of the tubes and answer the questionnaire.
 Open the drain valve on the test bench and observe the behavior of the fluid.
Test No. 2. Archimedes Law (Push of a fluid).
 Measure the diameter of the cylinder.
 Place the cylinder in the support of the hydraulic test bench, on the
 Slide the cylindrical body from its normal position until it faces the
weighing plate, having measured its diameter before.
 Place the body inside a beaker turning it 90 °, and condition the set so
that the beaker rests on the weighing plate.
 Fill the beaker with water in such a way that the body is immersed.
 Carefully shake the beaker to eliminate bubbles that are trapped under
the cylinder.
 Record the average weight of the set on the scale.
 Read the height of the liquid on the suspended scale of the axis.
 Repeat the previous steps until the glass is full, approximately in six

Test No. 3: Flotation Analysis.

 Place an empty beaker on water in a horizontal and vertical position.

 Add an approximate weight to the beaker in such a way that it is stable
in an upright position.
 Add an approximate weight to the beaker in such a way that the floating
body is submerged.
V. Calculations
Test N°1
E = (Papa – Preal)*g
E = (0.145 – 0.025)*9.81
E = 1.18 N

4(1.18 𝑁)
𝜋 ∗ (1000 ⁄𝑚3 ) ∗ (9.81)(0.051)2

𝒉 = 𝟓. 𝟓𝟖 𝒄𝒎

Test N° 2
E = (0.145 – 0.10)*9.81
E = 0.44 N
4(0.44 𝑁)
𝜋 ∗ (1000 ⁄𝑚3 ) ∗ (9.81)(0.051)2

𝒉 = 𝟐. 𝟏𝟗 𝒄𝒎
Test N°3
E = (0.145 – 0.05)*9.81
E = 0.932 N
4(0.932 𝑁)
𝜋 ∗ (1000 ⁄𝑚3 ) ∗ (9.81)(0.051)2

𝒉 = 𝟒. 𝟔𝟓 𝒄𝒎
VI. Graphics

Figure 7: we use the balance to find Figure 8: we find ourselves

the real and Roman weight to find calculating the thrust of the object to
the apparent weight. be measured at a certain height.

Figure 9: after assembling our tool

we check the theory practically
VII. Questionnaire
Test No. 1: Pascal's Law

 Why are variations observed in the levels of the tubes? (if they occur).

According to Pascal's paradox, there should not be variations in the

levels of the tubes, that is to say that if there are variations, it is a matter
of manipulation of the instruments or unevenness in the surfaces
where the whole experiment is supported.

 How will the levels behave if in the tube that joins them, the water is

At the beginning you could observe a lot of fluctuations in the levels of

the tubes, but once the flow is constant, the levels will stabilize.

 Physically what is the pressure at the base of the tubes?

As shown, in the fundamental equation of fluid statics, the pressure

depends only on the depth below the surface of the liquid and is
independent of the shape of the vessel that contains it. As the height
of the liquid varied, the pressure at the base was greater when the
liquid reached the highest height.

 How is the pressure transmitted with a fluid at rest inside an inclined

tube in relation to what happens in a tube in an upright position?

When we have a tube in vertical position, the pressure is exerted

perpendicularly in any point of the surface that contains in fluid, when
we have an inclined tube, knowing that the pressure depends on the
height of the fluid, this will be affected by the degree of inclination of
the tube taking into account a coordinate axis.

 Derive an expression for the pressure at a point within a fluid, analyzing

the free solid diagram.

In a fluid at rest the pressure at one point is constant in any direction

and therefore the average pressure, averaging in all directions,
coincides with the hydrostatic pressure.

P = pgh + Po
 How do you think that the unit weight of the fluid affects the pressure
on the point previously analyzed?

If we realize, the pressure depends on the density that multiplies the

gravitational force and the height; the density is equal to mass on
volume, that is to say the unit weight would affect the density of the

 What is the value of the atmospheric pressure expressed in mm of

mercury, mts of water column, kgf / cm2 and in Psi.

 760 mmhg
 14,696 PSI
 101,325 KPa
 10,33 mca
 1,0332 Kgf/cm2

 Cite five practical cases in your life as an engineer, in which the

analysis of fluid pressures will be important for your professional

o In the construction of PTAR and PTAP

o Application of the hydraulic press
o In the construction of sewer channels
o In construction of septic systems of houses and farms
o In the construction of fish hatcheries

Test No. 2: Principle of Archimedes (Push).

From the volume of water displaced by the cylinder, the height of the liquid
and the resulting weight on the balance, the principle of Archimedes can be
verified. Obtain by means of a calculation chart, the push for the six levels in
the beaker.

Based on the previous experiment, answer the following questionnaire:

 What utility do you find in the experiment?

The calculation of the thrust or the weight of the volume of the liquid
dislodged by the Archimedes principle is very practical in everyday life
due to the simplicity of its system, since only a vessel of defined
geometry that is gauged and the presence of a liquid for its calculation;
In this lies the usefulness of the experiment, in learning the use of this
method to easily develop in situations of professional life.

 What is the importance of knowing the force exerted by a fluid on an

object that is immersed within it?

To know if the submerged body will float or fall to the bottom.

 How do you think the fluid would push if it had different specific
weights, viscosities, and temperatures?

If we start from the fact that the thrust equation is equal to:

E = -pgV (1)

And that the density is equal to:

P=Y/g (2)

We replace (2) in (1) and get that.

E = -YV

This means that the greater the specific weight, the greater the thrust,
that is, they are directly proportional.

For viscosity we have the thrust equation and the density equation
depending on the viscosity that is equal to

P=μ/vb (3)

where μ is the dynamic viscosity and v is the kinematics

If we replace ec. (3) in ec (1) we have to

E = -μgV / v

This means that depending on the kinematic viscosity, if this increases

the thrust will also and vice versa.
For the temperature, as it is known when this increases the density
decreases, this means that when the temperature increases the thrust
decreases, they are inversely proportional
 Cite five practical cases in which the push exerted by a fluid is useful
in engineering life.

In the construction of reservoirs.

In naval engineering, construction of cargo ships.
For the construction of floating bridges.
For the transport of wood by water.
In the construction of hydrofoils.
VIII. Results

Test Initial Final Initial Final Volume Push

Height Height Mass (g) Mass (m3) (N)
(cm) (cm) (g)
01 20 5.88 0.145 0.025 1000 1.18
02 20 2.19 0.145 0.10 1000 0.44
03 20 4.65 0.145 0.05 1000 0.932

IX. Conclusion
In conclusion, we can say that through practice we verify that the thrust of a
fluid depends on its density and the volume that the object has been
submerged in that fluid. In the same way, when you change the air in the
water, you can see the variation of the weight of the hanging object, due to
the difference in thrust between the two fluids. Therefore, the thrust of a body
submerged in the fluid is equal to the weight of the body. Fluid evicted by him,
a statement that corresponds to the principle of Archimedes.
X. Bibliography
Briceño G. (18 de march, 2018). “principle of Pascal". Recovered from:
Gomez, L. (2016, January 11). Push and Float.
Monografias. Retrieved from:
Krassik M. (6 de march, 2013). “Archimedes' principle”.Recovered from:
Alcantara, R. (2017, May 22). Push and Float.
Scribd. Retrieved from
National University Jorge Basadre Grohmann School
of Metallurgy and Materials


 Student: Manuel Arturo Quispe Sosa
 Code: 2017-103011
 Course: Metallurgical engineering
 Teacher: ing. Javier Atencio
 School: ESME
 Delivery date: June 2, 2019

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